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about punchline... I've been meaning to ask about this:
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Go ahead
It's quite an interesting question
what did they do with brown?
I can't find any discussion about this in Japanese
It's probably not something Japanese care
(me neither, btw)
user image
fanart from Frozen, or something
SO election just got even more competitive. We're up to 5 candidates with 40/40 candidate scores.
@ton.yeung Why?
I'm actually surprised there aren't more candidates with how big SO is. There's like 8 pages of 100k users on SO, but only a couple want to be mods.
It's a waste of time for them to care about crap questions
Someone like @Mysticial could easily be a strong contender (currently, he's only missing Investor, which would be easy to get for a perfect score). But I'm pretty sure he has no interest in being a mod.
Many of stellar rep users are book writers
Yeah moderating SO must be really terrible if only 32 people have nominated themselves.
Just go around and deleting things would be easier than moderating them
SO is a fustercluck.
SO should just randomly community-delete questions with a half-life of a year. Anything really good will get undeleted quickly, and anything average will have another dupe posted within a couple days.
The Q&A model that SE is using is not going to scale well if individual users don't put in effort. When there are so many such users, it accumulates a lot of editing effort to straighten them up, and the editing effort has long exceeded the capacity of the community
And editing capacity of the community doesn't increase linearly with the number of users - even counting the users who have the privilege.
It decreases when people see too much trash and decide not to waste more of their time
@ton.yeung It's a headache dealing with dorama?
The number of duplicates is, at best, quadratic in the number of questions. That's a very obvious problem that SO really has no solution for apart from getting requiring increasingly dedicated users to mark them without any reward.
@LoganM You have no idea. Mods get called out by name on MSO frequently, flags pile up faster than waterfall, and MSO people bicker over everything. It's a lot of responsibility and pressure.
@Unihedro That bandwagon
@Unihedro Yeah, it seems like a bad deal all around.
But there are underlying problems with the declining quality, increasing quantity and a need of quality control, as well as role models to stand out and show the helpless askers being wrecked by cv-pls' requests what the site is about. That's probably why people volunteered - to give a try on fixing the problems and making it a happier place for everyone.
... Then again, maybe it's only me dreaming and everyone else just wanted the power. :p
Good night!
@Unihedro Honestly, a lot of them probably just want free T-shirts.
Wait, you get tee shirts for moderating??
... I thought it was voluntary.
Vote for me! I want a tee shirt!
I think it's actually just for running in the election. @MadaraUchiha would know better than me though.
poke @Madara
Btw, you're near 20k MSE rep :p
@Unihedro Hmm?
@Unihedro I noticed, thanks :P
Do you get tee shirts for running for mod?
> Mostly, you get a shovel and directions to the crap heap. The only reward of being a moderator is the satisfaction that you helped make the site better.
That's really encouraging.
There is one sure way you can get upvote on Meta, that is to post a bug report
Or post a funny troll answer
@Unihedro Depends on the context
Anyway, time for Danmachi to pick up girl in dungeon
