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Q: I got a sword collection from a deceased family member and I'm trying to find what it is from. Any guesses?

Nathan WanIt's all in Chinese. Says it is 71 out of 100 made. (https://i.sstatic.net/VEk1s.jpg)

1 hour later…
@nhahtdh oic
2 hours later…
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4 hours later…
just read the first chapter of Honto no Kokoro, it relatively new translation since it only showed up friday. man those thoughts of Nakamura-sensei
> i want to pat [Oono-san's hair]!
i want to touch [Oono-san's hair]!
i want to sniff [Oono-san's hair]!
i want to lick [Oono-san's hair]!
can't imagine someone licking another's hair
hair ... mouth ... h o w a b o u t n o
how are we
and now, going to study some english, our exams start tomorrow :B
@僕の彼女 you already studying it right now
just by chatting here
samurai champloo is good, and nicely animated
izetta is good, but the ending is kinda..
well, it's totally yuri
> JS chat room
@EarlGrey guess my sense was right
Oct 13 '16 at 21:21, by Memor-X
anyone know if Izetta: The Last Witch has any shoujo ai/yuri content?
Oct 13 '16 at 21:22, by Memor-X
maybe it's my lily tinted glasses but that image makes me think there is
@僕の彼女 also isn't this basically the same as the browser's
@Memor-X and here I thought you already have or watch that
@Memor-X and it's canon.
@EarlGrey every time i go to watch it i always stop watching it after episode 13 of season 1 for some reason
@EarlGrey *bumps up the list*
*tries to bump to 1st but gets pushed back by the other shoujo ai/yuri i've still yet to buy*
@Memor-X idk i just started it
@Memor-X but the main theme is not about yuri. It's more about war stuff in WWII
@EarlGrey well i can tell you that i don't stop because it gets crap, it's still good
@EarlGrey just from what i have seen it's about a witch being recruited to fight a war
more or less like that. I have a bit complain about the story line but whatever, it's not that bad and the girls are cute
@僕の彼女 except a bit more minimal
@僕の彼女 but is that actually useful
@ASCII-only also animu backgrounds!
@ASCII-only yeah, serves a very quick access to my most visited sites pretty nicely
@僕の彼女 no i meant js room
@僕の彼女 D: your browser can't do that?
@ASCII-only dunno if Chrome can or not :B, felt like building something, so I did :P
@ASCII-only well, yea, I like hanging around there
@僕の彼女 :|||||||| but it's stack overflow
I'm not sure if I'm getting you
it's the JavaScript Chat Room, a chatroom dedicated to discussing the language of JavaScript and the related, but not strictly limited to it
@僕の彼女 clearly SO rooms are inferior to SE rooms :P
well, tbf I've spent like a total of three or four years in the PHP and JS room
while ~6months and counting here :B
@僕の彼女 also index.js could just be document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].setAttribute("style", `--image: url('../Images/${((Math.random()*28)|0).toString(36)}.png')`)
More importantly: why are scripts and styles in their own folders >_>
also why "Homepeg"
@ASCII-only well, it won't work when I change my current file naming convention, right? :/
@僕の彼女 <_< then why did you even rename the files
@ASCII-only umm, souns... funny!
@ASCII-only eh, I thought I had to take an approach like yours, but then I though I could just simply do this in a node REPL, and copy and paste it, saving me from renaming hell next time:
const fs = require('fs');

fs.readdir('./', (err, data) => console.log(data))
@僕の彼女 is it that bad renaming 28 files anyway
it took away my precious 5 minutes
@僕の彼女 then you should clearly make a JS-file generator
yeah, actually was thinking about it, shouldn't too hard really
const fs = require('fs');

const store = (str, file = './Scripts/index.js') {
  fs.writeFile(file, str, (err) => throw err)

const cb = (err, data) => {
  const dataStringified = JSON.stringify(data);

  store(`'use strict'; const images = ${dataStringified}; document.querySelector("html").setAttribute("style", \`--image: url('${images[Math.floor(Math.random()*images.length)]}')\`);`);

