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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

I think I want to implement some parts which I have in mind, but not the rest of it all
it's weird and it's fun
as a hobby, not as a job of course
Q: Does Narcolepsy that Riki had really exist?

GagantousAt the earlier episodes of little buster. he said that he has an illness called Narcolepsy. Actually, from the beginning of the little buster series, he already in So we ca assume that Riki only had his illness, when he got into But is this true ?

best gamedev minds at work here reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/7m8pql/…
Uploaded (UTC): 02.09.2017 9:05:25 by (132581) Gao, tag: little-busters
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@Taisho Creator: Tiv, Pixiv link, not Tiv
it seems mangahere is doing random 502 drops. might see if a 502 page is still a page to selenium and add in a check that if it's a 502 then reload
@ton.yeung Picked up a working USB-C to HDMI adapter for $30. I only had to wait 2 years for the price to drop from ~$70 down to something more reasonable.
Got 4 displays working on my laptop now.
@Hakase lol wat?
my questions never received attention on SO, so i'm not active there
@ton.yeung I know @Memor-X is making his own RPG game
@ton.yeung I'm not getting another laptop until Cannonlake or if my current one drops dead.
I want that AVX512.
I'd expect most laptops now to have USB-C. So I'll be needing that adapter anyway if I want to max out the monitors.
My 4 x 1440p monitors are still perfect.
@ton.yeung What brand model?
Oh. I've also had issues with that brand in the past.
@Darjeeling Since when did Miku become a priestess at the Moriya Shrine?
i also want to look for a new monitor
is this good?
@ton.yeung Mine are on probably 6 - 8 hours a day. Why do you keep yours on over night?
You don't even let your computer sleep them?
why not?
Since we have the same laptop, and I don't have that problem with any monitors, it must mean your monitors suck. :P
I've never used the mic nor the camera on mine. lol
I've wiped my laptop 4 times already. lol
Twice at the beginning. Once a year ago because I fucked up the system trying to fix Visual Studio. And a 4th time a month ago when I got a bigger SSD.
VS2015 update 3.
I tried to roll back to update 2 and fucked up the system.
This was way before VS2017.
I no longer test out new versions or updates of VS on any machine that I don't mind wiping.
I have several dedicated sandbox environments which I use to test these things.
And I wipe them all the time. So much so that I got a pair of SSDs just to make the OS installations go faster.
2 hours later…
ohayou o/
why is a god object bad?
@Memor-X Because it breaks the second commandment?
@ton.yeung so you want to create entities in the game which don't get pushed around by a global method?
@Tonepoet it breaks Madoka?
> The Ten Commandments:
1: Madoka
2: Madoka
3: Madoka
4: Madoka
5: Madoka
6: Madoka
7: Madoka
8: Madoka
9: Madoka
10: Madoka
(we did warn everyone that Homura should NOT be the one to write them)
@Taisho Alicia is still so lovely even when she's angry.
@Memor-X Yeah, sure, but the last Godesshood election was between Homura and Haruhi, so... =P
@Taisho what
Uploaded (UTC): 03.09.2017 18:27:47 by (132581) Gao, tag: valkyria-chronicles
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@ton.yeung well you don't want say an NPC to take cover when a global method triggers a flag that it's raining?
@ton.yeung i see. hmmm. if it possible for game objects to detect collision with rain?
@ton.yeung so do you want these objects to react to weather as it occurs? or "see" it coming and prepare?
@ton.yeung well for grass you wouldn't have any AI in it. it only need to react to the lightning collision so that it can run a combustion method
@ton.yeung as for object like this, maybe have an invisible object that surrounds the weather system as as soon as this is in the perception of the game objects start listening for weather broastcasts
@ton.yeung not sure of the engine but could it detect instances of class type?
@ton.yeung ok. can your game object detect anything within variable ranges
like atleast report how far away they are from their own xyz
@ton.yeung ray tracing i think it's called
yeh i don't know. like i understand some of the stuff behind engines but not alot to crate a new physics engine
like i only know about Unity but i assume most 3d physics engines use a fucntion that sends a ray in one direction for a certain length and return back data on anything that ray hits. not sure how you do it with raw code
