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@LoganM I don't particularly care whether it stays open or is historically locked. It should be kept either way. But if it sets a wrong example to new users, then we should go for a lock.
@JNat In other words, it's too early to tell if that question will attract a lot of bad answers. But from my experience on SO, I think it will. And at some point - if we decided to keep the question, it should be protected.
@Mysticial I see
Generally speaking, it's pretty easy to see whether a question will attract garbage in the long run.
I don't have an objective criteria for determining this, but I can usually just look at a question and get a good feel for whether it will be problematic.
Here's a rather extreme example of a problematic question that attracts garbage:
Q: How to pair socks from a pile efficiently?

amitYesterday I was pairing the socks from the clean laundry, and figured out the way I was doing it is not very efficient. I was doing a naive search — picking one sock and "iterating" the pile in order to find its pair. This requires iterating over n/2 * n/4 = n2/8 socks on average. As a comp...

There are 57 answers, all but 20 are deleted.
And of the 20 non-deleted answers, most of them are complete shit.
@Mysticial I see your point
Protection doesn't do much on SO, because SO is to large and it's so easy to get rep.
but don't you think that with proper moderation those answers can be 'swept aside'?
But it will be very effective small sites.
@Mysticial or that, yeah
The policy is this:
If the answer doesn't answer the question. Or is spam, offensive. Then a moderator should delete it.
If the answer is wrong, or is complete shit, a moderator should not delete it. Instead, it should be massive downvoted.
That's why the majority of shit answers stick around.
@Mysticial yeah yeah, I understand the difference between closing, downvoting and deleting
Usually, the way to get rid of shit answers is to downvote it negative, and then have some high-rep users delete it.
@Mysticial yeah, plus it is important (in some cases) to understand that that answer is wrong
There is an exception to this do-not-delete shit answers rule though.
On the extremely high profile questions, I've seen moderators purge shit answers.
Mostly to keep them from chipping away at the quality of the question.
At the size we are right now, it will take a moderator to delete shit answers. So that'll be a problem. But perhaps we can do some informal vote-to-delete either here or on meta to get rid of problematic answers.
Or course right now we don't have that problem, but if we manage to pull off any real publicity, then it might be.
@Madara, @JNat, @LoganM: regarding this question - questions asking for lists are not necessarily list questions, which are questions intended to generate lists (and oftimes unbounded ones). I wrote about this a while ago on MSO - basically, you're better off referring to the FAQ and related blog posts when trying to decide if something is constructive or not.
Woah, how did you discover this conversation?
That said, you'll want to be clear that you differentiate between questions seeking to learn how to fish and questions that are... just fishing. IMHO, this one could easily be turned into "how can I find animes on a given topic?" or "What's a good Zombie anime I should read?" - you want the former, not the latter.
@Mysticial one of the mods mentioned it in another room, and then Robert happened upon the question.
@Shog9 ah
@Shog9 but isn't "how can I find animes on a given topic?" not constructive?
@JNat How so?
@Shog9 That sounds like something that would be closed instantly on SO.
@Shog9 we've had some debate here
and there seems to be an unanimous opinion about it
plus, there are some sites that provide those lists
(in this universe at least)
and link only answers are not good, right?
@JNat "recommendation" questions are a scourge.
So don't let folks ask for fish. Teach them how to fish.
@Shog9 yeah, but isn't a 'give me a list about ___' question a sort of sub'recommendation' question?
(as in 'contained' in recommendation questions)
@JNat Give me a list of all whole numbers greater than three and less than your current age.
@Shog9 We actually had a conversation about this earlier, lemme dig it out.
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21
@Shog9 I see your point
2 hours ago, by Mysticial
@MadaraUchiha Actually, if we narrow it like that, it's very answerable. Something like "Who are all the level 5's in the Index/Railgun Universe?"
@Shog9 For all practical purposes, this is a recommendation question. He didn't explicitly ask for recommendations, but the answers would be the same as if he asked "What zombie anime should I watch? I watched HOTD and liked it, but it had too much fanservice for my tastes."
