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Probably the kiwi fruit
there now only 1 q requires 2 votes and the other eight, 1
@Krazer My dog makes kiwis like that
I see 8 with 9 votes and 1 with 8 votes
@Krazer There you go
Moar commits for Japanese Culture!! We did it! Now go forth and Commit!!
Just out of curiosity what if some one have enough proxies or VPN
they could make proposal into commitment really fast then?
@Prix they could... but it would look suspicious as hell
how so?
somebody transfered too many votes from +10
there's been proposals that have crowdsourced
a bunch of new users voting?
that way a new user will be wasted on 5 +9s
@user1306322 We only have one question below 9 anyway
If the next user upvotes the 8 question we should be able to make it with 2 new users. If not, 3
Either way we're not far off
Asked a buddy to help
2 more questions with a score of 10 or more
@Krazer edit some moar
lol we're only 2 questions away now, but still require 2 new users because ppl didn't distribute their votes well
coz I told ya
I did :( dun generalize it!
that 8 could use one more
I wanna know about that Tipping character
I assumed Tipping was a misspelling of Tippy
well I could remove one of my votes
and make 2 at 9
I think more 9s would be more attractive
[Tippinging intensifies]
If you have a vote on a 10 question and none on the 8 question, moving that would be advantageous
mean 3 at 9
new voters would feel like they are making a difference (which they are)
done 3x9
1 user to go
so it could happen basically any time now
see? a month you said :p
@user1306322 A month is the deadline
We'll be closed if we don't make it by then
now is ze tiem
@Krazer :D
If you add this to the entry page it would get above 1000 votes in no time
someone posted that same video recently
still cute though
is there a limit on the number of message edits?
in chat?
for mods I mean
wasnt it time limit
Not that I know of, but non-mods only have 2 minutes
@user1306322 no
so a mod bot could theoretically run a whole chatroom on just 1 message and the real transcript would be its edit history
there is no post
only edit
Yes, it's possible
but y would u do dat
for fun of cores
I think a lot of the current bots wouldn't be allowed to become mods
I think none would be allowed :D
@LoganM probably me can't stop watching it
If the bot can be commanded to say anything, that could be used as an exploit to post quoted messages from mod-only rooms if you know the message IDs.
@user1306322 there is a time limit for non-mods not sure about edit limits
And figuring out the message IDs isn't too hard if you're watching all active chat rooms and notice gaps.
@LoganM also chat search ftw, but you already know it
@LoganM except Community!
@Krazer Community is a main-site bot, but not a chat bot afaik
which we should rebrand once we graduate
Are we allowed to?
is it possible even
For our site only we should
yes, as long as we keep the description the same
If so I endorse renaming Community to "Lolis".
SE mods probably won't like that idea
I'll go ask
I'm pretty sure it would be frowned on
> modified 18h ago Lolis♦ 1
If only because it would confuse everyone else from SE
@LoganM they would censor our community
I don't actually know if mods can change the profile data of the Community user. I know they can suspend it, which leads to "bad things", but I've never heard of anyone trying to change it except maybe to put on hats or something.
bad things…
Q: Proposal to rename Community user

This is much healthier.I feel that the word community is overused on Stack Exchange. There are community managers, community moderators, and Community user. And Community is a moderator, but not a community moderator (though some users call it such). Posts can be deleted by community, or they can be deleted by Com...

you know things are bad if Community♦ 1 is suspended
It's an open question as to whether the Community user can be review banned.
But that would lead to very weird things if it's possible.
then there should be Deleter♦ 1, Post Bumper♦ 1, Useful Suggested Edit Accepter♦ 1, etc♦ 1
> Is it polite to maintain eye contact while talking to someone?
for a pokemon trainer, yes
@user1306322 it's incredibly offensive when all of the trainer's pokemon are in the red
I'd say that it's dangerous too
imagine how red must feel with some trainer's pokemon inside him
@user1306322 wut
Now lets look at the Thermite explosions in Zankyo no Terror:
be the second to commit to Japanese Culture proposal woo
ow, it's already on Commitment phase
ummm,, what does it mean
> This proposal is in:

