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Anyway if there's no way for counterflags to count as helpful, I guess that answers that. Doesn't make much sense though.
@Logan I would consider it one, but an incomplete one
@Krazer Yes I agree
Q: Anime which reference the Kabbalah?

DanalogI've noticed heavy-handed references to the Kabbalah in two different anime that I've watched: Fullmetal Alchemist has the Tree of Life on the Gate: Neon Genesis Evangelion has it in the sky in both the opening credits and in the series itself: I also remember it was on the ceiling at NER...

I was able to find a good reason to VTC that question. From the help center:
> Questions requesting illegal or copyrighted information [are off-topic]
Personally, at least for me, that's the reason why this should be closed. If the question were about where to go to download freely available official wallpapers from these series, I think it would be okay.
(okay doesn't necessarily mean good)
@LoganM are screenshots really considered copyrighted? I think they can constitute fair use, I mean we use them for reference all the time on the site
@Krazer It doesn't constitute fair use if he's downloading them for personal use.
@LoganM sounds like a gray area to me, but IANAL
For fair use, the following are the relevant considerations:
1. The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
2. the nature of the copyrighted work;
3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
If the anime is a commercial production and he's downloading for personal use, then it fails #1 and #2.
I don't think downloading for personal use violates #1, actually...
With that said, even if it qualifies as fair use, it's still copyrighted material. The help center bans all questions asking for "copyrighted information", without consideration for whether the use is protected under fair use.
this sorta conflicts with the meta about where to get anime merchadise
@Krazer Which one?
Q: How should we deal with questions asking for where to buy, watch, anime or manga media or such related merchandise?

KrazerIn light of this question, I'd like to ask what the community feels about questions similar to the aforementioned, ones related to where to buy, stream, anime or manga media or such related merchandise (such as character goods or music). It's a given many people are not well-versed in being abl...

I don't see any conflict.
They're two different things
@LoganM I/m just a bit afraid some might misconstrue it to also apply to the screencap question (technically it is media), and argue about the legality of screenshots
Q: What DBZ fight lasted a whole season?

Frank KuzenskiI've heard that Dragonball Z once stretched a fight (sometimes they say one punch) over most of a season. Which season was it? What are the episode titles? How did they do it, were there flashbacks or cut-aways, or constant fighting?

