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Boku dake ga Inai Machi
this is the most extreme psychological horror story I've seen in my life.
nope, but now on my list
the "psychological horror" part of this is that it can be related to real life
I'm not a horror fan
*looks at another*
My definition/meaning of "psychological horror" here was that when you think that this could happen in RL, the possibilities are higher than others, and the consequences are equally bad as shown.
not really
some parts
being blamed with all evidences pointing against you while you are totally innocent might seem like a petty fear, but is more likely than idk, microwaved into a jelly in past.
You understand that when it happens to you
and it happened to me
worst feeling you can feel
(not jello thingy)
some people like monster too
damn this is depressing
@shaggy get it
I've always installed fresh, so not sure about any issues with upgrade, but the features and stuff are pretty nice
Support of old software is better than 8
plus dx12
this is beautiful
what is
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
one last ep for today
nearly out of napkins or whatever you call them
its 6am already
Worse cliffhanger than expected
@Tyhja that is drawception. One gives caption, one draws it, one gives caption to that, goes on for 12 players.
I made a game with caption "trump hates anime". results were fun
aaaaaaand anime series over
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
more like morning
Q: Questions about R18 or anime with sexual-implicit content

Zange-chanI'm just new here and visiting these site sometimes. As what it is stated on the title, can I ask about stuff that contains sexual-explicit content, like hentais and doujins? As long as contents like images having some nude scenes or "s" scenes is not displayed, or possible censored. I have a lot...

2 hours later…
Q: Questions about R18 or anime with sexual-implicit content

Zange-chanI'm just new here and visiting these site sometimes. As what it is stated on the title, can I ask about stuff that contains sexual-explicit content, like hentais and doujins? As long as contents like images having some nude scenes or "s" scenes is not displayed, or possible censored. I have a lot...

Q: Are manga's freeware and shareware?

SparkI am a manga reader from a long t, ime and also a developer. I know about the rules like manga content can't and should not be edited without authors permission and etc. But my question is are they Freeware and Shareware? Can i just take or download or store or transfere or share content without ...

@Sakamoto .....this guy must have never paid for manga in his life otherwise he would see the flaw in his thinking
Q: Anime characters often take a bath at night. Is these their tradition/practice?

Zange-chanIt is common, and mostly on every animes. Talking about their hygiene, they usually take a bath every night before they sleep. Is these their culture, I mean the practice of hygiene in Japan? Just curious since I mostly seen a lot of that scene.

@Taisho tags
Uploaded (UTC): 10.03.2016 11:05:15 by (38771) JNat, tag: Plastic Memories
thought so
JNat's got us covered with the quality uploads
Morning, boys
yesterday, by Memor-X
14 secs ago, by Quill
@Sakamoto *facedesk*
Q: Fairy tail information

kelsey3007Does anyone know when the lasted sub. Will be out and where? And if they will update it on Netflix? They changed the cover photo on Netflix but no new episodes have come up. Thank you.

youtube.com/watch?v=MRNZlh_ogsQ what's with the downvotes
maps look very nice
@Hakase "The competitive online game will feature quick, intense matches in compact battle zones themed from historic Resident Evil environments. These maps are based on familiar fan-favourite locales such as the Village from RE4, Raccoon City, RPD Police Station, Umbrella lab, and more. "
in other words, lets use resident evil to make a shooter
so the genre is bad?
oh it's not gonna be a single player game
are RE famous for their campaign primarily?
idk much about it
@Hakase it's more that it's a blatant money milker. notice the downhill quality of resident evil games when it was more about the action when the series is survival horror
I've only played RE 5 with a friend in co-op and it was rather shitty
Fear was much better
the controls were so awful
no jumps I think
can't shoot while moving
user image
well, anyway, I should focus on good stuff
Uploaded (UTC): 08.06.2016 17:53:45 by (38771) JNat, tag: Kiznaiver, ending
Q: Law regarding doujinshi

Ayase EriDoujinshi as defined in wikipedia is a self-published works. While not every doujinshi is derived from other manga, they mostly are, like the many Touhou and Naruto doujins. The works that they are derived from are mainly those with copyrights. Meaning that the characters depicted in those origin...