Before the site is created, it needs people to commit to use it. Right now, it's

complete. When it reaches 100%, the beta will begin.
▴ less info

The commitment score is the minimum of three scores:
1/200 committers in total
1/100 committers with 200+ rep on any other site
commitment score, based on committers' activity on all other sites and how old the commitment is
Why do one have to put those information to join if they are already part of SE why they just don't use your own credentials?
Japanese Culture is now in commitment phase. Go commit!
Dude election arc is INSANE!
specially Alluka
@ton.yeung No definition found.
@ton.yeung [commitment](http://commitment.urbanup.com/997124) Commitment is what
Transforms the promise into reality.
It is the words that speak
Boldly of your intentions.
And the actions which speak
Louder than the words.
It is making the time
When there is none.
Coming through time
After time after time,
Year after year after year.
Commitment is the stuff
Character is made of;
The power to change
The face of things.
It is the daily triumph
Of integrity over skepticism.
pretty cool tho
so what you need to clear on the commitment phase?
200 users have to commit
6 mins ago, by user1306322
> This proposal is in:

Before the site is created, it needs people to commit to use it. Right now, it's

complete. When it reaches 100%, the beta will begin.
▴ less info

The commitment score is the minimum of three scores:
1/200 committers in total
1/100 committers with 200+ rep on any other site
commitment score, based on committers' activity on all other sites and how old the commitment is
including at least 100 with over 200 rep on any other site
And the "commitment score" has to be over 100%, which is pretty complicated but rarely has any effect
craft cms proposal completed commitment phase in 12 days
@user1306322 They completed definition phase in like 1 day
@Taisho Sharo was probably my favorite character. But all of them are cute so it's hard to decide.
Just noticed that SE apparently hired jmac as a community manager. I assume this is for the position they needed someone who knew Japanese for.
Today's scary phrase "ore no hoppe chuu shiro"
hope I got it right not sure
some users don't have top q/a listed in their thingie
wonder why
Damn this arc is insane -__-
It has to be fairly recent
can't wait next ep
I forget how recent
older than 6 months don't show up
you haven't asked anything in over 6 months!
Yeah that might be right
> users also committed to
20.0% Anime & Manga
20.0% Pets
20.0% Reverse Engineering
20.0% Moderators
20.0% only this proposal
That's pretty heavily cached
how are "total rep" and "user rep" tabs different?
it looks like they're the same
Only difference is whether referrals count or not
referred users' rep is added to the referer's?
then refer da shit outta that!
I love crazy big numbers
@user1306322 Highest I've seen is 1.4 million
That one is a bit special though since it also takes advantage of a weird bug that MSE rep counts twice on A51
aha you can click on the "total rep" and see referred users
@Taisho you are getting better taste of posting pictures recently
@hwlau We replaced his old collection with some that I collected.
oh so you drop the old one? I thought you just added yours
The old ones are gone
In the future I intend to tweak them based on what people here like. We've currently got around 1k on him but that's just from going through the first 1/16 of my collection.
So if you like particular artists/styles/pictures more or less, tell me and I'll keep that in mind when I go through the other 15/16 of them
Of course, you can upload your own as well, at least at the moment, but it's annoying to do everything in a way that will work.
what you did just already good enough
how can I upload mine?
I dont have many fanart tho
just in case I find something good
First, you need to put them somewhere that they won't rot and can be hyperlinked
@LoganM oops, it is your selections. The old ones are usually the same series with some standard picturse.
Google drive is what I used. You could also use Flicker, Minus, Dropbox, or other options
imgur isn't a great choice since the images can expire after 6 months, but if you use the stack.imgur account it would work. Can't automate that though.
Then, get all the images and put the URLs in a pastebin paste with one per line. Then do #wallpaper add pastebin.com/example
Or if you have a small number of URLs you can just put the URLs here directly separated by spaces
@LoganM is there some special agree btween imgur and SE that they won't remove those images
@hwlau Yes, they're permanent.
sad that they don't include the chat room
SE also backs them up IIRC so even if the deal with imgur ends it'll still be relatively safe
But I'd assume SE wouldn't like it if you uploaded thousands of images to their imgur account just for this.
@hwlau they do with the upload button?
or at least we do have an upload button next to the send one which allows you to use the built in SE imgur
Q: Yaoi manga; possibly psychological?

