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I don't see how people find the logic in all of it. I'm much more of a back-end dev.
@AsadaShino and this is why we have a special team, just for that front end stuff ;)
We do too, but I'm in a project with one other person, the front-enders are busy with other projects
So I'll have to do it
@AsadaShino lol, perhaps by actually learning
display: relative vs display: absolute isn't something you can figure out by fiddling
@Unihedron Probably, but my interests lie elsewhere, so motivating myself to learn something that I'll very rarely use and don't enjoy using is tricky
@Unihedron 100% static html page for the win.
@AsadaShino you can try to use it more! :D
@Unihedron Absolute in relative is within the relative element's bounds, otherwise absolute is within the webpage's bounds
like write a userstyle for maid cafe chat room page
@AsadaShino absolute = do not consume space for this element, and position it in the closest parent that's "relatively positioned"
@Unihedron Hahaha, if I were in any way visually creative, I would. But I am not, in the slightest
relative = relatively positioned version of static (default)
I see
I just try different ones until one fits, then I go on to more details
Though I know I should not use absolute, because that rarely works in responsive websites
In my experience
if you've ever made a winforms app in visual studio, you can go to control properties and play around with margins and paddings
also anchoring and docking
Haha, except that anchoring and docking is not a thing in html :P
and of course document outline
I'm afraid it is
Is it?
<a name="header-1"></a>
<a href="#header-1">to header</a>
Is that the type of anchor hakase meant?
In that case, I know of that
and assuming docking's what I think you meant, css has flexboxes
With # in the url you can go to an element with that id
Flexboxes, do they just fill up remaining horizontal/vertical space in an element?
< rekt. Somebody just renamed ActionId to actionId. But instead of doing so in the scope, he did it in the whole solution..
Now I get to skim through 800 files to see what he screwd up :)
yay for escaping the tables
what about rolling back to previous version?
do you have version control?
Wtf, how does someone even just do that without checking what they changed?
@Hakase we do, but he directly copy pasted it to the server voor some **** random reason.
Then you copy paste the correct version over it and say **** you and your renaming, do it again, this time properly
it was just a quick bug fix, I didn't think it would do any harm
remove permissions to directly paste anything except through version control
only allow one or two lead developers to make such changes
they might know when and how to do it, better than that guy
^ capabilities demonstrated by pictures, just scroll past all the text
@Hakase that my friend... is our lead dev....
well shit
@Unihedron Okay
@Hakase he wrote a lovely log:
- SetAddXsltParameter renamed the params to be compliant with coding standards
- Note: Applied the changes to 10 different locations automagically
- Removed Redundant casts
@Dimitrimx How in the world? Through seniority, or what?
@AsadaShino yeah
7 years of employment, he probably is at a starting medior skill set thouhg
Usurp him
Or rather, his position, but regardless
it would be really bad if it wasn't paid for by company, but it's probably covered so you don't have to work extra to fix it, right?
Oh no I won't work extra. I am still in a trial period of 3 months, until they hire me as full employee I reject working longer then office hours ^^
idk man you do how you feel you should
some companies hate it when you don't work extra and won't hire people for that, some are totally ok
@Hakase we will see, not that I think ill need any overtime for this fix.
@Hakase meh. he talks too much
I read all sorts of stuff on workplace.se about that
also his top list is wrong)
@Abyx it's a bit funny closer to the end
yea the whole video is very beginner level
I could explain it better myself
the pronunciation is funny
Yuru Yuri is now available as Line sticker
@SakuraiTomoko what's Line?
