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00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 23:00

@ASCII-only sounds like it's some aid for writing your own binary format
@Hakase basically. IIRC you just specify what your object looks like and protobuf turns it into a tiny binary thing for you?
I'm looking through developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/csharptutorial and I don't completely get it without the resulting serialization
looking for an example
no i mean an example of what it serializes to
not the usage
I don't wanna run it
there are a bunch of small examples there
so it automatically creates a binary serializer/deserializer for a given class?
@Hakase if you give it the spec for the class (i.e. types) (since JS doesn't have types, and protobuf is meant to be cross-language), yes
I'm only thinking in terms of c#
I guess it's useful for not writing long serializing/deserializing methods
just decorate the class and its fields with attributes extensively once :p
so like 50% time saving?
but if you change the class and need to add another version support for compatibility...
maybe if you copypaste the class and denote that it's a version N with attributes... idk
I've seen games which have lived through a bunch of player and item class versions and they've got fairly complicated if-riddled loaders for old version support
this is probably for networking mostly, not what I'm describing
in this case it sounds just fine
especially that speed boost in java
good thing I don't deal with java these days
but yea thanks for sharing, it's good to know
alternatively: i wrote an insanely terrible binary serializer/deserializer (although it's in JS): pastebin.com/kqKnXHgi
@Hakase also: taisho uses C#?
so react and stuffs like css successfully loads \o/
@僕の彼女 please. you don't need react and stuffs
@ASCII-only fite me
:| not everyone runs their browser on a supercomputer, pls, you don't need react
@ASCII-only why, react components provide heavy modularity
use JS hacks
because clearly they're bettter
fun fact: i use JS hacks instead of JQuery/React
also, I don't have to touch the DOM api if I use react. Because I hate that API with a passion
@僕の彼女 which is why you abstract the DOM api out
@ASCII-only who even uses jQuery anymore
@僕の彼女 too many things still use jQuery, sadly
Including SE. why D: D: D:
jQuery was a mistake
unrelated: I recently started using C# again after way too long
C# 7.whateveristhelatest is so nice
Uploaded (UTC): 16.11.2017 23:41:26 by (132581) Gao, tag: gintama
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://i.imgur.com/FhaOHVz.jpg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://i.imgur.com/FhaOHVz.jpg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://i.imgur.com/FhaOHVz.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://i.imgur.com/FhaOHVz.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://i.imgur.com/FhaOHVz.jpg
oh that show
@Taisho why is there toilet paper on the end of this guy's sword
@ASCII-only yes he's 100% a desktop c# app
@Hakase +1 (Disclaimer: My imaginary internet vote may or may not be changed upon seeing Taisho's source)
@僕の彼女 how about a Palm device of the same name?
@ASCII-only the multiplier will be -7
there's a runtime dll hot loading functionality
@Hakase as in?
@Hakase hot loading?
List of 2 loaded modules (name − build date):
CoreCommands − 12.01.2018 2:45:08
Potato − 12.01.2018 2:45:08
dynamically loaded?
the core functionality and image posting are actually dynamically loaded yes
that is genius pls tell me your secret
or do you just loadassembly the dll
it looks for *.dll in the modules folder and tries to load them all under the expected interface
but because I'm a master programmer, misunderstood inferred commands are handled by CoreCommands and rely on Potato being there
and there were no more modules written after these 2
so it's entirely unneeded
if you think hot loading is a bad thing don't click this
@Hakase ok if that's the only bad thing then it's fine. i was thinking more code style/overly complex things where you could do the same thing in 10x less code
@僕の彼女 not a function of that namespace, but of string thogh
@僕の彼女 s.data?
@ASCII-only some jQuery fuckery
what are you trying to do
that happens everytime I load my ....bundle.js
what do you mean by load
@ASCII-only no no that's version 2.0
we're on 3.0 now :p
4.0 will get rid of runtime module loading
@Hakase :|
please don't
@ASCII-only umm... you might not wanna hear this, but to inject the bundle I'm just copy pastaing the bundle to console :P
they're not used!
that means i can't clone taisho and add random useless crap
well ok
@僕の彼女 rip your computer (fun fact: i do that sometimes)
I didn't really think I would anyway, that's too much code review honestly
I'll just update it to work with the new api lib
@Hakase protip: unit tests are your friend
hehe, pasting the 700kb bundle into the console freezes it for a second as well
@ASCII-only personal time is your friend
I'm working on a game these days and I can barely get 1 hour of progress daily
@Hakase yeah i'm one of the idiots who work on random projects that have nothing to do with uni literally all day
there's time and place for everything but I've been doing random shit for 7 years and now I want to see some results
so I'm reviewing my gamedev notes and old code and turning it into a playable prototype
the goal before was to entertain myself and learn something maybe
now it's to make something coz I've entertained myself and learned enough
@Hakase i kinda want to work on a game, except 1. no art (yet), 2. i'd probably break anyone's existing projects if I joined one
use free assets, but find a style you don't hate which is already hard enough
existing projects?
@Hakase 0/10 free assets
don't join, create one from scratch
>_> <_< art is too hard
free assets are basically all terrible
