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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@ton.yeung Oh yeah, I always forget that the Noble Phantasms in Fate/stay Night aren't the actual artifacts.
On the other hand, that's really weird considering Saber didn't have access to Avalon while it was (spoilers)...
Nasuverse is one of those things where I like the setting but don't really enjoy the story.
Surprisingly, Twilight also falls into that category.
The background is somewhat interesting, but the writing is absolute shit.
Like 50 Shades of Grey.
And that one thing with werewolves and imprinting is f--kin' creepers.
50 Shades of Grey is all shit, nothing about that story is redeeming.
But... but bondage :o
Go read Harlequin novel.
Read a*
That guy is messed up.
Have you seen his tract on how he "lives minimally" or whatever it's called?
He buys clothes, wears them once, and either donates them or throws them away. I think he says he just throws them away.
Even people I talk to who've never even been to a third-world country (or Detroit) agree that he's crazy.
@ton.yeung The thing is, he isn't living like he's in a 3rd world country. He purchases all of his groceries through some online delivery service. He uses a portable gas burner stove that is likely less efficient and more wasteful than a common electric (or even gas) stove. He chooses to use Uber over public transportation or just walking. He plays League of Legends (which isn't so bad in and of itself, it's just not "living like he's in a 3rd world country).
The clothing issue I already discussed results in a lot more water usage than normal (those places you donate to usually wash the clothes they receive) and artificially drives up demand for clothes manufacturing.
@ton.yeung The sole reason why clothes are made so cheaply is because the industry is downright exploitative of the aforementioned third-world countries simply because the industry knows people have such little understanding of how their clothes are made.
The point is that he hasn't solved anything and pretends that he has. All he's done is offload all the "tough" parts of living to other people.
One, it's not sustainable. Two, are we really going to discuss the ethics of forcing the costs of high consumption onto the poor?
As far as I understood it, what most people got from the article was that he was going on about how he moved to a far more "earth-friendly" and "low consumption" lifestyle when it's the absolute complete opposite.
The issue is that Uber has a bunch of external costs associated with it. Uber encourages its drivers to buy new-model cars with sketchy financing.
And considering that Uber drivers don't just magically appear when you need them, you have to factor in the cost of them driving around aimlessly until someone needs them.
Your point? Just because taxis exist doesn't mean they're automatically good.
For one, parking would be even more of a nightmare than it already is.
I'm not saying the solution is "go buy your own car".
He has a perfectly good solution sitting right in front of him, but he refuses to take public transportation.
Most people aren't so pretentious about how they live their lives. Especially when they're dead wrong about their justifications.
Q: Which anime is this picture from?

Anonymous Hello, my fellow otaku friends. I have a question that I need answered. Can you please tell me what anime this is from? I greatly appreciate the help. https://i.sstatic.net/YKDOb.jpg

Q: What anime is this from ????_

Samuel Ocampo kinda wondering what anime is this if anyone can be so kindly to tell me been searching for a while now but no luck

Q: Can someone please name all of these Animes?

Mari The Lovely Cupcakecan someone please watch this awesome AmV by BDS (Benevolent Dream Meps) Link right here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suarNHkbFNQ and name all of the Animes at the exact time that they are shown? I'm dying for repiles, thank you oh so very much and dont forget to subscrube to them and watch al...

@ton.yeung Isn't that Zero no Tsukaima? Anyway, it's going to continue with what the author dictated on his deathbed
2 hours later…
Q: what is the name of the manga this picture comes from?

user18078Can anyone identify the manga that this image comes from?

O hi yo/
O hi yo/
Q: Obscure manga - can't remember much

allieballieI read it a few years ago, so I really can't remember details. All I can remember is the main character had blue hair and was trapped inside some kind of weird egg thing in a tower. He was naked, but everything was censored with swirly, blue tattoos. He struggled to talk to the other characters,...

Q: Please help me find manga title

Harpy81I'm looking for a fairly recent manga about three friends who sign up for a sponsored and level death game which is inviting only before the game each of them are given an item The short black haired boy is given a sword that will only let him be drawn from the sheath if the sword lets itself be ...

@ToshinouKyouko i will
funny fact. i use the Stack Exchange App on my ipad as such when i am not on my laptop i can get notifications for chat pings. though it's not the complete message the moment i see http://www.dynasty-scans in a message on the lock screen i know i have to check out the link when i get on
thinking on Dynasty Scans i have got to start work on that Image Downloader and build it using OO so i can abstract the site drivers
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ what currency is that? so are they real sword or replicas
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Someone buy her that lion plush otherwise he wont move from that spot
@Yuuki Also add that one guy has the weapons every legendary weapon is based from so even weapons which only appear in history once there's actually 2 of them
@ton.yeung even after all the times i've seen that happen on NCIS i still find it funny.....even without audio or subtitles
it's really cute
@ToshinouKyouko this the doujin you linked to me?
Q: Who are the basis for the characters in Shikkoku no Sharnoth

Memor-XLooking at VNDB's character page for Shikkoku no Sharnoth ~What a Beautiful Tomorrow~ some of the characters have under their Role section, either "Based on a Real Person" or "Based on a Fictional Person" Character's like Sherlock and Churchill i get who their basis is just from their name's. Ma...