@LoganM So fix it.
but in the particular case of that question, isn't it a recommendation?
@Shog9 I do not see how it can be fixed without completely changing its content
(which does not mean it is not possible)
@Shog9 How do you suggest doing so? The only improvements I can think of would entirely change the question.
@LoganM my point exactly
I personally don't think that question was salvageable
@LoganM Like I said, you could go two ways on that question. One involves everyone just listing their favorite zombie books. That may be what he wanted, but it's not a good or constructive question. The other option is that he's looking for an existing list of all zombie anime. In theory, there can only be one complete, finite set of such at any given time.
That said, you're not necessarily the ones to provide it directly - however, @LoganM your comment suggests that such a need is not only common, but has a common solution.
@Shog9 and should said list be altered anytime a new one pops-up?
@JNat That's kinda what wiki's are for.
@JNat Yes. But not by you. There are already folks dedicated to cataloging this stuff.
But we kinda decided that it probably isn't gonna be worth the maintenance.
What he's saying is that we link to an external site which does the listing
The C++ book question on SO is a nightmare to maintain.
@LoganM so we provide a link-only answer?
@JNat What do you do when you want to find a new anime on a given topic?
So in other words turn it from a recommendation question to a resource request question?
@JNat Pretty much. That's the only way I can see answering the question also. But I'm still not convinced it's a good question.
@Shog9 I look it up. I google it, search for it at MyAnimeList, and the like
We closed a question a while back which was way better than this one: anime.stackexchange.com/questions/156/…
@LoganM I hesitantly voted to close that one.
so maybe, in our faq or on Meta, we should create a post that links to sites that can provide with that information
@JNat On SO, we've been doing that in the tag wikis.
we redirect people to that site (like myanimelist), and search for it there
I wasn't in favor of closing it, but I accepted the community decision and took it as a precedent that asking for external resources about anime/manga, rather than anime/manga itself, is OT
They used to be questions, but they all got deleted or locked after the March deletion audit. A lot of them were moved to the tag wikis.
otherwise, now this guy asked about zombie animes, and next someone asks about more ninja animes, next about football animes,
If you think you'll only ever see a handful of questions from folks looking for new material, it doesn't really matter. But if this is a common desire, then you'll save yourself a ton of frustration in the future by creating a resource now that you can hand such folks... Instead of just responding, "List question, goodbye"
and all of these redirect to the same link
@Shog9 I didn't mean to say a 'goodbye', he was welcome to ask it here
@Shog9 I actually expect to see a large number of questions that ask for "how to find X Anime"
I think that it was a legitimate question, but NC
@JNat he can't though, 'cause he can't chat unless he earns at least 20 rep somewhere. And that's not really a great motivation anyway.
@Mysticial that is why maybe a post should be created. users asking for such would have their question closed (i guess) and be redirected to said post
@Shog9 I see
If we are going to do this, I'd suggest maybe asking one canonical question "Where can I search for anime of a particular genre/type" and linking to MAL, AniDB, ANN encyclopedia, etc. Then we can close all the new ones like this that pop up as duplicates.
@LoganM I think I agree with that
@LoganM I agree with this but I think we should make it a meta and link to that
@Krazer We can't close posts as duplicates of meta posts, and it's not really a question about the site either. It's a question about anime.
@LoganM I believe such lists exist on some of the other sites. All the major ones on SO (except the C++ book question) have been locked down.
@Krazer yes, and also link this page there
The point, though, is that we haven't been allowing questions about external resources about anime, e.g. the currently airing question. Should we allow that or do we want to keep this focused on anime specifically?
FWIW, I've never seen such a question on scifi.SE, which is the example I was trying to follow here
@LoganM That's probably something that we should have decided during the private beta. But we've kinda pushed the issue until now.
@Mysticial Better to decide now than not at all.
