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Q: Which episodes of the second and third Lupin series (red and pink jacket) are most worth watching?

Vincenzo OlivaAs we're talking about 175 episodes, and there's not a real plot line, I'd like to know how many of these deserve to be watched. For example, in the second series, I know there are some directed by Miyazaki, one with Lady Oscar and one honouring "Alice in Wonderland". Of course what I'm looking ...

@Frosteeze it appears you did get Re;Birth 3 huh? the allure of it was too much for you to resist
Q: After seeing Sailor Moon Crystal, will I miss anything by skipping the first two seasons of the original anime?

MaroonI've been thinking of intermittently watching the original Sailor Moon anime (with subtitles) to get a sense of the plot (and to have something decent to watch). Since I've already seen Sailor Moon Crystal and I've noticed that the first two seasons of the original anime seem to more or less cov...

@Sakamoto Top 3 red jacket Lupin: S4 E151; S4 E155; S4 E145;
@Frosteeze i got past the crash now
Q: Is it necessary to watch all episodes of Detective Conan?

sketch_TF2I have started watching Detective Conan. There are 799 episodes released till date. As far as I know, most of the cases are closed in a single episode. Is it worth watching ALL the 799 episodes? Or can I skip some? Which episodes should I skip? I mean the range. I have even found out that Conan ...

Steam test watch of Patema Inverted: rabb.it/Krazer high and low badwidth ppl welcome to join
@Memor-X not right now but ill probably get it next paycheck
@Krazer apparently I'm not going yet, would you like to run another test?
@Darjeeling if you have time
I do now
Q: can someone please tell whats the name of this anime

Shamlan Musallamcan someone please tell whats the name of this anime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0gdtKHQVwU&list=LLPn4hkiAURmlPdosx1gwHNA&index=47 Please

Q: can someone please tell me which series is this anime girl from

Shamlan Musallam please can someone help me, i tried everything and still couldn't find the her name.

@Sakamoto did they only post a duplicate question because they got downvoted?
What does it mean when Community closes as duplicate
@MichaelMcQuade i think that occurs when the user accepts it's a duplicate
oh okay
@Memor-X ty
when someone votes to close as duplicate the poster sees a notice above their question with a link to the suggested duplicate. they can then accept it as duplicate and get the question closed
Just like edits?
it goes to the poster
@MichaelMcQuade yeh i think. one question i asked on Sci-fi was marked as duplicate and after reading the accepted answer on the linked question i accepted it was a duplicate and said it was close by comunity
youd think it would put your name
@Tyhja you can join the test if you want
we're just going thru the beginning to test the streaming rates
@Krazer I need to update my flash, I'll let you know when it's ready, I'm going now
@Darjeeling ok, but one last thing
what setting did you have throughout the test
you need to change the setting yourself
I have no control over the quality you see it in
I didn't set anything
@Darjeeling in the bottom middle was it HD, SQ, or LQ?
oh that, LD or LQ
is there LD option?
@Darjeeling same thing
it sets a desfult but you can scale up
it's client side so I have no control
then it was LD
I was telling you to switch it
when I asked if you were ready
we were testing on LQ the whole time if you didn't change it
Testing a full streaming run with Uni right now: rabb.it/Krazer
anyone is free to join, there'll be another watch session after this for anyone interested
oh, I thought you changed it, sorry, I never use rabb.it before
@Darjeeling np
2 hours later…
Now Streaming: Time of Eve rabb.it/Krazer
2 hours later…
has anyone seen the TV shows Gogglebox?
Q: Comparison of Noir and Phantom

BabgenRecently I started to watch Noir and right now I am in 10th episode. But it seems that there is a strong connection between Noir and phantom. Indeed, they have both amnesiacs and they are assassin as well. My question is Which anime was influenced by another one first? Furthermore, are there m...

