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Problem with the randomizations in general.
June 5th, Hyperdimension Neptunia Be;Birth 3 V Generation Colectors Edition will be available. contains the game, Artbook, Collector's Box, Purple <3 + Iris <3 = Irresistible Hearts Mouse Pad, Purple Heart Graphig Papercraft Figure and Reversible Case Sleeve
and I'm just sitting here waiting for re;birth 2 to release on steam
also Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls Collectors Edition is now available for pre-order on the Europe Store from NISA
@Frosteeze that's tomorrow...or the day after depending on timezone (it's Thursday for me)
my only saving grace with these 2 pre-orders and not having a stable employment position is that despite the fact Re;Birth 2's collector edition sold out in a week i already have the money ready for Pre-order Re;Birth 3 prior to be finding out that i was made redundant. with Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls it seems NISA European Collectors Editions are slow to be sold out. Danganronpa 2, Atelier Shallie, The Awakened fate Ultimatum and Persona Q are still in stock
1 hour later…
wow I just got a gold badge on a meta site. And one I haven't even managed to get on any main site: populist.
@LoganM what was the answer?
A: Do we need MathJax?

Logan MWe should have MathJax here. Here is a list of questions for which answers could be significantly improved via use of MathJax. Feel free to add your own examples. Stack Exchange will not enable MathJax on this site until we have demonstrated a need for it (as has been the case for previous beta s...

A bit of an unusual situation. I probably won't be getting another one in a similar way any time soon.
achievement get
@LoganM ahhhh, it's kinda understandable there, the accepted answer tends to be the confirmation that the feature has been added when the freature request is accepted. though supprised you got it for a wiki answer
Yes, feature requests are a good way to get it, if the feature eventually gets added.
For mathjax specifically, they want you to do what I did to demonstrate that it is useful.
I think most badges other than tag badges work just as well for wikis. That's how I got favorite question here.
@LoganM Honestly I don't know yet, suddenly a bunch of 14 year olds are crawling out of the woodwork wanting to be mods. I might just leave and watch the site go to shambles.
It's an election this time, so they probably won't win unless they actually know what they're doing.
1 hour later…
When we had this conversation yesterday, I already watched a few minutes of a proper release on a streaming site, though I don't know where it's from.
Well, this is not the first time they messed up, so I'm not surprised
Does anyone know how many volumes of Comic Yuri Hime and Comic Yuri Hime S have been released to day? looking to see how many volumes have been translated and posted on Dynasty Reader
Try checking their website maybe
@LoganM tried using the link that's on Wikipedia for Comic Yuri Hime, i get:
Not Found.