@Hakase what was generally the deal with most earlier Resident Evil games...along with the fixed camera angles that did allow you to aim down the sight. Resident Evil 4 was a bit better though i heard it did have some flaws which i don't remember
idk that seems like a very bad mechanic imo
I'd rather swap that for radically increasing spread while moving, so you could still shoot but only hit enemies when they're super close
it's also weird because the characters we're playing as are supposed to be very well trained agents
and they have very limited ammunition? why?
at least they can eat fern to regain health :p
@Hakase for the start of the series they weren't, either local law enforcement of civilians.
@Hakase survival horror, you can't just shoot up a Licker and a room full of zombies. trained shots to the head conserve ammo
@Hakase "The Aloe vera plant has been used for thousands of years to heal a variety of conditions, most notably burns, wounds, skin irritations, and constipation"
maybe it's a new kind of herb that boost cellular regeneration. the La Plagus parasite did that
reasoning makes sense, but the execution was not very enjoyable in my experience
shower time
@Hakase Ppl don't want a multiplayer shooting game on the RE universe, they want survival horror stuff
@Hakase well to be honest the original games we're enjoyable because i couldn't properly aim but Resident Evil 4 was good when i could aim for the weak points
fuck Regeneradors would be even scarier if i was shooting randomally
Hoy hoy ~
1 hour later…
"Why is everyone using me as a chair?" - Lady Blanc - Lowee End
Q: why cant naruto go into bijuu state like the other jinchuriki?

Bejwhy cant naruto go into bijuu state like the other jinchuruki? he forms a transparent cloak in the size of the bijuu but doesnt get a full form like other jinchuriki. Even when fighting pain , he went upto 8th tail and got a real body of kurama in a sortof skinned form.

@ToshinouKyouko for a moment there i thought it was you who deleted the question
i deleted sakamoto's post
"A Christian telling an Atheist that they are going to hell is like a Hippie saying that they are going to punch you in the Aura"
mornin' ~
hi chi chin
how are you doing @tosh ? :D
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan I'm good :)
reminds me of Madoka and Faust
tbh she reminds me of Haruka from Sakura Trick
except she doesn't have her lips being used in that photo <_<
@Quill i would probably have said "except her lips aren't occupied doing something else"
> occupied
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan <_<"
wth is wrong with people
trump is quite possibly the worst president ever, if he were to be elected
i'm not actually into american politics but i've already heard that trump is total wtf and doesn't deserve to be a president
either way the video is pretty fun
he wants to kick all foreigners out of america
& he'll start a war with russia & invade the middle east.
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan that is kinda depressing. the left side could have been funnier
@Memor-X i'm not kidding lol
2015 was really like this
for why? nothing was wrong in 2015
for the most part anyways, I guess unless you live in Syria.
@CuddleBunny i don't think they had memes in syria
hey guys, some friends of mine are doing a really cool project about Alzheimer. if they hit at least 5th place, they can go to the US to talk about their project. please vote <3
all you have to do is to vote and confirm the vote in your email (once)
we're back
Bot app memory use: 45826048 bytes. Uptime: 00:00:57.0575030. 27 log files, size: 117098650; 0 archives, size: 0. 211 list files, size: 190157689; 2 archives, size: 39875183.
4 hours spent replacing the power outlet
turns out the whole house is powered through it
well, not the house, just my apt
> A C C U R A T E
> C
> C
> U
> R
> A
> T
> E
I see this all the time and I have no clue what it refers to.
@Gerwin at first I thought he wants to leave just the white people, but then I remembered all white people including trump are foreigners to america and only native americans would be left
should never be presedent
none of the candidate will be decent presedents
I can only joke about politics, I don't actually know enough to decide anything or vote for anyone
& hillary is just the least-shitty
it's kinda sad
people are supposed to know what they're doing or at least have someone help them understand
so an add pops up on Game Dev.SE saying "Reward your players and boost revenue with video ads". so misleading because that's no rewards for a player, to sit through an ad
maybe if the game is worse than watching the ad, it's a rewarding experience
@Hakase aren't all white Americans actually British?
that's what I think
@Hakase the game will have to be pretty dam bad for that
I wonder if there were non-british american invaders
not really, just imagine playing some candy crush saga, and then you see a video ad for a cool new VN with nice-looking characters, idk I think I might switch immediately
@Gerwin choose the lesser of 2 evils. just like with choosing the next pope
> The largest ancestries of American Whites are: German Americans (16.5%), Irish Americans (11.9%), English Americans (9.2%), Italian Americans (5.5%), Mexican Americans (5.4%), French Americans (4%), Polish Americans (3%), Scottish Americans (1.9%), Dutch Americans (1.6%), Norwegian Americans (1.5%) and Swedish Americans (1.4%).[10][11] However, the English-Americans and British-Americans demography is considered a serious under-count as the stock tend to self-report and identify as simply 'Americans' due to the length of time they have inhabited America.[12][13][14][15]
didn't think there would be so many german descendants unless I'm misinterpreting the text
@Hakase someone should present that and ask trump the difference between a Mexican and a Mexican American
so i have a nice regex to extract the values from that page
oh there's a bit about english/british people misrepresenting themselves as americans in my quote
so the data is kinda unreliable
if i try to match only using the content i want (ex.: reg = ab(c)d, data = abcd) it's fine
but if i have more data ( ex.: reg = ab(c)d, data = asdasdabcdasda) it wont find the values
what should i do, regex wizzards?
make a regex101 link pls
go to regex101, paste in your regex and your actual text, press share
have you tried substring approach btw?
if anyone knows Ruby or even better RGSS (so i think the File and Marshal classes are Ruby ones rather than RGSS) see if you can work this out
Q: How can i format and indent obj.inspect in an outputted file?