@Krazer I think the distinction between the two is clear. One type of question is about purchasing anime/manga/other. The other is about obtaining it through means which are at best questionable.
@LoganM that's fine then
With that said, our policy on piracy is still rough. Personally, I think that this question falls on the side of "should not allow to maintain a professional image" but until we have a complete policy it's debatable. I also don't think the recent conversations we've had in chat regarding this have made a big difference.
I can see two ways to reach some sort of consensus: either we have the mods reach a consensus and then just apply that everywhere (at this point, I and most others will be fine with any sensible complete policy) or we discuss it on meta to reach a conclusion.
@LoganM It seemed fitting to congratulate you on over 9,000 rep after you commented on a DBZ-related question.
Grats on 9k rep, @LoganM!
@Eric @Krazer Thanks! I didn't even realize I was close to 9k lol
It's a race to 10k now!
@Eric @Krazer will almost certainly win that race. The only small chance I have is if Scifi decides to migrate the Anime vs Manga question, which would give me about 205 rep. Even with that I think he'd win, since he's been going faster than me recently.
@LoganM I've really been slacking off on the questions as of late
@LoganM Actually, in the last month, you've slightly outpaced him. In the last quarter, as well.
@Eric Yeah but that was last month. Now that school is starting back up I'm getting busy again.
@LoganM True. Yeah, I'm pretty much free as a bee for the next month, hence why I'm picking up a new anime, more Japanese practice, more coding, and still having time for answering more than usual. Which is really nice.
And then, next month, I'll only be answering during boring classes. :|
I remember there were a few cases where I wanted to answer a question but it was in the middle of teaching (one time I did answer anyway because it was only a couple of lines so I typed it on my tablet and later expanded to a full answer).
@LoganM I wish you were one of my profs.
@Eric I am a really bad teacher for basic stuff. I learned physics in a really strange way (I was taking graduate math classes at the same time as my first college physics class) so I have some trouble explaining things in basic terms.
@LoganM Eh, that's fine with me. It might actually challenge me. At this point, in school, with the profs teaching to the people who don't actually care to learn, I would enjoy a little bit of intellectual stimulus.
organizationasg.kokidokom.net/2013/08/11/… Oh man, this pretty much happened to me.
@Eric I'm not sure if it's challenging or just useless for most people. For example, I never really understood cross products of 3-dimensional vectors, so I tried to write a lecture explaining cross products in terms of differential forms and hodge duals. I only gave up when it became clear that it would take more than one lecture to develop the relevant theory.
After conversing with the professor for the course, it became clear that he had no idea what a differential form was, so I think it was wise to give up on that.
Well, that's partly the professor's fault, not yours.
@Eric Agreed, but this is just not standard material in the physics curriculum. It should be (actually, it should be standard in multivariable calculus), but there's not much need for people like him to understand these formulas in those terms because the systems he looks at are simple enough that cross products can usually be interpreted in a simple way.
@LoganM A simple way, such as..?
That reminds me, there are people who take intro physics without even knowing multivariable calculus. And the university has told us that we have to design the course so that they can understand it. Which is really quite hard.
@Eric Cross products of ordinary vectors in flat 3D space are pretty easy to understand. The direction is perpendicular to the two vectors, and the magnitude is the area of the parallelogram they determine. That leaves you with a single ambiguity in the direction which is solved by placing an orientation on the space (e.g. via the "right hand rule"). For most of the cases where we need cross products (e.g. rotational mechanics, magnetic fields) this interpretation is sufficient.
Fair enough, I suppose that is a simple enough interpretation of it.
I'm guessing there's more to it that has to be taught, though.
I only recently understood this. Before then (and still when I'm thinking about it for real), I understood cross products in terms of differential forms. The exterior (or "wedge") product of two vector fields (or 1-forms) is a bivector field (or 2-form). In 3d the space of all vectors has dimension 3 choose 1 = 3, and bivectors is 3 choose 2 = 3, so there are isomorphisms between them.
A particularly nice one is the Hodge dual * (which is equivalent to choice of a metric on your space plus an ordering of a basis for the space). The cross product of two vectors, in this language, is just the Hodge dual of their exterior product, i.e. a x b = *(ab) .
Anyway I think that is enough advanced math, so here's some idiotic stuff to make up for it:
> I need you to make the website black and white but include as much color as possible.
@LoganM Don't worry, advanced math doesn't bother me.
But maaaan, dat client. Geez.
@Eric That's why I augmented it with something that should bother you.
Because this chatroom is supposed to be bothersome.
lol. It does.
Is anyone else unable to get on Sankaku recently (not going to link because NSFW)? I get database errors but "is it down" sites all seem to think it's up.
"Error establishing a database connection"
The reason "is it down" sites say it's up is because it's able to connect to the website, but the website itself is just not working. (AKA it's serving data, just bad data.)
@Krazer Already tried that. It says it's up but I get database errors on multiple browsers, machines, and networks.
@Eric That's what I figured.
so it's half up half down~
So it's an error on their side.
no news on the twitters:
Sankaku Complex Official Twitter - Anime, manga and games, observed from Japan
6.7k tweets, 7.9k followers, following 0 users
It's been like that for a couple days.
umm. can anyone tell me the name of this song. It's a one piece ED.
it goes like.. waaa no kisomito eee
or something like that.. :/ dunno
@iKlsR Any idea which episode it follows or anything?
Here are all One Piece EDs:

#01: "Memories" by Maki Otsuki (eps 1-30)
#02: "RUN! RUN! RUN!" by Maki Otsuki (eps 31-63)
#03: "Watashi ga iru Yo" by TOMATO CUBE (eps 64-73)
#04: "Souchinosuke" by Suitei-Shoujo (eps 74-81)
#05: "Before Dawn" by AI-SACHI (eps 82-94)
#06: "Fish" by The Kaleidoscope (eps 95-106)
#07: "Glory ~Kimi ga iru Kara~" by Takako Uehara (eps 107-118)
#08: "Shining Ray" by Janne da Arc (eps 119-127, 129-132)
#09: "Family" by the Straw Hat Pirates (ep 128)
#10: "Free Will" by Ruppina (eps 133-156)
Wait, there's 21? I lost count at 18.
@LoganM number 3 <3 ^_^
@iKlsR Lucky. I had hoped it was #20. :D
the only part I got correct was the "waaa" .. heh. It feels so nostalgic.
@Eric 20 and 21 are both OPs that were used as EDs in some eps, and 09 only played in one ep. If you exclude those it would be 18.
I remember watching one piece so many years ago.. about 10 or so and hearing this song.
@LoganM Yup, you're exactly right, that's what I was counting.
@LoganM you speak jap right?
@iKlsR hai
Can you tell me what the chorus is saying?
In that song?
I'll save @LoganM some effort:
Need to get my headphones since I'm at work. 1 min.
@Eric I just ate so my web-fu is regenerating. Sowee.
Okay nvm that seems to answer it.
Watashi ga iru yo - I'm here with you! <3
Sorry, I think I took the fun out of it for both of you. My bad, lol.
heh. ;)
@iKlsR 9!
man.. my brain is a mess right now. I'm now looking for umm.. naruto OP after bluebird I think.. the one with hash and madara statues at the start.
I don't know anything about Naruto OPs. I'll leave it to @LoganM, lol.
@Eric @LoganM watches naruto?
@Eric lol I only know about the German ones.
Probably not, but he might--
@iKlsR no
Or he might not know.
@JNat help.
lol, ask @Krazer-san. He's amazing!
It's on the edge of my brain..
@Krazer halp.
The only Naruto OP I know is this one:
If it's that one, I'm going to laugh.
@LoganM that just threw me out of the mood completely..
nvm @Krazer
@iKlsR wat.
@Eric that blogpost.. that happened to me too T_T
I took a break from one piece around thriller bark ark. Yesterday was the first in 2 months.
Skip a day and real world problems seep in.
i love this site.
Their Miki collection is rather small.
@Krazer yes!
Sasuke is such an overrated little bitch.
@iKlsR Oh, snap. Anger.
Reminds me that my former roommate wrote a fanfic crossover with Sasuke and something about .hack. I don't know anything about Naruto but it was pretty funny. Let me see if I can find it.
@LoganM wtf was that?
@iKlsR It was his entry for my anime club's "worst fanfic" competition.
Not sure why we had one of those, let alone with prizes.
@Eric I've already read it
@LoganM How far did you get?
@Eric IIRC I finished, unless anything has come out in the past year or so.
@LoganM Nope, its last chapter came out in 2010.
I finished it as well, and I'm pretty sure I'm stupider for it.
Personally, I found this one to be worse, just because it seems like less of a troll: xdallyx.webs.com
Another one that I finished that seemed like it probably was a trollfic: fanfiction.net/s/4615680/1/…
this is getting out of hand xD
@Krazer Go on, read My Immortal. You'll love it.
That one I couldn't even force myself through so I made Microsoft Sam read it. It made it even worse but at the same time it was funny.
You know a story is going to be top notch when it starts with, "Dally was riding the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts with her best friend Edwart Cullen."
@Eric It gets better every chapter.
I also recommend Tails gets trolled.
There is actually an animated version of that one on youtube.
@LoganM I'm saving all these. I can't read all this tonight, I'll need a lobotomy.
@Eric Save this video too then
@LoganM Will do.
omg I am dying just watching that video again
Here's page 2. I'm not sure how far the animations go, but I don't think I've seen more than that.
@LoganM Good opening of the Last Supper. lol
this voiced version goes quite a bit farther in the story (through ch 4). Not animated though, but still great.
@ton.yeung When did that happen?
That's a bit strange that they both changed in the same window. I can't find any obvious reason why it would have happened though.
Wow 2 hour chat suspension in Game Dev. I missed the flags though so I'm not sure what it was for.
@LoganM It actually wasn't that bad, I thought. I saw a few flags, and it was just mild trolling/bad language.
@Eric I see at least 2 removed posts. However, there's a mod that told the user to watch his language, so maybe they're stricter than we are.
@ton.yeung Yes, no release this week. They used the railgun slot to broadcast a 23-minute preview of the Index movie iirc
Q: What does Kabincho mean?

ton.yeungKuchiki Manabu got some flak for being useless, and Kabincho! was his reaction (10:41 Horrible Subs). Is this just more of his nonsensical outbursts or is this a reference to something?