@Memor-X Those are names of magazines, aren't they?
@nhahtdh yes
It went from quarterly issue to biweekly issue in Oct 2010
@nhahtdh bimonthly you mean and by that logic there would be around 46 volumes ( (4*5)+((12/2)*4) + 2 = 46 ) but i see up to Vol 48...or maybe my numbers are wrong
Bimonthly and biweekly are confusing terms X_X
Yeah, I mean once every 2 weeks (that is the term used on Japanese Wikipedia)
52 weeks -> 26 issues/year
O hi yo/
@ton.yeung Bimonthly can mean both twice a month or once every 2 months
@nhahtdh oh wait, if we go by twice a month then its. (4*5) + ((12*2)*4) + 2 = 118 and that means there's a huge gap, and the first volume was translated about a year after the original release and the translations has slowed right down
@ton.yeung It's from wrong to common
!!tell mirroroftruth doge O, hi, yo/
You can't really "fix" it, since it has become part of English
@ton.yeung That's at best an uncommon convention. In everyday parlance people understand that if you say something is bimonthly you mean that the square of the log base 2 of the number of publications per month is 1.
@Memor-X why not working :(
@mirroroftruth i think it's a message, last time i did it it didn't work either. maybe HoiHoi-san doesn't want to doge your hello
Anyway if you use "semimonthly" to mean one branch of the square root, and "bimonthly" for the other, you'll still have linguistic trouble as soon as you want to describe anything as "trimonthly".
@Memor-X so sad :(
What I'm saying is that even in publishing, people often don't follow this convention.
I'd expect everyone who works at the same place to follow similar conventions, so I don't think it's a representative sample.
I mean, it's still possible that the publishing world uses that convention, but I wonder then what they'd assume a "triweekly" publication is.
In the end, it's a problem with the English language not having two different forms of numerical prefixes, so it's inefficient for representing concepts which fundamentally have to deal with rational (rather than integral) numbers. You could just use SI prefixes, which don't have the same flaw, but unfortunately those only come in powers of 10 so it will still be a bit silly.
@ton.yeung isn't Sony working on their own VR headset? it's probably going to be the best you'll get for quite some time
Between a man holding a machine gun going around killing people, and a high school girl yandere going around eliminating her rivals, who is scarier?
@nhahtdh former because i can at least try and reason with the girl
#tomato メイド
#yuri 百合
#babana 絶対領域
ok, so first one was diffidently Yuri and Google Translated it as "Lily" but don't get how the second one is "Absolutely area"
What is a babana? It seems to only make sense in Finnish and Hiligaynon.
i was going to say ask @LoganM :D
@Memor-X Absolute Area (zettai ryouiki) is the area between the stocking and the skirt of a girl
@LoganM it's the table food of Al Mamoon in Ni no Kuni, it's basically a Banana. it's just funny imagining Mr Drippy's English Dub Voice saying Babana all the time
絶対領域(ぜったいりょういき)は、 スカート、ショートパンツなどのボトムスとニーソックス(サイハイソックス)を着用した際にできるボトムスとソックスの間の太ももの素肌が露出した部分を指す萌え用語。スラングの一種。萌え用語としての絶対領域の節を参照。 『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン』に登場する「A.T.フィールド」の和訳、または登場人物のひとりである渚カヲルのセリフより「何人にも侵されざる聖なる領域」「心の壁」を表す言葉。一般でも使用される。なお、ビデオソフトなどの解説書による「A.T.フィールド」の和訳は「絶対恐怖領域」だが、雑誌・解説本などでは「絶対領域」とするものがあり、貞本版コミックの第一巻では「絶対領域」に対して「A.T.フィールド」とルビが振られている。 『ギャラクシーエンジェルII』に登場する異なる宇宙を結ぶ回廊の名称。『ギャラクシーエンジェルII』「ABSOLUTE(アブソリュート)」を参照。 == 萌え用語としての絶対領域 == 「何人にも侵されざる聖なる領域」から発生した萌え用語で、現在はボトムスとソックスの間から微妙に覗く素肌の太ももの部分やそこに感じられるエロティシズム・「萌え」を表すものとして使用される。 2005年には5月に「ニーソックス系イベント"絶対領域"」、10月に「絶対領域オンリーイベント『素敵空間』」といった同人誌即売会が開催されており、この頃...
@nhahtdh ahhh, so 絶対領域 would post images of girls which have that area shown
i think this image will run out soon :D
but i am not going to ask for more post
@Memor-X Dunno, but I suppose so
@MadaraUchiha: I think this question needs some clean up: anime.stackexchange.com/questions/19111/…
@mirroroftruth It will run out if people use it all the time
Not if they only use it when they need it
@LoganM but it will run out one day
so i am going to try different post
i will use when i need it
If one tag runs out faster than the others, that's the fault of whoever is abusing it.
so i will use the tag with more pic :D
I might use the same tags the next time I upload, but they still need to last about 3 months.
So if you use it every day the smaller ones will run out.
i will be using everyday but not all at once
Q: Can't remember name of anime series

user14705I only saw the first episode. The anime centers around a high school girl who is being asked to join a team of fighters. She doesn't want to join them. There are other students in the school who do want to join and they think that if they take her out, they will get her spot. Also, one of the ch...

pantsu Nyan~
Nyanpantsu~ kyaruuuu~~<3
#post pantsu~
@Hakase you forgot that #
mm not pantsu
@Taisho Alex Armstrong is not someone you want to see in pantsu, Olivier on the other hand maybe....if you survive
@Memor-X but in Pants :D
just double checking because my memory may be a bit spotty, did Olivier ever show signs of having those diamonds/stars that the rest of the Armstrong's have?
@nhahtdh i'm tempted to do so but i'd wait a bit as i pinged commented to the OP in the answer that all the chapters should be in the anime as well
I think it's reasonable to specifically ask about the anime, but the way it's phrased isn't so great right now.
Of course, it only really requires a minor edit to the answer to add the relevant anime episodes.
Q: Moderator Election Coming Soon

Robert CartainoI'm happy to announced that this site has been cleared for graduation… congratulations! Unfortunately, there has been a long backlog of sites waiting for their custom site design, so rather than waiting for that backlog to clear, we are going to start moving ahead and hold the first community-ba...