Memor-XSo i want to examine the data for some of the classes like $data_enemies and at the moment i can output it to a file like this file = File.open("enemies_dump.txt", "wb") Marshal.dump($data_enemies.inspect, file) file.close what i get is this ^ the screenshot is to show the invisible charact...

@Memor-X you can probably find some custom beautification solutions
for example if you have your own flavor of js, you can put in custom characters, etc
but with an arbitrary language
url = host + "search/?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({"q": torrent_name, "m": "site"})
page_content = requests.get(url).content.decode("utf-8")
regex = re.compile(r"Results <.+\d+(?:-\d+).+> of <b>(?P<n_entries>\d+)</b>")
print(regex.match("Results <b><span class=\"numShown73\">1-6</span></b> of <b>6</b>").group("n_entries")) #debug
n_entries = int(regex.match(page_content).group("n_entries"))
first of all, it says catastrophic backtracking which is bad I think
the print-debug line works just fine (torrent_name = "jojo"), but the regex.match(page_content) returns None
@Hakase LOL
then I see you use + thing, but are you absolutely sure you need exactly that?
ok can you just post the parts you want captured, without the whole page's code?
@chi is it this? Results <b><span class="numShown73">1-6</span></b> of <b>6</b>
@Hakase yeah. as you can see in the regex101, what i want is the 6 in <b>6</b>
your version says 14k steps, with all + replaced by * it's just 361 steps
idk where you got the plus thing but it's kinda bad
star is zero or more, + is one or more
@Quill something about backtracking that asterisk doesn't do
@Quill 22 minutes man
"tiny talk"
@Taisho #tag
asterisk is okay with no results, the + will always look for a result
Uploaded (UTC): 26.05.2015 7:45:59 by (23525) Logan M, tag: 美少女
meaning it will trace steps further until it finds a result
ok we're not looking for any complicated strings, it could just work using a substring really
Sailor moon?
@chi did you see I posted above?
@Hakase testing :d
Q: What is the antonym of "to friend"?

