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what define loli tho
@Darjeeling To a Battleship i would assume any Destroyer or Submarine
so fubuki is also loli
@Darjeeling to a Battleship yes
@Taisho glad about this because then it's going to cost you $100 per game and stops the support bribing that goes on
Q: Majikoi alternate setting?

AnimalCrueltySucksSo, I just finished watching Kima ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de. I watched this because it said Alternate Setting on Majikoi. It was a good anime and all, but, my question is how do these anime relate. All I've managed to find is that they were developed and published by Minato Soft.

@Memor-X if you didn't know, greenlight had the 100 usd entry fee after a month of its launch when they realized a bunch of people uploaded shitpost instead of real game submissions
user image
@Taisho but that was a one time fee right? this way it's $100 for every game and from what i read you get that $100 back if you make $1000
though i still think it should be like $250 - $300, the cost of about 10 ISBNs
oh is that how it is now? I thought greenlight had a 1-time pass deal, so maybe this will be the same
isn't ISBN a printed thing only … thing?
@Taisho the last bit for Steam Direct? that's what i learned i think yesterday or the day before
@Taisho yeh but when you seriously think about getting into releasing books you do plan ahead so you bulk buy 10 to cover the next 10 books and work from there. with games if you're just releasing your little hobby project then it's highly unlikely you've though ahead beyond just "getting it out there" and not though about you're going to support it in the future
or maybe i'm just thinking too much
@Taisho which one, the Skyrim one?
this one
@Taisho i had to search and found it on the second page but yeh best shirt so far on there
talkin bout isbn
@Taisho i wonder if you ran the number if you'd get something related to pasta
1 hour later…
@Taisho I can't imagine it'd be that much. It's mostly just text, and even the O.E.D's website only has approximately 600,000 words to define.
Then again, it did take a long time for ARTFL project to load all 65,000~ entries it had on file for An American Dictionary of the English Language. I'm not sure why.
@Tonepoet when was that done?
@Memor-X I did a wildcard search with an asterisk with nothing else to get the H.T.M.L. page with all the results. I think the file is on my other computer though.
@Tonepoet no i mean when did ARTFL do that upload. if i'm reading the right thing it was founded in 1982 so the long time could be because of shitty tech compared to today
@Memor-X I don't recall when they did the dictionary. It couldn't have been so long ago though since they moved over from another website.
Q: Can't remember anime name

JamesThere was an anime, a female main character. In a like mass effect ish land. A police force with all sorts of alien species, and everyone has super powers and she fights monsters and bad guys with energy blasts and the animation is phenomenal.... help me.

@Sakamoto Flags away!
1 hour later…
Q: What characters are "fictional characters" in Re:Creators based on

EuphoricIn the show Re:Creators, fictional characters start roaming "real world". Those fictional characters where created for the show, but are often reminiscent of characters from other fictional works in reality. What characters or combination of would be closest to the fictional characters in Re:Cre...

princess mononokia phone, indestructible
Good day!
@Gallifreyan huh, i wonder if they are the same Nightwish that's in the title of the 2nd Boss Music "Kingslayer" in Lexima Legends.
@Gallifreyan yep! that's it! starts the exact same way
though i think the vocal parts were removed from what's played in Lexima Legends
might look into some of the other songs used and see if they are also edits and if the original version is better
6 hours later…
Q: Looking for an Anime on Cartoon Network

nmrivera06Ok, so I saw an anime on Cartoon Network. It was a Mecha anime. There was a kid, he was taking a test of something with other kids up in space after leaving Earth. It was him and a girl, who really liked him. There is a scene at the beginning where they were attacked or something. The male c...

Q: Do the grand magic games even have referees

user30104The grand magic games were said to be around for years but they don't seem to have any referees I mean they don't have anyone who's able to sense that someone from the crowd got rid of Lucy's spell and that was a huge one. I mean whats to stop a guild from having a bunch of people use support mag...

I think this belongs here:
Q: How far can blood spray?

FreeElkA creature has evolved to protect the herd. Its blood contains chemicals that act like pepper spray, burning the eyes and throat of anything around it. However it wants to be able to get a decent coverage on a pack of predators. So how large an area could the blood be sprayed into? To clarify I...

Can someone give me a summary of WTF's going on with the DMCA thing? I took a glance a some of the questions on that list. I don't see anything on them that contain infringing material? Is merely talking about a series considered "infringing"?
Or has the "infringing material" already been removed and wiped from the post histories?
Looks like I'm not the only with this question. Seems like another one of those bullshit claims.
Q: What Japanese myths/beliefs are referenced in Ponyo, and why was tasting blood relevant?

dsollenI rewatched Ponyo recently, and there are quite a few briefly touched on, but not thoroughly explained, mystical elements that left me wondering rather I was missing part of the allusions. I'm not sure which elements are simply part of Miyazaki's usual building of unique/magical worlds, and whic...