Election without graduation due to backlog
@AnkitSharma you got my hopes up so much there
I think this can happen again
then i realised it wasnt us
@AnkitSharma I posted this a few hours ago. There was a similar one on Network Engineering before they decided to do a standard graduation there instead.
@LoganM yeah i know
@ToshinouKyouko i am not user there. I want to say, election can happen without graduation here too
The idea has been discussed for a long time now though, on various places including discuss A51 and MSE, mostly by Robert. But they're only now starting it, presumably since the backlog is around 10 sites and has been for like 2 years.
I'd say someone at SE has to somewhat take responsibility for getting it done and noone wants to do it
I think the idea is good
that's what happens to a lot of things in workplaces
The problem is pretty clearly that they don't have enough graphic designers to deal with all the sites, and the standards per-site are becoming more stringent.
If you eliminate the design aspect, there's really nothing stopping all the sites from graduating right now.
i guess they're working a lot on the new UI designs at the moment aswell
Yes, and a lot of sites need CSS upgrades.
The design team is very backlogged. And while SE understands this, finding more talented designers is not easy.
Q: Oblivious life-threateningly terrible cooks?

AlbeyAmakiirThere are quite a few anime, manga, and JRPGs that have a character who, at one point, offers to (or in some cases has to) cook for the other characters and is often convinced they are at least decent. They end up poisoning the others by mistake. It's often played for laughs that this person is s...