all the good ones are $toomuch from RPG Maker
it's super easy once you denounce yourself as an artist and come to terms with your ineptitude
can't be bothered picking up my stylus and sitting here for hundreds of hours not programming
it's all a ruse to waste your time
just code in some rectangles
@Hakase :|
wanna see my prototype at its current stage? it's called Rectangles 2: Ractanglic Boogaloo
@Hakase actually?
of course not
there are some dudes at Gamedev.SE who made GORB - game of rotating blocks
and there's also the creator of some dungeon rpg with huge tile size
looks bad but hey it's their games and they're on steam
my shit isn't even on anything
@Hakase looks like a ripoff of too many flash games
yea it basically is
like it looks identical
I couldn't see myself enjoying playing a game like that, let alone making
but hey! it's on steam!
fun fact: i'm one of the idiots that are compelled to finish those types of games whenever i see them
weird for you
check out Into the Breach, you might love it
I have it
I'll start playing it... one day
Strategy games are pretty low on my favorite genres
you can save it at any point
yeah but also i have too many things installed
i need to actually finish some of the things i have installed first
I've got anime to watch, I've got manga to read and countless musicians to explore on bandcamp
@Hakase i have this fancy vision for a game, just i'm stuck on the worldbuilding part (i.e. the part before everything.)
there are also movies, cartoons, series
games aren't even on the list
@ASCII-only is it a story game or a gameplay game?
well normally this is the only thing on the list for me
@Hakase both?
what is the commercially successful game that looks like your idea the most
hmm not sure actually
The Tungsten series was Palm, Inc.'s line of business-class Palm OS-based PDAs. == Details == The Tungsten series was introduced in October 2002, created as a "prosumer" line priced at $199 to $300 to compete with the popular Sony Clie and Windows Mobile PDAs. The first device in the line was the Tungsten T, making it the first Palm PDA to be labeled with a letter rather than a number and to run Palm OS 5. All of the Tungsten PDAs have a few attributes in common: 65,536 color LCD touch screen with a minimum 320 x 320 pixel resolution metal or metal-toned enclosure flip cover to protect the screen...
had that at school to use with some physics class thingamajig which measures temperature, pressure and I think radiation?
basically the teach said he doesn't get how this shit works and the installation instructions were like alien language to him
I figured it out in under 20 minutes, showed it to him, he won a grant or some stuff on a teachers conference for using something interesting and that was that
@Hakase actually thinking about it, it's basically going to be just a fancy metroidvania (but only because of art reasons)
this was in 2008 and it was very outdated by then too
@Hakase i thought schools use TI calculators to do this?
@ASCII-only Dead Cells?
Metroidvania remake? :p
(connection is choppy, we're getting messages out of orders here)
@Hakase oic
@ASCII-only this is probably in america and other cool countries
@ASCII-only I heavily recommend to spend a couple evenings and go through the entire steam catalogue via the Explore queue
@Hakase i want it to be focused on an extensive crafting/magic system (also lore), not sure which metroidvanias do anything similar
not only will you learn about what's out there, but you'll find many inspiration sources from similar games to what you wanna make
@Hakase my inspiration is manga >_>
too many of them
@ASCII-only we might be making the same ga-- scratch that :D
@ASCII-only not an impossible amount
it takes just 2-3 days of dedicated reviewing
@Hakase *too many manga
well, not for story
I meant for game mechanics
and the art and everything else
coz you know, final product is like 20% of the initial vision
and you can get a better idea of what your game might realistically look like if you plan on finishing it in 4-6 months or 2-3 years
@Hakase game mechanics = crafting/magic system though?
or 7-10 years!
@ASCII-only game mechanics is anything except the text basically
@Hakase *never-never
@Hakase yeah but since this is a bad idea, magic and crafting will probably be 99% of the mechanics
(I'm entering my 8th year of on and off thinking about it and coding sometimes)
@Hakase :| ok that is too long
@ASCII-only uhh I meant game mechanics is "what you do" in a game
not what the world is about and what the characters say
@Hakase yes. how crafting and magic work is part of that. i meant i'm intending to make it way too overcomplicated
yea i haven't been actually coding and developing the mechanics with the intent to create a product by a certain date yet
@ASCII-only write it down and see how overcomplicated it is already :p
you might go through 8 iterations of rewriting and reassessing what you can actually realistically code and still have it be fun to play
@Hakase probably faster for me to write an interpreter for one of the magic systems i don't think i should be revealing anything
look at the most complicated systems out there, in any game genres, and think how much more/less complicated yours will be and if it's a good/bad/fun thing
Error saving setting with name: consoleHistory, value length: 10980482. Error: Failed to set the 'consoleHistory' property on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'consoleHistory' exceeded the quota.
@ASCII-only you should start making it with the intent to release soon if you really want to find out what level of complexity you can handle
also, loading already present and new dynamic message finally works after banging my head on the desk for like an hour
    parser = (node) => {
        if( node.classList && node.classList.contains('message') ) {
            this.setState(prevState => {