I don't think I've ever seen a post with images that had freehand red circles with drop shadow be downvoted.
It's raining.
Rainy nights are cold. :(
rainy nights are cool
@LoganM You're right. Currently I have no interest in running for mod. I can't say about the future though. Right now is a particularly bad time since I'm in the middle of relocation.
The voice actor for Alice in Kiniro Mosaic speaks better English than most other instances in anime I have seen
I think neither? It's not good as in native level - she pronounce the words more accurately compared to other instances I have heard
As for OP/ED, the best is Rie Fu. She composed (?) her songs in both Japanese and English
@nhahtdh she spent a year of HS in England
It's more British than American. Definitely not a native speaker, but it's quite accurate for anime.
People like Rie Fu and Leah Dizon are just too talented, learning a language in one year.
@ton.yeung I think that's her stage name. Her last name is Funakoshi.
Isn't it just /raifl/?
I used to mispronounce her name as Rei Fu, which I think actually sounds better and is easier on my tongue.
@nhahtdh Yeah, but a learner of English would probably expect /rɪfli/
or /rɪfleɪ/ or something
@senshin I don't know, but I find /raifl/ more natural. Stuffs like colonel or lieutenant, or quay trip me the first time I encounter them, though
@nhahtdh How did you think "quay" was pronounced when you first encountered it?
@senshin /kwei/
@nhahtdh I thought that was how it was pronounced...
At least, that's the only pronunciation I've heard (here in the US)
I think that would trip even native speakers
@nhahtdh That's interesting: I thought you would pronounce lieutenant as lieu + tenant!
I guess nhahtdh has been running into some British pronunciations - in BrE, "lieutenant" is pronounced "leftenant".
Americans pretty much universally find the British pronunciation of "lieutenant" to be bizarre, though.
@senshin I actually first thought it was pronounced /lieu/
Like lewd
A lewd tenant
@nhahtdh That is how it's pronounced in American English, actually.
@senshin Then I just got tripped by lewd
@Taisho *slurp*
What didn't convert?
This week's Anime de Wakaru Shiryounaika: Fetishism
I added \ in front of *
@nhahtdh What markup is that? It's not HTML.
@Gao Chat Markdown
That works for any symbol?
I typed \*slurp*
I think so
@Taisho no cameltoe wut
Didn't know that I was learning a real markup language all this time: I thought it is an SE-only/invented thing.
Is there a reason images here are low-res? A google image search fines much larger equivalent images.
mine doesn't
@bjb568 so see thrills and spills, there was a point where we had gifs over 5mb each
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Hahaha, SE chat keeps scrolling back and forth as it AJAX-loads each image.
I think the same guy from earlier showed up again
Man, people posted so many gifs that browsers crashed?
You guys need to talk more.
"12345678910112131415161718192F8w8L929299A2838T8828I99288S8999JU883S38887T88338T‌​838837I9383837C89338E" is a pretty solid question
at least "aaaaaaqaaaaahwjwjjhejhebsbbehehehsbdbbeveveheheueuwuuwuwwhatanimeisthisppicfroo‌​mmmmjsjnsmflatisjuustice3nsjsjsjwjejewbsnnennennenenemkekeo" contained "whatanimeisthisppicfroom"
that username
looks like finally a real question
lol, he entered double spaces between the words to get to the minimum character mark
At very least mod change his name.
To, I 'unno, "HugFluffyBunnies".
Or DidYouMeanLoli?
@Yuuki Someone needs to formally complain for that to happen
As in flag
Q: What anime is this guy with a paper bag on his head from?