Hey people, is there someone willing to indicate the red and pink Lupin jacket episodes most worth watching? The question arises from the lavk of a real plot-line
Thanks anyway
New episode of Doctor Who, once again he gets to fly around in Airforce One.....my guess is that it's going to get shot down and The Doctor realizes that planes fall very hard, TARDISs' don't
@VincenzoOliva i've only gotten....i think it;'s called "The Case of Fujino Mine" or something like that so i've no idea of the difference but honestly i would watch the entire series since one can never know when an obscure plot point gets revisited.
for instance in Naruto, despite the entire series after Sasuke left to before the time skip being filler at the end you see that girl Garaa starts to train and at the start of Shippuden she was in the unit that was going to rescue him at any cost
sure Garaa being targeted by weapon masters because he is the ultimate weapon is more or less missable (to my knowledge) but by missing it you don't understand why that girl was determine to rescues Garaa.
because gaara is sexy
@MichaelMcQuade yeh even if i was a girl that was not what i was thinking. he's cool i give him that
@Memor-X ;_;
@MichaelMcQuade meh, i'll keep to my...
#yuri 百合
enterbrain.....hmmm i do remember an anime associated with them
@Taisho what
!!wiki amagami
@Memor-X 百合 は だれですか
@MichaelMcQuade yuri _ __desuka?
Ah yuri
Nvm :P
Thought 百合 was a person
@MichaelMcQuade no it's the Kanji for yuri. i'm curious what are the missing parts i couldn't read from your sentence?
Amagami is really pretty good. Way better than anyone gives it credit for.
Q: Kiachou wa maid-sama specials?

Bubbly64Please help, I can't find the maid-sama specials anywhere. It says there are 2 specials, one called Kiachou wa maid-sama LALA special which is supposed to be 45 minutes and another special called Kiachou wa maid-sama special which is 15 minutes. If anyone knows where I can find them it would ...

誰 (だれ) Romaji da re, english meaning "who"
i usually see it wrote with kana alone
@LoganM i have an idea what it is. have been meaning to see if i could track down subbed DVDs
@MichaelMcQuade so it's "yuri wa daredesuka"?
@Memor-X yea
no clue if it's licensed for dvds
@LoganM well if i can;t get DVDs i'll just look for some decent fan subs until such time i can understand Japanese without them
have you messed around with unreal engine at all @Memor-X
@MichaelMcQuade a bit back in university but if i was to use an engine i would proably use Unity
Speaking of Amagami fansubs, if I remember right it's one of UTW's first projects, and also the series that killed Eclipse (because UTW's subs were better).
also @mem did ping me, thogh it would also ping anyone who started with mem
oh xD
so if someone was called Michael and someone wrote @Michael I'd get pinged?
Those were the days when fansubs were actually pretty good translations. Now we just get edited crunchyroll scripts.
xD well not everything hits crunchyroll
I was sad when Funimation forced DCTP to stop subbing Detective Conan.
almost everything worth watching these days is simulcast somewhere
@MichaelMcQuade yes, anyone who changed then name to @Toshino was getting pingged alot during the Toshinoing, well @tosh would have worked just as fine
@Memor-X Now that you mention it I think I remember them saying that
no real point to fansubs anymore not named HorribleSubs tbh, especially if they aren't even doing original translations.
@LoganM I'm glad about that though, I wish everything would be simulcast, it really provides an honest method to get content and it is convenient.
Of course, that's just for TV anime, but I have a feeling other forms will soon also be obtainable legally.
The stores that have anime DVDs here sell them for the price of human transmutation... Streaming is the only option for me besides fansubs.
@MichaelMcQuade just how much is an automail arm and leg
If I'm buying anime, it usually costs around 5-7k JPY per BD, with an average of 2 episodes per BD.
I know you can get it a lot cheaper if you buy the localized versions, but you can never tell what the quality will be like with those.
@MichaelMcQuade how expensive is human transmutation?
@LoganM 2 episodes?
@LoganM going by 100 JPY => 1 USD that's about the price for one SAO II Colectors Edition Set
@MichaelMcQuade in japan they don't compress video for DVD/Bluray
localized stuff is compressed down to either 4-14 episodes per disk
@Unihedron How much do you have in your wallet?
Anyway, personally I watch raws most of the time, and it's usually not possible to stream that. Also I don't have internet at home, which would kind of make streaming impossible anyway.
@LoganM You can turn the subtitles off on most streaming sites, but yeah with no internet good luck ;)
@LoganM How long have you known Japanese for?
I've been studying it seriously for 6 years or so.
That's awesome ^_^ I'm only in my first year, taking it in college as my required foreign language credits.
Have you taken the JLPT?
@Taisho Is that eroge?
@Taisho what
Subtitles are usually softcoded in anime DVDs, so u can turn em off too
@AyanoSugiura Aren't you going to change your name back?
sigh I wish there wasn't a 4-5 minute intro on One Piece episodes.
@MichaelMcQuade odd, normally OPs are 1:30
It's 1:30 or so for the song, then it's a 2 minute video explaining what One Piece is about then a minute recap
It really cuts into the episode length
@MichaelMcQuade I haven't taken it, but I've passed practice tests at level N2 comfortably. I might study for the N1 test and take it at some point, but it's not a big priority for me right now.
@MichaelMcQuade Koi ga saku koro sakura doki. It's supposedly fully fan-translated as of a couple weeks ago, but there's still editing and QC to do before the final release.
@LoganM that;s generally always the case. how long has Witch of the Holy Night been in QC for?
I don't remember. But SakuSaku has gone pretty well so far. The whole translation only took 15 months. Editing has made good progress and is about 75% done, and QC is done with almost everything that's been edited. It wouldn't surprise me if they released before the end of the year.
@LoganM oh i thought the translation started like 3 years back. maybe my perception of time is merging again and i got years being fused together
sakusaku hasn't been out for 3 years. It came out early 2014.
So setting up the Ar Tonelico soundtracks in iTunes and doing Ar Tonelico 3 ready for when i play it. adding the album artwork for one of the drama CDs to find it's one for Cocona and she appears much older. probably a good indicator that she appears in the third game...which probably means i should look up the Cocona ending after i clear Luca's, Cloche's and Mir's
@LoganM yeh, years are fusing in my head. can tell if something happened in 2013 or 2014
Anyway didn't mahoyo just get a partial patch pretty recently?
I really don't follow it closely because it's honestly not something I care about (and I already read it in Japanese so whatever), but I'm fairly sure there was something released in the past month or two.
they had to start over
but now it's stalled
@LoganM yeh but it's 5 chapters, not sure how long 5 chapters are in it. if Tsukihime is any indications then it's just 5 days
I remember like 13 chapters total
@Krazer that isn't what I was thinking of then. I'm sure something was actually released. Might not have been in English though.
@LoganM miko translation did a partial afair
could be it
All I know is that I'm sure I saw mahoyo in the new releases section on vndb in the past couple of months. I thought it was English, but I don't really know since it wasn't something I cared about.
@HakashinouShinonouko i think it was Ukrane that was having some sort of election in which one of the candidates was a Darth Vader
heavy object is good
@SeptianPrimadewa unless dropped from the 50th floor
@MichaelMcQuade hmm~
there are less kyoukos now
perhaps it is time
Q: Where can I find information about different types of manga/anime?

