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Q: Is yun male or female?

ton.yeungIn Only Sense Online, the main character is male, but in game people keep on mistaking him for being female. Did the game actually turn him into a female character, or did he just get his features made more feminine?

I think Togashi is losing it.
Q: Trying to find an anime watched years ago

blobsI am trying to find an anime that i have watched years ago. It has these female characters that are trying to fight each other. They have special weapons which they can summon and that i think they wear something that represent their team. They have this toys that help them to have these weapons ...

2 hours later…
minna ohayo
Ohayou gozaimasu
genki desu ka
I'm pretty genki right now
Q: Character gender in Sekirei?

blobsIn Sekirei, I am confused with (Number#006) Homura's Gender. Is Homura male or female? I just can't seem to find out the logic of it.

@ton.yeung Even so, the fact that he even published that is just ridiculous.
I can literally draw better than that.
And yet he's one of the highest paid mangaka.
IMO he can't even do that anymore
HxH has become such a train wreck
I know lots that happens beyond the end of the anime.
I presume that's not just a carefully selected page in a dream scenes or something?
Even still though...
Mangaka aren't judged based on art quality. They're judged based on audience size. If you can manage to attract an audience no one really cares if you end up putting out something terrible.
For evidence, see pretty much every long-running series in history
Here's what's clear to me:
- Up to Greed Island, everything was ducky
- The Ant arc was too dark for HxH and should have been a separate tale, or spin-off
- Even worse, the post-Ant arcs are even more storyless and nonsensical, like he was on LSD when he wrote them
- And worse still, the post-anime arcs are basically an entirely different story with its own characters intruding upon the HxH manga
So, what it comes down to is, people aren't discerning enough
@LoganM Of course. But that doesn't excuse his idiocy. Like the President going to a banquet in underwear.
@ToshinouKyouko Nope.
@Eric If he got enough other people to do it, it would be a new viral fashion trend rather than a stupid decision. See e.g. the millions of people pouring buckets of ice water over their heads recently.
@LoganM That doesn't make it any less stupid. That just makes it stupid and socially acceptable.
@Eric true, but the stupid people outnumber everyone else.
@LoganM This is true. Making anything viral or successful is just a matter of playing the stupid people.
@ton.yeung Mine too. Though the others are icing on the cake.
And then was like, "Oh, but money. So Ants and Dark Continent and bad art lulz. Cuz money."
But of course, it wouldn't be Togashi without 95% of his time spent on hiatus!
@Eric Yep. Now basically everyone in the US is aware of some disease that affects something like 100,000 people worldwide. What they don't realize is that, even in developed countries, the death rate due to hypothermia is some 15 times as high, and pouring ice water over your head won't help solve that problem.
@ton.yeung The latter
@LoganM lol, well, I don't think anyone has been stupid enough to get hypothermia from this.
... Yet.
@Eric Never underestimate human stupidity
@LoganM I never do. I speak only of the past, not the future.
@User6675636b20796f7521 GOOD GOD, that is a username.
thinking how many lines or long pic should be post to view complete username
@Eric what is wrong with the name?
@User6675636b20796f7521 Nothing.
@ShinobuOshino No worky
muhhh... tired
@Eric no work...y?
@Roh Not sure what that has to do with us, but you might check out space.stackexchange.com
I want to go back to bed...
@AsadaShino otaku
now sleep
@LoganM that's different.
@Roh I think he meant you might have better luck reaching out to members of that community for interest
@ShinobuOshino i become paranoid when you post some thing and it takes time to load
@mirroroftruth :p
but you did not fail me today :)
@ton what do you mean?
are other devs not 'regular'? ._.
@AsadaShino If you sing along with this it will wake you up
ah xD
@logan thanks :3
when i gey to work i will :D
@AsadaShino what was that
As for the question, only other developer in the US who is usually here that I can think of is Mysticial.
damn phone keyboard...
auto correction huh
nah. typo
@ShinobuOshino evil face
using a keyboard that has kana on it. but i have always used swype before this
emo face
@ShinobuOshino that truly evil
you will sleep
@AsadaShino translate B gata H kei
Type: B; Style: H
so b and h mean
B size
What exactly "B Gata" means is questionable. Could be cup size, but the term usually implies blood type.
blood type huh
hmm, watching the anime I'm pretty sure it's about cup size
But I don't know if the author ever actually explained it, so we can't really know.
Too many flags.
she refer her friend F-shita
what flag
@ShinobuOshino thats right
This is stupid. That's the kind of case that you should put up a moderator flag rather than a dozen spam/offensive flags.
@LoganM what do you mean
@mirroroftruth There were like 5 messages that got chat flagged
here now
All of them just links to the Aerospace Engineering proposal in different rooms by Roh, who is now suspended for 2:30.
because give proposal link?
But honestly, the only thing spammy about it was the fact that I kept getting flags over and over. If it's really a problem, a moderator would have been more effective.
meh whatever not my problem. I just find it annoying when people waste my time with stupid flags.
time for loli
At work now, faster typing and I can mention people easily, yay :P
@AsadaShino faster typing and nothing to type :)
@mirroroftruth Hell yeah! :D
I don't understand the appeal of VR. I thought that's the whole reason we make 2D stuff, because 3D is really ugly and boring.
What do you mean 3D is ugly and boring?
@Karasu oh, you know he want loli :3
By "3D is ugly and boring", I mean "3D is ugly" and "3D is boring".
I mean
Like real 3D with glasses or like battlefield/skyrim
Ugly and boring
My question was incomplete, my bad
both of them
Aha, you were talking about your own opinion, thought you meant a general opinion :)
@ton.yeung Yeah but the one they showed is definitely 3D
@AsadaShino My opinion is correct, whether or not the general populace agrees with it.
I'm not saying it's not
No need to get so defensive :P
Meh I just find a lot of modern entertainment to be horribly misguided.
but luckily there's enough cute girls in what's left that I can mostly just ignore all the bad.
real world on 2d just imagine
I can't really imagine that, to be honest
Only being able to see in 2 dimenions
Only looking sideways
imagination can be in 2d though
Not up or down
there is up and down and left right
like 2d game
That's from a topdown perspective
Implying there's a third dimension, where the camera is
haha yes perspective
Or are we not talking about 2D VR?
I don't care just want cute girls
Fair enough
yeah that would be one
I'm heading home. night all
Night :)

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