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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

but guys b liek "is okay we did it once before"
the logical question arises "then where are teh codez from the last time" but it's always lost or not working anymore because every specification changed
the good thing is that there is not much stuff to do, and the office is nice and comfortable
I feel like I'm losing my mind much less compared to the previous work places
it still pretty much sucks feeling like I'm getting stupid with these guys
I always say "I'll get your shit done, it's just gonna take some time" and I eventually do
some require specific tech to be used, others don't
it's easier with the latter guys
current project consists of loading a web application with 6 different requests, 4 of which are inside a loop and the other 2 are login and logout
the biggest problem is how Loadrunner runs its c-like code/script
if it wasn't the requirement to use LR, which was lifted today coz we ain't getting shit done like this, it would've been over in about 3 days
it's taken us about 3 weeks so far
and now we play
I recently found out you can hide games in your steam library
only 6 are now left visible in my list
You can also have it only show games that you've recently played.
it's a shame they didn't remake the Cataclysm
I want a bigger monitor just because of Homeworld
@Hakase what type of teas are widely used in China to cool down and aid in digestion during the so-called "dog days?"
>.> hojicha?
oh wait no
@Hakase That's Japanese.
it's the barley tea
what's it called
oh right
@Hakase mugicha
ye but china? who the hell knows
I sure don't
I can make you some tea, not know all and everything about how they make it elsewhere
what do I care anyway − elsewhere isn't here and it's me making it
I have my own ways
@Hakase what the the proper method to brew long jing tea hot? cold? why do you need to do it this way?
> why do you need to do it this way?
coz it's how I do!
@Hakase some meister you are
visit me sometime
@Hakase okay
I'll pour you!
@Hakase I'll critique you harshly
I'll also bring tea and snacks
I'll have a boiling pot ready just for that occasion >:)
@Hakase do you do that with all teas?
only with the ones my guests critique harshly enough
@Hakase you will fail as a tea brewer, if you do that
I feel like this joke went off the road somewhere… down the road…
srsly tho I don't boil my tea
and I am very harsh towards those who do in my presence
@Hakase for an example, the ideal temperature (seriously) for you to brew your Longjing tea at is below boiling at around 185 degrees Fahrenheit or 85 degree Celsius
if you brew the leaves in too hot of water, it will produce a bitter and not very drinkable brew without any of the proper health benefits you would receive from brewing this tea in less hot water
I know when it's too hot and gonna be bitter
Speaking of tea, I need to try pu'er some time.
it also usually means the water is not going to make for a perfect taste of the drink
@Yuuki can't really say anything about it coz I can't take it at proper concentration, only very light
if you have a gaiwan, or traditional covered bowl for brewing, the steeping time for longjing is only one minute, however if you use a larger vessel to brew your tea, it will take more time for it to brew, so you should brew it for at least 2-3 minutes
@Yuuki what type of tea do you usually like
I use glass cookware because I need to see the degree of readiness
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Heh, I don't really know much about teas, I just drink the green tea we have at home a lot.
@Yuuki what kind of green tea?
also it's pretty
> "I don't really know much about teas"
@Hakase unfortunately it will have poor insulation D:
@Yuuki sencha? gyokuro? genmaicha?
@Yuuki you can at least look on the bag/tin
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ is okay I have the ringo cup
@Hakase It's definitely not labeled as any of those.
Those are Japanese names.
ok what's it labeled then
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Not at the moment, I can't.
@Hakase your green tea selection is very narrow
@Hakase You'll have to wait until I get home.
@Yuuki do you like it or prefer something lighter? smoother?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ it's as narrow as my tea shop's
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I like light, but tea is the only thing I'll consume that I'll accept bitter.
I always drink green teas with sugar
Eh, I don't really like adding stuff to my tea.
or something sweet like chocolate
Besides, I actually like the bitter taste of some of the teas I've drunk.
@Yuuki Pu'er with chrysanthemum is the most common pairing, I recommend that to you, you can add a bit of rock sugar to it for a bit of sweetness
I just don't like bitter anywhere else.
some teas I can't stand without sugar because they're awfully bitter
I just can't put other stuff in my tea. I just can't.
Well, be back in thirty minutes or so, gotta head to campus.
k gotta play some games then
or not
we'll see
@Hakase is this what you do at work?
can't properly enjoy anything at work
level of comfort is way insufficient
@Hakase you don't seem to be trying very hard for the promotion that you're never gonna get
you need to find ways to motivate yourself or else you won't get anywhere
I'm not trying very hard ever actually
I just find easy ways all the time
@Hakase that's why you can't find any work relating to robots
you lack drive
if you won't pursue what you want, how will you get it?
I'll find an easy way to get what I want
> If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't find, you can't win.
as they say, work smart, not hard
@MadaraUchiha lol #relevanteren
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I expected you to get the reference
But did anyone else? :D
Alright, apartment time
@MadaraUchiha explain when you return
it's like adventure time but not quite as fun
@Hakase but in this case, it sounds like you're doing neither
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I do work, just not on the hard ways
@Hakase adventure time with out the fun is just tedious stuff
why are you certain that to get to what I want I need to do everything the hard way?
@Hakase pls describe your most crowning achievement
most crowning huh
@Hakase you must earnestly show what you seek in order to push yourself forward
An opportunity will only present itself if you strive towards it
just look at how the oculus rift started: mtbs3d.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=14777
in this case, it got noticed by senpai
I only really want to have fun
and so I do whatever seems most entertaining
things that make me sad − I try to make them go away
@Hakase than try to channel this desire to make something worthwhile
like what?
@Hakase If I knew I'd be doing it
same thing
@Hakase then let us go on a quest to seek it
I'm already on it
playing various games, watching different movies, anime, reading sci-fi books
@Hakase it doesn't look like you're making much progress
very rarely there are things that resonate with something within me and I know this is what I want
the latest one was Guardians of the Galaxy
@Hakase if it doesn't exist, make it
not so fast, at least not with the current tech
@Hakase don't go into the VFX industry
neva eva
unless you want to write shaders
there's a lot of money to be made there if you're good
