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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 23:00

agreed :3
I want that hat
Now I am browsing through the list n i can't find rin tosaka -_-
@RinTōsaka she should be somewhere in fate/stay night character
how to find you guys
I put my AP user in my user profile here
and I got @shino @toshinou and @rin there
@ToshinouKyouko :o
I want that too
so i need to follow
yay following
@ShinobuOshino you one is the no
@mirroroftruth wat
oh, number
@mirroroftruth yea that's mine
@AsadaShino is it yours
i love the new recommendation feature :)
@mirroroftruth Yerp
@ToshinouKyouko me too :D
mission complete
added so many new series to watch :P
Can I change display name?
now time to edit profile
@RinTōsaka you can't :(
Doesnt look like you can atm anyway
I'll ask
Profile form doesn't have it, anyway
Need to create new profile wid some fancy name....
I have tweeted at them, ill tell you what they say :)
@ToshinouKyouko you have their tweet :O
now @Mir and @Rin, change your display picture!
@ToshinouKyouko oh, I thought it's one of mods :p
Muh ._.
something went wrong when changing
Can't update my profile picture or background picture
could be a site thing
@ShinobuOshino why no
@Toshinou can you?
ill check
me too
Something went wrong: Unable to contact anime-planet.com.
yeah its on their end
ahh no image upload (T.T)
@Karasu Hahaha :3 But the image opens up in a page, not an image, so it doesn't show
@Karasu image not found >_<
@Karasu no prank
bad karasu
@Karasu reporting @user1306322
Not necessarily bad karasu :P
Just that the server returns a call to the image directly as a webpage
It pretty much kills hotlinking
but it supposed to link directly to image, I think
It does
The url has .jpg at the end, but the server serves a page
They are the same, strange
Ah well, either way, that works :P
Big peekshur xD
not really big but I have to close my tab before it kill my internet
I've seen bigger, yes, but still bigger than the thumbs it usually posts :P
time for a work review -_-;;
Good luck :P
@Toshinou give them loli
ill save that for when i want a promotion
is it still loading
it does take time to load
@ShinobuOshino second one face can you make it
emo face
@Karasu oh, this face?
I'm kinda losing motivation still ruri is not around anymore
mmm, can't find the cheek
no prob
@ToshinouKyouko did you give them loli?
@Shinobu resident loli was occupied
anime-planet still recommend watched anime alsi
@ToshinouKyouko dakara lolis are not for sharing
@mirroroftruth ;_; i know
via nein gagu
mata ne
mata ashita~
@ShinobuOshino this is one of those custom-uploaded links by other usera than Logan, I have nothing to do with this
I could just remove all non-Logan image links to prevent that
ok removed those links
#wallpaper state
Wallpaper module status: Enabled, time interval: 15 min., message interval: 50. Links unposted: 560, links posted: 839, Total: 1399. Next wallpaper post is due in 48 messages.
60 total opposite meanings
Bae is secret code for fat girls.
beware before using this.
My anime backlog is piling up these days...
@nhahtdh What happen? :o
I changed my job status from "home security" to intership
Not sure what that means, lower pay?
home security = jitaku keibiin = job-less/NEET
The phrase should have been "homeguard"
I see, nice, congrats then :)
Shigoto ga nandesu ka?
Software engineering, for an outsourcing company
Kewl :)
You think so? I don't
You don't like the work?
Sure, internships usually suck because you have to do all the shit jobs nobody wants to do, for minimal to no pay, but you get credit and some work experience, I guess?
Not my dream job, but I just join it anyway, since I have been jobless for a year
I see
And I need a first job to join other companies later
It is a full-time position, but they have a trial period of 2 months
So "internship" is not really a good description
Aha, you're in the trial position for the job
or Trial period*
Not trial position, trial period
They pay you half the salary
Yeah, my bad ^^;
The salary over here for an SE is considered high, but it is still dirt cheap compared to other countries
Dang =/
For the salary of one US fresh grad SE (before tax), you can hire 14 of us over here, or around 10 for people with experienced
I see
Is that in any way in line with prices where you live?
Well, yes
But if you want to buy a house, you won't be able to for your life
So houses are american priced, but food isn't?
Otherwise I don't quite follow what you're trying to say
One good thing is that my salary (when I'm out of the trial period) will be double that of my parents at the point when they retired
Cool (I think?)
Not sure how to react to that
Because I'd also downplay your parents if I said that were nice
^Well, can't blame you for that
@nhahtdh <3
Going home now :3
What is Re:M?
The synopsis doesn't make me want to read it
And I have read some other guro stuff already, even those that are 18+
I once clicked on a link (with warning about guro on 18+ site), and it leads to a guro manga, where one girl skins another girl alive
It scarred me for life, btw
The most grotesque stuffs allowed on shounen manga is probably showing blood dripping around, IIRC
(Although there is no limit on what part of the body may go missing)
wtf man
Anyone read The Gamer (Korean manhwa)?
@nhahtdh have you read franken fran?
Yep, not to the end, though, but at least 30 chaps
There is another similar manga, named TOARU OSSAN NO VRMMO KATSUDOUKI
I really do like cats, but only grown-up and with an interesting character
my parents just found a kitten near the dumpster, washed it, brushed the fleas out, dried and took to a vet
when they already have a 2-month old kitten still not showing any signs of intelligence
this is their decision and ok, whatever, but it's not gonna be any fun for a very long time
Anyone here knows Real Account? By the same artist as Kono Kanojo wa Fiction desu and Shishunki no Iron Maiden
Q: Who are these characters appearing during the talk about elder sister in Fate/kaleid episode 7?