k4kI tried to find this information in Google, but all I found this note on Kotaku. This is what I need, but there is little information. I am only interested graphic component (not a genre, or something like). And FF anime Ghost in the Shell, too, but they look quite differently - that's obvious. S...

@AyanoSugiura time for the return of the real tomato?
I still have 15 days or so until I can return to regular Matt
No more Mattshinou
@MattshinouMyouko offer tribute to espurr for the blessing of name change
1 hour later…
Q: One Piece (Spoilers within) A question of Devil fruit users and consciousness

DenslatI have noticed something rather strange, why do devil fruit users abilities "stop" when they are knocked unconscious but not when they sleep? Take Mora, luffy knocked him out when he had control of all the shadows and it released them, so why does sleeping not do the same, certainly he had to sl...

1 hour later…
Q: What anime is this picture from? 1

Flawless Pandaa ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Q: One Piece: Who is captain Jack?

NaveenThe name of Captain Jack first appeared in Chapter 801 when Doflamingo was escorted by the Navy to Impel down following his defeat by the StrawHats in Dressrosa. Captain Jack seems ready to take on the might of a Marine Adrimal Fujitora and former fleet admiral Sengoku inorder to rescue Doflaming...

@Sakamoto captain of the black pearl
2 hours later…
ahhh it's sooooo bloody quite at work it's annoying.
Good evening
@Memor-X Are you the only one in or something ._.?
@Dimitrimx was but even with everyone in it's still too quite, only the typing of keyboards and that voice in my mind laughing like Laharl when my image downloader is working
@Memor-X ._. I just wrote a image downloader in 45 minutes ._.
Saturday morning I got a call for a speed job. One of them regarded a image downloader XD
I just came to the sad conclusion I have been programing for 34 hours straight...
@Dimitrimx why write one if there are curl and wget
@Abyx Company I work for prefers to write everything in house.
Don't agree with the approach, but I get paid for it. So why not.
@Sakamoto Love the title

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