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@MadaraUchiha yeah in epi 6 or Railgun S she fires it from rest... I wanted to believe, Railgun. I wanted to believe that you might know what you were talking about... instead, it turns out you're just using science based powers to do awesome things without actually doing any research... what a shock
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Oh there are a lot of scientific inaccuracies in index/railgun*
Accelerator punched Awaki in the face, sent her flying through the street at at least 200kmph smashed her against a building, then she fell at least 30m to the ground, and all she got was a nodebleed.
She should have become splatter
^That's really a lolwut
Also, I don't know why every anime thinks that, but if you're hit with a fireball, you don't get thrown back through the air.
You get burned. Badly.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ are you @Taisho pretending to be @ʞɹɐzǝɹ?
You can't "stop" a sword made of flames, even with a magic cancelling hand, so your hand wouldn't be burnt, but the base of the sword isn't tied to the "blade", it's just flames.
@ton.yeung cool, cool, cool
@MadaraUchiha what if the fire is magicked?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ The fire literally melted the metal doorknob (without touching it)
That takes at least 600 degrees (which is what I think they said the temperature of his fire was, or even higher)
Magic hand or not, the rest of his body should have melted the same was as that doorknob.
@MadaraUchiha magic hand nullifies the causality of magic fire
@ton.yeung Thank you, even better.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Magic hand doesn't affect rest of non-magic body.
@MadaraUchiha Fifth Magic~
Also, you don't get to use the "it's magic" on Index, because in Index, magic is supposed to make sense.
They tried very hard in making magic with very strict rules. It's not Harry Potter kind of hocus pocus.
@ton.yeung But the fire melted the doorknob from several meters away
He should have been burned before his hand even touched it.
@JNat I don't get it.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ You were just posting images, never mind
@ton.yeung Sure, okay.
@JNat It doesn't make perfect sense.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Isn't this the case for all light novels? And really almost all fiction? As far as I know, hard sci-fi is only a thing in the West.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ it does not, indeed
@JNat Did you mean "!!lolis"?
Before we continue, is there anyone here who talking about Index LN would be spoilerific?
@MadaraUchiha ME
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ not this time, no
So we won't open things covered in the LN :P
@JNat Where are you in the LN?
Or are you a strict anime watcher?
thank you very much
@JNat I'm not sure what that means.
@MadaraUchiha this, haven't picked LN yet
@JNat You should. Anime ends right when it gets interesting
@ton.yeung ahh shit
@MadaraUchiha Me, but I don't really care.
@Yuuki some are more grounded in reality
@MadaraUchiha Where do I need to pick it up from?
or explicitly state how they change the rules
@ton.yeung india ink??
@JNat If you watched season two, I think you need to start from Volume 14
Please correct me if I'm wrong
@ton.yeung I've watched all the anime
@MadaraUchiha Vol. 13/SS1
@ton.yeung I can read it in English
it's not a problem for me
@ton.yeung yes, of course
I read most of my books in English
lol y u think non-native speakers can't read stuff in English
I have a CPE, btw
@ton.yeung I watch anime with English subs
@JNat explain your acronyms
I'm practically living in the English-speaking internet
it would be very troublesome if I had to stop every time the subs switch
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Certificate of Proficiency in English
@JNat where can I get one of those?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I don't think you need one of those
I need this is I want to teach English in Asia, it's a very in demand profession over there right now
I stopped thinking about English words about seven years ago maybe
@JNat but english is not my native language
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ it is not?
@JNat no
That's where I got mine from
@JNat which one of the many listed?
right you just said…
@Hakase That's the exam page, CPE
is computer based an internet test or just that it's not on paper, but you still gotta go there in person
@Hakase that version IDK, I took mine in paper
what's the admission price?
7 years ago
@Hakase dunno, ask my parents
lol nevermind
I guess it doesn't really matter
my neighbour is an English teacher and he's got students come to him all day round, and they often figure out what some word may mean out of context
like for example "cooker"
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ what is your native language?
I wouldn't want to become a teacher of anything, I think
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ is it krazish?
@Hakase I don't know what this is.
@JNat I don't have one that's all I know. I'm mediocre at all languages that I know baout
ok it's official − krazer is a chat bot with google translate built in
@ton.yeung do you have any idea why that happens? Do your strokes look sketchy to you or just to your sensei?
