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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

my worst monitor is 1440x900, but cleartype stuff still looks good.
have you tried mactype?
most say it looks better than cleartype
actually only a few avid mac haters I know said it looks worse
didn't know it was a thing
I only found it myself when looking for "cleartype alternative"
my stuff doesn't ever look like the screenies on the left in this article though: makeuseof.com/tag/make-windows-fonts-look-like-mac-fonts
it can be customized to look better on shitty monitors
it's an exaggeration
the pic doesn't even show the real difference
that makes sense
it adds a subtle shade below the characters which emphasizes the contrast
actually improves readability of all fonts
that and a different way to render fonts altogether
there's also pixel snapping
@ToshinouKyouko did you know that answer when you posted that question or did you find out about it afterwords?
@Memor-X I found it out
@ton.yeung That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Hakase I see, playing with it and it seems pretty good for larger sizes, but cleartype looks better with smaller sizes
@Taisho i fully expect this to get another star
it was me
I'll star it, even though I've not played it.
@ToshinouKyouko ofcause, i was expecting you to star your Goddess. i started because it was Neptunia
if Lady Blanc was posted i would start and probably pin aswell since i can't start twice
and i just recruited Mina so Team Lowee is formed. @tosh you know if Mina gets any extra clothing or accessories?
@Memor-X dunno
@ToshinouKyouko well did Kei? i assume you had her in your party and would get any clothes and accessories for her
@Memor-X i didn't get her in my party
@ToshinouKyouko why not? i would think a follower of Lastation would have it's CPU, CPU Candidate and Oracle in their main battle party to beat Afoire
if it wasn't for the Yuri Rank requirements Nepgear would be on standby with me
@Memor-X was this in new game + or normal new game?
i only did one playthrough
I don't like anime characters with zombie eyes and no face expression
@ToshinouKyouko that explains it. you can get the Oracles in Re;Birth 2 like you can get the CPU Candidates in Re;Birth. you get a Plan from Ms Manual when the nation's shares get to a certain level and then you need to complete that plan to get it. you get the plans at Chapter 6
ahhhh I see
the plan for Mina requires an Ancient Shell and Lowee Shares to be at 75%
that's why I don't have it
@ToshinouKyouko did you just get the True End?
@Memor-X normal end i think
scrolling down that slant thing, not much interesting really
at first I was excited but now…
aka moshi moshi arda desu
@arda what are you guys doing on it?
@ToshinouKyouko well it should show up in your achievements on which one you got. maybe i should point out that before the final boss in Chapter 6 if you meet the requirements for the True End there are like 2 more chapters after it
oh :o
i'm not a big fan of grinding unfortunately
so thats why i didnt get the other ends
requirements: Recruit the CPUs, get Yuri Ranks for all characters with Nepgear to 5 before completing Lan Castle i think
this is high up on pixiv now for some reason
@ToshinouKyouko it's not so much grinding when you get the Colosseum and a CD with a Lv 4 or 5 Yuri Rank Bonus. about 5-7 battles in like the second dungeon and Nepgear's Yuri Rank with another person goes up by 1 so the later you put it off the quicker it can be
@Hakase looks yum
is it supposed to look like a pudding?
@Hakase a bit busy atm
will explain later
@ToshinouKyouko looks like jelly to me
it's a fruit tea guys
come on haven't you had any?
the fruity bits float up top and clear water stays below
@Hakase nope, don't drink tea.
don't have to be an avid tea drinker, just go to some starbucks sometime and check out what people drink
@Hakase don't have a near by starbucks. i think the nearest is 2 hours away so it's beyond the nearest city for me.
well, you know, any tea&coffee shop
also i rather be inside watching anime or playing games than ooogling tea drinkers
just buy some sweet apples and pears, blend them and add a bit of cardamon and cinnamon
@Hakase don't have a blender.
crush them with your will
i would like to get one of those Nutraninja's
shove a bunch of banana's and a small bit of milk in there and vola
nice thick and smooth banana smoothie
what's stopping you?
@Hakase money. and also i don't have anywhere to put it without people fucking with it
fruit are not tasty and expensive here now after last year's political bs
@Hakase we had storms and floods so fruit prices are going up
also i'm picky with my bananas, they ahve to be particularly spotty for me to eat
portal and borderlands all the time
there's not enough opinions on that slant site right now
I don't see anything new
user image
@Hakase I like the watercolor look
@Hakase #what
oh wait
some pixiv pic
@ardaozkal so helping
use #id
Which image do you want to identify? Say #id hxxp://example.com/image.jpg to get the id links.
only in drawception:
@ton.yeung ronad A guy who is a massive weeaboo. Hates going outside and just sits in his room and plays PC. Has 7 body pillows (all of them stiff)
and adult stuff probs
also that
Crunchyroll is a UWP app now: microsoft.com/en-us/store/apps/app/…
looks great!
3 hours later…
Q: What's the deal with exchanging names in anime? Specifically in Bleach

AllieOkay so I've been watching a lot of Bleach recently and I've noticed a serious trend with the battles. Before they start both characters introduce themselves to the other. I've tried to do some research about this (mostly through Google) but I haven't found anything. Is it just something for plot...

1 hour later…
I got kiznaiverish thingy
except it is a whatsapp group
im reformatting my disc and reworking my PC.. just curious to those that have experience with windows 10, what are you thoughts, I have windows 7pro, should I update, are there issues? I have read that there is some data farming features that MS has implemented into 10
but have also read that those options are easily disabled during setup
in summary just curious if i should take the free update from 7>10 while its still free.(for my windows partition) (:
should I watch Fate/Kaleid ?
man, erased is weird
like, the young name sounds like a girl
and he thinks more than speaking
and his thoughts have much older sound
I confuse him a lot
well this is depressinhg
@Abyx depends if you like Fanservice. There is too much of it in the series but the plot itself gets better towards the end
@ton.yeung yeah
feelings train
fun fact: everytime I say feelings train, I'm either crying or happy.
former in this case
feelings train, latter
damn this anime
it is a total feelings convoy
feelings, former
sorry for spam
Q: Why there are mobile phone is in black butler?

swswswsIn chapter 3 or 4 I saw Sebastien using mobile phone when talking to a that guys who's holding captive Ciel. So is it authors mistake or something else. Isn't black butler in 18 someing years .

01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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