nhahtdhAt around 13 minutes into episode 7 of Fate/kalied liner Prisma Illya 2wei!, when Illya's mother Irisviel talked about the power of an older sister, there are a few characters appearing in the background. To quote Irisviel: Older sister. Yes, that is the one who is older and has more power...

@LoganM: The best I can make out of Peggy's utterance
Ep 2 guepe pegue (Girl meets Boy)
Ep 3 pen pen pekue (Pengin to Shoujo)
Ep 4 piope anepepe kuepe (Ame to Yubiwa to Shoujo)
Ep 5 piko pe hatapema pekue (Deai, Maboroshi to Shoujo)
Ep 6 pui pui pekue pui pui pehupue (Sorezore no Shoujo, Sorezore no Omoi)
Ep 7 piope toru pekueruzu (Ame no Naka no Shoujotachi)
Ep 8 purukuto pepiko perupukuerukyu (Michiru Toki, Ugokidasu Shoujotachi)
@Sakamoto I think it's Kohaku (Tsukihime), Stheno & Euryale (Fate/hollow ataraxia), and Touko Aozaki (Kara no Kyoukai). I don't really remember the episode though and don't know all the characters so I'll hold off on answering.
@LoganM: You don't need to remember the episode, just the reason why they are considering "powerful"

Proposed Q&A site for people who want to discover and understand more about Myanmar and its culture.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for OSX Programming specifically. Coding OSX Apps in Cocoa/XCode/IB. Not iOS. Beginners to advanced programmers trying to build applications on and for the Apple OSX/XCode platform. Reading ports to drawing graphs, real time event handling and arcania.

Currently in definition.

And this:
Scientific Imagination

Proposed Q&A site for the people who are interested in questions involving imaginary scenarios and scientific, educational, and fun answers for those questions.

Currently in definition.

Also, don't know if anyone mentioned this so far, but Stack Overflow Academy is now closed.
It was closed two weeks ago so I'm a bit late to the party.
Q: What anime is this image from? Please answer dear public

Júlio LopesWhat anime is this image from? http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/70745653gw1ejglga2wfkj20pa0zk167.jpg http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/70745653gw1ejglg7h7j2j21hc0x5h2j.jpg

@Eric When it was closed, they made a meta post which now has 23 answers:
Q: Can we make this meta site work for mentoring?

Jon EricsonLast month Shog9 proposed Stack Overflow Academy on Area 51. I was skeptical and thought it was sort of a joke. The idea that anyone would go to yet another Q&A site in order to a ask a question on Stack Overflow seemed crazy. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked the proposal. Over t...

So yes, you're somewhat late to the party
@LoganM Funny, I saw that meta post. I didn't realize it was already closed when it was posted.
@Eric Clearly you didn't actually read the whole post then. Can't blame you though, since the whole thing (all questions, answers, and comments) is in excess of 140k characters. And having read almost all of it, it's pretty boring and worthless
@LoganM Yeah, I skimmed the Q and the top-voted A, and that was it.
It just came off to me as, "This is why I wanted it to work but it wont," and then a standard reply.
I read the whole thing just to see if anyone had anything new to say. Pretty much, no, no one had anything new to say.
The more answers that got added, the more repetitive it got, because no one was going to bother reading through all of them to see if someone else had already written the same thing
Post-Mortem of the 7-minute outage at @StackExchange a few days ago: http://stackstatus.net/post/96025967369/outage-post-mortem-august-25th-2014 @StackStatus
Q: I need help finding an anime movie

SquiddySo I believe that this was a mecha anime movie. In the beginning of the movie this guy stole something, like a weird coin things, that goes into a robot. And the coin ends up in this yellow robot, also the robots are about people size. And then the government or something starts taking peoples ro...

Q: Is it okay to allow 'illegal' sites if the anime is in the public domain?

Toshinou KyoukoI've been watching a lot of older anime shows lately (like, pre-1950), and there are a few I would like to be able to source. A good few of these are so old that their copyright has run out and they are in the public domain. Would it be okay to ask for download links (or similar) to these shows...

always toeing the line :3
04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 23:00

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