@Hakase I have heuristics built in as well.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I figured, by the way you always test Taisho
@ton.yeung have you tried using it to your advantage? maybe use a special drawing style based on that
you gotta do what you enjoy, not what others say you must do because some other people did it that way
I, for one, never do the things the way others do, because in my experience it usually ends up with a lot of fail and realization that it's just not a way that would work for me personally
rather than that, I usually come up with a way that suits me more easily
until recently I couldn't feel comfortable at drawing anything that isn't a scheme or a diagram, but I think I'm starting to understand what drawing method might be fine for me
@ton.yeung Are you saying you're whitewashed?
@ton.yeung I'd like to learn some about that
right, I know a few
I'll put it on my "things to learn" list
@Hakase before you go out ang get one or two, tell us what they are and why you find them insightful
@Hakase I'll can acquaint you with the basics, the good, the bad, and the ugly
@ton.yeung you should tread carefully here, not all of it's good "science," some can be very subjective and baised
I just test every new theory with my own vision of things
@ton.yeung that's so cool. I was a digital media generalist
@Hakase after you test how do you apply them?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ it's not like I'm mister business, you know. I just like learning new stuff because I never know how or when I might need that knowledge.
most of all I like learning things that seem most interesting to me at the moment
like for example, I'm learning how to use Git right now because maybe it will help me develop my apps better in some ways
graphic design knowledge might help me improve my vision of GUI
@ton.yeung :O your family had a magazine? that's pretty cool
@Hakase ah there are a few issues with how you phrases that sentence
@JNat My favorite anime is Bee and Puppycat! <3
and Korra!
and Avatar!
and I also really like Hatsune Miku too!
also psych and stats is interesting to me, so I assumed that would be there and I trust ton on that
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ wat
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ can you elaborate?
> graphic design knowledge might help me improve my vision of GUI
sup with it
there's a reason why you don't let a graphic designer do user interfaces
tell me
and I'm going to elaborate, but it will be a bit long so bear with me
(sits down comfortably)
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ what did you mean by this?
° )—( °
@Hakase first of I want to ask you what do you think a graphic designer is and what you think is involved in making GUIs
oh the mouth is way too big in that smiley
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I have no idea, but I expect there to be some concepts that would be applicable to what I want to do, and that is GUI that shows whatever I want to see in as little interaction bits as possible
you know, if I knew these things, I wouldn't ask about em
@Hakase I understand that, but I'm trying to get a better idea of that you think is it, not what you think it should be
I guess this is how I do things − I only try to interpret things according to immediate goals I have in mind for their use
like trying to fit a new piece of puzzle into a part I already assembled
and I won't know what shape that new piece is until I actually touch it from all edges
let me rephrase, what do you think it is that a graphic designer does (in general)?
draws shapes and positions data on given limited space
too general?
no that's good
your idea of a graphic designer is more so along the lines of what you would consider a UX designer to do, study and evaluate how users feel about a system, looking at such things as ease of use, perception of the value of the system, utility, efficiency in performing tasks and so forth
allow me to make the distinction with visual, graphic, and UX design
sure, please do
in graphic design, something -- whether it’s branding, information, or an advertisement -- is communicated to users through text and images
how those two elements, text and images, are placed on the web page or printed page is also part of a graphic designer’s business, as well as font choices, color, and other visual elements
through their craft, graphic designers inspire emotions and responses... a graphic designer will know that users will respond very differently to text written in the much-maligned Comic Sans font as opposed to in old-fashioned Helvetica font
graphic design is iconic and recognizable, like the Coca-Cola, I <3 NY, or FedEx logo
now visual and graphic design are very closely linked and the two terms are often used interchangeably
you may come across job advertisements and degree programs described as visual/graphic design
:18998181 I was liking that
Sometimes visual design is referred to as visual communications, and this terminology may help give you a sense of difference between the two roles
where a graphic designer uses typefaces, hierarchy, color, images, and placement to create a product, a visual designer might be more focused on coming up with a holistic aesthetic that travels across all platforms
you can think of graphic designers as communicating information, and visual designers as being focused on the look and feel of the product and brand, as well as being involved in conversation about what the site or product provides, and project goals
graphic designers typically work on either the design of print materials (packaging, brochures, magazines, etc.) or the design of webpages and apps
a visual designer serves as a mid-point between the pure design abilities of a graphic designer, and the more user-focused interests of a user experience designer...
