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things got real when the topic became "what is too pervy for the site"
I get it. We, us, this room is full of ecchi people. But think about the site folks please. And the SE policy. And how other people freak out immediately when they see Taisho's pics that we're mostly okay with (some are still not entirely fine, remember the Taisho talk a few months ago). I don't think it would be okay if we allowed the same level of ecchiness on the site as we can allow for ourselves here (even though some might argue we shouldn't even allow it here as this the main site room, or even in any other chat room).
do you want random outsiders to start regularly checking up on the content of the site and this chat room, remove pics and all that restrictive bullshit? I don't think so
What is an "ecchi person"? Like... someone that enjoys ecchi stuff?
chances of that happening are considerable if we draw the line too far into the 18+ zone
Because it sounds like you're suggesting everyone in favor of allowing borderline-NSFW content is an ecchi fan.
that is beside the point and I don't wanna discuss that
Well, it was how you started your argument, it doesn't seem "beside the point" to me.
As for the other part of your argument, I don't think we should be reflecting different content values in chat and on the site. That's incredibly hypocritical.
we've had the discussion "what is ecchi and what is hentai and what is not allowed on the site 100% agreed by all users" already
ya we shouldn't but look at us :p
I don't know what you mean by that. Are we?
I can't remember any particular examples of pervy images on the site but I can remember a lot in here
The only reason I take issue with NSFW images in here is because there is no way to tag or hide them. If they're behind a link, that's fine. But otherwise people have no choice but to see them.
On the main site, if a question is tagged (NSFW) or the image is behind a spoiler tag labelled NSFW, it's the user's own choice to view that image.
Here we can only do that like:
But no one does that (especially not @Taisho).
As far as I'm concerned, the same content policy applies to chat and the main site. Don't post explicit material; anything less than that, it's fine. If it's borderline, tag it + spoiler it/link it.
I just don't think that openly identifying hentai works is gonna bring the site any good
I'm okay with work tag questions if they're hentai
but the ID aspect in combination with hentai in my opinion is a dangerous mix
I don't see how they're any more dangerous together than separately. People have mentioned concern that ID-reqs are low-effort questions, so when we spot a low-effort question, we close/DV/delete it.
The same applies to ID-reqs containing questionable material.
If it's a good ID-req that has questionable content, it's fine. If it's a bad ID-req that has questionable content, it's no worse than any other bad ID-req, or even any other bad question.
you don't see it because you've never seen a site that spun out of control because google made it look like a brothel due to the content it allowed
ID requests are very popular and they make a great way for the wrong impression to propagate
if ecchi IDs become the norm, expect worse things to become the norm
Nothing is going to "become the norm".
of course because there will be heavy intervention from above
Define "above".
Community? Mods? SE staff?
SE staff will see loss of control and will ban ID requests altogether
No, no they will not.
idk man I don't see them advocating either way
They will not intervene in our policies unless they cross into their own legal policies (including content).
If we were to allow explicit content, we would get intervention. We are not doing such a thing.
it's not like we're allowing explicit content, it's more like some might think that this is what we're doing, and that might be countless unregistered users
I don't wanna risk letting people think that even
You think people are going to come in, browse the ID requests to see what they can get away with, and then ask questions with even more questionable content?
but I'm one person and this is only my opinion
yes that is what I'm thinking
they got away with death note what-ifs :p
I really don't see that happening. Mostly because ID-requesters don't care that much in general.
well, exactly
@Hakase Those questions still get upvotes, so obviously someone likes them.
and if they see some ecchi IDs, they might not care about asking more explicit IDs
Tiago likes them but he's not very welcome in this room :p
And if explicit content is posted, we can downvote, close, delete, and even suspend or ban the user.
of course we can
(According to SE's content policy, bans are acceptable recourse for posting explicit content.)
I'm worrying that we might have to start doing that regularly
I don't think so. I mean, the only empirical data I have to support it is the fact that we've been going strong for almost 3 years and it hasn't happened.
okay, but look at the popularity of ID requests that have started growing so fast only recently
They've been growing for a while, actually... I guess it depends on what you mean by "recently".
I tend to worry a lot, long before bad things may start happening, and there is quite a chance they might if we don't set the bar at the right height, so I'm worrying now
I didn't worry before ID requests
I only ask everyone to think twice before leaving some images outside spoiler block
I don't know if that plays any significant role in google's relevance to other sites
I I I :p
ID requests have been our strongest tag for 18 months now.
I also do like that promising trail off at the end. That may actually be a result of us CV/DVing more. Hard to say in such a short time, though.
(Source: SEDE)
It did? Where? In CA/US it starts in September.
That's on the 24th, then?
my sister started school last week
it's only true for unis
Ah. Well, school still hasn't started here (in WA).
There's an elementary school on my commute. :P
And a high school, actually.
Q: whats the name of this anime

user16454 Can someone tell me what the name of this anime is?

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