Q: What is the likely IQ of these fictional characters?

EnneI am very curious about the IQ of several characters that are portrayed as 'genius' in several mangas. I do understand the problem with estimating IQ of public figures because of insufficient data, but these characters have a lot of situations and games that extensively show their thinking skills...

@Sakamoto Flags away!
@Taisho what
1 hour later…
@Mysticial the law is such that if the DMCA claim isn't outright invalid, the target site has to comply and remove potentially infringing content. It's not in the interest of the site to post counter-claims, it is the duty of users, as it turns out. For now Jnat said SE lawyers are thinking about how to salvage the situation, but there is no estimate for when we'll get an answer from the lawyers, or if that even happens at all.
it looks very likely that this is an automatically generated DMCA and also that our lawyers aren't very hasty about any of this
"Automatically generated DMCA" - lol
idk what the procedure is for invalidating certain items on the list, but there is at least one url which is not even for a stackexchange site, and a bunch of links are not for specific questions but for whole tags
some of these tags don't have any questions with infringing content, as our users have pointed out
They deserve one of those Pirate Bay responses. lol
I don't think anyone can claim to remove retellings of the events in a registered IP
well, it could be much cheaper for SE to just delete everything
idk, we haven't really heard from lawyers, just what JNat reformulated
@Mysticial hm? wdym? Can you link something about it?
@Avery I went through 5 random things on that DMCA list. None of them had anything that seemed copyrightable. No images, or even quoted text.
Which had me wondering if the they did have them and were removed. SE staff have the ability to edit the revision history to completely wipe something from existence.
@Taisho stahp
@Mysticial dude no conspiracy it's just a bot posting these claims or a guy with a bunch of really dumb scripts
I didn't mean to imply a conspiracy. I had just noticed the DMCA thing. Saw the list, found nothing wrong with them. And which let to believe that either the claim was bullshit, or the staff had already handled it.
if it's not deleted, then our lawyers didn't consider it a valid request to delete that post
otherwise it's deleted
and in case of some deleted posts I don't see anything infringing myself
but perhaps our lawyers did, and we don't know
that's the thing − SE lawyers haven't clearly explained their decision making in these specific cases
we're kinda in the dark about hows and whys
one thing we know is that a user (but we don't know which user) of SE can file a counter-claim to restore deleted posts
I asked if a "user" is limited to only the OP of the question, poster of the targeted deleted post (can be a question, answer or a comment, they all have a url with "post" or "question" in it, but depending on the id, the page will highlight either of the 3), or if it can be any user registered with SE, even a new user with 1 rep
so far no info about that
so we're waiting for clarification on all that indefinitely
just saw the meat
but Jnat said we can start filing counter-claims now :p
that's so good of a typo that I won't even bother changing that to meta
not sure if they'll be valid tho
I just ate some fish, it was really nice
From a practical perspective, even if the try to sue SE, I don't see how they can win. I looked at a few more on that list. They all either have no media, or a fair use image.
Not sure what sort of compensation they can possibly get out of SE and whether it can offset legal costs of pursuing such a case.
I think SE doesn't want to pay their lawyers extra to deal with this in detail, so they're just going the shortest, fastest, cheapest way
@Tyhja yoself!
Previously on the JList Blog
> While anime voice actors are themselves amazing, bringing all our favorite characters to life, they're trapped like flies in amber in a terrible industry. On the one hand, the seiyu world is highly organized, with a strict system of seniority that basically guarantees even popular VAs will starve until they've been working for a decade or so. (Hayami Saori got only $3000 for each season of My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU because she's so young and new to the industry...the agency she's affiliated with kept the rest.)
and in the recent post
> I also wrote about the way the anime and game industry is being tormented by greedy, slow-to-change seiyuu industry, with talent agencies who extract massive fees for voice actor work then demand even more fees for licensors trying to publish visual novels outside Japan, shortsightedly blocking many titles from being published in English. (It's why there are so few BL and otome games for you to play.) Only a tiny amount of the money collected by these agencies is given to the voice actors themselves, especially for anyone who hasn't been in the industry that long. So I wondered, could the
According to this site, Hayami Saori made less than $30k in 2015 despite being an A-1 name. http://moe.vg/2rB3Se6 https://t.co/Vh3M0TPh2V
@Memor-X wuuuuuuuuut
@Mysticial i'm assuming that's bad since i make more than that and i'm in IT. not as skilled as a Seiyuu
@Memor-X Um yeah. 30k is hardly livable in a lot of big cities unless you're rooming with a bunch of other people.
Hayami Saori is one of the voices that I usually instantly recognize after a sentence.
@Mysticial yeh i didn't comment on that side because my only understanding of Japanese living is that they apartments are quite small but not sure what they cost
I'm aware they are very small. I know someone who lives in suburban Tokyo who's place is like 250 sq. ft.
@Mysticial to me that sounds much more affordable but at the same time, as i said i don't know what they cost
Sounds easy to look up.
By comparison, where I live, it's about $500 - $1k sqft to buy.
Depending on the quality of the place, how high it is, and what kind of view it has.
looking at the link in the tweet i'm not sure where it gets the 10% from. the total for TV Apperances is over 27 million yen yet Hayami got only ~10% of that
seems like a really shit deal if you ask me
Where'd the 27 million yen come from? That sounds low.
@Mysticial the table here. ofcause that's 2015 and the total Guarantee
This isn't the only industry where I feel people get underpaid. The other one is regional airline pilots.
unless google translate is mistranslating 272.25万円
They make something like 20 - 50k. And their fucking job is to carry many people's lives.
@Mysticial in a giant tomb of iron and steel which uses magic to defy gravity. and they also got to deal with nutjobs
OTOH, you don't want jobs like that paying too much either. Otherwise you get a bunch of unqualified people doing it for money. Then you get plane crashes.
@Mysticial true but then the fault lies with the employer who should be hiring based on skill and making sure current employee's training is up to date
Though from what I hear, the "seasoned" pilots at big airlines pay much better. Like deep in the 6-figure range. I have no problem with that. It's a job that demands.
@Memor-X Something about the translation seems off. 万, if it's what I think it is, the character for the 10k unit in Chinese. And it seems to translate that way. 272*10k is only 2.7 million
@Mysticial if that's right then i am mistaken in that Hayami isn't getting 10% of the total, that is her total
i only know 百 (Hyaku) = 100
so at most i can count up to 999 in japanese
I speak Cantonese, but I'm illiterate. Mandarin follows the same units, and possibly Japanese as well. The units I'm aware of are 100, 1000, 10000, and 100 million.
But I don't know how to write any of them.
I believe there are even higher units, but I was never properly schooled, so I don't know them.
Though going higher, I believe they start combining the units.
So 5 trillion would 5 (100 million) (10000).
@Mysticial well as Feito-chan would have it i seem to know how Hyaku is written because it is also used in the Kanji for Yuri, 百合
Q: I would like to confirm the name of an Anime, please help!

