If you mean the translations, chapter 30 just came out after 6 months of no translations. There are 53 in all so it will probably be a while before they finish.
Each one is a direct quote of the previous one. Hence the time is however long passed between the two.
it confused me the first time, but it's an exact quote. If they had to change the timestamps each new quote so that they were accurate that would be somewhat of a pain.
Sometimes, I find myself wanting to cite a Japanese text as evidence for an answer to a question on Anime.SE. Japanese sometimes includes phonetic annotations called furigana, which look like this:
The small characters in the upper line of text are phonetic annotations that explain how the cha...
For example, the Japanese title of the 2013 Spring anime that has AHSMBs in it is 銀河機攻隊マジェスティックプリンス. When giving a romanization (as opposed to a translation, which would be "Galactic Armored Fleet Majestic Prince" or something), should we romanize it as "ginga kikoutai majesutikku purinsu" or "gi...
@MadaraUchiha So I checked all the beta sites, none has anything less than 1.5. I haven't gone over graduates sites but I highly doubt there are any lower than 1.5.
I've compiled a list of questions which I believe can be answered (or improved with new answers) by someone who is an expert in one or more of the series (or tags) the question is related to.
At least half of these questions will not necessarily have sources to cite, so they will rely upon the a...
It doesn't have a whole lot of questions that could help improve answer ratio, though.