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I'd totally ditch school and fight witches and stuff
now that I think about it, I dunno, it all sounds kinda dangerous
guess I'm not fit for magical girl duty :D
A: Why did the anime air in a different order compared to the manga?

HobbesA lot of time with episodic series like this, they will change up the order to affect the pacing. It's just one of those little things you need to think about when adapting a comic for the television screen. Edit: The one source that I could think of where you could find this info is the behind ...

@Hakase Ditch school, but still do your homework?
guys come on, this doesn't provide an answer
who's upvoting it
@Yuuki you know, depends
personally, I didn't get very high average grade by the end of school
can't say for sure but it's probably around 3.75/5
I liked to question everything and didn't do something that I felt wouldn't help me at all, like write stupid essays on obvious matters like human nature and points of view of different characters for an English literature class
I had different interests
@Hakase Human nature is hardly an obvious matter, but it's a stupid thing to be graded on.
thing is I am interested in psychology and such, but school didn't have any interesting studies of it
just reading your essays out loud for the whole class and maybe a short, generalized discussion at sociology lessons
it only covered the basics
actually most school disciplines only cover basic materials
so no wonder there
oh you can't realistically expect the top thing
unless it's superlight and uses maybe metal spiral thingies that you can find in mechanical clock to apply torque to the propellers
Ugh, my local comic book store closes at 7.
it would fly, but not for long
@Yuuki you can pirate until it's open :D
@Hakase I don't feel like looking for torrents and whatnot right now.
then watch some more anime or listen to music
I guess I could, but half of them are in some specific format.
I'm probably gonna go sleep now
I'm watching some videos on AngularJS right now.
@Hakase Good night.
yahalo ! :)
@romcom_god yo! Otamega
@Hakase I don't have much interest in psychology, but I do have an interest in cognitive science
@Hakase whynot both?
@LoganM once on facebook i saw a photo of a really good C.C statue. no idea if it would get sold but it larger than a 1:1 since iy was bigger than an adault
@OshinoShinobu i would brutally kill it, my hatred for them has no bounds
How can you hate something that fluffy?
@Memor-X was it this one?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ i think, i got the image at home if i can ever find it umongest all my other C.C images
@Yuuki why would you do that
@LoganM because of what they did to the Puella Magi, and they are always in the way of Madoka's and Homura's relationship
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Because they mentioned it in the job interview. So I should probably get a head start on things.
Besides, learning things is fun.
@Memor-X well, you can try. Even homura couldn't kill him
@OshinoShinobu you've seen rebellion yet?
forgot the detail
@OshinoShinobu so that is a yes right?
I have, yes. but I focus too much on Homu vs Mami battle
@OshinoShinobu ok, i'll say this, Homura could have gotten rid of them once and for all, but chose not to, the Incubators should be dam thankful
What the hell?
Did I just miss another timeskip in Zettai Karen Children?
@Yuuki High school? Kinda but not quite
@Yuuki there's a learning curve
@Taisho yay teatime
God, I love this manga.
Girl's all freaked out because she's alone in a closet with her crush.
And he responds:
Wow he's a real man among men.
@Yuuki what manga?
I think it has an anime out?
@Yuuki I don't think anything was announced
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Weird, I could've sworn it had one of those "we're getting an anime!" announcement omakes.
@Yuuki your chuuni is not strong enough to realize this
@Yuuki sure angular right now is popular knockout might be more ubiquitous
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I'll see if I can get the basics on both.
@Yuuki out of curiosity, if you don't mind, what did they ask you?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Whether I knew/was experienced with AngularJS and Knockout.
And what C# I knew.
A question: Who reviews and approves a wiki creation / edits?
@romcom_god Creation? Not sure. Edits? Supposedly, nobody.
Oh wait, you're talking about on-site wiki.
Never mind.
In which case, the answer would typically be "people of a certain rep threshold".
Creation is a rep privilege
@Yuuki - yes, sorry about the confusion. I'm talking about SE-site wikis.