fs.readdir("./Images/", cb);
untested, so not sure
need to not use template literal while calling store
Fate/Extra Rin is cute
@Gao well she is supposedly related to the original Rin
so far has Caster (Fox Girl) and Archer (EMIYA) shown up?
@Memor-X Umm, but she's still called Tohsaka Rin, right? Even though she seems to have acquired the ability of someone from Fate/Stay night
@Memor-X Stone archer showed up in episode 1, but other than that, nope.
I swear the male main character is a lolicon
here's a loli:
@Gao Fate/Extra is set is in the 2030s, Fate/Stay Night is set in 2004 and Extra Rin isn't just Stay Night Rin making herself young
@Gao hi Alice!
@Memor-X Well this Last Encore anime isn't set in the 2030s
@Gao does it say when it's set?
@Gao stone archer?
@Memor-X I think so. It's a sequel to the game so no wonder people who have played the game also don't comprehend everything
Don't know if I've spoiled anything too much
@Gao if Alice is showing up then it ain't no sequal
and why is that? you can resurrect anybody in fate, no?
@Gao spoilers
and resurrection might be possible....if it wasn't for Fate/Extra being set in a world where magic is dead
@Memor-X re: spoilers
@Memor-X so it all takes place in a vr, like sao?
@Gao hmmmm, i know it's a looped world story so the 2 times this has happened in the Nasuverse is
a) Len putting Tohno in a Dream World while he recovered from an accident
b) when Angra Mainyu recreated the 3rd Holy Grail War using 5th War Servants
@Gao yeh, sorta. the Moon Cell is a super observation computer made of crystals who's data is so extensive, when you make your "wish" it can accurately predict and influence every event needed into the future in order for your wish to be granted
however there is a sort of mystical side to it as your have to hack your spirit to get into it
thinking of it, maybe Last Encore could be a squeal set between Extra and Extella during the moment when Hakuno was being rejected by the Moon Cell but there was a dely because of who Hakuno was. though i haven't even started to play Extella yet to know if it follows Extra or Extra CCC and if it follows Extra, why Hakuno went back in
assuming it is, then it could just be like a thing where Hakuno is actually just trying to get over and accept all the people they had to face in the Tournament matches
i'n just guessing here. you'd know more than me on the actual plot if anything @Gao
@Memor-X it's typical shaft so story moves along fast and the first few episodes were fleshed out rather poorly
i just read reddit and mal discussions to understand the story
how can hakuno be this cute?
it is a shame they are doing this original story rather than adapting the PSP Games that would lead into Extella
@Gao pic
@Gao yeh, that's Fem-Hakuno, she's cute especially sandwiched between 2 wives
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Fate/Extra can very easily be turned into a harem if you then add Rin, Rani, the Alter Egos and Heaven's Hole
and that's before the other aspects of Amaterasu come into play
@Memor-X Heaven's Hole? Did I read that right?
I bet that thing exists in 02
@Gao yep. she's similar to Angra Mainyu as a "man made demon of all the world's evil" but replace evil with pleasue
btw, @Gao did you see Ichigo x Goro the last episode?
aww, Goro is best boy after Hiro
@僕の彼女 watching that right now
good thing I didn't give away any major spoiler
@Memor-X LEWD, all these google images of Heaven's Hole
it's good that we are getting some character development overall though
@Gao alot of the ones i am seeing is of her using her Noble Phantasm which if we quote the wikia which cites the fate/EXTRA material book "Angra Mainyu is the most self-serving heinous Noble Phantasm of them all where Kiara uses the world to masturbate."
and yes, as much as the game would allow it to not be considered a h game, you do see it
weird. the gif on the wiki shows Gil taking 0 damage yet mechanics wise he'd takes the most. he must have some serious buffs to take 0 from it
@Memor-X are you a fan of the Fate series?
@僕の彼女 yes
as in it seems like you've played the games as well the animes and stuff
all I know about Fate is that there are two universes, Nasuverse and Type-MOON
and that's about it for my fate knowledge
@僕の彼女 played Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Extra, read up on the others aside from Fate/Extella because i plan to play that myself. watched the Studio Deen anime and Kara no Kyoukai and know of the rest
looks like you've spent quite some time on it
@僕の彼女 if by Type-MOON universe you mean stuff that can't possibly fit in the Nasuverse Multiverse then that would be correct, otherwise not really. most of it is one huge multiverse where all is canon
@Memor-X What function does her NP achieve? I don't even...
@Gao mechanics wise seeing how it says Extra then it must be a real don't screw up your attack order punishment since Extra Attack (at-least in Fate/Extra, it might be different in Fate/Extra CCC) are never Noble Phantasms and are the result of winning the Rock, Paper, Scissors thing 3 times in a row
lore wise, it's the opposite of All the World's Evil but way more OPed
> The ability turns her into the floodgates of all the desires of humanity, allowing her to usher the souls of people into her body by utilizing the Code Cast Ten Thousand Colored Stagnation. She creates a vortex of pleasure that melts sapient beings, subliming their lives in a brief instant.