@Sakamoto Pretty sure there's no obvious meaning here, at least nothing that most people would catch. I'm not 100% confident though so I'll hold off answering for now.
Q: Does this Arboretum Rooftop Building exist?

ton.yeungIn Uchouten Kazoku, episode 06, there is this scene. Does this building exist?

1 hour later…
@LoganM I'm pretty sure it's just a random word, similar to random meaningless stuff that Nodame would say (e.g. Mukya/Gyabo/etc)
wakamote is sometimes kind of hard to watch
it's still pretty funny but the situations are so obviously setup to make her fail
Q: Why did Ichigo use his final move?

Mr.MindorAt the end of the Aarancar arc, Ichigo had Aizen so completely outclassed that Aizen couldn't even grasp the difference in their powers. Why would Ichigo use his Final Getsuga Tenshou when he knew what it would cost him?

@Eric Yes, I was sleeping
@iKlsR Although I doubt I can help you now, I think you were looking for the one Krazer linked you to :P
@Eric Seems good to me
Q: What is the meaning of "Forever Fornever"?

krikaraThis message "Forever Fornever" appeared at the end of the Yu Yu Hakusho series in the English dub. What does mean and/or what is this related to?

3 hours later…
Q: Why do people keep seeing Hachikuji?

user1306322After stopping not wanting to go home, Araragi Koyomi and Hanekawa Tsubasa keep seeing Hachikuji on the streets. Why does this still keep happening? I thought Hachikuji can only be seen by a person who doesn't want to go home. Do the effects of the first encounter continue indefinitely, or is th...

Q: Madara the sage of six paths (lots of doubts inside)

MadaraI'm sorry i don't read manga but in the anime lets say like two weeks back when Madara Came back (Naruto Shippuden Episode 322) he tried to summon the 10 tail and then he found out that the nine tail hasn't been sealed yet, also does the sage of six paths should have some eye technique ? And als...

2 hours later…
@ton.yeung I'm here
I'm in here as well
Quite bored, but here none the less
@ton.yeung I'm not here.
@LoganM Yu Kobayashi's end card for Attack on Titan (EP. 12):
Pepsi flavored cheetos? only in Japan!
@Krazer I seriously doubt that tastes good
Come on why would they do that?
I mean gummy bears with Pepsi taste, sure but cheetos?
@ton.yeung ~15 in japan last time i counted
@JNat You sleep?
@Eric Sometimes, yeah. I find it convenient. Don't you?
@JNat Yeah, but it takes so long. There's not a lot of other activities I commit 8 hours a day to. Not even eating. Hell, rarely even coding.
@Eric I feel you
@ton.yeung Yup... same! lol
lol... I tried that. It makes me more tired.
If I sleep at ~9pm and wake up at ~5am, I'm tired all day.
If I sleep at ~11pm and wake up at ~7am, I'm fine.
@ton.yeung 1 hour of sleep? ._.
Or 13?
Oh, wow. If I slept til 1, I'd be tired til midnight, then stay up til 5am wide awake.
Yeah, I used to need 10h. When I went to Redmond for my internship, I started finally sleeping about 7-8, which was plenty. I come back here, and 9 is more or less what I need. I think it's the altitude.
Hopefully I did a good job splitting my question up
Guess I did a good enough job to get one upvote at least.
Q: The Tree of Life in Fullmetal Alchemist

DanalogI've noticed references to the Kabbalah in a couple of anime I've watched. One of them is Fullmetal Alchemist. Fullmetal Alchemist has the Tree of Life on the Gate: So, my question is, Is there any deeper meaning to the use of the Kabbalistic tree of life, or is it just used because it looks...

I hope it wasn't bad form to split @JonLin's answer into two and post one as myself.
@Danalog You should offer him the chance to post it, or at the very least, make it Community Wiki.
In fact, you could do what JNat once did: Make it Community Wiki, credit Jon Lin, and then tell him he can post his; if he does, you delete yours.
OK. I've never made anything community wiki before, I'll have to see how to do that.
That's a good call though
@Danalog There's a little checkbox under the edit textarea when you edit it.
I see! It looked greyed out but it let me check anyway
Nah, it's never greyed out, just insignificant. If you can't use it, it hides.
@Eric Thanks for the suggestion, that makes me feel better. I didn't want to lose his answer during the move, but I also didn't want to take credit for it.
@Danalog You're welcome!~ ^_^
I'll make a post in that split question
removing all the stuff that was related to the other question
Q: What are "Community Wiki" posts?