this is exactly the kind of work I would absolutely hate to do myself
@Hakase why
because I know there will be a program that will be able to design those much better than all of us eventually
it's like that Turing machine
@Hakase why wait when you can try to make it?
why make it someone else's problem?
I don't want to make it
lol coz it's not mine in the first place
it's nobody's atm
@Hakase why let it be?
@Hakase that's the problem
you only think of it as a problem when it really isn't
@Hakase it's a problem if there isn't a solution
well then it's not a practical one
@Hakase who's to say there can't be one?
are you being serious right now about me making the ultimate shader designer algo or are you making some analogy to something else that I can't figure out what it is right now (and probably never will with this level of hinting)?
@Hakase not the latter part
if you are serious, just compare the amount of effort required to design that shader algo and the resulting gain with, say, a cute maid bot for every home
shaders require some math knowledge afaik, and i'm terribad at math
@Hakase it seem to me you don't like to put forth much effort, because you don't see any motivation to do so
@Hakase that can be resolved with some practice
I try to see the motivation and I usually don't find it in most things
seriously, do you find shaders motivating?
@Hakase no I merely used it as an example
okay then, it was a bad example
I told you right from the start that I'd hate doing any shader related research
@Hakase it's not a bad example not is a good example
it's merely just an example
I never told you to do it
I just said it's out there
it's like developing pencil graphite manufacturing machines when you want to impress people with colorful drawings, which don't even have to be drawn with pencils
see my point?
let's take a step back
you ever get that point when they have tons of games in front of them, but no motivation to play them?
yes, certainly
do you know why that happens?
I have an idea
Choice delusion? There's something in psychology that says when you have too many choices, you spend more time making the choice than doing the action
This is a common phenomenon, it's called the "paradox of choice" or also "analysis paralysis" and "overchoice."
guess we're talking about different feelings then
I was thinking of oversatiation
yay i was close
@Hakase it's the same thing. read one of the article or watch the video
here's a personal example, when I had 7-8 games installed I'd always think for a couple of minutes "which one do I feel like playing the most" and then end up not playing anything at all
once I switched over to having 1 multiplayer game and 1 single player game things have gone much better, now if I feel like gaming I just launch the 1 game I have (be it single or multiplayer), play till I get bored and I'm done.
this way I also get to have a more "objective" view of the games I play, if there's a big annoyance or the game has some serious flaws, I'm more likely to notice it since it's the only game I'll play for a week or two, same thing goes for the positive things which really makes good games a long lasting pleasant experience
there are many ways to solve this problem and this solution is only one of many
@hakase tl;dr I want to motivate you
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Did you mean "!!lolis"?
Lolis are the best!
Lolis are the best!
moving on, see the KLK dub in all it's actual greatness (for a dub):
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ fuck this is so true
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ @ton have you seen this?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ my solution right now is to try new things all the time
don't play the same games too much if they stop being fun
is this from the same factory as the loaf?
@Hakase my ultimate solution is to play with friends
@Hakase no
friends can make anything fun
that's cheating
@Hakase real friends don't cheat
also, too much friends and it stops being fun
been there too
@Hakase that's when it becomes lol
league of legends?
haven't played any dota games aside from SMNC but that was only with a friend, never alone
Acchi Kocchi, it seems
Every Monday is filled with a bunch of anime from Sunday
sounds like leftovers
ok I'm too tired to play anything now
head hurts
too much cold air maybe
or too much sugar
better drink something non-sugary and go to bed before it's 2 layte
@Hakase you should get yourself some chrysanthemum tea
the puer kind
that would definitely make me feel worse in multiple ways
@Hakase why?
let me tell you, drinking coffee has an unexpected side-effect that can wear you out more than wake you up
@Hakase I made a simple rule that works great
basucally, the caffeine in coffee induces diuresis. in other words, it makes you have to pee. sure, it's nice to take a break and stretch your legs as you work beyond your bedtime, but disrupting your workflow for a quick run to the bathroom is not the way to do it...
Every time I feel like I'm tired or need a coffee, I take a large glass of water + a fruit
Much better than caffeine every day of the week.
I only drink coffee (and only good coffee), for the flavor
Not for the waking effect.
this actually causes an even greater problem for your health, in that every time you relieve yourself, you're losing water. as you become more and more dehydrated, your blood thickens and moves more slowly through your veins. this means that your body is using oxygen at a slower rate, and thus it makes you feel sluggish
I drink water + fruit in the morning and during work like 3-4 times a day
And I feel great
drinking coffee to stay awake becomes a vicious cycle doomed to fail
@MadaraUchiha you should be because you am great
@Mad is precognitive in these types of conversations
@MadaraUchiha What fruit?
Or does any fruit work?
@Frosteeze Generally an apple
(Doesn't have to be a full apple mind you, one or two slices)
To get sugar in the body
I personally am an advocate of the tangerine
fruit sugar = best sugar, and sugar = energy
tangerines are de best
nectarines are extra well also
Depending on the season and where you live in.
sumocitrus.com/sumo_description.aspx this is the closest thing you can get to it in the US
candy orange
People should eat fruits more
It's candy, only it's healthy!
I have various Santal juices in case I need some in the fridge
What could be better than that?!
uh obviously fruits without the inedible parts ready to eat on a plate :p
fruit, in its natural form, contains fiber. fructose doesn't provide a satiety alert to let your brain know to tell you to stop eating, but fiber does this to a high degree. this is why you can eat fruit (despite the fructose content) without experiencing the same problems as, say, drinking a sugary soda. this is why fruit can actually be beneficial
I really wanna lay down, so I'll get back to this topic tomorrow morning at work
the same goes for processed sugar. sugar doesn't exist naturally as sparkly white crystals, but as a really tough stick called sugar cane. it isn't until you process the sugar can that you lose all the fiber it contains. without the fiber, you only have the tasty but problematic part of the original food
that's why processed sugars can cause problems
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ That looks familiar.
@nhahtdh Ah, yes.
Q: Where does this pictures come frome?

