I wonder why some schools put 1 student per table and some have 2 sitting at the same table
my reasoning for a long time was so that they would each be able to help each other during lessons but that was prohibited (no talking, different tests) so idk
Remember 2010, when smartphones looked like this?
Back then, we created a mobile version of chat, so that people could use the bare minimum of features on those and similar phones.
Well waddayaknow, suddenly it's 2016, smartphones for some reason now look like this:
@Hakase The relationship of the two people that share the desk becomes naturally deeper as the students spend the whole day in intimate proximity. In Japan, two desks are placed together in elementary schools, but this is not often the case in junior high school and high school.
This is the main information post about our Maid Café (メイド喫茶) chat room's chat bots. Yes, chat bots are our new maid service.
The room currently has the following bots working:
The room also at one point had:
For a better experience, you might want to insta...
Did Microsoft announce whether Edge will support userscripts? Doesn't matter if via plugins (similar to Greasemonkey in Firefox or Tampermonkey in Chrome) or as an out-of-the-box feature.
@Hakase Welcome to the Maid Café! The only rule is to be nice.Welcome back, my Master! お帰りなさいませ、ご主人様! We're now serving the Animu & Mangos with a side of Moé. Sit back and relax with general chat for anime.stackexchange.com
Socialism is a political ideology and movement which has proposed a set of social and economic measures, policies and systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production. Social ownership may refer to public ownership, cooperative ownership, citizen ownership of equity, or any combination of these. Although there are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms.
Socialism can be divided into both non-market and market forms. Non-market socialism...
Basicly he is saying Everyone should give some of their money for a good cause such as beating socialism, when socialism is the ideology of Everyone should give some of their money for a good cause