It is the birth of an ephemeral but eternal Land of Bliss. It works on any sapient being without exception, no matter how different the structure of intelligence, making it a Noble Phantasm that is not limited to only the Earth.
makes one wonder if the other Types, who do not know or understand Earth's concept of death, could also be susceptible to that
i guess the only one to test it out on is ORT since it crashed to Earth way ahead of time so should still be around during Extra
@僕の彼女 most of it is spent reading the wiki since alot of the Fate side of things isn't translated
Mar 2 at 14:00, by 僕の彼女
Feb 24 at 10:01, by 僕の彼女
@Memor-X learn japanese already
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Tsukihime side is more translated but you still have the side stuff like what's in the material books like how one goes into Arcuied's past about what caused her to gain her blood lust
@Taisho that's 2B right?
@僕の彼女 yep
I always get confused between 2B and 1something :P
actually, now that i recall the years the Fate games, Extra Rin would have to be Stay Night Rin's daughter unless Sakura can give birth to a daughter who looks like that.......which might not be all that impossible if the Matou died off without magic
@僕の彼女 don't recall anyone with a 1 at the start. main names with numbers in them to remember is 2B, 6O, A2, 9S, 21O
I meant A2, sorry
I need to buy that game already, but not sure if I would like the lore
@僕の彼女 the lore is ok though it does follow on from Nier but it's not entirely required to know it to understand Nier Automata. knowing it does give some context into a couple of characters and some of the data you find
though at the same time, some of Nier's lore have extra context when you know some of the key points from the Drakengard games
alrighty then, once these exams are over I'm gonna pick up that gtx 1060 and Nier;Automata
@僕の彼女 and pray the PC Port isn't shit for you like so many wish it was for them
heh, does it run badly on PC?
@僕の彼女 from what i hear. alot of people have problems with it and a patch was never released. yet it runs perfectly fine on console (atleast PS4) but it might simply be a matter of OPing the hardware, which is what my solution is to any game not running good on a PC
well, same here :P
i only played it on PS4 and even if i got it for PC, C.C is no where near powerful enough anymore to play it and needs an upgrade
I'd go for a full upgrade an year or two later, when 9th gen Processors come out, i7-8700K so goddamn expensive :B
@僕の彼女 you going to overclock it?
yeah, plan to do so
"Why don't you lean on me a little?" Is Goro gonna get his girl?
nah, I tell you what, Ichigo is gonna die at some point in the show
Then get the dead body of his girl
What, you see some death flags?
I mean like Grand Crevasse, front lines, and kyoru getting stronger and stronger each episode
also, I don't see how they can introduce another thriller factor other than killing any character off
and Ichigo seems to have connections to a lot of the teammates
she's the leader as well
Goro would definitely go into shock, Hiro devastated (?), everybody sad because muh leader
other than her no other character seems to be bonded so closely with others
@僕の彼女 or Goro dies, Ichigo goes on a suicide attack in a fit or rage and dies in the process
Or 02 and Goro dies, and Ichigo and Hiro pair with each other
or Goro dies, Ichigo lives and and 02 comforts her
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@Gao NO, NEVER. 02xHiro4evah
@Memor-X you're watching Darling as well?
@僕の彼女 nope, wild guessing
huh that nsfw?
repost by the way
Mar 4 at 23:48, by Memor-X
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found it in a thread, seemed nice :3
it's fine we all did that
@EarlGrey I'm not even sure what's nsfw is and what isn't after the thing that happened a couple of days ago
@僕の彼女 couple of days ago?
eh, that lewd 4chan thing
----> look at star list
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@僕の彼女 That 4chan thread is not lewd, it's outright pr0n
@僕の彼女 that would be a couple of weeks
heh, anyways, let's not bring it up again :P, I'm sorry
It's showing the genitals. What tripped me was a long time ago with me uploading an almost naked fox girl, where her private part is covered
well, for me it's just, if it's generally accepted in public then it's sfw. like kissing, or holding hand (yea lewd I know) or wearing a bikini is sfw. although I generally don't post cleavage I'd consider that sfw. NSFW would be, underwear, suggestive pose, half naked, well, stuff you won't expected them to be seen in public.
wearing a bikini is kind of half naked
@EarlGrey bikini here sfw, other places it would be nsfw
suggestive pose is hard to not cross the line
but it all depends on the type of bikini. one of Nero's really pushes the line
depends, but in most developed countries, bikini is common thing, you see it all the time on beaches
also, is Inori's arts sfw here? like this one:
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@Gao yeh but i posted that screenshot of how birth of jesus on google got me shoujo ai/yuri on the bridge and because Maki and Nico showed up in bakini's i was told it was NSFW
(if it isn't tell me, I'd remove it :) )