@LoganM I think we can handle it if we have them specify the time period like Winter 2013
@LoganM maybe there should be a post that links to external links on these subjects (lists of genre animes, list of airing animes, etc), and it should appear on the faq, preventing questions on such matters to be asked
Thus, this questions that have been closed as Not Constructive, would all somehow fit in there
Initially I was for allowing these "ask for resource" questions. But Robert shot me down very brutally - as if my idea actually insulted him...
(if they are still seen as NC)
@JNat That could work, but we can't answer all of them. So we have to have a policy on the main site for when more such questions come up.
Then we decided "no" for resource questions. And now we're supposed to allow them again?
That's the only reasonable way in which the zombie question could be made into a good question IMO
@Mysticial I do not think they should be allowed
Here's Robert's comment:
Crazy. I was with you until the "they may crucial to bring in users" bit. Puhleeze... This site will have no trouble attracting an early audience. The worst thing that can happen here is drive towards "we'll worry about quality later." A new site is evaluated for having a strong start with quality content, much much much much much much more so than having the largest possible audience. If these questions will harm the site long-term, don't allow them. You're here to build a strong foundation now... for the long run. Don't fall for these games just to pump up your numbers — bad idea. — Robert Cartaino Dec 13 '12 at 0:07
we should go over all the ones that exist, and try to create a 'general resource' post that can answer them all, as well as possible new ones
He seemed pretty upset... check out the tone of the first two sentences.
If new ones don't fit, we'll see how they can or cannot, depending on whether they are or not NC
@Mysticial Yeah, he was a bit harsh. But he has a point
@JNat I'm actually starting to disagree with him more than more now.
@Mysticial I don't really agree with that comment. I was part of the failed Theoretical Physics beta, which had by far the best content I've ever seen on an SE site, but died because it couldn't bring in new people. The quality was actually part of the problem-new users, even postdocs, were intimidated by professor-level research questions.
because if you have a question asking for a list of every genre of anime and manga, you'll have a series of answers that will, most likely, all lead to the same site (MyAnimeList or something like that)
So we'll have a lot of answers, each for a genre, but all linking to the same site
1. Shog seems to be wanting us to relax the definition of "not constructive".
2. "This site will have no trouble attracting an early audience." - That is sooooo wrong. We **are** having a trouble getting an audience.
@Mysticial It is true that the audience thing is an issue
TBH, I actually kinda saw this coming. But nobody would've believed me if I said it. Nor could I build any convincing arguments.
@JNat There's a strong feeling that a preponderance of these questions (vs more meaty lit analysis questions) killed Literature and have harmed other sites.
That is by far the biggest trouble we are having. I think I could list all of the active users without looking at the user page.
The solution to the audience isn't getting lax on what sorts of questions you allow. It's not driving away folks who show up and ask the first stupid thing that pops into their heads.
Y'all know better than to ask, "what zombie anime should I buy next?" - y'all know where to find the info to decide for yourselves. So figure out how to get new folks up to that level & then they won't hate you if they have more interesting questions.
@Shog9 I know that, and I did not mean to drive away that user, but the community seems to have agreed that that type of question in specific is NC
@LoganM One of the biggest problems right now we are having is the imbalance in tags.
@JNat Do you know why?
@Shog9 Why what? the community agrees?
@JNat Why the community feels they're bad questions
@Shog9 I guess because for most of us it is a no-brainer, and we all know where to find it, and that it would either create a list or a link-only question
@Mysticial It's really hard to get my friends in anime clubs to come here when there are like 30% Naruto questions and nothing they've watched.
@JNat why would anyone ask such a question then, when the answer is a no-brainer?
@Shog9 because maybe they are not so good with 'surfing the web', and using search engines
Which really only worsens the issue, because if new people don't come in for other series, the ratio will only get worse.
@LoganM Yes, that's exactly the problem right now.
But I understand that maybe a 'general reference' post should exist
We could start by trying to encourage them ask questions about the Anime that they've watched.
I've been trying to do that for a while.
where every such question asker could be redirected
@Mysticial That's why I can't use MathOverflow, because it's basically only algebraic geometry. So I have to settle for Math.SE
The only reason why I don't have any rep is because I don't watch Naruto.