AndrusetoI found this pictures on this tumblr site! If you know the anime/ source, plz call it!

Q: From which anime is this gif?

AndrusetoI found this picture on this tumblr site: http://feedmejack.tumblr.com/

1 hour later…
Q: An anime about a bullied girl who gets help from a "god"?

AndrusetoI'm searching for an anime who has been released between 2013 and 2014. I am not so sure but it is was a new anime. The plot of this anime is (everything that I am remember): A girl who goes to school and always been there bullied. One Day when she goes to the schools toilet, she is reading a ...

@ton.yeung you need to better define "better," functionally, design-wise, interaction-wise?
both have their own strengths an weaknesses
@Sakamoto Noragami?
@ton.yeung traditions are sometimes made to be broken
Everything is made to be broken.
Everything is broken to be fixed?
@Eric your face is made to be broken?
@Frosteeze yes
@Taisho i've seen this image a few times. the dress kinda looks like Totori but the hair makes me think of Mimi, particular Arl's Mami but i can't remember if she had a steel arm like that
@Frosteeze that's why it can repair itself
@Frosteeze what do they teach you in party school?
@MadaraUchiha pls teach us about good coffee
I only know how to make cheap ground coffee taste better
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ The secret is to buy not cheap coffee :P
@MadaraUchiha Yes massster
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ communism
@Frosteeze lies
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ technically true
Q: Looking for an anime with a redhead girl?

iLegioni would like to know if somebody knows from the description i will give the name of this anime, i know only a couple of things becuase i first saw this anime in an AMV and now i cannot find it anymore. So what i saw was a girl with red hair and she was fighting another girl (i think she had a kat...

@Frosteeze D:
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ such a stalker :P
@Frosteeze I'm worried you won't graduate and get a good job
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Well if you're serious about this: it's not a party school, it's mainly focused on engineering. Second, the only thing stopping me from getting a job is work authorization, which I solved by getting my green card.
I'll get a job to fund my animu addiction dont worry
@Frosteeze orly?
@Eric jarly
I don't believe you
@Frosteeze oh? you are an alien?
@Frosteeze this is exactly what I want you to do~ how else could you fund a trip to Japan and Osaka for the animus?!
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ rude, but yes I'm an immigrant
@Frosteeze welcome to amurica
@Frosteeze I'm not native american either
@Frosteeze I was an alien too
I'm a different kind of alien now
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ are you green alien now?
@Frosteeze I'm blue
oh snap
@Frosteeze penn state is an engineering school and also a party school
that's not to say if it's good or bad
just that some party hardier than others
ohnoes 7 Deadly Sins takes haitus due to sickness animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-02-02/…
Q: Difference between a code and geass?

EsqCode seems to be obtained after your geass upgrades to full power and you kill a code bearer. What happens to your geass after you obtain the code? Do you lose your geass? Is code an extra power? What is the difference between these two?

Q: Why do some works [anime, manga, novels] have a trailing dot?

avluisPure curiosity. Why do some series carry a dot [.] at the end of their titles? Is there a meaning to it or is it convention? Ex: Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu., Kobato.

@Sakamoto this is a pretty good question
Don't know if @LoganM brought this up yet or not (I'm assuming he did, but whatever), but Movies & TV has graduated.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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