                    content: node.querySelector('.content').innerHTML

                return {
                    observer: prevState.observer,
                    messageComponents: prevState.messageComponents,
                    rawMessage: prevState.rawMessage
@Hakase i have things i (kinda) want to work on rn. also i kinda want to wait a few months to see if any art appears
any art appears?
did you commission someone or waiting for a fan art contest?
why not develop a prototype now
@Hakase kinda working with someone. possibly, idk
@Hakase this is not a bad idea. but i have other things i kinda want to work on
because abusing reflection is too fun to just stop
they say make your small game fast
you'll realize then if you want to do gamedev at all and if you enjoy it
abusing reflection is a path to Taisho 2.0
in short, don't do it
@Hakase i need it though
I understand
for C# interop
just don't try to extend RPG gamemaker
@Hakase note: this is not game related, reflection thing is referring to message right before that
oh ok
you can do whatever you want for non-games
obviously this is the best idea ever >_>:
ok but what are you gonna do with that stuff
nothing. at all. >_> (i.e. i just work on the most useless stuff ever)
seems like you're better off writing separate local apps which communicate over named pipes or call each other like normal libraries
@Hakase btw this is meant to be a (terrible) programming language
I kinda got that from the syntax
@Hakase ok then i don't understand what you mean by this
just looking over it, I can hear it whisper: "you're doing something you're not supposed to" with an ominous smile on its vaguely shaped face
whatever you're doing, there's probably an easier way
for all I know you might be doing a contest for the weirdest way to generate a range of numbers in an inconvenient to parse notation for CodeGolf
calling other language's primitives and methods: +10 points each
how do you play golf with code?
@Hakase it's meant to be an actual programming language. (range 100) has the same behavior, this is just making sure interop works correctly
@Proxy there's probably an unfunny picture of a guy holding a line of code shaped like a golf club
@Proxy fewest putts bytes wins
I'm just not interested in code golf as a means of entertainment
doesn't amuse me
looks like work
@Hakase code golf is too much effort for me too, i don't even really know why i decided to write a golflang
so anyways if you wanna talk gamedev sometime, I'm probably up for it
maybe in a secret non-public discord channel
where the history doesn't get saved for all eternity
I've yet to start using discord but meh
@Hakase so like DM but with auto-deleting messages?
I guess
I think IRC does that by design
like there's no history
I don't like no history :/
yea me neither
but I don't like public history for forever either
I'm gonna completely change my avatar for my game when it's time to go public and try not to link to my past identities as hard as I can
golf story is a fun game btw
I don't have a switch tho so :<
@ASCII-only anyways I'm interested in hearing your mechanics and maybe throwing in some suggestions based on what you want to achieve
if you're not afraid of hearing someone else's thoghts!
@Hakase mainly there will be more than one magic system - they can roughly be compared to different types of programming languages. i also intend them to be complex enough that you can make basically any spell yourself, although it's 99.99% a super bad idea. crafting will be like magic just with symbols
have you played/seen Transistor?
there will also be terrible UI decisions like lack of a HUD (HP/MP bars etc.) and the fact that you can't see parts of the map you haven't visited yet (e.g. a hole)
you can't play Loadout now but you can check out videos of its weapon combination system
@ASCII-only aha, I see you got inspired by en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hack_%27n%27_Slash
@Hakase no (plus that's not exactly what i'm going for at all). funny thing is i've seen that recently
forgot why/how though
it's useful to keep notes of your ideas and mechanics
for me that's discord
do I even have to say it's useful to write down your character, dialogue and worldbuilding ideas?
for me that's onenote :p
I've got like 4k notes by now
whenever i'm not coding, I'm iteratively categorizing my old notes and reviewing ideas for viability/fun factor
like what I thought of 5 years back could not be fun in an actual game, but just as a standalone visual thingie
I'm absolutely going overboard with note taking, but not writing anything down is also a very bad thing
@Hakase my ideas have viability and fun factor -1000
@Hakase :( i'm actually using discord for note taking though
one of the plus sides of infinite history
yea but what about organization and categorization by topics
and then tagging individual notes with keywords for easier search
I'm still unhappy with onenote for its lack of tagging support for each note
but the "tabs" are already a very big help
I was planning on making an extension app but naah
transistor looks really nice
@Hakase but MS says you can tag individual notes?
no these are not "keywords associated with a note page" tags, these are "visual marker" tags
I mean checkboxes are useful for checklists and milestones buuut...
you should check out transistor coz it uses weapon combination/modification mechanics
and look up Loadout's weapons explanation vids/wiki pages
@Hakase just because it has programmy stuff doesn't make it similar to what i want to do >_>
it doesn't
neither of two games
but Hack n Slash does
and it's baaaad
exceptions everywhere
couldn't play it
@Hakase from what i can see it doesn't look that similar though
I got that
I was trying to be slightly funny
Squishino Squoko!
@Hakase wat. also congratulations you said something google shows 0 results for
user image
1 hour later…
@Taisho Sagiri-chwan
Q: Which powers/skills does Noumu have?