@Mysticial I've never watched Naruto either. Getting as much rep as I have was way more work than it should be
@Mysticial You have more rep here than I do in any other site, other than this one
I put about 10% of the effort into Math.SE to get the same amount of rep
@JNat Rep on SO is like water during a thunderstorm.
I get rep on SO without even doing anything.
Anyway I agree we need more questions from obscure series
and by obscure, I mean not Naruto
@LoganM agreed
I tried some, like Ergo Proxy and Moribito
Hellsing, One Piece and Bleach seem to have some good numbers too
but that is about it
Anyway this should wait until tomorrow's meeting. For now the zombies are the bigger issue.
We need to decide this list question issue first.
Then we can go ahead and try to bring in the masses.
I like the idea of having one faq question on meta with common resources, but as I said there will always be resources that we forget to include.
We need to come up with a very strict definition of the kind of "list question" that is allowed. Add it to the FAQ, and enforce it to the letter.
So personally I think these should be on topic on the main site, but heavily moderated to close anything that's already been answered.
@LoganM those will pop-up along the way, everytime anyone asks some question that it does not cover
Because as it is right now, it's very ambiguous. Even we can't decide.
I said before that asking for a list of anime should always be OT, but I'm not so sure now.
@JNat So here's something to consider: when someone's asking for a recommendation, it's not because they can't find the stuff - it's because they've no idea how to evaluate it. So they see y'all here, purporting to be experts, talking about obscure series they've never heard of, and think, "these guys'll know what I'm talking about"
@LoganM Well, let's start from safe territory, and we keep going until we draw the line.
he thinks you're the kid at the video rental shop who's watched every movie in the place and will happily recommend one based on another one just to have someone to talk to.
1. What are all the anime that X person has directed?
Yes or no? Do we want it?
For instance, if I asked for a list of movies directed by Miyazaki (forgetting that he'll probably make a few more before he dies), I think that would be an OK question. Admittedly one that could be answered by google in about 3 minutes, but so can lots of questions here.
@Shog9 I understand that, but I think a sort of 'general reference' post would be a better way to handle these.
@JNat Oh, I tend to agree - but not because folks don't know how to use Google
@LoganM Good vs. bad question is another issue. Those are what the votes are for.
2. What are all the Anime that feature fan service?
Yes or no? Do we want it?
Note that while it is an objective question, the list is potentially endless.
@Mysticial ...which means you'll end up with a bunch of partial lists. Bad.
@Mysticial Personally, I don't think this is any different from the zombies. The only reasonable way to answer it is to link to some other database that you can search.
@Shog9 Ok. Good so that's an objective "no".
@Shog9 that is why some post where we could gather all these resources gradually would be better
3. What are all the Anime that feature zombies and created between 2000 - 2005?
Yes or no?
@JNat I agree. Someone asks you for a movie recommendation? You say "NetFlix, come back when you have an interesting question."
Here we have a potentially large list. But it will not change anymore.
@Mysticial Couldn't you just answer that by linking to, say, animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/search/…
Same way I answered the zombie one in the comments.
@Mysticial AFAIC all those are the same type and should, as I've been saying (don't mean to be repetitive), be condensed in some 'general reference' post, which would point to external resources on these questions that are regarded as Not Constructive
and said post would be modified along the way whenever a new question that is not 'included' in it appears
@JNat Well, I'm varying them on how long the list potentially is. And whether it will be static.
@LoganM Let's leave the issue of whether it can be answered with a single link as separate.
@Mysticial The point is that is the only reasonable way to answer these questions
@LoganM You could potentially answer it with one large answer with the list itself.
@LoganM Here's an example of that issue:
Q: What do the Runes say in Madoka?

Logan MIn Puella Magi Madoka Magica, there is some strange rune writing that is used a lot. I've heard that it references Goethe's Faust, at least in the first few episodes, and it's used in displaying the names of the witches as well. Is there any comprehensive guide for what each symbol means, or a li...

Yes, but no one is going to type a list with 1170 entries.
