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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@Gao Np! Sorry that things got screwed up in the first place.
@Taisho obviously one police can't see
which is why they're risky
@TimE.Lord you sure you want that face, like it's going to die in a couple or so weeks
@Tonepoet to be fair Madoka wasn't alseep
@TimE.Lord but how would you know it's never going to happen. like look at some of the stuff in Back to the Future 2 which we actually did get
(well except hoverboards, we wanted them but we didn't want them to explode all the time)
@Memor-X I'm having a little bit of difficulty remembering the details, but would you be able to tell me if we see him enter the room, or if Madoka summoned him in that instance?
@Tonepoet doesn't he just appear?
like i don't remember if he was always in madoka's plush toys but i do recall a scene where the light moves around a poll or something and then we see his shadow walk out of
main thing though is that he didn't try and sneak up on Madoka and woke her up before he could like Contract Rape her
@Memor-X That was probably before Sayaka made her wish. He was kind of stalking her at Kyosuke's hospital.
@Tonepoet well i was more thinking about a night scene but yeh there was that
was Sayaka and Kyosuke on an upper floor. i recall the Incubator was on the outside of the window
@Memor-X Maybe it's the scene where Homura shot him then? There were lamp posts around that area.
@Tonepoet yeh might have been when he came to eat his body
i don't know, i just recall it because it's one of these scene where he just appears despite it being clear that he wasn't there before
@Memor-X Hmm, I'm not so sure about that really. I could totally imagine Kyubey waking a girl from a dead sleep just so he could harass her into making a bad decision at a time when she's not in the right state of mind to refuse. I mean, it's a similar (albeit different) tactic to how he conscripted Mami.
@Tonepoet you have a point there, but with Mami you could speculate that Kyubey got some degree of psychological training to know that Mami, in that moment, would take up the offer rather than die. unless a girl was severally depressed and cried herself to sleep would a girl even consider any kind of wish after just being woken up
@Memor-X "Jesus Christ, you're an annoying little bastard! I wish you would just let me get back to sleep!" =P
like i can only speak for myself but if someone came into my room, woke my up and told me that they would turn me into a girl with no strings attached (throw back to that question @Avery asked) i would still think i'm dreaming and ignore it
@Tonepoet i would the idea of that being how a Puella Magi was born but it would be funny as hell
@Avery a while back when you asked here if we could change our sex without any repercussions, it everything remains it is would we do it and i said without a second though
I remember that, yes
so yeh if Kyubey tried that and woke me up it would take a second thought because the first would be this is probably a dream
@Memor-X Hmm... This animation also looks like Kyubei may have just been waiting on that shelf watching Madoka while she was asleep, just waiting for her to wake up:
and yes i have had dreams like that. years and years ago dreamed that G-Man from Half-Life came to me, told me that there was a mistake in some paperwork and my soul was put in the wrong body
@Tonepoet isn't that when Madoka woke from that dream she was having when it was actually the previous timeline?
what would happen if a trans boy used up his wish to become a man, would we have magical boys then in the PMMM universe? :D
@Memor-X I'm not sure, but hey that's right. He even harasses girls in their dreams! =P
@milleniumbug i would suspect that Kyubey would use Gender Identity so the girl would still be Female
@Memor-X congrats you're an egg
@Avery my what?
@milleniumbug Kyubey's an established sexist. He explains why he specifically targets young girls as them being the most emotionally vulnerable and least considerate targets. I'm not even sure if he'd approach a boy.
@Tonepoet no what @milleniumbug is referring to is a girl who's transgender who wants to become a boy
but does bring up a good question. would Kyubey want to grant the wish of a girl who wanted a sex change? do they know enough about humans to assume that the emotional vulnerability of girls isn't to do with their biological configuration
@Avery ahhhhh
I mean I'm not pushing anything or something
maybe i am and maybe i'm not. all i know is that my mind is a confusing place to be in sometimes even for me
but well, I'd recommend talking with a gender clinic nonetheless
helps to hear a professional third party I suppose
@Tonepoet HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA and i'm out of stars too
but it does show that Kyubey is like the Devil. the Devil doesn't give a toss about our laws in regards to contracts
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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