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What do you think of my sketches?
What are you trying to express? why did you draw it for what purpose do you draw this?
don't just draw blindly
draw with a purpose in mind
"I want to practice drawing Y, I'll use X as a reference as I draw"
I wanted to use them, once refined, as reference images in blender
are you using something as reference? why or why not?
I used a yt vid as reference to draw those
do you know of the concept of key animation?
Becasue it did it step by step
I probbly do, but just have forgotted the name? is that when the players sprite is different depending on the players state? (I.e. a battered looking sprite when low health, or arms up when falling?)
@Taisho Did you make that?
taisho is a bot that post pictures
@Deep in a sense that's what it is
ITs the thing that just changes sprite when x is happening, right?
Thats why sprite sheets exist, right?
not quite, but it exist to show you the important poses you need to focus on
with that being said, what do you think your characters lack?
Body Fat
No. It lacks character.
what is character you ask?
something that makes your character distinct
They do seem kinda Generik when you think about it
Would colouration help with that?
color may help it stand out
but you sketches lack form and expression
didn't know you were into drawing
I'm into a lot of things
Thats really good
Just Practice?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ that's really good :D
@Hakase the ones are disney do better
Should I just Practice EMotions
@Deep you gotta practice a lot of different things
is @Eric around?
WIll do
@JNat いない
first of all if you don't really know what you're doing, you must figure out what the others are doing that their drawings are so good
@Eric you still watching World Trigger?
like ask other artists for the most general advice there is
they'll tell you "practice is the key" but there are more general advice that can be helpful, even if it's as basic as that
@JNat I haven't picked it up from the first episode. Been meaning to, but just haven't made time.
@Deep practice form
use a mirror to practice emotion
Will do
@Eric what do you mean? You only saw some random episode?
@JNat I saw episode 1. That's all.
Ah, ok
start with still lifes and work with actual ppl and animals
I was gonna ask you if you were still enjoying it
'Cause I'm considering dropping it
@JNat toei animation did a terrible job with it
Oh, why?
I'll watch the next one and decide based on it
GTG, Thanks for all your help :)
@Eric The animation is somewhat... IDK, poor?
That's it?
it's very bad
And the storyline isn't interesting enough to compensate, IMO
the series will never be big 3 in jump because of this
the anime was too premature
and what had me going on was the possibility of it keeping me hooked despite these cons
but it's not happening...
the anime is not worth watching
So depending on how ep 8 (the latest one I have to watch) goes I'll decide on whether to drop it or not
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I get that feeling too now, though I thought it could get better in the beginning
the manga is much better that the anime
the anime does not do it justice and makes it ever so more mediocre
right down to the timing and pacing
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I heard even the manga is mediocre, though
@JNat don't do on rumors read it and decide it yourself
Of course
I was just saying
also I fixed Taisho yet again
he wasn't posting in the last few hours because I made a stupid mistake in the transcript list trimming algo
Hurray for @Hakase for fixing Taisho yet again
@JNat I red is better than blue. But is red really better than blue?
it was cutting off the newest chat messages instead of the oldest
it's because I changes Queue<T> to List<T> and forgot how removing works ">.>
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Yeah, I got what you meant. Though I can't say I think one colour is better than another... lol
better for what
@JNat ...until you see it and judge it for yourself
what's that written there?
If I'd said "the manga is pretty mediocre too, though" and you'd asked "why?" and I'd answered "because I heard about it", then I'd get why you were saying that
this is at the start of Spread Wixoss ep 4
but I was just saying what I heard
I have no idea of how good/bad the manga is
@JNat until you see it for yourself
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ lol, c'mon man, that's obvious and I got it the first time lol
I'm just saying you should go read it
@Hakase 白い部屋 大きな窓 繭
"White room, big window, cocoon"
ah a lil premonition
@ton.yeung how did the whole thing go?
I haven't been seen a pro bender at work myself
to see if he could help you?

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