@Yuuki @ʞɹɐzǝɹ - oh gee, thanks :)
Anyone with access to the review queue can approve
This is for the tag wiki excerpts
150 to create tags
1.5k to approve edits
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ currently, that's bound to explode on graduation
i tend to get annoyed when looking over the review history and see a whole lot of tag wiki approvals where it's just text which i can match word for word on wikipedia. especially when there's no wikipedia link
if your going to copy and paste from a site at least also include the link on where you got it, otherwise put some effort and alter parts of it to be a bit more unique
Thank you, everyone. I was curious as to who can see and approve them.
@Memor-X - I am currently creating a tag wiki for Haikyuu!! and I'm doing my best not to copy from the wikipedia article.
-- When is Anime & Manga likely to graduate?
@romcom_god When Nanoha and Feito get legally married
seriously, no idea. @LoganM seems to think it's well over a year
@Taisho makes me think of a Rozen Maiden
@Memor-X - LoL! I've seen the stats I think were good, but the questions though - I think they're declining (?)
@romcom_god if your talking about graduation it's not about the stats anymore (i think). we're just in a que and it takes the SEx Gods a while to do the designs and that for the new site
Hehehe...SEx gods....
Wait - is there a limit or recommended number of words for the full tag wikis?
@Memor-X, oh I see - well it's only a matter of time then. I really hope the designs of my fellow gods are cool :D
@Memor-X At the rate they're going, that's the best estimate I have. Not that we aren't ready for graduation, but so are a dozen other sites which have been in beta longer. And SE has only graduated 7 sites in the past 2 years.
@romcom_god keep excerpts brief, elaborate and cite what you can on wikis
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ, if it's too long - will the reviewer edit it themselves?
Only 7 sites in two years? Whoa -
@romcom_god don't think there is, i've written some long ones, excepts have a max limits through. i just follow this format. 1st Basic info (English and Japanese name, who wrote/drew) 2nd plot overview while trying to avoid spoilers, 3rd to Xth release information including adaptations and spinoff. as a personal preference i'd like to see an image at the top of the wiki
The design process isn't fast, and they've always got bigger things on the agenda than graduations.
and apart of the design change i think the only other benefit is moderator elections
While we're in the graduation queue as I understand it (whatever that means), so far the sites that have made it out of that are mostly the ones that had stats which were high enough that they couldn't really justify it being in beta any more.
@Memor-X - thanks, I'll keep that in mind :)
We could work to improve our stats some, and that's not a bad idea (so long as we're not doing it just for statistical benefit). But right now our traffic is pretty stable at 10k, which is high for a beta site but not high enough that it's silly for us to still be in beta. Ditto for user counts and questions per day.
@romcom_god a couple of wikis i wrote i i consider long are anime.stackexchange.com/tags/tsukihime/info and anime.stackexchange.com/tags/hyperdimension-neptunia/info, there's probably longer ones out there
@LoganM i wouldn't mind staying in beta....at least till i reach 10k
Speaking of beta sites, if you want to see what we're up against, look at e.g. Magento's stats. It's hard for me to argue that we deserve to graduate before them.
I just wish they'd hurry up with processing the queue.
And there's lots of other sites with similar high stats.
As far as I can tell it takes like 2 months for each to graduate.
Stats aren't everything, and they may not even be a big part of the decision, but I think it's obvious that we're way smaller than most beta sites which are being considered for graduation.
If it's 7 sites for two years, I'm note sure it takes 2 months to graduate
It depends on how much they want to push it.
@Memor-X - thank you, now I've got something to compare my works to :)
The year before that they had like 6 sites in one year, and before that I think it was double that. So they can graduate sites quickly if they need to.
But the bar seems to move further every year as to what's expected for it to be worth SE's time to graduate the site.
Meanwhile the backlog gets longer every year.
@LoganM - the rubber is stretching huh? But there isn't a time limit for a beta sight, is there?
no time limit
Longest beta so far is Board & Card games, which has been there for over 1500 days.