Justin StandardSome questions and answers are marked Community Wiki and are owned by a Community Wiki user. Why have Community Wiki posts? How do Community Wiki posts work? How does a post become a Community Wiki post? How can the Community Wiki status be removed from a post? Return to FAQ Index

@JonLin Thanks for cleaning up and reposting
973... so close...
@JNat That's super interesting! I never noticed that only Ed saw it that way.
Oh, because I didn't get far enough to see that happening in Brotherhood
@Danalog Yeah, it's pretty interesting. I knew because I had researched it a while ago, since I had had the intention of asking something like what you asked.
But then I forgot :P
I love trivia like this.
Even if it's not as popular as asking about Naruto or Pokemon or Bleach =P
FMA is pretty popular.
@LoganM Yeah, but other than my question about the difference between the series, I seem to ask questions that most folks don't care about.
@LoganM And that one I just got the early beta bonus on =)
@Danalog Your questions seem to mostly be pretty highly upvoted. +5 or +6 is quite a bit for most things outside of (where you could probably get +20 for asking why anime girls are cute)
@LoganM Maybe I just have too high expectations for a beta!
If you compare this site to SO, rep here is way easier to get. Pretty much any question that isn't clearly against the rules gets upvoted.
I guess our low bar is lower, but our high bar is higher =)
Remember that the highest voted posts on this site are below +40. There just aren't enough regular voting users for voting here to get higher than that.
@LoganM Yeah. Getting made un-Beta isn't going to be a magic bullet either, I'd assume.
I've never been on a site both before and after Beta
@Danalog What we need is a bigger user base. Despite doing well in most of our stats, our user base is still one of the smallest in the network.
@LoganM Avid, Everybody, or both?
Our avid user count is going up, it'll be Excellent pretty soon
@JNat We have lots of avid users, but many of them only have a couple of posts and aren't active any more.
@JNat I wish they gave a representative "all users" count to compare against too though.
@LoganM It's also super easy for a user coming over with 101 rep to become avid
@LoganM This is true.
@Danalog The total number of users on each site is reported here: stackexchange.com/sites#users
However, there's no measure of how many of those users have actually ever done anything on the site.
Aww, that's not ordered
ah, but you can in list view
our visits per day looks pretty respectable even compared to sites 2 years older than us
@Danalog Should be ordered by user count. If not, select that under "sort by"
It defaulted to grid view, I just had to change it.
@Danalog Weird, not for me ._.
When I reloaded the window it remembered what I had done before. It was probably just grid for me since I had never been to that page before, so had no preferences.
@Eric If you've ever visited that site before, it will use whatever you used before. I think grid is the default view (tried with private browsing and I got grid).
Ah, gotcha.
That would explain it, I always use list view.
There's no #6 so it's really 19, but they're still awesome.
oooh, #9 hurts
@Danalog I like #11.
I want to know what #12 is so I can never eat it.
Just make sure you always buy "bacon bits" and you'll be fine.
I can make it an answer but just because we don't know what it is right now doesn't mean there isn't a non-nonsense answer
@ton.yeung These people should not be allowed to touch electronics. Not even their cars.
@ton.yeung not really sure, it's up to you, there's really no guideline for stuff like this
@ton.yeung I think "We don't know, but it's probably nonsense" is a totally legit answer is it's the only answer we have
That list is amazing.
> “I made the mistake of letting my wife see the logo. She doesn’t like it, and since it’s easier to pay you to redo it than it is to get a divorce, I’ll need another invoice for the revisions.”
We got a mention on MSO:
Q: Suddenly all answers disappears

BibhasI opened a question, commented on one of the two answers, then pulled to refresh and then suddenly this - I moved back to list of questions and entered the question again, but it's still empty. What did I break?