Every time I see answers in the low quality queue, I have no clue what they even say, but I can't rule out them being (terrible attempts at) answers. There's no attempt at proper English and so many technical terms, it might as well be written in a completely different language. That doesn't seem to happen with any other tags, even in major series I haven't seen.
i am not sure but most of the people started watching anime from naruto
@LoganM then think about it like this, if you, someone who doesn't know about Naruto, can not begin to understand what the answer says, it's failed as an answer. i havn't seen the entire series and even i can understand when they talk about Tsukiyomi and other stuff like that and i haven't even seen them yet
fans of naruto are younger, I'd say that's linked
@LoganM I look at those answer, and I can't tell how it answers the question
@mirroroftruth i think it was Dragon Ball Z
The answer goes off track to talk about something related
I can't tell either, and then I come here and ask and usually someone tells me that it does technically answer the question.
@AnkitSharma no i "officially" started watching anime from naruto
I mostly ignore them if I dont know - there are other people with review rights that will have seen it
I don't use the review queue on this site
@mirroroftruth Same for me :P
For me, it was Law of Ueki and F/SN
@ToshinouKyouko Yes, that's what I do too, but I don't know if they ever actually get cleaned up. When I do see a question through the queue, it usually has at least a couple other bad answers.
I hope my ads stay kawaii when i leave japan
@AsadaShino but if i say hattori , doraemon , paaman are there which i watched
I don't remember what anime I first watched. I watched a couple when I was younger, but probably what got me started actually seriously watching was Azumanga Daioh.
@mirroroftruth I've heard of doraemon but not seen any of those :P
Azumanga was the first manga i bought
@AsadaShino i watched them in tv , not in japanses languge
Anime I've seen before I knew they were japanese instead of american cartoons are dbz, pokemon, digimon (the usual kids shows that get translated all over the place)
and yes dbz but was never interested
and pokemon :D
My first anime was Shuffle! (although I had seen pokemon and stuff before), first manga was Chobits. First purchased anime was Tokko (which was kinda meh tbh)
And some I've only seen in Dutch, like Maya the Bee (japanese animation after a German story), Boes (japanese animation if I'm not mistaken, about a cow farmer) and Alfred Jodokus Kwak (japanese animation about a duck that lives in a clog with a mole and solves crimes/mysteries ?) xD
Jodukus kwak :P
My bad, was jodocus* close enough xD
every cartoons that use to run that time including some anime
Alfred J. Kwak (小さなアヒルの大きな愛の物語 あひるのクワック, Chiisana Ahiru no Ōkina Ai no Monogatari: Ahiru no Kwak) is a cartoon television series based on a Dutch theatre show by Herman van Veen and was co-produced by VARA, Telecable Benelux B.V. and TV Tokyo and first shown in 1989. It consists of 52 episodes. The series characters were designed by Harald Siepermann. There are also toys and a comic based on the animated series. The series has been broadcast in many countries and has been dubbed and subtitled in Dutch, French, Japanese, Greek, English, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic, Hungarian, Finnish, Serbian...
And probably quite a few more that I don't remember, shin chan comes to mind xD
@nhahtdh Done
there are more for sure but those which i mention earlier are still running
so i remember them
@MadaraUchiha Thanks
I feel this way almost every time I see an answer on a question.
tropes question which ask ^similar type of question are mostly hard to answer
name of tropes , when started , which anime and manga from, has exact answer
The title question there isn't even a question. It's a description of a trope followed by a question mark.
Which is basically the problem with tropes questions in general.
It's very easy to write a description of a trope as a statement, and then by black magic turn it into something that seems like a question.
Just add "why?" to the end. Though that won't get you far here, you have to add "where did this originate?" or "how did it come about?" or some similar rewording to turn off people's sensors.
adding why can help :D
Except that no one really knows or cares about "why". "Why" questions are usually uninteresting and frequently ill-posed. The mere existence of the word "why" implies that there is some cause, but usually there isn't a singular cause; rather these things evolve over time essentially randomly.
sometimes theres an origin
yes , why question are really hard to answer , you need a lot
but other times it like "cuz"
Sure, sometimes. But the asker doesn't really care about the origin. They just want to point to the trope and feel like they participated.
strong people in anime - why
Why is it that striped pantsu are usually blue striped white pantsu?
because that is a tropes :D and you like it , don't you
is shimapan white with blue stripes or blue with white stripes
I've made the mistake of actually trying to explain these things at a rather deep level more than once, and the response was typically "yeah, I didn't really care that much to know the real reasons for this, I just wanted to point it out". Case in point:
Dude. I'm voting it up because the amazing research you've done is clear from all that text, but it's just too fucking long. — Sheharyar Dec 20 '14 at 9:43
@ToshinouKyouko humm , my brain is not fast enough to calculate that , it gets distracted by pantsu :D
It's long because you asked a question that by all rights should have been "too broad".
@LoganM I agree with the 'participation' over 'interest' on a few questions :/
why answer cannot be answer in a single short line
Because if you're condensing the entire relevant cultural history down to a single line, you're probably missing a huge amount of information.
and adding on to that answer - It helps that school kids have lots of holidays and free time compared to adults
Yes, my answer isn't even close to comprehensive. I had to cut it down by about a third already, and even at full length I knew I was missing other information.
kotaku.com/… - interesting report on anime if you can read japanese (unfortunately I cannot :( )
Why is the image at the top there such bad quality?
I had a few questions where it was really too broad, but non-obviously
I instinctively closed the browser tab when I saw that image. It's become a habit of mine to close tabs of low-quality images.
they need research and proof that should be able to support your argument
user image
oh my internet
@ToshinouKyouko but it is in english
time for lunch
Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Blue Striped White Pantsu
@mirroroftruth the report itself is in japanese tho
@SakuraiTomoko blue eyes white dragon wearing blue striped white pantsu
Blue Striped White Pantsu is an Equip Card then
activates trap card
Q: what anime or manga is this?

Erii forgot the name of it but i remember a girl packing up her clothes as gang members were trying open up her door. Then she takes her bag and jumps off the window to run away from them. Her dad or mom had a huge debt and they left her to be paid with it. I'm don't remember what anime or manga it ...

@ToshinouKyouko oh , you mean the detail report in pdf
Anyone like Iris, the song?
by goo goo dolls?
i dont think they did it justice for some reason.
yea, honestly I felt iris should have been better
the lyrics are really powerful
Q: The last naruto movie

Christine ManoguidAfter naruto and hinata got married and bear a two kids .My question is is that the last episode in naruto?. Do they will create what is the next story after it?

@GamesBrainiac is there a version you like better
keating is a little better imho
@Sakamoto While this is answerable, the question can be asked by just googling a bit
@nhahtdh i did not get what op mean by last episode
before answer
Q: What is the track listing for "selector spread WIXOSS music Particle.2"?

senshinThe second half of the soundtrack for the WIXOSS anime came on the album "selector spread WIXOSS music Particle.2". This album was released with the second spread WIXOSS box set back in April. For whatever reason, though, the track listing for this album does not appear to be available anywhere o...

@LoganM That is one good post - very few people can write something at that level of detail
@ToshinouKyouko What do you want to know?
@nhahtdh nothing in particular, I just thought it would have been a good read
Q: what was the name of girl who gives everyone starfish in clannad?

user14708i really cannot recall hear. what was her name again? Since this post does not meet standards i have to write that i tried to remember her but no luck in this.