@romcom_god their my no means perfect and i fully expected someone to alter them but so far no one so either we're all too lazy or i did something right, i just followed something similar to anime.stackexchange.com/tags/naruto/info and anime.stackexchange.com/tags/nanoha/info with my own style
speaking of Naruto, might been to alter it since it's not ongoing any more
@LoganM and Anime A&M as only been around for almost 2 years
Speaking of betas, I forgot to mention before, but lifehacks beta started today.
They still can't seem to explain, or even decide, what is and isn't on-topic for the site. Not looking good if they don't figure that out.
@Memor-X not likely, unfortunately. The momentum doesn't seem to be in its favor.
But we're at least beating all the previous proposals
@LoganM well maybe after being closed and restarted we might get the momentum back, wasn't the definition phase quite lengthly
Definition and commitment are now separately timed. So that doesn't matter too much.
The problem is that there just aren't that many users interested in this in the first place.
@Memor-X soon, we will have our day
@romcom_god that is up to the reviewer
@romcom_god you gotta show that you want it.
@LoganM yeh but a long definition phase causes people to forget and not do the commitment, though then again it only got 101 to follow which even if they all comitted i think that's half of the total commitment requirement if you don't account for the rep requirements
@Memor-X A51 sends out emails when it changes phases. A long definition, in my observations, tends to attract a few more people than if it went to commitment faster (all other things being equal, which they never are).
after Fate/Zero which should i watch, Watamote or one of these 3 Studio Ghibli Films
Non Non Biyori
@LoganM don't have that and even if i could pre-order it now from somewhere it wont be on the list, otherwise Monogatari would be
My recommendation remains unchanged.
@Memor-X you need more cute girls
but get the wind rises for the extra doc
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ i brought all of them, Wind Rises has been dispatched and will be in soon, i was going to watch Monogatari next but Onimonogatari is being released next month so i will put it off for now. and anyway, the girl on the cover of Watamote is cute
Q: What is the name of the anime this pink shirted girl is from?

Nunyo BeiswacksI have found absolutely nothing about this, Google comes up blank, so does Tineye, and I did find one link but it was no help.

@Memor-X high roller~
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ ????
you should watch older animus imo
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ seen Utena and Robotech, got Luplin somewhere but it'll be on the same stack as Tears to Tiara which i am putting off until i beat the game and plan to play the sequal
@Memor-X there's still a lot you yet to experience, like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping-Pong_Club
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ 1993 @_@
oh and not going to start Sailor Moon again until the final arc is released, free from the stupid US edits (Haruka and Michiru sitting in the tree. k, i, s, s, why am i bleeding)
@Memor-X Akage no Anne, Red Garden, Giant Robo, Now and Then Here and There, Rose of Versailles...
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ didn't you just say i needed more cute girls, i don't see any in the cast except one which gets harassed all the time which is is no good
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ oh yeh, Rose of Versailles was re-released, was looking to get that sometime
@Memor-X Maison Ikkoku, Le Portrait de Petit Cossette, Millenium Actress
@Memor-X cute is subjective
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ any you can suggest which is shoujo ai/yuri
@Memor-X how yuri?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ any, main theme like Strawberry Panic, Maria Chatters Over Us or even hints on it like YuruYuri or Nanoha
@Memor-X like Aria?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ i read Aria has Shoujo Ai/Yuri undertones, but i have that and your trying to get me into older anime aren't you
Shoujo Ai/Yuri is almost a guarantee to get me to watch something older
@Memor-X Kannazuki no Miko (not good, but the romance is... intense)
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ myanimelist has been blocked from the start, didn't i mention that?
@Memor-X Blue Drop, Candy Boy, Simoun, Kashimashi
@Memor-X no
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ was sure sure i did since it's the reason i always use anime news network links
MAL is bad anyway. Basically unusable without some form of adblock, and even with it there's not much advantage besides a larger community (of mostly casual fans) over other sites.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ this looks good, drama?
@ton.yeung anywhere else
@LoganM which site do you use then
@OshinoShinobu Use for what?
for something like mal?
I don't want a site like MAL.