V.V.The verb to friend is used for making friends in social nets connecting people with similar interests. What is the antonym, the negative verb, meaning to delete somebody from your "friends"? What's the correct prefix? I found different versions on the Internet.

it works
of course, why wouldn't it
but the group selector wont work then
the what?
capture groups?
@chi what are you doing and what do you want to happen
> (?P<name>...)
Similar to regular parentheses, but the substring matched by the group is accessible via the symbolic group name name. Group names must be valid Python identifiers, and each group name must be defined only once within a regular expression. A symbolic group is also a numbered group, just as if the group were not named.
how are you accessing it then
@Hakase regex.match(data).group("n_entries")
can you not just [0] or $1
@Hakase yeah, i think i'm gonna do that
looks like simple regex.match(data) is what you need
not even [0]
it doesnt work nao
looks like it won't match
regex = re.compile(r"Results <b><span class=\"numShown\d*?\">.*?</span></b> of <b>(\d*?)</b>")
n_entries = int(regex.match(page_content).group(0))
> n_entries = int(regex.match(page_content).group(0))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
> n_entries = int(regex.match(page_content))
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType'
so nonetype means it's either null or you have to make some call to the regex results
hey, I got to this week's newsletter, nice!
tosh is there with the NK question too
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan try escape /b into \/b idk why but it could be a problem
stackexchange.com/newsletters/… I think that it is visible here too
@chi just paste in P<n_entries>, it should be fine
it works just fine in the regex parser
looks like you have to make a subcall on the regex match result
so call for the named capture group like you did initially
@chi most SO posts I've found just now say you have to call .group(1) instead of 0
@Hakase the problem is not that. the method regex.match itself returns None
which means that it does not match anything
not really
it might mean we don't understand what the method itself does
I've just looked up how to get matches in python, most answers say you gotta type .group(1) at the end
so I'm assuming if you don't, it will just be some match class which is not interpreted as anything useful
@Hakase if it was, the method would return something like re.someclass, but not None
just try it
I've seen weirder shit at work
looks like if you type 0 and it says nothing, indeed there's no match
well then
so the method isn't really match
but search
it's either the regex or the input which is bad
match and search are different things
I think they're interchangeable in this case
search works just fine
what the fuck…
yea you might as well never use match
oh my...
search is like /g
the more you know
the less you know
there should be a really thorough tutorial list of popups that appear when you're first seen using some method in an IDE
log in with your account to see your achievements, how much stuff you know/don't, how many times vs has crashed on you, etc
game-ified IDE?
could be fun
maybe a VS extension
that's... a cool idea
did you know that regex.match in python is absolutely not the same as regex.search (which is what you probably need 99.999% of the time)?
see examples of how fucking wrong you are: …
idk why it's not standard yet
basically, you avoid visiting stackoverflow altogether if it's good
@CuddleBunny oh lol
select a method that you're not sure about and generate the list of "shit that could potentially go wrong" which would be pretty long, but you would probably learn to spot the flaws quick
with code highlighting of course for the worst of tricky places
python has an odd regex implementation anyways
SE's documentation is one step closer to that dream
@CuddleBunny I didn't click yet but I know what that is :/ Isn't that outdated sadly?
it's for 2010
there's a version for 2012 it says
we need one for 2015
and we need it now
you could make it from the source of the 2012
but is it worth the attempt at humor
kyubey watches
I bought an apple and some dough
and I've got cinnamon
gonna make some sweets
Yeah, it is pretty outdated and isn't very full featured.
I'd rather make a code highlighter with all tips enabled by default and you can click to disable them permanently once you've learned the tricky part it tells about
it'd be a fine way to check up your knowledge of keywords, methods and directives
maybe a learning runtime, where when your code implies you expect a result and it tries to help you whenever that result is null/empty string
idk if it can be made that smart
probably not easily, maybe with Roslyn
I've just seen a bunch of apple pastry recipes and they all suck
imma make it my way

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