@Unihedron it's like a japanese what's app
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ cool, IMs
@Unihedron nah u're cool
instant messaging is the future of communication
no, holograms are
4d telepresence
@Unihedron and i am here eating instant noodle :D
lol I don't have IM apps because I have no one to use it with
i thought you would *cry in corner*
Awww :<
Let's all get on LINE and add each other!
then we can do voice messages for free
but the problem is i don't have smart phone
@mirroroftruth line works on PC too
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ We are, VR! xD
@mirroroftruth there are PC builds line.me/en-US/download
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ like in bluestack
@mirroroftruth no, like native
then are we really gonna do it
it's an ark for when SE chat sinks, I guess :p
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Been a long time, hahaha :P
if we start using it early we can have the contacts ready before conspiracy santa event too
@Unihedron but i have not seen it though
@Unihedron that is nice
@Unihedron yes we can do session over LINE too
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Isn't that the most disliked intro?
I've seen quite a bit of every star trek series, though I can't say I'm anywhere near a Trekkie, I just watched it when it was on tv :P It was fun
Also, I don't wear red shirts~
For obvious reasons
It has also been quite a long time since I last watched Star Trek, now that I think about it haha.
@AsadaShino theme songs for Star Trek shows are traditionally instrumental, so breaking from that was a symbol of breaking from trek tradition
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I see :o Hardcore/dedicated fans don't like change, as is also evident in some game series
Enterprise theme sounded like a country/western christian rock weepfest to them
trekies are hardcore
also Enterprise sucked except for maybe one or two episodes
So, are we gonna add each other's line account?
i don't know
Line supports 2FA :D
@MathavRaj hi
@MathavRaj Yo
@Unihedron what is that 2FA
yay :)
@MathavRaj hi!
What's Mos Eisley?
@mirroroftruth Two actor authentication, so when your account logs in from a new spot, you have to pass a security challenge
@Unihedron oh, you should have said that earlier, i am just a layman :D
batman steampunk!! @SakuraiTomoko i invited you to mos eisley chat room
@SakuraiTomoko na na na na na na na na :D
check this batman
@mirroroftruth nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
@SakuraiTomoko nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan , cat women(Japanese) version :D
my LINE ID is "kaiseroll"
hhaha mirror
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ so fast
i have not downloaded yet
japanese version would be awesome
Suppose that one day your father called you to have a talk. When the two of you meet, you noticed that there is a beautiful little girl there about 7 years old or so. Your father then said, "from now on this is your little sister. Please take care of her."
What will you do?
or we can log in from browser
@SakuraiTomoko ask if this is a harem anime
@SakuraiTomoko i don't what i would do but @Memor-X would be very happy, there will be someone to say him oni-tan :D
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Is your Line prof pict a coin?
@SakuraiTomoko it's a PI pie
@SakuraiTomoko so you have account
@SakuraiTomoko a new friend to play with
Me, Screw you, dad! I don't need a f***in little sister. Gimme an oneechan
A big breasted oneechan
with beautiful long black hair
Then we can talk
@SakuraiTomoko lol
@mirroroftruth Yes. I use it mainly to chat with my little sister
@SakuraiTomoko i know that you would say that, but that time the one who is introduced will be you
@ToshinouKyouko Do you have a line account?
@mirroroftruth My answer will be, "please do take care of me thoroughly, onee-sama!"
@SakuraiTomoko and your heart is pounding, thinking Dad why, why didn't you introduced me earlier
My Line ID is "unihedron"
that was hard to come up with
mine will be "mirroroftruth" if that name is available
Unihedron 0?
Soon there would be Unihedron 1, Unihedron 2, Unihedron 3 and so on
there may really be more than one uni's
It will end in 13 or 24 though
@Unihedron how can uni me many
Like an anime season
@SakuraiTomoko nope - it looks nice though
none of my friends use it
i am out sick again :(
@ToshinouKyouko actually i have never heard of it :D
@ToshinouKyouko :(
@mirroroftruth What did you do to Toshinou Kyouko last night?
@SakuraiTomoko himitsu
@SakuraiTomoko I always wanted a little brother or even older but sister......naaaaHHHH. I will said him "two are enough for me, no need for new one. :D"
@ToshinouKyouko get well soon
I have two small brothers
one is great, the other is terrible
@ToshinouKyouko How small?
uh, not so small i guess
@ToshinouKyouko sound interesting to me
Twin little brothers will me more better :)
they are small very small :D
@AnkitSharma what if your imouto is a maou-sama?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I know nothing about maou-sama.