@ton.yeung collision detection. nothing like not passing though one another, you just need object a and b to be able to know that they have touched something
@ton.yeung object a will know that it has collided with unknown object if there is an instance of anything within the range of [x+-10,y+-10,z+-10] where xyz is it's coordinates. how you can do that depends on the language/system you are using and if it has functions to query space (ie. give me the memory address of all objects in he square area of 5,4,6 and 10,10,10)
@ton.yeung well i say memory address because in the programming i have done when i wanted an object to be passed by reference to a function said refernce is the memory address, so i have been told
@ton.yeung maybe my understanding on a god object is different as a god object to me like a global array of flags that is accessible by all game objects and weather changes flip these flags
user image
@ton.yeung well for ease of programming wouldn't a low low level base class that every physics object is a decedent of be a god object? said class would have things like how to query space and you have it in your low low level base class so that it's coded only once and any changes to it get applied to all descendants?
@ton.yeung you mean about the GameManager object?
@ton.yeung no because from my understanding GameManager stores other objects. GameObject doesn't inherit from GameManager
@ton.yeung maybe i used Object the wrong way here. the low low level base class wouldn't be an intractable object. it would only be so if it's a parent in some sense to a class that is instantiated
@ton.yeung it doesn't. i was just wondering if the base class would be a god object since it's functions/variables would be accessed almost globally by all who have inherited from it
well anyway, the first thing is to work out how to query space. if there is nothing built in and you want to avoid a global class instnace having a query space function then you would create a low low level base class which every kind of game object will inherit from since Grass wont have a move function unlike a Creature class
like i don't know all that much about physics collision detection and RPG Maker XP it's just a check of if tile is passable (determined by passability map for tileset and if there is an event there and if the event has the through flagged checked)
and merry chirstmas (to the people who celebrated it)
meri kurisumasu
@Proxy you must be in the back end of the timezones for it to still be christmas for you
@Gao more so when she's engulfed in her azure flame
@Tonepoet we know those are rigged
@Darjeeling whoever star this
2 hours ago, by Taisho
user image
@Memor-X nah but i was not here for few days.
got demoted from software engineer to sysadmin with higher pay
idfk what to think about this
well they call it a horizontal promotion, but it sure feels like a demotion to me
i suppose you know sysadmin stuff?
@Frosteeze what's the work difference?
@Memor-X i rarely develop besides scripting and reading code to find issues
and i get to work with the customers directly yey
@Proxy yeah i do know a bit
@Frosteeze yeh that alone sounds like a demotion
right? but it comes with higher pay
and overtime bonuses too
i mean i dont just do customer support, i also identify points of automation, do releases, maintain servers, etc.
but i cant shake off the feeling that i just got demoted
maybe they could not find anyone else so they selected a developer... did they ask you before this happened if you are okay with it?
i just got invited to lunch by the boss today and told that im getting it whether i like it or not lol
i think it's cause ive been doing sysadmin stuff since no one else was available
the sysadmin guy left
that could have beed the reason then :P
last time im going to be charitable in a company lmao
@Taisho what
Uploaded (UTC): 03.09.2017 10:13:27 by (132581) Gao, tag: one-punch-man
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@Mysticial how could you not identify Tatsumaki
I haven't seen the show.
... Go see it. Right now. :B
he's too busy crunching pis
in what?
whats your ID?
@ton.yeung mine is 682289738
@Frosteeze No, just trying to figure out what to do with these:
@Frosteeze well in the strict sense it was probably more of a re-assignment, which is good when it comes with more pay and
As well as this:
@Mysticial ship them over to my place?
@ton.yeung nah if i made another account in NA id have 3 accounts so screw that lol
JP already takes time to maintain
@Mysticial nice...should put it on a box
@Frosteeze like a PC Box
@Memor-X ill miss development tho...i feel like theres more paths open if youre a developer/SE vs. a sysadmin
@Frosteeze maybe when you can learn some automation programming