likewise a screenshot from Highway Blossoms on Steam which doesn't give a content warning for where one girl had her top open and exposed something like a bikini top i was told that it didn't matter what Steam said it was NSFW
@僕の彼女 how i determine it: if it's the character's normal outfit (like shown in the anime for example), and it's not like hentai or mature anime, then it's fine
@僕の彼女 that's be fine in my oppinion
she's wearing more than some characters in beach scenes in anime
and since her pose is not overly suggestive, yea, fine by me
alright, I'll post some more in a while <3
but do note we're pg13 site, so we kind of have to be more strict, so some ecchi stuff might not be ok
we should sign a petition to make anime.SE PG16 or something :P
okay, on a more serious note, I need some halp (English related)
but kids these days, they've seen much more lewd things when in primary school than i have when i enter high school
well, some user are not show up here regularly because we have those pics. If we post something even lewder than that even more user will avoid this room
@僕の彼女 ratings on content are pointless and generally non-enforceable. the pg13 thing is a US law thing about under 13's using the site at all and this would have been around since SO's early days when it's just code
@EarlGrey woah, for real?
like people leaving room just for lewd images
@EarlGrey yeh, idea is not to push it. but for the most part we don't post alot of those anyway
they're here but not always. Ankit even ignore taisho
@僕の彼女 it's because they are at work and get into trouble
it's not safe for work
or they just don't like lewd images of anime characters
this seems like a exaggeration on their part, in my opinion, guess it's because I'm still a Kokkousei student
it's understandable
as forgiving as i am to these things, i still find myself foaming at the mouth at many fan service scenes
@僕の彼女 well, just think of it this way. What would happen if your teacher see you open those pics on your school PC
just not open maid cafe at school?
that, or, you can ignore Taisho folks
@EarlGrey lol i didn't really think much about it when i published an article with elfen lied pics on the unofficial school magazine in high school. don't know how people thought about me after that
I mean why would a person knowingly open a chat site concerning entertainment purposes when they are doing some serious work
@Gao lol nerd
why indeed
but people still do that anyway
if you are so open enough to use anime.chat or something like facebook during work, you should be lest prepared for some lewd stuff
what if one of your friend sends you some
You're gonna encounter a lot of things that don't make sense (to you) when you enter the workforce. You have to deal with it somehow.
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@僕の彼女 some workplaces have guidelines for either using personal email or using corporate email to spread content
and that's why some user are not visiting this chat room as much as we do. All other room in SE network are a lot stricter
@Taisho yes, lets post an image of Panty and Stocking while we're at it
oh that Panty and Stocking?
can't recognize them like that
@EarlGrey I think the current state is fine, and people should really cope up with it imo
just my two cents
the former being a nymphomaniac herself and the series just being that full of sex and it's just borderline not hentai
@Taisho what
Uploaded (UTC): 21.08.2017 17:08:32 by (228525) Gallifreyan, tag: pixiv, yuri
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://i.imgur.com/0kfWTN5.jpg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://i.imgur.com/0kfWTN5.jpg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://i.imgur.com/0kfWTN5.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://i.imgur.com/0kfWTN5.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://i.imgur.com/0kfWTN5.jpg
well, that's about what you'd expect from trigger shows :P
@EarlGrey danbooru confirms
the art is really difference the main thing which got me is the combination if blonde and purple and how the blonde is almost wearing nothing
nice combo
i.sstatic.net/0AE31.png did I post this yesterday? sorry, I forget
Miho and Alice <3
Q: Why is it Moon Prism Power, instead of Moon Power, which would follow the pattern of the other initial transformations?

MalandyWhy is Usagi's initial transformation called Moon Prism Power, instead of Moon Power, which would follow the pattern of the other initial Sailor Senshi transformations, such as: Mars Power Mercury Power Jupiter Power Venus Power

I recognised one of the song that the guy was playing the previous day in the live stream
it was Platinum Disco
4 hours later…
Getsuyoubi no Tawawa's source: mobile.twitter.com/strangestone
It is a series of single page illustration/manga with big-breasted girls
Well, the mangaka is also doing SAO Progressive manga, which looks rather impressive
^ Did someone already post this here?
@Gallifreyan i think i did. i know i've seen that .gif recently
> It is heavily implied that Helios will be Chibi Usa's prince and marry her in the far future.
wrong, it's Hotaru who marries Chibi Usa
I either took it here or from Reddit

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