I answered it with a single link.
I have no problem with that answer, in fact, that's exactly what I intended whoever answered it to do.
@LoganM So we should probably draw a line somewhere.
well, I'm off. See y'all tomorrow
@JNat cya
@Mysticial But if you're asking for lists of anime, IMO either all of them are allowed, or all of them are NC.
Here's a possibility: Allow list questions that:
1. Ask for a specific list.
2. The the items that belong on that list can be determined objectively.
3. The list isn't too long.
4. The list isn't changing.
@LoganM Well, what about, "What are the Anime that feature the Index/Railgun universe?"
There's only 4 of them.
Granted, it's a bad question that can be easily googled.
But I think it's constructive.
@Mysticial I wouldn't treat that as a list question, because you need more information than just the 4 anime. You also need to know how they are related to each other.
See anime.stackexchange.com/questions/2089/… for a practical case of this
@Shog9 If you're still here, what are your thoughts so far?
As for your recommendations, 1. should be required for all questions, and 2. is obviously necessary for any list question. 3 and 4 I'm not as convinced by.
3 and 4 I'm a little unsure about myself. 4 isn't a real problem. The answers will get wikied after a while. But that's what it's for. 3 could be problematic as we'll end up with multiple partial lists.
If the question is actually interesting, there should be somewhere not on our site which lists all of them and keeps the list updated. We just need to link to that.
If the question isn't interesting, then there's no need to include it
@LoganM We would need to keep the answers updated should the links ever break.
But in any case, 3. and 4. don't have anything to do with answeribility (sp?) IMO
@LoganM They don't. But they affect the overall quality of the question.
3. Could be done with a link-only answered. But it will require maintenance.
4. I'm definitely willing to drop this one.
@Mysticial My first thought is, you're spending a lot of time discussing questions that don't seem particularly interesting to any of you.
Quality is what downvotes are for. The only reasons I can see for banning this is that it's OT or too localized. For me NC is for when the question isn't likely to be answerable.
@Shog9 Not really. I would be interested in seeing a list of questions about X category.
But whether it belongs on Anime.SE is a different story.
I was of the opinion that we decided all questions asking for external resources were OT. An answerer could provide external references to construct their answer, but the asker couldn't ask for such. Which is a little bit confusing tbh
Oh and btw, the zombie question that started this satisfies, 1 and 2.
And the only way I can see making this question into a good one is to modify it asking for an external resource
@LoganM That's definitely too strict. Then your Madoka runes question would be OT.
And they aren't even OT on Stackoverflow either.
Then I'm questioning why the currently-airing question was closed. It seems like a valid question IMO
Note that we are currently debating the status of "list questions" in chat right now. So there's a chance that we may re-categorize this question on-topic and constructive and reopen it. — Mysticial 12 secs ago
^^ Thought I'd add that to try to encourage the guy to stay.
The only problem with it is that there are a lot of answers, which are all valid, but one could also construct a lot of lists of zombie anime which are all valid.
@Mysticial good, but I'm not convinced the problem with this question is that it's a list question.
Well, let's run down the 4 categories I listed for "currently airing" question.
1. Yes it's a specific list.
2. Yes there are objective answers.
3. No, the list could be very long.
4. No, the list will be changing.
The problem I have with it right now is that it's basically soliciting recommendations. He isn't actually asking for such, but the practical effect is the same.
So are "recommendation" questions off-topic? What if each recommendation was backed by "expert" advice/arguments?
Either way the question would require high maintenance.
Consensus was that recommendation isn't allowed: meta.anime.stackexchange.com/questions/117/…
So if we went by my 4 rules. Then we certainly cannot drop both 3 and 4.
Or we drop them, but explicitly exclude recommendation questions as per that meta question.
I don't think the problem with this question is that it's a list question at all. The problem that I see is that recommendations aren't allowed, whether they are list or otherwise.
So we need to make a very clear rule that distinguishes a "list" question and a "recommendation" question.