maybe...im not too excited
@Frosteeze well atleast you get more money, even though you have to deal with customers
@Frosteeze None of those actually belong to me. But I was tasked with overclocking them. Or more correctly, I'm in charge of an overclocking project at work.
2 hours later…
that's from guilty crown I think
right... that bluish tint confused me a bit
@Gao I only heard good things about dell's displays, and this one seems like a good choice if you have the money
people these days talk a lot about 120/144/165hz displays primarily for gaming, but there are complaints about colors
I think they're talking about them not being IPS type displays
if so, it shouldn't bother me personally
also because I have a 9800gt still, yea, high framerate shouldn't even come into play :I
@ton the way you clarified your post, it seems like you want every game object to think for itself about how to react to environment and stimuli
that's fine but it's gonna be hella inefficient
like if each creature with eyes and skin can see there are rain clouds in the distance closing in, and their skin doesn't like rain, there's gonna be a reaction "gotta find shelter soon"
and each creature will need to run these checks in its own loop
how about instead you delegate this back to the god object to see which objects are at all within any sensible distance of rain clouds and tell them that information, and then the creatures may decide with their much dumber brain
otherwise it's gonna be like a simple neural net for each object
probably gonna be very expensive computationally
in the end I don't think you want to handle cases of "slightly blind hawks" and "retarded frogs"
each creature of its type will have the same kinda logic, but with slightly different perception ranges due to where they're looking at and if they're busy doing other things like eating or battling with something
that should be enough variation already
@Taisho KLK
or something similar
no it's not
Uploaded (UTC): 17.08.2017 16:43:04 by (132581) Gao, tag:
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://i.imgur.com/W4NDsFA.jpg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://i.imgur.com/W4NDsFA.jpg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://i.imgur.com/W4NDsFA.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://i.imgur.com/W4NDsFA.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://i.imgur.com/W4NDsFA.jpg
at least same artist I believe
momoiro clover z band
official art
but who drew it
goddamn anti terrorist internet filters
I can't open danbooru or gelbooru now
the name is sushio
wow some nice art
yea he's good
never heard about momoiro clover z band tho
deoesn't seems from anime or something
oo those girls sing Joshiraku ED
what's up with the girl behind sayaka
who is she anyway
@Darjeeling isn't that Hitomi?
it looks like her hair
probably, but why she did look like that
that screen looks fake
it's fake. give me a sec
Hitomi sits behind Sayaka
also if you look at the image closely there's specks under the eyes
a bigger one showing Hitomi sitting infront of that guy with the glasses
which anime are these from?
damit @Hakase y u use fake pic XD
@SaitamaSama Puella Magi Madoka Magica
A: You want recommendations? Here's a list of them

HakaseMahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica [anime] aka Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika, Magical Girl Madoka Magica madoka-magica Madoka Kaname and her friends are regular high-schoolers. They go to school together every day, talk about different things, love, hate, be jelly and all that. As time goes by, they...

I never noticed that
I guess that's a fun one then, in context
well then I have no excuse
those dark eyes look like powerpuff girls on heroin
@Taisho left eye is smaller than right
that's kinda how it is in real life also
should've flipped it first to make sure he got it right
real life suck
кяαzєя has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
кяαzєя has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
ahhh @кяαzєя, if your stopping Planet Express, we fixed those
they were now Filtered Search RSS Feeds rather than the original "get all anime related" feeds
maybe they should have been named to something else though
@JNat could you super ping him? just so he knows
ye I bet he's looking up how to restore deleted feeds about now :p
lol, well we can create them again and get then named to something else
unfortunately I have troubles with tumblr also
oh the artist's site must be down or something coz proxies also don't work
guess I'll just check deviantaaa nsfw
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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