@AnkitSharma Maou => Demon King
O should be Demon Queen since she is an imouto
@AnkitSharma you don't need to know, you are already under her influence :D
@SakuraiTomoko scary
@ToshinouKyouko Get strong soon! :(
Better to have two little twin brother who become like Lelouch and light :D
@AnkitSharma Better have an elder sister like Ayase eri
I hath been summoned
@AnkitSharma be careful, one will order you and other might write your name
@AnkitSharma he's not Light, he's Right
@mirroroftruth what are you on about?
which episode of death note was your fav?
@Memor-X yes, imouto
@mirroroftruth yes, what about a little sister?
@Memor-X you get an imouto, who will say oni-tan
@Memor-X won't you be happy
@Memor-X Suppose that one day your father called you to have a talk. When the two of you meet, you noticed that there is a beautiful little girl there about 7 years old or so. Your father then said, "from now on this is your little sister. Please take care of her."
What will you do?
@MathavRaj L's death
I didn't seen it coming
spot on,mine too
But i liked all
And never got why people hate Near?
@SakuraiTomoko check to see if I am awake, alive and what is happening is real
@mirroroftruth yes I would
@AnkitSharma Near killed Light
@Memor-X that is what i am explaining :D
@SakuraiTomoko i am unaware to her but from images looks too girly. Make her tomboy then i might consider.
@SakuraiTomoko ya as you go Near sun light you die
okay that was horrible
@Memor-X Do you have Line account?
@AsadaShino Do you have Line account?
@SakuraiTomoko I mean people always complained Near is l's ripoff or lame etc etc
@SakuraiTomoko No, until today I didn't even know of its existance
@SakuraiTomoko I had it once for the sake of my clan in Clash of clan game
But then deleted it
@AsadaShino me too
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ i ate it
@AnkitSharma Really?
@mirroroftruth one dream I had my little sister was a mute but she became very attached to me that she almost starts to cry when I leave for work and one stormy day she ran away only to be found at my work waiting for me. she refused to let anyone else try and dry her until I learned that she was at work and lept into my arms
@SakuraiTomoko I'm going to say no because I don't know what that is
Anyways is there any plan for anime adaption of Beyond birthday. I will love to see that as i don't love reading .
@Memor-X An IM
@Memor-X real one or the fiction you write
@AsadaShino me three!
@SakuraiTomoko WhatsApp is enough for me. I tried many other but this is final for now.
@Unihedron then you just created your account
@mirroroftruth "one dream I had" so not real
@AnkitSharma WA don't have stickers like Line do
yeah I just made it
@SakuraiTomoko ahhhh, defently no....why do you ask?
@Memor-X no i mean was that dream real
@AsadaShino did you read my books I sent you last xmas~~
@mirroroftruth how do you mean real? as in an actual dream I had
@Memor-X that what i wanted to know
@AsadaShino Yes
@Memor-X some dreams can come true by effort
@ToshinouKyouko I have read them, but please, don't ask me what they were about... I read a manga a few weeks ago and can't even remember what that was about ">_> Sorry
Kinda like emoticons but the bigger and cuter version of it
Off for now
See you lolis
@SakuraiTomoko i liked them for few days then i got bored. I think i over used them and even had sticker wars in one chat group too.
I read them around my birthday, I believe... somewhere in the weeks before or after it, which was march... Which would explain why I can't recall much ._.
Sorry @tosh T___T
@SakuraiTomoko That's all folks
I am going back to bed to recover now o/
@ToshinouKyouko o/, get well soon
@ToshinouKyouko Good luck, get well soon? ._.