Getsuga_IchiI cannot recall the name of an anime, it's about people who can, with the help of some sort of crystal, get these bionic suits in which they fight against aliens with like yellow blood and a group a of three who want to extract the core from these aliens and the bionic suits of these three are al...

The English numbering system is much more convenient. 10^2, 10^3, 10^6, 10^9, etc...
@PlanetExpressDelivery Sorry for that one.
And I end up doing a lot of head math when speaking or listening to Cantonese.
Even if I'm technically native.
@Mysticial from my understanding of japanese numbering systems it's about the same, just that you add more Kanji like you do 0's
@Gallifreyan sorry about what?
Q: Would Super Dragon Ball grant these wish?

user6140292In dragon ball super, the super shenron can grant any wish with no limitation and much more powerful than reguler shenron. But, I wonder if he can grant wish if for example someone want to be more powerful than zeno, or any other too big wish. What do you think?

Q: Why are Yubaba's spirit employees froglike?

Mark RogersThe spirits that work for Yubaba in the bath house seem to be to varying degrees, froglike. Some seem to be fully frogish, like Aogaeru. While others are mostly human like Lin, and still others seem to be mixes of human and frog. Is there any reason given in the Spirtied Away or in Japanese m...

@Memor-X [story-identification]
@Gallifreyan still don't get it. doesn't Planet Express post because of the anime tag?
@Memor-X Yes, but ID requests are off-topic here, so.... Erm...
@Gallifreyan main site yes. you can ask them in chat though
so an id requerst from another site appearing in chat isn't actually a bad thing
only when the other site is Anime and Manga is when it's bad
We got some 3 recommendation requests on SFF today.
Must be a record.
Q: July Film Night: Robots!

doppelgreenerThe theme of July's movie night will be: Robots! 🤖 Your film should significantly involve, or be about, robots. At least one of them. Possibly, but not necessarily, giant robots. Mechas are counted. Cyborgs & organic robots will be counted, since there's fuzzy grey area I'd rather us be able to...

^ Feel free to chime in.
@Gallifreyan so can we vote if we don't plan to go?

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