Q: please help me search this anime name

angeldemon knightone day he and little brother go to bus stop he little brother wearing hat and be steal by monkey he chase that monkey into the wood and get the hat he little brother and he meet a woman in forest he ask road to go bus stop when she show the road there are river woman show how to move by using ...

@ToshinouKyouko just skimming quickly and even though there's only 5 chapters and about 6 pages each (assuming) each page is quite long...the problem is that on my laptop the images are scaled down a lot i can't even read it so i got to download them
there's a button to scale it
i had that problem too
^ if anyone thought that an iPhone was "unhackable" then they deserve to loose their passwords and what not. Jail breaking aside there is a simple fact that most people ignore...
You are on the Internet.
@Taisho Yep just when my boss walks in
God like timing taisho, godlike.
also it's an indication on just how much Apple knows about it's own platform if they fail to notice an App made with a Chinese rippoff which in-beds malicious code
@Dimitrimx i'm sure he likes it too
hello @Dimitrimx's boss!
Ha, he already walked away with a slightly discusssed look
@Dimitrimx ........he doesn't know cuteness
Oh well, without reading the article @Memor-X how can people download fake xcode tools...
xcode is freeware ;s
How could people fall for that
@Dimitrimx because they are stupid
and they choose it , to be stupid though they have lots of options
on the Seven News Report which i learned about this from they said that some app developers didn't known that Xcode Ghost is a knockoff of Xcode which embeds malicious code
that instantly made me think back to the lovely wp ghost
there was a lovely talk about the wp infecting yesterday ;)
@Dimitrimx that half is going to change to be bigger with how smart phones are making people complacent. in Australia there's now going to be fines for people who are walking obviously because they are using their phones
because these people are a cause of road accidents
@Dimitrimx wp as in Word Press?
wp as in wordpress
@Memor-X solution
@Dimitrimx nope because that's too close to the road
Thats the whole point.
@Dimitrimx i thought the point was to avoid accidents? or was it to have them gathered nicely to wipe then out
@Memor-X oh wait, avoid acci... I see. That might make more sense
Q: Need help identifying a yaoi manga

user18078There's only one part that really stands out in my mind. The seme gives the uke a trophy as a gift during their relationship. And the uke returns it to the seme, badly hurting him with the cruelty behind it.

@Dimitrimx OP had another question before about similar manga
probably also burn worthy?
but someone answered already
looks like a fairly easy reverse image search one..
I might double check that when home and vote to close non the less
@Dimitrimx it was a Scanlation Group Credit page that they wanted IDed
unlike other images those sometimes can't be answered with a simple google reverse search since some scanlation groups will use the same image cutout on all their credits pages
Yuri-ism at a time did an original image of Madoka-kami with a bunch of fans blowing at her
@Memor-X in case of scanlations you can actually limit your reverse image search in years. Would indeed not be close worthy, but still fairly easy to find
dat lack of punctuation
@Tyhja what? the question that was just posted?
too lazy to edit
we are getting and most of them are Yaoi
how does one do that <id-req> thing
that one
[tag : id-req ]
leave those space and there you go
Q: Need help finding a manga

Aaron CollierIts about a world where people sometimes get powers and when they do they have a tendency to kill those around them in the first chapter a guy kill his classmates with a wooden sword by smashing their heads .

[tag : test ]
so it must exist
leave the spac
[tag : test]
no space
yes and if is exist then it will link
welcome , i also learned here , very lazy to go read all the html tag , tricks and tips :D
who reads those stuff ;p
@mirroroftruth If they are good, I don't find any reason to shut them out.
^ i swear when the place was named someone just bashed randomly on a keyboard
@nhahtdh is that grey?
Yeah, I'm trying to make it red
@nhahtdh how did you make it grey?
ahhh, meta-tag will make the link go to the meta site instead
@mirroroftruth you can negate the formatting bu using ` on either side, it. [tag:id-req]
heh knew it was wales
crazy welsh people
and their hundreds of letters
@ToshinouKyouko i still think they just did this
@ton.yeung woo!
oh yeh that reminds me. @ton.yeung what was the plugin for wordpress that did code syntax colouring?
@nhahtdh i not saying they should be burned but today number is more and the user is also asking more than one id-req question
Q: Mangaka's income and mangasites

KaiI usually read manga from mangapanda. Am I contributing to mangaka's income by reading from such websites.Are they licensed to distribute them online?