Sick? D: Nuuuu
@AsadaShino it's okay :) as long as you enjoyed them when you did read em ;)
@ToshinouKyouko \o
@ToshinouKyouko They'd have to have been quite boring for me to not enjoy them and I would not have finished them, I'd remember them if they were that uninteresting that I would not want to even finish them, so there's that xD
@AnkitSharma maybe if they did it as an OVA. I can't see it being a full blow season unless they made up a whole lot more content to pad it out as a mini series of L's life before the Kira investergation but ofcause I doubt they'll do either unless they knew they could make money out of it
I feel bad now for not remembering what they were even about x_x
daijobu daijobu
Wow, everyone is here at this time
@mirroroftruth well then it was just a dream I had
@nhahtdh yes, after long time i think, so many here to talk
@nhahtdh you are here too! hiya!
@nhahtdh you should join our LINE cabal
@Unihedron and how would I be able to get a mute little sister who becomes attached to me with effort and without breaking the law
Anyone watches Death Note TV drama?
@Memor-X I will say, Do it good or don't even try.
@nhahtdh I catch it sometimes
Not like naruto.
@AnkitSharma Naruto is a terrible role model
Only 2 days left to sign up for the gift exchange :0
(bed for real this time >_< )
Everyone should join
regardless of rep
Anyone here collects LN in other languages? (Possibly in languages that you don't read?)
we'll lower it to 100 rep for you guys
lowering what? O.o
@nhahtdh I try to read it in Japanese
sometimes it's really hard on me
@nhahtdh seems like another reimaging of the series like the live action movie but this time Mello and Near are in it
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I can only read stuffs at the level of GJ Bu in Japanese
@nhahtdh I tried reading FMP
it didn't work out too well
@nhahtdh I would proably buy some in Japanese to compare to English ones to use as material for the How to Read Japanese Guide done by the person/people who translated The What a Beautiful and Rewrite series
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ FMP?
@nhahtdh that is something at least to me
@nhahtdh Full Metal Panic I assume
I'd like to sign up, but the thing is, there is no original Japanese books, nor English translated version imported over here
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ did you complete it, LN
@nhahtdh amazon.co.jp, honto.jp
There are plenty of Chinese bootleg stuffs, though
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ It will burn a hole through my wallet, lol
@nhahtdh honto does digital books
amazon too
digital gifting, huh
@nhahtdh maybe find a Japanese seller on EBay who will accept requests and see if they can get them
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ That sounds reasonable
Make a friend in japan
exchange goods
^ or that would be better
alternatively, just ship a box of spiders
@Unihedron that'll never get past customs
@Unihedron what would that accomplish?
@Memor-X Forcefully send a friend to Japan so he can go buy stuff for you ;)
@Dimitrimx That would cost big $$$ for plane tickets and stuffs
(Just counting one-way ticket, btw)
pf, just make him walk/swim there
@nhahtdh more so wasted if they don't have enough Japanese knowledge to buy them
@Dimitrimx I'm afraid the friend might not survive / accomplish the mission in time
the second point being the most important, the first not really
@Dimitrimx I think if I did that the person I would send would be dead in the water
Lol wut
they wouldn't even get out of Australian Waters because they would be Shark Food
@Memor-X nomnomnom
@Unihedron one making sound is human or shark
@Dimitrimx ?????
@mirroroftruth it would be Bruce from Finding Nemo
@Dimitrimx you should get Line and join our group :P
!!google finding nemo Bruce
@Unihedron maybe I will ;)]
@Memor-X that one
"Fish are Friends, not food. Humans on the other hand are a totally different thing so any swimming to Japan is a free meal"
@Unihedron What is Line?
@nhahtdh it is an IM that I just knew of today from this chat
like whatsapp
Ah, another one of them
yes, yet another
@Unihedron what did you use, windows, android, ios
@mirroroftruth Android
I don't use windows
@Unihedron and code
@mirroroftruth yes
facebook or contact no
i mean to signup
it accepts either
ya which one did you use
I used my contact number
when how fast did you get your code
why i am not getting it :(
and i can't sign in pc
oh i got it
it takes a lot if time
@Unihedron what was your id
ok i found it
Is there a name for that poof

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