I use it mostly for my watching list
My watching list is in my head.
uh, okay then
but if I were going to use a site to keep track of it, I'd have to look into the options. But I'm sure MAL isn't the best one.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ i'll read the manga but not watch the anime, my friend showed me where the "rape" occurs, despite it being off scene i felt queezy
@Memor-X oh my, an otome at heart I see
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ you suggested that to me last time, will look into it, heard about it and sounds interesting, you suggested that to me last time
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ give me magic and you'll see just how so i am
@Memor-X Figure 17, Aoi Hana, RE; Cutie Honey, Oniisama e, Vampire Princess Miyu (OVA, TV series is abit campy)
@JNat Meanwhile in Brazil
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Okay, I can understand the first one (Seriously? Their menu includes cup ramen?) but I don't see how the food and anime are related for the rest.
Okay, maybe Goku's hair looks like French Fries.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ do they use magikarp for those sushi?
@OshinoShinobu magikarp have no meat on them
they make better tempura
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ look into it, you suggested that last time, look into it, heard about it and looking into it, what do you mean campy?
@Memor-X most of them have to do with the Shinma character designs
@Memor-X if you're okay with horror, Devil Lady is worth it
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ doesn't it depict the main character being raped?
@Memor-X Devil Lady is so yuri it's lesbian, let's just leave it at that
Far worse things were about to happen to them, however, when a group of demons, martial artists in human form, in a nearby chalet attempt to rape Jun and the female students in their demon forms. As she was being violated, Jun felt her soul being ripped apart, and, because of this, a terrifying transformation occurs turning her into the Devil Lady.
@Memor-X if you can't stomach horror, there's this:
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ i think i'll be sick from the start
@Memor-X Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san, Kanamemo, Najica Blitz Tactics, Project A-ko
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ it's not that i can't stomach it, i didn't mind Another
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ just reading Wikipedia, does this predate Starlight Breaker?
> 1992
@ton.yeung this is beginning to sound exotic
@ton.yeung do go on
@ton.yeung I've been to Welcome Center, though I haven't eaten at any shops there in a long time.
@ton.yeung I assume he wants to hear more about Chinatown.
18 mins ago, by ton.yeung
@Yuuki i see you've never eaten at hong kong cafe next to hokkaido in the welcome center
how that is relevant mostly
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I assume they have cup ramen on the menu?
I like the texture of ramen noodles, but I can't seem to find anywhere that sells just the noodles.
@ton.yeung I want to buy the noodles without the flavoring pack and marked up price from the branding.
Yes, I know ramen is already cheap (ish), but I want to spend even less money.
Not to mention I already have quite a few flavoring packs left over.
@Yuuki you can do this
@ton.yeung where
@ton.yeung link pls
@ton.yeung who even writes like that?
@ton.yeung isp? wat?
@ton.yeung that's the hostmask
@ton.yeung ok
@ton.yeung read handa-kun
Q: Identifying OST in Ghost in the Shell

Stupid.Fat.CatIn this episode http://youtu.be/gZWaYQVOVG0 around 11:30 what's the OST song? I can't seem to be able to find it.

@ʞɹɐzǝɹ i think i was recommended that one a while back when anime was announced, will look into it, will look into it, will look into it however might be hard to get my hand on it unless there's been a recent remake
@Memor-X less talk more action
@ton.yeung ongoing
there's more published but scans are slow
@ton.yeung go... buy the wolf children manga
@ton.yeung get a 3ds
@ton.yeung you would, google it
@ton.yeung you could always fap
@ton.yeung The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
@ton.yeung Mx0 guy has a new manga kiss x death
M×0 (エム×ゼロ, Emu × Zero) is a Japanese comedy manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Kanō (Pretty Face) about a school that teaches students how to do magic and the crazy antics of a normal boy who was admitted under special circumstances. It was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from May 1, 2006 until May 19, 2008, with a total of ninety-nine chapters, published by Shueisha. The first volume of the series was released in Japan on November 2, 2006. == Plot == M×0 centers around a young man named Taiga Kuzumi who has a hot-headed temper and is able to hold his own in a fight. Durin...