Google "clannad starfish" = answer. How can it be easier to type this entire question in this SE than to open a browser and type "clannad starfish" into the url bar (it will redirect you to a search result for google/bing if it's a modern browser)
@ToshinouKyouko Oh lol, you answered like that as well xD
It's like they're not physically lazy, but just don't want to have to think for themselves
like it's actually more effort to make the question than google
Boggles the mind
Is there some plugin for chrome that lets you quick-ask questions on SE if you cba to google that I don't know of?
google to SE converter
Lol yeah xD
Q: Details about Ichigo Kurosaki's father?

NARENDRA SINGHIn the anime Ichigo's father is shown to have captain level powers, but I think that it was never mentioned that he was a substitute shinigami. So where does he get his powers? Also why did he hid his powers for 20(or why couldn't he use his powers for 20 years) years and the fact that he was a ...

@ToshinouKyouko Mostly about their working conditions
Top reason why they continue working is "Because this job is fun", the next one is "To make money"
1 hour later…
Q: What's up with all these Death Note Questions lately?

MintriI don't really know if this questions fits here or should go to chat but I'm really curious about this, I ask this in the Meta. What is going on with all these Death Note questions ? People come up with all differents of fictional events and ask if this or that szenario would work with the Dea...

Q: What is this anime name?

haha It seems hentai anime.........

Q: What is this huge symbol on the door in the Truth realm and in Neon Genesis Evangelion Opening

MintriIn Fullmetal Alchemist the door in the Truth realm has a huge symbol with all kind of thing on it. Door in the Truth realm from FMA I've seen the opening of Neon Genesis Evangelion today and noticed that the same symbol is shown in the beginnen of the opening around 0:10 - 0:13 Neon Genesis Ev...

@corsiKa I'd like you to say that when it's you who has ants in their keyboard. >:| — Unihedron 12 secs ago
@ToshinouKyouko that would be it
ahhh back
warner bros?
@Sakamoto can someone pls host the pics on imgur? My phone is too slow for doing that
@nhahtdh anime.stackexchange.com/questions/21805/… any way I could improve the question or should I just delete this one and ask another monmusu question?
I would've thought it was easy to answer and clear enough, but I guess not
Have you confirmed that my comment is correct?
I can't quite remember the details, since I last played it 1-2 years ago
you are correct in that they had a conflict, but the answer I was looking for was something along the lines of how humans worshipped Luka and that angered the monsters or something like that
I also still dont think they had a formal war. It's more like...general hatred of each other. Kinda like how the Nazis hated Jews not because of war, but just because if you know what I mean lol
Yeah, it's less of war, and more of a feud
@ton.yeung They were used as a scapegoat, something to hate on
@ton.yeung well there's also how the Jews were thought of controlling the banks and
yeah that
@Frosteeze I have just gone through the beginning again (which is short, I also lost to the Slime at the beginning, lol), so I understand the context better. I'm not sure about the worshipping part, though - did you mean Ilias?
How far have you played anyway? 1st? 2nd? 3rd part?
I think it is probably explained in the last part why people worship Ilias
1st chapter and I'm not done with that yet lol
but I did spoiled me some of the endings, though not the full picture
I played some of 1st and some of 2nd chapter - since I installed the 2nd chapter first, then patch it with the 1st part
I can think of several questions to ask here:
1. Why/Since when did human worship Ilias?
2. Why baptized man tastes bad?
3. Why do the monster girls hate Ilias?
Feel free to take the idea and ask all 3 @Frosteeze
alright cool, thanks :D
As for the current question - well, it's best if you start writing from scratch so that you
@Frosteeze TBH, I'm not too sure about number 3.
number 3 is probably the question that I originally intended lol
But the other 2 are more or less mentioned at the beginning
The thing is I can't find/remember a good context to show that it is the case
I'll just delete my current question and ask a new one
but das cheetin
Q: What happened to Fairy Tail Monthly?

Peter RaevesSince July 17th 2014, Mashima has been releasing Fairy Tail Monthly. Every month at the 17th it is supposed to come out with the aim to: Entertain Inform users of important series information, rumors, funfacts, trivia, etc. Inform users of ongoing important votes, discussions, and ...