アズーサI am looking for a manga I had briefly read maybe a really long time ago (maybe five months ago) when I wasn't too interested in reading mangas that much. I don't remember too many details but it was definitely a yaoi manga and the only vague detail I remember is that the genre was possibly psych...

@LoganM is this link good enough? https://drive.google.com/#folders/0Byjwisr1lGkxTzItQXFXZU1GSGc
I never use google drive to share anything, so I dont know...
that's the only picture I have in my work place right now
Should work so long as you don't move them.
Link type not recognized.
You'd want to do #wallpaper add https://googledrive.com/host/0Byjwisr1lGkxTzItQXFXZU1GSGc/WVQqRh0.png https://googledrive.com/host/0Byjwisr1lGkxTzItQXFXZU1GSGc/AIImr.jpg https://googledrive.com/host/0Byjwisr1lGkxTzItQXFXZU1GSGc/159998_8gmbdnqi45vr67a‌​xc3lpse0tfzjukw12h9yo.jpg
But you can't move the images or rename them or change the folder after doing that
one by one? seriously?
So make sure they're where you want them to be first.
You can do all 3 at once
Just copy the code exactly from my post and it should work
well I mean, for every picture?
Yes you have to include the URL for each one
at the moment it isn't set up to parse Google drive folders
could probably be done, but that would require work
Alternatively if you have a lot, use pastebin
dang, how can you do that with that much picture you have
I don't have that
We automated it
If you want to do pastebin, I think it would be something like #wallpaper add http://pastebin.com/X3fUrgz0
That's how we got all of mine in the bot
never use pastebin before... lemme try
The one I posted above pastebin.com/X3fUrgz0 should actually work fine
You need to use the hosting links for Google drive images (the ones I posted above), which aren't the ones you see in the drive folder though. The ones Google drive itself uses aren't stable and won't work for the bot.
but you still need to add that link one by one in pastebin
Yes, but they all follow a simple pattern
specifically, all of them have the url https://googledrive.com/host/Directory_Id/filename
Directory ID is the same for all of them which are in the same folder
filename is the same as the filename you upload it with
So all you have to do is a bit of parsing. It's easy to automate that.
Then you just copy all that into a pastebin
a bit of parsing. not sure how to do that...
Depends on what you want to use and what format you have the data in, but it's a simple enough thing to be doable in any language which does any kind of file manipulation.
In unix you can just do an ls and pipe the results into a blank file, then prepend each line of the file with the string representing the Google drive for the folder. Basically just follow stackoverflow.com/questions/2099471/…
oh,, I think I understand what you mean,,
@LoganM and if I remove the picture or rename the folder I need to add it again for bot?
@ShinobuOshino Yes, but don't do that once you've added it
If you've added it and you move the folder, the bot now has a bunch of dead links
And it doesn't check to see if they're dead. It'll just post them
So put them where you intend for them to stay forever before adding them to the bot.
can't we delete the link from bot?
#wallpaper help
Posts wallpaper links from time to time. Commands: enable, disable, post, add, status, timeinterval, postinterval.
enable − Resume posting wallpaper links.
disable − Stop posting wallpaper links.
post − Post a random image link on request.
add − Add a single image link, multiple image links separated by spaces, or a link to text file with image links separated by line breaks (pastebin raw link accepted).
status − Print module status, posting intervals, counts of posted and queued links.
timeinterval − Returns current value or changes it.
I don't see any way to remove
You can probably get @user1306322 to remove manually, but other than that, no
@Taisho show more wallpaper!
@hwlau You can make him post another one
#wallpaper post
wow that's pretty cute.
Thanks for posting it :)
@LoganM I guess it is picked by you
