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@Gao I'd say it's five now, with Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Fairytail and the resurgence of Dragonball.
Any more than that and it becomes a pointless phrase though.
one piece is still pretty good
@Gallifreyan cant wait for the new game
I know it's a fairly typical pose, but at the same time I really couldn't resist.
@Tonepoet you drew it?
@ToshinouKyouko No.
@Taisho you drew this?
u know it
@ToshinouKyouko I meant I couldn't resist making the comparison.
@Taisho woah
@Tonepoet ahhh okay
Q: Why is Todoroki scalded when his mother throws hot water on him?

Nagarjun PrasadIt's clear that Todoroki left side is burnt but isn't it also his flame side. If he is able to tolerate the high temperature he himself generates from his own flames shouldn't he also have been able to withstand the burn when his mother throws hot water on his face?

@Tonepoet I need to watch that too! weeps
F-k, my to-watch list is too long.
@ToshinouKyouko Me too ^_^
I've got a crapload of Ghibli films, a crapload of anime...
And a crapload of who-knows what else.
@Gallifreyan Probably a whole bunch of stuff from the 80s and 90s you've always heard about but never got around to watching. XP
Exactly. E.g. Ghost in the Shell, Akira (not that high on the list, that)...
Oh, also Ergo Proxy and Cowboy Bebop.
And Angel's Egg.
I've been listening to this for the whole evening now.
(The band who did, among other things, the soundtrack for The Witcher 3)
@Tonepoet that pose, it's like she's gonna knee someone in the crotch
@Gao I think this bloke is more likely to do it:
user image
@Tonepoet The Ninja Who Leapt Through Time
coming to the present to kick some ass
@Gao There's nothing special about that. All ninjas can leap through time! How do you think they get so fast? XP
@Tonepoet but faster than light?
wait, that's if they're going back to the past
Now The Ninja Who Came out of the Blue, now that's an interesting title! XP
@Tonepoet All ninjas come out of the blue, it's their job to assassinate people
@Gao Actually, most just appear out of thin air or from nowhere. There's a difference. =P
The difference is that one who comes out of the blue can fly. <_<
@Avery Those are all yours?
@Avery I'd mock these counterfeits for being obviously ridiculous, but Boruto isn't much better named. =P I can totally see Naburo being the grandson of Naruto. >_>
@Gallifreyan naah
I don't get it.
haha, 24 hours in and no nominations? We're fucked.
@Mysticial worst case I can run
@Mysticial Maybe the candidates are treating it like an ebay auction, and trying to feign disinterest until the last minute so they can win by default.
well no
@Avery Actually, the worst case scenario is that I run. =P
But that won't happen.
you have 101 rep
start answering if you want 200 rep in a week
There's a minimum?
yup, 300
Regardless, I don't want to run. I was just joking.
@Tonepoet Didn't work that well for Leonard.
Let's just say that you probably won't stand a chance unless you have at least 1k.
I will make Anime.SE great again.
And on SO, anything less than like 20k is a long shot.
@Gallifreyan Wait, somebody actually tried it?
@Tonepoet That was a The Big Bang Theory reference.
@Mysticial you should run
@hak should run
The real reason nobody is running is because the prospective candidates have lost such touch with reality, that they are waiting to see if their favorite anime characters will nominate themselves. >_>
P.S: Pleinar for Prez.
Q: Is Serena Coming Back to the Alola Region?

Deandra HudsonI finished the entire xy/xyz series of Pokemon and there have been questions as to if Serena will be coming back with Ash in the alola region. i wanna know if its true cause ive watch a few you tube videos about it and i got all my hopes up and i would be really sad now if it's all fake.

@Avery What's that?
Please make me unsee this.
good background for a magnet there
> A song about forbidden love between two girls, "magnet" shows the emotions involved with the prejudices of homosexuality. It is implied throughout the song that the two are very deeply in love and it is no mere fantasy or a fleeting encounter. Though their love is strong they cannot help but feel that what they are doing is wrong due to the moral value forced upon them by society.
so true.
I hate people who classify het relationships as normal but yuri/yaoi ones as suggestive or 18+ or mature or whatever
usually not
like, bill nye's thing got 18+ marked for simply talking about gender
Q: TV Saint Seiya Prologue theme

Mr_LinDowsMacIn Sanctuary chapter, after opening, there is a prologue for the events of the last episode. I can't find the name of that music theme, and "Galaxian Wars" is not that I'm looking for.