Oh, cool. Too bad it's not a link mention, but I'll take what we can get.
@Eric Suggest an edit with the link to the question
@LoganM Did so.
And approved.
Approved + additional edit
Yay, 1000!
Are you supposed to be some kind of imposter? (kidding) — Madara Uchiha 31 secs ago
@LoganM I want the app too :(
@MadaraUchiha your evil clone.
@MadaraUchiha I want to try it, but they said you need to have Android 4.1 or later and I only have 4.0. :(
@LoganM ikr.. :/ See my comment.
What breaking edge new feature(s) are you guys using that you have to start at 4.1. :( Still running 2.3. — lazlo Aug 5 at 16:15
I don't know why they force 4.1.
Any good Android developer can circumvent that with ease.
I'm running 4.1.2 and I haven't gotten the email :(
Literally, there are libraries which make 4.1 features compatible all the way down to 2.2.
@Eric They'll probably use that for the beta testing.
Right now, in Alpha, they probably wanna take it slow.
That's what I'm guessing.
I guess, but converting it later will be a pain in the arse for them.
4.0 is quite smooth, so I don't know why they want 4.1. My tablet isn't even 2 years old and it still runs as well as it did out of the box.
All the app will do is connect to the internet. It's just going to make life harder.
Q: Which of manga did he intend to parody?

Naing Lin AungIn Episode 5 of Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei, I think the following scenes might parody of some manga. What I want to know is which manga he intend to parody.

Q: Relation between DaCapo III and the first two series

Naing Lin AungI think all DaCapo series might have relation have relation between them . As far as I know from DaCapo I and DaCapo II; In DaCapo II, Shirakawa Nanana is grandchild of Shirakawa Kotori from DaCapo I. Asakuar Junichi is grand father of both Asakuar Otome and Asakura Yume. Does any other rel...

@iKlsR ... -_-
Let's see you get notifications from your stock browser.
And good luck pressing the "comment upvote" button on the web UI.
I hate using SE on my phone. I was coming close to developing my own app for it.
@Eric I know what you mean. I'm just saying in my short experience with it, 4.x is rather silly to start with.
I'd bet it's for the drawer features. That would be my guess.
Since basically that's all it will do. :/
They probably also don't want to use deprecated methods.
So, for layout listeners, you have to use deprecated methods if you don't want to target API 16 (4.1) or higher.
yh.. i'm just at 11..
That's why I hate Android.
@MadaraUchiha Why? As a developer, it doesn't require that much extra effort.
The diversity is even larger then the number of browsers I need to support as a web developer.
It's worse on iOS. They just strip features or deny the app entirely.
Shitton of devices, shitton of testing
You cannot get Shazam on iOS 5 anymore.
It is literally impossible.
The nice thing about Android's horrible fragmentation is that it's built to handle it.
Our Q/D seems to be taking off. It's 7.1, tied for the 2nd highest I've seen it since private beta (highest was on April 3nd with 7.2).
@LoganM That's good
@MadaraUchiha Yeah. The recent questions are also usually more interesting than the random stuff we were asking e.g. for fruits.
@LoganM Yeah
I see the spike was at around Aug 1
Visits per day are also very steadily climbing.
My stats for Q/D since Aug 1st show a fairly flat period for about a week at around 5 Q/D, and starting on Aug 6th for the past week we've been steadily climbing in Q/D
The only number that's worrying me now is answer ratio.
To get up to 2.5 we'd need about 1200 new answers without any new questions. If we get new questions, or if some old unanswered questions get answered, it will make things worse.
@LoganM I'm pretty sure fruits are the most interesting parts of anime.
Except maybe lolis.
A low answer ratio is only a problem if there's evidence that the existing answers aren't complete and sufficient, and I think our answers are generally pretty good here. But it's still worrying that we can't seem to get past 1.5.
@Eric True, what was I thinking.
BTW, in case anyone is not paying attention, the SZS question is on the multicollider if you have it set to 50 entries. It's towards the bottom at 19 arbitrary hotness points and not likely to increase a lot, but it gives you an idea of how easy it is to get up there.
@LoganM was there no Railgun episode last week?
@ton.yeung Ah, nice, found it
@JNat I wonder if this sort of thing would make a good main site question.
I have my doubts, mostly because the information becomes useless fairly quickly, but anime delays are nothing new and I've been confused by them before. There have been at least 4 episodes delayed this season by TV stations or producers for various reasons.

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