Yes I picked all of them
But some are better than others
#wallpaper post
nice on demand working
Rey <3
Well i've seen everything up to the last available movie
as long as its not beyond that go ahead
spoilers: Rei is actually kinda weird.
but it can still be "spoiler" to someone know nothing
wasn't there a PM/whisper command on this chat?
Spoiler chat command s should be a thing
Hmm, I wonder what the sauce is for that imng, its quite nice
@ToshinouKyouko Which one? The Rei one?
@ToshinouKyouko tomato sauce?
I have several other ones from the same artist.
..... boredom
go watch anime
Ty @LoganM~
hmmm.. they said Lucy seems a lot like Elfen Lied
quite similar
what are you doing Kyouko
@Shinobu I prefer elven lied
Umm... Nothing
<_< >_>
Morning :3
Morning Asada~
@ToshinouKyouko ofc it's better, they seems to have nothing left in mind since they get an idea from anime
@ToshinouKyouko you can't harass Yui like that!
@AsadaShino oh hay
Hey @ShinobuOshino and @ToshinouKyouko :3
dat double ping! :P
How's you guys doin?
Kyouko is harassing yui >.<
Haha :P
Awwww ._.
Look what you did ._.
Do you see those tears? ._.
i can see that...
@ShinobuOshino I'm sure she can forgive you ^^ @ToshinouKyouko
Looks like the problem of ppl starring @Taisho's pictures may only get worse with the new ones
Maybe I will start starring equally useless messages to counteract that.
Yui gave out to me too
@ToshinouKyouko no hotlinking
@ToshinouKyouko shinobuuuu
I'm not ninja
:D oops
Hahaha xD
@ToshinouKyouko it's for akari... not yui
oh wait
Cuz yui-chan hit me ;_;
you got chinatsu and ayano,,y u chasing yui
@Shinobu if you were a ninja tho, you could have your own spinoff series
She gives me rum raisin icecream
@ToshinouKyouko I'm a proud vampire, I don't want to be a ninja
@ToshinouKyouko I'll give you araragi and hachikuji
how bout that?
I'll stick with yui!
you don't want chinatsu?
@ToshinouKyouko jigau. his name is araragi
I messed up :3
@ShinobuOshino jigautte dare nano
Chinatsu's art is scary, I like when she cosplays as mikurin tho
@ToshinouKyouko no, you do it deliberately
@LoganM ?_?
@ShinobuOshino (///◔(ェ)◔///)
Aww xD
˞͛ʕ̡̢̡ ͡͝ ືྀ͋ ◡ु ͡͝ ືི͋ ʔ̢̡̢˞͛
What the hell is that D:
or bears?
Beers :P
ฅ(⌯͒• ɪ •⌯͒)ฅnya~ン❣
haha x3
I have no idea why I'm awake right now
because you're not sleeping?
blame @Taisho
#wallpaper post
He would have posted it anyway with just another post or two
I know :p
@Taisho oh..seems like my kind
you like twin drills?
not really
it's weird sometimes
I mean, she look like vampire
with that pointy ear and coffin
and gothic dress
Dem drills x3
@ShinobuOshino is that drillception?
!!youtube unlimited drill works
@AsadaShino seems like it
Aww :P No bots for you =/
wat iz dat
Katawa Crash
I had some absurd records when I played it a few years ago
Found a bug that made it possible to basically go as far as I wanted.
katawa like....katawa shoujo?
seems like it
Yes it's a parody of Katawa Shoujo based on Nanaca crash
which is a flash game from like 10 years ago based on the visual novel Cross Channel
Incidentally, I spent an absurd amount of time in HS playing Nanaca Crash even though I didn't particularly care about anime back then.
Costume Design

Proposed Q&A site for people who enjoy designing costumes.

Currently in definition.

Q: Could the Cowboy Bebop movie be set a few years after the Series? [SPOILERS]

BornTHIS DESCRIPTION HAS MANY BIG SPOILERS. You have been warned. I have read many posts and reviews where it has been said that the creators of cowboy bebop intended the movie to be between sessions 22 and 23. There are a few questions on this site which ask specifically where the movie is placed ...

I didn't know katawa shoujo was based on cross channel :o
@ShinobuOshino Seems those 2 characters were not random and I also don't seem to have a photographic memory, sadly :P I didn't recognise them (that question about the last ep of Aincrad SAO)
Ah, shinobu left xD dangit
Oh, it was Krazer that answered it, even cooler :P
its just us now~

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