@Sakamoto is it opinion and broad question
@mirroroftruth No, I don't think so
It's a legal question
i don't know
the answer is yes or no and there should reason to back up your answer
@mirroroftruth Just look around the site to see where the manga comes from (fan translation?). Also check disclaimer/legal notice
For a moment, I mistook her for Asada Shino from SAO.
considering these things will say that manga is getting something or not
I have to work, so I will leave it for now
keep working o/
@mirroroftruth If it says stuffs about fair use and use fan scanlation, then it's most likely illegal
so the according the site , it depends mangaka is getting something or not
^I don't get what you are saying
@mirroroftruth if it's a legal site, they're probably get something
if they are legal site then they pay to mangaka for using their manga
if it's illegal - it's likely they won't be
it's why they often tell u to buy it yourself in raw
Or "buy it when it's released in your own country"
In case anyone tries to close this as too broad - I edited out the particular site's name — Toshinou Kyouko ♦ 6 mins ago
Doesn't editing out the name make it broader?
oh, i see those msg in some of the site where i download anime and manga
@Matt Agree
It's even less context in this case
People would ask "What site are you reading from?", since there are legal sites
i get it
@Matt: Nice edit
so the answer will be yes if the site is legal and no if site is illegal
Yeah. The answer has to explain why, though
I can find a privacy policy but nothing on legality
@nhahtdh cheers
@Matt Look for DMCA/disclaimer/legal
I have to wait a bit until I can access the site...
which site
There's like nothing at the bottom where things usually are
@mirroroftruth mangapanda.com
@Matt oh
i use mangafox though
I use MangaFox for reading, and KissManga for HQ version of the manga pages
i don't think mangapanda is legal one
i rarely download
i download if they are complete
I replaced some of the images on the site (from mangafox, with the disclaimer footer) with the original version without
myanimelist now also legally streams anime?
does it ?
anime-planet does
I find if I can download something it's best because i wrote a set of scripts to put it on my kindle efficiently
and then its almost like a physical version
unfortunately a lot of legal places dont offer offline things
that is right
if they provide you offline facility then they need to make you pay for that
I know that for manwha/webtoons there is currently a app that also allows offline.
You can download all chapters, only once, and can't keep them longer then 1 month
@Dimitrimx how will you be sure that you did not have back up
crunchyroll's selection is pretty good
but the app keep crashing on me so its not fun
@mirroroftruth not sure how they do it. or if they do it. LINE Webtoon, i use it to read the gamer these days, and magician
chopped tomato, sugar, cold water
quick, fast, delicious
It sounds so simple, shame I ain't to big of a tomato fan ;|
More of a Tohato fan
@ton I was really looking forward to expert advice on programming on your blog actually
1 hour later…
Q: Why does Madhouse produce animes with consistent high quality animation?

SongoThat may be my personal observation, but I noticed that animes produced by the production company Madhouse have a somewhat consistent high quality animation. Even if the anime itself may not be a hit the quality of drawings seems to be higher than most other production companies. To list a few ...

wonder if that's gonna be closed as opinion based
probably should be
what if it was rephrased as "with greater level of detail"?
that would be pretty objective then
"higher resolution textures"
I mean you know what op means
Q: What about Yukihira Soma's mother?

MindwinI don't recall his mother being mentioned so far in the anime. Is there any info on her status/location?