@ton.yeung it got canceled
@ton.yeung still worth reading
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ at it at least finished the story, right?
@Memor-X to a point
there is an ending, but it's premature
had a lot of potential
@ton.yeung he has a oneshot out a brand new school day
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ according to the ratings it didn't so there must have been something wrong, bad release schedule to keep people hooked?
@Memor-X there's a difference between having potential and realizing it
@ton.yeung is it any different from the movie?
!!wiki Wolf Children
Wolf Children (おおかみこどもの雨と雪, Ōkami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki, lit. "Wolf Children Ame and Yuki") is a 2012 Japanese animated film directed and co-written by Mamoru Hosoda. The film stars the voices of Aoi Miyazaki, Takao Osawa, Haru Kuroki and Yukito Nishii. The story follows a young mother who is left to raise two werewolf children after their werewolf father dies. To create the film, director Hosoda established Studio Chizu, which co-produced the film with Madhouse. Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, the character designer for Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water (1990) and Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995), designe...
@ton.yeung not the same one?
movie is the original
@LoganM so same ending?
I don't know. Haven't read manga.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ ^
@ton.yeung you didn't know?
@ton.yeung you just don't like java?
@ton.yeung ahhh, i normally play offline so i never worry about security while playing it
Kanamemo (かなめも) is a Japanese four-panel comic strip written and illustrated by Shoko Iwami (石見翔子). The strip has been serialized in Houbunsha's seinen manga magazine Manga Time Kirara Max since June 19, 2007. It is about Kana Nakamichi and her growing experience as a newspaper deliverer, cook, and orphan. The anime adaptation premiered in Japan on July 5, 2009 by Feel Studios. == Plot == The story centers on Kana Nakamichi, a middle-school girl who had already lost her parents and just recently lost her only remaining relative, her grandmother. As a result, she ends up living and working at a...
@ton.yeung Haven't tried that before.
Actually, that looks somewhat familiar.
@ton.yeung eat sake
@ton.yeung Depends on the sake.
You'd be so wrong...
Some of the fruit sake is pretty sweet, but not sickeningly sweet (like some rice wines).
@ton.yeung Considering length of fermentation is how some sake is categorized, that'd still be "depending on the sake".
@ton.yeung hehehe goes to show how little you know about sake
@ton.yeung you're so cute
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Does this mean we're going drinking on Saturday?
@ton.yeung try making umeshu
you'll notice a big difference
@Yuuki minor aren't allowed to drink
@ton.yeung 1 week is never enough
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Well, I'd definitely drop my sister off at home if we do.
I've had fermented rice before, it just doesn't look like the picture you posted.
@Yuuki she can have her choice of tea, juice, or soda
@ton.yeung Yeah, but I have to drive home.
@ton.yeung She doesn't have her license.
Or even a learner's permit.
Juice, soda, water, tea, lemonade
@ton.yeung I didn't get my license until I got back from my first year at college.
@Yuuki I didn't know your family was that asian
I could drink a bit during the early parts of the movie or something though. Body should process the alcohol by the time the movie's out.
Not to mention eating food would slow absorption so BAC wouldn't get too high.
you two are drinking, I'll be designated driver
@ton.yeung you will be, special request from me
sweet drinks only
@ton.yeung we'll find a way
@ton.yeung you've never had sweet nigori
just mix it with calpico
@ton.yeung do her parents know?
@ton.yeung silly ton
you don't know about:
Amazake (甘酒, [amazake]) is a traditional sweet, low- or non-alcohol (depending on recipes) Japanese drink made from fermented rice. Amazake dates from the Kofun period, and it is mentioned in the Nihon Shoki. It is part of the family of traditional Japanese foods made using koji and the koji mold Aspergillus oryzae (麹, kōji) that includes miso, soy sauce, and sake. There are several recipes for amazake that have been used for hundreds of years. By a popular recipe, kōji is added to cooled whole grain rice causing enzymes to break down the carbohydrates into simpler unrefined sugars. As the mixture...

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