unlike graphic and visual designers, who have as their main focus aesthetics and communication, user experience designers are focused on users and how they interact with the site
they ask question like: how do people move around the site? what happens when people click on this button? will changing the color or size of a widget influence users to make bigger purchases, or interact with the site differently?
is @Hakase still here, and reading?
to get an answer to these types of questions, user experience designers, called UX designers, will do user testing, often in the form of A/B testing
while user experience design is also concerned with the appearance of the site, it’s how users interact with the site, navigating through and making decisions on where to click (and where not to click) that most strongly occupies a UX designer
typically user experience designers create wireframes, or visual blueprints for a site's design, as well as digging into information architecture, which is the fundamental way the information on the site is organized, displayed, and identified to users
fundamentally, user experience designers ensures that a website is easy to use, and provides products, whether information, a service, or items for sale, smoothly and efficiency
note that the field is relatively new, and interdisciplinary in nature, so degrees in psychology (most notably cognitive science), computer science, or graphic design could all be considered relevant
guess I'll be studying cognitive science in the future
this infographic probably does a better job describing everything in bite sized chunks
any questions?
Firefox themes?
cpu and memory usage?
uhhhh heart beat rate and blood pressure?
@Hakase don't focus on just that, learn to apply it to other discplines
@ton.yeung I don't really know as much as you know about psychology and stuff as you do, apparently, so I'll need a little bit more guidance to understand what you mean
@ton.yeung how does that mesh with the Wild Card ability?
a blue butterfly?
also y u guys keep saying "cognative"
@Hakase I can't spell cognitive
@ton.yeung what's your natural Arcana?
@nhahtdh this will reflect on tomorrow's school grades
@ton.yeung your Persona
@Hakase I'm out of school already
@nhahtdh I meant for the character she's saying that to
@ton.yeung not sure where this is applicable if most things mentioned like websites and product brands will be "used" by a huge number of people
@nhahtdh how did you get out, what did you take with you
do you mean average person profile of the target audience or are we talking about products designed for a select few users (in which case I have no idea what kinda stuff that could even be)?
I come in standing and come out crawling on four, and I took whatever I could with me
@Hakase this is where you ask about the scope
Learned that in my class, but forget already
but how do you get that persona's responses? do the people in charge have a very strong vision of what that persona would do in certain cases, or do they test on a number of people that on average form a behavior similar to the target persona?
Since I never use it
In the case where you are too poor, you have to imagine
put yourself in the shoe of the persona
@nhahtdh it's small :p
@nhahtdh don't not just the shoes, imagine the habits as well
a bit a empathy is involved in this
Maid Cafe and UX 101 at the same time. I approve.
@ton.yeung what are the dangers of mixing?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I might be interested in making a company for the business I'll end up doing some years down the road, and when the times comes I want to be prepared and know what my business lacks, and whom to hire. Also for my current personal projects it's useful as a marker on the map of things needed to make a nice app. This here stuff definitely helps with that.
sounds very effective and has proven to be useful to me countless times
huh so this is why there are tons of useless robots out there from major companies
I wonder how exactly they gain profit from making them :p
@Frosteeze nothing is off topic, in the maid cafe.
(I really have no idea how much it costs and what they get from it)
There are also no stupid questions
unless of course it is blatant trolling, then it will be returned in kind
@Frosteeze yeah, man, this is cafe ffs − drink drinks, eat cakes and talk about anything
that's one way
@Hakase investors...
I have several questions, but I don't have time to write up a proper question here
@ton.yeung don't strain yourself, you got a lot on your plate
Can someone take the idea and ask?
@nhahtdh I will consider it, as a special service to you
Here is the list
Daitoshokan - Flower symbolism of each character (episode 1, 2, 3?)
YuYuYu - Flower symbolism of each character (OP)
Log Horizon - Meaning of cut hair in episode 9 (and the same scene in 2-3 episodes back)
GF(Beta) - Miss monochrome (how come she is used in GF?)
Jinsei - Dialect of the negative glass girl (somewhere episode 6?) (what does she actually say?)
Kokkuri - Meaning of flower which the bully girl set up in Episode 5?
Kokkuri - How does Akamatsu defeat the nekomata?