@Hakase donbass me
idk what dat werb mins
i was trying to make a pun but it failed lulz
Q: Why did humans worship Ilias?

FrosteezeIn Chapter 1 of Monmusu Quest, it is shown that a large number of humans worshiped Ilias. Yet, not all human communities consider her as a goddess. The worship of Ilias also seems to be the root of the conflict between most humans and monster girls considering how much Alice detested Luka's worsh...

Q: Trying to find the name of a song/PV from Miku Hatsune

DenslatAs Miku kind of falls under the purview of the Anime/Manga Realm with her image, and PV's I suppose she belongs here. The PV for the video started out with miku in a lab, she finds a "scouter" like object which translates alien language allowing her to take control of the spaceship she somehow e...

Anyone else watching Google I/O 2015 - Keynote?
@ton.yeung it's live, I don't know what they're doing
going to sleep instead, night
@HoiHoi-san Ponkotsu
@Hakase reuters.com/article/2015/05/27/… wut u doin russia plz stahp
@Frosteeze They're gonna be "Russian" into Ukraine at this rate
Back to the Cold War, I guess?
@Frosteeze idk man I was testing some bs system with some guy all day
@Matt They MiG just be taking a vacation
Q: What's the name of the OST playing in Seto No Hanayome episode 24

ShehabHere is a link to a scene where the OST in question is playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHJpUN5P2yg&hd=1 Thank you in advance.

Q: What is Archer's background in Unlimited Blade Works?

OmegaI've only seen Ufotable's adaptation of UBW (and the movie too but that was long ago). It's still not very clear to me what's up with Archer: He's Shirou from the future. Does he not remember the events of this war? He would also know that Shirou is going to beat him. How did Shirou die? There...

ma friend sed: it's a metaphor. Many wonderful things surround us that can make us happier and better, but because of our own shallowness we let others have them
(rough translation)
@Hakase If I can use it, I will use it to destroy the world, just for kicks
but if you destroy the world you will destroy anime too :(
please don't destroy the world
I'm in it, after all
@Hakase ... (I got here now, tell me the context)
Btw, Suisei no Gargantia OVA 2 is just released, though I don't know when it will be subbed
@LucasHenrique last message was 57 years ago
there is no context
I was browsing imgur, shared a pic with my friend, he replied, I was moved
now imma brew some pu erh differently from my usual method (even though it's only been about ten times) and see if it gets better
and when it cools down, I'll take it to the balcony, breathe evening air and think about life and such
user image
you could cut yourself on that nose
Q: Why did the clocks move one hour backwards when Rin summoned Archer?

OmegaAt the beginning of Ufotable's UBW adaptation, on the day Rin was going to summon Archer, the clocks happened to have moved backwards by one hour. She considered that it may have been her father's doing. Why did the clocks move one hour backwards?

don't spoil, just watch full version
They're having trouble with those mic's
I don't think they've figured out it has to be next to your mouth for it to work
it really doesn't but you then have to have some sound skills to make it work
k time to watch something and relax
Q: How can I identify child-appropriate manga?

grovbergI have a 9 year old daughter that has expressed some interest in manga, but I'm having trouble locating series that are appropriate for her age. No one at our local bookstore could offer any advice. Is there a kid-friendly imprint or other resource I could use to help her find something appropria...

Q: Resources to get started on the manga/anime universe v2

Peter RaevesSo we just got the question of a parent, wanting to offer manga to its child, who seemingly showed interest. It made me look through the SE to find for a guide that would help a similar person where to start or how to start and I came across this question (which I stole the question-title from ...

What is called in range of ecchi-hentai
Neither breasts for laughing nor brutal gangbang by demons
well idk then
Something like centrated on sex but not limited to
Search for Tropical Kiss. I would like if it had more episodes.
It contains lot of sex, but it has a story too.
I know some h mangas that you'd read for the plot and drop the side stuff until you're done with it :D
Could you tell me their names? :)
I don't think so, I'd have to post and ID request to find their names lol
@Taisho search h-anime
he doesn't reply to @name if the command is unknown :p
Well, I think things don't work like this :(
What's the right thing so?
!!google h-anime
but HoiHoi-san is in coma right now
@ton why is she ded all the time
and more importantly how
is there some exception or something?
does she get disconnected after some time and does not reconnect?
> Jeff Spicoli, Amon, jindo90 and 81 others like this
Jeez, that's the highest number of likes I've seen on Potato.
dunno if any of them are good
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