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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@Gao wow you would not believe how scared I was when there was a notification in my inbox that starts with "this is unacceptable"
I thought someone was going to end me
jquery and google captcha are blocked in mainland china
we get the same complaint on lichess as well, that chinese users couldn't get an account because of it
@Unihedron you're fine don't worry :D
@Gao oh okay
@Unihedron eh ? jquery ?
why'd you think?
the plugins javascript , Jquery, right ? that $("#asa"). thing
jQuery is stupid anyways
@SaitamaSama why ?
meh, it's so bloat-y. Vanilla JS is just fine everywhere
@SaitamaSama maybe people nowadays using react or node
@SaitamaSama the internet is stupid
@SaitamaSama never heard vanilla js, gonna check that later
vanilla js, as in the classic browser JS
@Gagantous vanilla js just means js without tools
good luck handling every browser vendor's way of screwing you over
just support Chrome, and FireFox. Other users can go ahead and change their browser :B
@Unihedron yeah, that's so annoying ..
well some function in jquery dont work in mozilla...
or IE
@SaitamaSama just as you can go ahead and change your job :D
people still use internet explorer ?
work on that instead
my god
@Gagantous Don't think so
i thought it was internet explorer..
it's edge
IE is gay and dead and even microsoft killed it
edge is all the rage now
well my OS is still in w7 tho..
you should really change to windows 10
or, even better, some linux distro
@SaitamaSama gonna buy that later...
it's $200
> buy
really? okay...
windows is expensive and rubbish don't do it
switch to arch
but, what about dem games? :B
well i dualboot my laptop
Ubuntu and w7
and some in my vm
doki doki literature club runs on all platforms
just for assignment
if a game doesn't support linux, it's probably trash anyway
@Unihedron LOL
bu.. but... my Overwatch :'(
@Unihedron some of vn didnt support it...
I cri...
@Unihedron what's that ?
didnt show anything in my browser
It's a put trash in the trash can emoji
is that plugins ?
FF shows it tho
dont know why.
@Gao data.stackexchange.com/anime/query/765301 well there is a lot, but i cant find Darjeeling... what i know he is Asian... and there is some one above my rank that had rep more than 1000 but looks like he didnt active now...
@SaitamaSama @Unihedron ever used angular ?
i just want to started learning angular
no, but heard it is not very nice
tried vue once... it was okay-ish
what;s vue ?
gonna check that later
it's like react, but better imo
@SaitamaSama interesting, thanks for the recommendation (y)
@Gagantous angular2 is ok
angular3 is a boiling hell
@Unihedron what do you mean by that ?
bug ?
or new method than never introduced before in the previous one ?
It's a boiling hell
I meant exactly what I said, no more, no less
Today a very scary thing happened
@TimE.Lord what?
I came home and my laptop was in sleep mode, though I turned it off for the night. I opened the lid, and there was... Windows 10 launched. It used to have W10 before I installed Ubuntu as dual boot, and I didn't use Windows since, because I heard the anniversary update would trash Ubuntu.
So here I am, thinking my Ubuntu and all my files are gone
And they're not
@Gao When did Lucy escape Elfen Lied?
@Avery I'm backing up my crap to Keybase now
@TimE.Lord you're advised to create a paper key.
I used to have one
I wonder where it is :D
@Tonepoet episode one leaked fottage
I make a new one, put it in the safest place possible, and the next day I've already forgotten about it
I carry mine in wallet
Do anyone in here currently focus/studying bout Information Security ?
well, ask away
@Avery you studied that ?
I did not but it's an area that interests me and I believe that I know some stuff
ever heard about encryption ?
i dont know what encryption i should use
I (of course) did
what do you want to encrypt?
like an input
i used md5
but is there anything else ?
it's web programming
what's that input saving?
username and password
also, md5 is a hash, not encryption. You shouldn't use encryption on user info anyways, hashing is the correct approach.
md5 is insecure though, it's not secure to store username/password in md5
also, avoid md5 like the plague for hashing passwords
try looking into sha256 and sha512, both are pretty secure
i thought md5 was an encryption..
so it's called hashing
hashing and encryption are different stuff
hashing => one way
encryption => two way
you can decrypt encrypted stuff with passwords or keys or such (two way, as saitamasama said), hashing is one way
also for hashing, I really suggest en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bcrypt
hm, yes, bcrypt is recommended too
ohh i heard about that public or private key stuff
but i didnt know what's that mean
that's asymmetric encryption :P
you, encrypt with the public key
specifically, it's asymmetric encryption
and decrypt with the private key
on symmetric encrpytion, botth sides know the private key
however some fast hashes can be solved so quickly that some people just did "rainbow tables" where they hash everything in that hash algorithm, so they can just open the database and do "give me the thing that gave <md5 hash> when hashed" and your hash will be broken
so yes, don't use md5 for password hashing
is there any good site for tutorials about IS ?

i know that i can use google, but i want to hear some recommendation from other
especially for encryption
or decrpty
@Gagantous crypto101.io
read that. carefully.
should help.
@Avery thanks (y)
owasp.org is a pretty widely recommended security guide as well :B
oh yes, owasp is good too
but it's less 101
@Avery it's only a page with a pdf download button ?
oh it's a course
@Gagantous read the pdf
@SaitamaSama thanks (y)
can i ask about hardware here?
boob frenzy
1 hour later…
Steam recommended me that Ladykiller game because of you, @Ave
Grab The Bureau: XCOM DECLASSIFIED for FREE! Be apart of a top-secret government unit and call the shots! #HumbleStore https://www.humblebundle.com/store/the-bureau-xcom-declassified?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=The_Bureau_XCOM_DECLASSIFIED_Free_Game_Announce
1 hour later…
Q: Whats the song name that plays when Asako is introduced in Grisaia no Meikyuu?

FrostyWhats the song name that plays when Asako is introduced in the special Grisaia no Meikyuu?YouTube Reference starts at 40:18.

What Does the Fox Say? will have 4 four spinoffs of varying lengths!!!
@Gao Excalibur is a Sword, not an Axe
@Morwenn the new manga, the Clear Card Arc, has been out for a while. i'm sorta thrilled that it's made into an anime
but i still would rather seem Sakura x Tomoyo together because Li is an ass
@Gagantous title?
@Memor-X how come I never heard of it before? o_o
@Memor-X agreed x3
and Tomoyo is just waaaaayyyy too nice >.>
@Morwenn maybe because you weren't in the chat room when i think it was Krazer linked to it
i think it's up on mangafox
still, I'm generally aware of new Clamp series
yep, 13 chapters under "CARDCAPTOR SAKURA - CLEAR CARD ARC Manga"
2 hours later…
Q: How is anime as a whole profitable? (if it is)

Jesús GómezI'm considering the following facts. Japanese people have few spare time, with their jobs taking a lot of their time usually, even kids or teenagers have intense schedules. There are lots of anime series each year, we can easily expect at least 100 series with maybe an average of 20 chapters p...

00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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