I managed to fix my thing without linq
I did it
and it is only 1 line
of code.
you could collapse all of the code linked into one line too
No, I build a framework behind it of 24k lines >.>
But it is very versatile, and I am slowly implementing it through out the project instead of all the linq thingys
and instead of all the massive switch cases
are there gonna be lots of methods with long names starting with Get?
But I keep crashing on pieces of the code where my lovely colleagues suppressed 500 errors. which I am cleaning up first.
@Hakase there is only 1 with get, quite a few called convert.
Convert.stringtoint, stringtobool,stringtomoretypeshere
are there many various non-conventional notations for those values?
can't you just use the built-in .Parse methods?
I tried to use those before, but with the crossing of managed/unmanaged code several scenarios managed to fail translating, but did not trigger a catch clause.
fun stuff
That, and the fact there is no Keyvaluepairtobool
var b = kvp.value == "something" ? true : false;
if(key != "randomgibberishAlwaysFalse && key.value != null && key.value != "defaultTrue") return false
whomever build this api, really aught to have his head checked out
Both key and value can determine the actual value, with certain scenarios leading to higher weighted keys, and others to higher weighted values
sounds poorly designed
It is, they are working on a new api as we speak, with the estimate of 2.5 years until release.
if we are lucky, and allowed in the testing stage we could step over in 2 years
what is this all for?
Several things, including a booking module, mailing module, and probably several others as well. All tough I have only been involving myself with these 2 sofar
@Hakase all of it is slightly depressing, but on the positive side, I always have something to do
*Error 8 Correct the potential overflow in the operation 'NoOfNights-1'*
was suppressed, and they still wonder why there is a issue with the noOfNights on a regular basis q.q
Belongs here. Not on reddit.
@GranPC Hi there, thanks for bringing this to our attention, we're currently working on a solution.
Imgur is compromised. i.imgur.com/Hd6QEkl.jpg
It's targeting 8chan users and leaving javascript code in their local storage that causes their browsers ping back to a command and control server each time they hit an 8chan page
so far no commands have been issued
This is pretty bad... flash strikes again
> This flash file injected more javascript into the page (while on the surface looking like an innocuous pikachu animation). This javascript was stored to the user's localstorage (which, since the iframe was pointing at 8chan, allowed the attacker to attach js to 8chan's localstorage).
> It's functionality is to issue a GET request to 8chan.pw (not an 8chan server AFAIK) and then decrypted the response. So far no one has been able to see a response from that web service, meaning it likely wasn't activated yet or has already been deactivated. The outcome is that every time a user visited an 8chan page, it would "phone home" to check for instructions and then execute more javascript code.
@Mysticial @Mad -sama
I saw that. Pretty bad.
My own site was recently compromised as well.
The sad part is that it's a static site. So I was like, "WTF"?
@Mysticial What happened?
Turns out my host was hacked and several hundred thousand customers were compromised as a result.
@Mysticial who's your host?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ They injected a PHP redirect that would kick in when clicking in from search engine. I never saw it work though.
@Frosteeze GoDaddy
oh fuck
i have an account for godaddy too
I'm going to migrate off of GoDaddy on my next convenience.
I never really paid much attention to security on my site since it's static site. There's nothing to inject. And the only one who has write access is me and my Uncle.
I totally didn't expect the host to get hacked.
fuck that shit...
I didn't expect goDaddy to be that careless
I did :I
I only hear bad stuff about that hosting
@Hakase same
seems like im not affected by godaddy
I heard they're good and really quick with refunding your plans though
or at least i didnt see any email from them
wow that's pretty big
Q: Meaning of "No Russian" in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Andrew GrimmWhat was meant by "Remember - No Russian" in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Did it mean "Don't Speak in Russian"? Or "Don't leave any Russians alive"? A Wikipedia article mentioned that a Japanese translation of the game translated it as something like kill them all, they are Russian, and that...

good thing i use a different host
Q: Should I watch Naruto Shippudent - The last?

Syed RafayI haven't read Manga or any book. I finished Naruto series and recently finished Naruto Shippuden (the epdisodes which have been released yet, i.e. 430 episodes of shippuden) In shippuden, Allied Shinobi force is fighting Madara but I heard that the movie (The Last) is of 2 years after this war. ...

Ya not using this site anymore what a lame response to a question "oh sorry we cant answer your question and rather then give another user who knows the manga your talking about a chance to answer were just gonna make sure no one can respond to you" and if you think my description was to short guess what manga these are . A rubber boy wants to be a pirate .a kid ninja whose part fox wants to be head ninja. — Aaron Collier 4 hours ago
I want to sarcastically pamper these users who come here to ask an id-req, then complain that it's been closed and don't bother with reading the guidelines
@Memor-X Philippine peso
i feel like that was written by an american
based off real experiences...
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ i love this so much
2 hours ago, by ʞɹɐzǝɹ
It's targeting 8chan users and leaving javascript code in their local storage that causes their browsers ping back to a command and control server each time they hit an 8chan page
@ton.yeung delivered by flash and js
if you don' have flash enabled and use no script, you are fine
Things to be immediately concerned about:
1.) if you're an 8chan user (as this exploit targets you)
2.) if you have any imgur credentials (as anyone exploiting this could easily see anything related to imgur).
@ton.yeung this seems to be a direct textbook implementation of the NSA's QUANTUM exploits
the copy-cat domain 4cdns.org (which is not 4chan) and the https to http force redirect is the tell-tale sign of malicious intent that does not want to be found, yet wants the possibility of MITM/side attacks. not to mention it is also DDoSing a competitor's website, or at the very least unnecessarily increasing bandwidth cost for 8chan's website
being able to toss a tracking cookie on you while also being able to steal other cookies in your local storage (for other services), namely session cookies... is very disturbing.
whoever did this either really hates 8chan or has something else in mind. this is fairly high quality code and it took some planning. it's also sprinkled with things that tie it to 4chan/8chan and the like
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