DntDeleteMyPostFaggot What anime is this guy with a paper bag on his head from?

Have you tried doing a reverse image search? Because from what little research I did, it seems this image is from Kannagi Episode 5. — Nolonar 2 mins ago
Must be another case of reverse image search giving different results to different people. I get nothing in my search results about Kannagi, though I do remember the image from that.
@ton.yeung You can't flag a user; the typical thing is just to pick a post by the user and cast a custom flag.
@ton.yeung you're funny :P
@ton.yeung You mean AFK?
'cause this is real life
@JNat Or is it just fantasy?
@ton.yeung Related:
Q: Does Stack Exchange really believe that "gender balance" in programming is a problem?

McGarnagle(Moved from meta.stackoverflow per a commenter's suggestion.) In the Stack Overflow annual survey report, we find this paragraph: Software development has a gender balance problem. Our internal stats suggest the imbalance isn't quite as severe as the survey results would make it seem, but th...

current dorama
Q: Abrupt change in moderation staff?

EEAAMyself and a few others just noticed that HopelessN00b and Chris S are no longer listed as moderators. What is the story behind this?

@LoganM More dorama
@JNat yeah already saw that one
And I had already seen yours :P
Not surprising, considering that's kind of part of your job now.
I don't remember what got me to that post, though
I saw a version of it on MSO before it was deleted, and then stumbled upon the reposted MSE version.
@ton.yeung It is a valid question, phrased in a way to maximize the air of invalidity.
Yes, that was the one I had seen too
@LoganM Is the new one any different?
I can't see the old one, so I can't really say. Nor did I fully read through the new one.
But it's pretty clearly not substantively different.
I'd like to give it a try
It wouldn't surprise me if SE's gender balance was worse than average in the tech industry. The one thing that studies about gender imbalance do consistently show is that women like to work in jobs where they interact with other women. Female developers aren't going to get that from their coworkers, but they could get it from their clients if they choose certain areas.
But working on SE, most of the interaction is with other developers, who again are primarily male. That would have an amplifying effect relative to other software jobs.
@LoganM do you have studies showing they like to work in jobs where they interact with other women?
I have women telling me the opposite, that they don't like interacting with other women, but they might have not been clear on that
I'd have to go look them up, but I'm quite sure that multiple studies have independently come to the same conclusion.
@Frosteeze The women you talk to are probably not a statistically unbiased sample.
It could be that precisely because they hold unusual views, that's why they ended up where they did.
yeah that's what I'm thinking, either that or they meant they like to interact with other women professionally but not casually, which makes sense
It seems there's a bit of a subtlety here though in terms of how you ask the question. Many women want to work directly with men rather than other women, especially for a direct supervisor. But they still prefer to be in environments with other women, just not necessarily working directly with them.
Honestly, there's a lot of research on this in the psychology community, but very few solid conclusions. Which is maybe not that surprising if you think that people's opinions and personalities don't correlate especially strongly with gender.
@Gao awesome! thanks man, looks fun. looks like its only for PC eh? only a japanese release?
Baldr Sky is indeed only for PC, and doesn't have an English translation. It's fantastic if you know Japanese though.
@LoganM it looks fantastic... gives me a good reason to really start learning i guess. ;/
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ LOL
Baldr Sky isn't really accessible if you're only just starting to learn Japanese. The lines are pretty long and filled with technical terms. In addition, the gameplay elements make things very difficult to follow if you don't understand the language. I'd say you should spend at least a year or two learning before you try to read it.
If it were easy to understand, I (and a number of other people) would have translated it a long time ago.
may i ask you something, assuming you do know japanese? is kanji, actually chinese characters, and share the same meaning?
I appreciating you elaborating on that. I figured as much though, particularly the techincal terms, it being a mecha series and all. It's one of those things I will be looking forward to, a treat at the end of my goal.
Kinda sorta not really.
Yes, kanji is mostly Traditional Chinese characters (not sure if any modification has happened). No, they don't mean exactly the same thing (some are the same, some are similar, and some aren't).
@ton.yeung It's natural language, it's pretty fluid.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Strictly speaking it isn't dropped according to the group. But it is on indefinite permanent hiatus with no forseeable return, which is effectively the same. I think Futsuu was translating it, but he wasn't satisfied at all with the results and doesn't have the time or energy to do a good job.
@ton.yeung Yes, most of the commonly-used character share roughly the same meaning.
But some characters have drifted.
And, I can't recall a specific example at the moment, some are surprisingly different.
@Yuuki off-topic but what's your Hunter Rank in mh4?
Unless Giga suddenly decides to about face and license it to someone like MangaGamer, it isn't likely Baldr Sky will be available in English any time in the near future.
@LoganM I like the first one, but not the second one
@Frosteeze ~140 at last recollection.
holy crap lol
If you're below HR8, you have the HR limiter on.
well I just started sooo I need to level up more >_>
Once you enter G-Rank, the limiter is taken off and you get your "true" HR.
Q: Is there any anime with an overweight female protagonist?

e271A friend of mine told to me that theres is none. Is se right?

@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I liked both of them
Once my limiter was taken off, I went from HR8 to HR35.
@Frosteeze are you playing?
@Sakamoto wut
@Sakamoto "none" seems like a big overstatement
@Sakamoto list question guys
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ A list with a negative number of items.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ yep I'm HR2
I just ranked up first time yesterday...those bosses were a pain
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ It's an existence question, which I thought we agreed was different from a list question.
@Frosteeze you guys are upsetting me even more, like it's not enough i cant play baldr sky, now you guys have to bring up MH4.... another title with no forseeble english release :(
@Frosteeze I'm almost HR5. Wanna exchange FCs?
@shaggy MH4U is out in NA.
Been out for about a month.
@Yuuki is it?
@shaggy that one's in English
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ sure
I'm thinking about picking up Hunting Horn again.
@Yuuki i had no clue, well then im slightly less depressed. hah. also thank you for answering my question about kanji.
Need to find one with a good song list.
@shaggy When you get it, we're here to talk about it:

 Monster Hunter

All Monster Hunter talk, all the time. Or, just about anythin...
@Frosteeze 1418-7031-0302
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ 5000-3164-8891
im gonna take a little break and play moar later today
@ton.yeung i'll be purchasing one this week. I was looking into getting a vita, but i think a 3ds is the better option, plus i miss portable/handheld gaming wayyyy to much
@Yuuki sweet! will do, i look forward to it.
imo vita has a lot of promising jp games
but generally 3ds has more good games
@Frosteeze thats what i was thinking, i was really hoping for it. but at the same time i dont know japanese. and like you stated 3ds seems to have alot more.
i also really enjoyed the first gen psp, when i came out.
most people didn't as my understanding goes. but yeah, i just miss nintedo.. in to many ways to count. hoping to maybe find some good Jrpgs, or well done japanese titles with a NA release.
was also looking into a WiiU but, that seemed to get alot of hate, and not many titles out for it, atleast when it launched.
I just wish there's more non-child friendly games on 3ds
something like Akiba's Trip, huehuehue
@Frosteeze i feel you pain, thats mostly why i have taking my hiatus from nintendo gaming in the first place :(
@ton.yeung nailed it.
Is the new Fatal Frame going to be Wii U or 3DS?
I think Wii U...
You can look at this query on anime-planet. That will list all overweight female characters, you will have to manually sort out which ones are side characters, and which aren't. — mivilar 13 mins ago
^^ wuuuuuuuuuut There's a "data explorer" for Anime characters? lolz
@ton.yeung @Yuuki I am especially glad there are other MH4 and 3DS users on here. I'm even more excited to get my new handheld!
@Mysticial LULZ indeed
@ton.yeung why is that?
@ton.yeung AHHHH haha. well that's a perfectly acceptable reason. :D
@ton.yeung xenoblade on the wiiU or 3ds/
... These stock photos...
@Yuuki wut
I'm done.
@ton.yeung both consoles, same title? ill be interested to hear how they compare against each other.
@shaggy Xenoblade remake is for the 3DS.
@Yuuki what are we looking at here, solderer , hardware p0rn?
The new Xenoblade (Xenoblade Chronicles X) is for the Wii U.
@shaggy Horrendously bad stock photos of computer repair.
Using a wrench to manipulate a CPU?
@Yuuki thanks for clearing that up for me, do you own a wiiU yourself?
@shaggy Yeah.
@Yuuki oh well i thought that was a joke. haha
@Yuuki they can be serious, i expected it was some kind of 'art' photography thing or something lol
@Yuuki and you like both equally? what are some titles for the wiiU that are great, if you dont mind..i really plan on getting the new DS already but if there is reason do grab a wiiU then i might have to do that as well.
@shaggy Well yeah. Console is console, handheld is handheld.
Hyrule Warriors is nice, Pikmin 3 is great, Wind Waker HD...
@Yuuki appreciated it, that gives me a few things to look at, i've been out of handheld gaming since, first gen PSP,
@shaggy It kinda depends on what you're looking for.
If you like shooters, you might want to wait until the reviews for Splatoon come out.
@ton.yeung phone, brave frontier
The user reviews, that is.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ @ton.yeung i agree on that. i couldn't stick with it.
@Yuuki i like well made games, period. no particular genre i'd say. but shooters on a handheld is something, to me, that just isn't expected much of. Im more into original idea's, definitely a sucker for retro style gameplay/ plateformers. MH4 looks amazing, and any kind of good rpg, something that has alot of content, variety of items. something that makes it seem real, if that makes any sense.
@shaggy Nintendo has well-made games. At least nothing with release day bugs/glitches on the order of the Xbone/PS4 games being churned out by AAA studios.
@Yuuki tell me about it. I own a xb1...
@ton.yeung I think I found the shuffle option on the spotify playlists... it's on the song screen
Q: Space anime from 80s/early 90s, with a distinct ship design and female pilots

Josh K.I have seen this anime on a VHS somewhere in the middle 90s. I've only watched a few minutes into it (probably just an opening), and the few details that I remember are: a spaceship, not too big, probably a single-pilot fighter, with a streamlined design and a forward-swept winglet protruding f...

@ton.yeung this is why I don't spend much time on those kind of mobile games
anyones thoughts on 2DS vs 3DS vs *new*3DS XL? looking to pick up a new handheld, just figured it would be nice to get some feed back from all the lovely users here in the maid cafe!
I have a 3DS XL. But I can't compare it to the others since I don't have them.
@Mysticial thanks for replying either way, the original XL or the new version?
The original 3DS XL. I didn't know there was a new one.
@Mysticial came out in Feb. 12
@shaggy do you currently have a non new XL?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ currently i have no handheld system. im about to go buy one later this week, and im trying to decide whats best. also just wanted to get peoples opinions on how the new 3dsXL is working.
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