PabloIt's mentioned and shown in the anime that Noumu has shock absorption, regeneration and it's as strong as All Might. Are those all the powers it has? Or does it have other powers?

no subs :<
@僕の彼女 I don't know how to deal with this message.
@Taisho :<
@Hakase you should probably change the invocation suffix to !!
The prices are hiked up by 50% to 200% of the original pricing T_T
The Drama CDs gives an alternative perspective to the characters, and they are rather fun to listen to if you know Japanese
Too bad they are not produced in large quantity, and I don't think they are ever sold on digital stores
Happiness is a warm blanket and a fun video game. XP
1 hour later…
Q: What's the ost from My Hero Academia season one episode five?

magee95It starts around the 12:57 mark and it sounds beautiful. It sounds like the song "My Hero Academia" but it sounds like some sort of alternate version of it. I'm not entirely sure. Does anyone know the name of this track?

3 hours later…
Q: Why is Toyohisa OK with Olmine contributing to the fight, but not Jeanne dArc?

YetAnotherRandomUserIn episode 7, in the well, Toyohisa tells Jeanne to go home and act like a woman after he determines that she is a woman. However, he was OK with Olmine providing support through magic spells. Why is Toyohisa OK with Olmine contributing to the fight, but not Jeanne? Is it the manner in which t...

@僕の彼女 it was in use by HoiHoi-san already so I decided on #
also I kinda dislike the hashtag bs and so I'm not opposed to when it messes up people's attempts to post them in this room
when I want to ironically refer to hashtags, I just say "hashtag fuck hashtags"
also # is called a pound sign coz it's a sped-up form of writing lb which is a part of the weight of some "stone", and everybody knows that stones can be of any shape, size and color, so the mass is completely random and this is all bullshit and I dislike it :p
@Taisho isn't that like a very old pic?
@Hakase Nah, if they're too small you stop calling them stones, and start calling them pebbles. =P
At exactly which size a stone stops being a stone and starts being a pebble is something that only Ms. Yakumo knows though.
@Hakase If they're too large you start just calling them rocks (or boulders)
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 23:00

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