I eat something like that a significant portion of the times I eat :p
it's better with curry spices and cheese
wtf is "humanoid technology" anyway
(Please ping me on which one you want to take)
humanoid isn't a tech, it's a shape of a robot from what I know
there can be methods of creating that shape, but technology means something else to me, like how exactly a method of achieving it works
@nhahtdh the girls' flower symbols apparently represent a leveling system for them to become more powerful. why they would need to do this when there are only twelve enemies, each of them needs to kill five to level up once, and there are five girls total
right, right
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ: The flower symbolism in the OP - each girl has a different flower. I was meant to ask about their meaning
imo a few weeks of thought experiments and maybe a month of testing with robot mockups would give all the answers on that, but whatever, if there are grants being given away for that, count me in :p
it most heavily depends on application
@nhahtdh inner dialogue and implied, they need to cut off a piece of their hair in order to revive
if the goal was to replace a person so that nobody would suspect it's not a real human without medical examination, that I would understand as difficult
I'm not sure anybody is currently aiming for that grand of a goal
I'd like to know why and (no maybe, I do want to) work in that area
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ: Why hair? Didn't their memory already got lost as fragment near the end (akatsuki)?
damn I should really be studying all the robot tech there is instead of moping around
well then we gots to get rich
hard ways turn out to be the easy ways in the end
Q: Why did Cartoon Network never air the last four episodes of Zoids: Chaotic Century?

NobleUpliftThis question is on the fence between here and Movies & TV Stack Exchange, but does anyone know why Cartoon Network never aired the final four episodes of Zoids: Chaotic Century? I loved CC as a kid, and went to great lengths to watch every airing. I watched it when it was on in the afternoon, a...

> If this cove took away memories in exchange for teaching Shiroe the meaning of death, then he could offer it himself.
Shiroe hoped so.
In order to become a better person than yesterday,it was a necessary ritual to move beyond regrets and work towards his goals.
Shiroe took out a small blade from his pocket and cut off a piece of memory.
Akatsuki followed Shiroe's lead and cut off the tip of her ponytail, letting it fall into the sea.
Web Novel Chapter 61
it's time for a cake with a cup of tea
I was hoping for something like this, but it was meant to be a Q&A
also I should get a real cup, and not a glass
my glasses look like chemistry glassware without holders, but they are actually supposed to be used as spare french press containers
@ton.yeung tiramisu
@Hakase I imagine you drinking tea out of a beaker or a test tube
also the jig is up − the cake is staying with me
I'm free to eat it all by myself
friends are all busy until the end of the weekend
so nobody's coming to share it with me
@nhahtdh sounds like a Tohoku dialect
bitter cake? never heard of that before
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Well, I'm interested in the meaning of whatever she says
@nhahtdh this is a consequence you pay for laziness~
Not that I'm lazy, but ok, I'll just leave them for when I'm feeling well enough
Or coffee cakes, they can be bitter too
> Tiramisu (from Italian, spelled tiramisù, [tiɾamiˈsu], meaning "pick me up" or "lift me up")
coffee is bitter by itself
I can't find a non-bitter coffee anywhere
@nhahtdh for the flower symbolism you need to ask a general question about "hanakotoba" and cite these as examples
not that I'm actively looking or anything >.>
just from time to time I order a cup when I'm with friends somewhere fancy
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ It'd be nice if everything can be listed, but I'm not sure we have the capability to maintain the list
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ doesn't coffee come non-bitter pure? without additions like milk or cream?
I love canned coffee drinks from Japan or Korea, but these aren't exactly coffee
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ huh
did you just happen to know there is a video with that info or you googled "how to make coffee less bitter?"
@Hakase I knew
u scary
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ You should post that to Lifehacks.SE.

Beta Q&A site for people looking to bypass life's everyday problems with simple tricks.

Currently in private beta.

Definitely NSFW
Ugh, I'm in a conundrum.
I want to go to a local comic book store, but I feel guilty having gone 3 times without buying anything.
I just don't feel like owning comic books right now.
better not make any purchases that you'll regret in the future
@ton.yeung Barnes & Noble probably doesn't have the comics I'm looking for. I want to read them, but at the same time I'm fairly certain they're not ones I'd read more than once.
So not purchase material.
do you only buy things you intend to use more than once?
They have other merchandise, but I don't want T-shirts.
@Hakase Books, yes.
And other non-consumables.
you cat eat books
@Hakase I no has cat.
But you can cat a book without a cat
@Yuuki Just buy everything online
@Hakase v important

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