@Avery Too much marketing
I'm talking about in general
[suggestive, nsfw] also oh god... pikachu please [suggestive, nsfw]
@Avery The pikachu face says it all
Is there a short name for Anime and Managa?
meowth pls
@kitty A&M
@kitty A&M?
Thank you Ikaros and Avery
I am new
Well, hello :D
I asked a question about whether I should watch Aho girl or not, and then the question ...
got banned, I think
I have said sorry to the moderators
the site is for objective questions.
you can ask in chat though :)
I hope they have received my message
Yup, Recommandations is not on topic on this SE
Are there any moderators here?
Thank you
is it good for non - kids?
I am not a kid
What do you think of Aho girl
left half is the answer to your question.
Never watched it
I got it
Thanks for the help
@ton.yeung Now you are being lewd
@kitty don't hesitate to come back whenever you feel like it
he obviously jumped to the playpen-ball-pool
and the heart shaped flying balloon flew off
@Avery That can be suggestive too
I mean I'm sarcastic there
they're obviously...
@ton.yeung who is it
@Gallifreyan Truth be told, Benny Hinn is a time traveler who came from the future where this book ended up being the inspiration for a flood, such as the one Team Aqua wanted and the Abrahamic God actually made, and the the real reason for his Pokemon bonfires was to try and avert its creation.
@Tonepoet hasn't it finished? or did it do what Naruto did and start following the character's kids
@Gao assuming that they plan to revive it. to my understanding the anime stopped because of low ratings
@Avery lol, they made it worse by supporting Games for Windows
@Memor-X that's probably fake
@Memor-X I take it that if people are asking if the anime will follow the ending of the manga, then the anime is ongoing. Also, I'm stuck in a 2008ish mindset, so it's hard to fathom the notion that any of the "big three" would end before the world itself does.
@Avery could be good if it was real
dam it, out of stars
@Avery should see China and what they did
Besides that, in this day and age you can't really rule out the possibility of either a sequel series like Dragonball Super or Dr. Who, or a reboot like Sailor Moon Crystal.
@Memor-X hm?
@Tonepoet the anime ended after the Fullbringer Arc which isn't the end of the manga. people know this but think it should come back but...
A: Why did Bleach anime stop airing? And did Bleach manga also end its serialization?

nhahtdhAccording to Wikipedia, the original run of Bleach anime in Japan has finished since March 2012. It seems that you follow the English dub, which finished airing on November 1st, 2014, so you don't realize that it stopped airing in Japan long ago. As for the reason, from the posts I have seen on ...

@Avery China has blocked "things that don't depict proper relationships" on TV and the Internet like incest, rape, homosexuality etc.
you see what they did? they've grouped homosexuality with rape and incest
@Memor-X Okay.
I didn't actually follow Bleach, or any of the big three for that matter, so I was completely unaware of this development.
@Memor-X turkey banned pride and considers lgbt couples on tv as bad, they also banned subreddits like [nsfw]/r/gayporn[nsfw] without any explanation.
@Avery yeh, China and Turkey sucks
human rights of USA DoD thingy report of turkey has some very interesting parts about lgbt rights
Re: TV. While some celebs (Kerimcan Durmaz, Bulent Ersoy etc) can be seen on TV with not too many issues, display of LGBT relationships in tv shows etc are rare (or rather non-existent AFAIK).
Q: What's the connection between The Delgados and Gunslinger Girl?

RichardThe excellent "Light Before we Land" is used as the theme-tune for the first season of Gunslinger Girl. Why (and how) did an obscure track by a Scottish 'Indie' band end up as the theme for a Japanese anime series based in Italy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTxoH_5CnhM

Q: Which was the first anime to feature a transformable robot?

PabloEven if Transformers count as anime (it was made by americans and japaneses concept: americans/japaneses, producers americans, animation japaneses mainly so I guess it's debatable) there were shows with transformable robots before that (ie: Mospeada) . Then, which was the first anime to feature t...

@Avery sounds like don't ask don't tell
@Memor-X yeah I nkow
@ton.yeung only concern is for the english translators to be able to translate that fast, so idk if theyll have the event. but yeah im saving my quartzes too

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