This is a particularly tricky case where he isn't actually asking for recommendations, and probably doesn't realize that what he's doing is equivalent.
"Recommendation" questions would be forbidden. "List" questions would be allowed under the 4 categories I gave. (possibly dropping 3 and/or 4)
I don't see that zombie question as a recommendation question.
The "more mature" part is subject to subjectivity. But that's just justification for asking the question in the first place.
I did at the time, but after our discussion I'm less sure myself. It has many of the same issues as a recommendation question though.
@LoganM I think he's asking for a list of zombie anime. Once he has that list, he will run down it himself.
I don't think he's asking anyone to recommend a specific zombie show.
If we both provided lists of all zombie questions based on a particular database, I don't think there is a reasonable way to decide which is better.
@LoganM He didn't ask us to decide which shows are better.
Although I can see how that might be accidentally implied by the "more mature" phrase.
But there's not even any way to determine objectively who gives a better list.
@LoganM Well... whichever is more complete. But I can see how the voting will be skewed in favor of the one that lists only the "better" ones.
If I had free rein, what I would do with this question is turn it into something like "Where can I search for anime of a particular genre?" which I'd then think is a fine question.
But the currently-airing question was closed and it's rather similar, so apparently that's no good.
Now I'm leaning towards reopening the currently airing question.
I'm fine with allowing questions about what other resources exist for anime. But consensus at the moment is that they aren't allowed.
We'd also need at least one of the mods to agree with that.
In other words, we've moved in favor of allowing them. But we need to keep the rules strict.
@LoganM They've got a lot of reading to do when they wake up. :P
In any case, the main reason I voted to close that question is because it seemed to be a special case of the other question, which was banned, so this one should be also not allowed.
I don't think it's good to allow such a question for every genre, but I see no problem having one generic one and closing all the new ones as duplicates.
We'll let everyone else voice their thoughts. If we need to overturn a popular decision on meta, then so be it.
@LoganM Copy-cat questions is another issue. Let's leave that aside for now.
But that's more in the spirit of keeping the content on the site interesting.
I'm fine with reopening the currently airing question, but I'm still a bit iffy on the zombie one... I get the points made but I'm not sure new users will.
@Krazer Leave a link to this conversation. That will make it clear that your vote wasn't unilateral.
And I think we can all agree that the zombie question isn't very interesting right now, at least not to anyone but the OP.
@Krazer I just nominated the currently airing question to be reopened.
But I think we should have a consensus of mods before something gets done here.
I don't have close/reopen vote powers.
@LoganM We should decide on the rules first.
We can make a decision here, but the only mod present is @Krazer, and if the other two disagree it doesn't matter.
Actually, this might be better as a Meta discussion
@LoganM Let's wait till they come back and read this long transcript.
Before you do anything, you might want to summarize your thoughts here on Meta so that the folks who don't hang out in chat all the time can chime in.
In fact such a discussion already exists:
Q: Should we allow "where can I find X info / resource about anime / manga"?

XeoThe main motivation here is this question asking where to find a list of currently airing anime, including date and time. It can be seen as a polling question (well, really, it is) and might come a cross as subjective, as there may be multiple valid answers, of which you might choose one by prefe...

Yeah, I linked that earlier.
Good, you can follow up there and go into detail about the sort of questions you see as non constructive (and why), off-topic (and why) and allowable (and why).
Once we get all the mods to agree, we'll have one of them make an "authoritative" summary answer with a link to the chat transcript. Then we'll see how everyone else responds.
@Mysticial I missed it. Curse this incredibly laggy chat.
I don't know how we can modify my 4-rule proposal for list questions.
But either way it needs to be done.
And we need to make it clear on meta.
@Mysticial I agree. Unfortunately, I don't have any better suggestions, and I really should be getting offline soon. Maybe someone else will have a suggestion, or we can continue this discussion when more people are here.
@Mysticial I think it varies depending on the type of list... If I were to ask about all the major factions within the magic side and the science side, that can be answerable, but if I were to also ask for a list of their members wouldn't it be a bit too much?
@LoganM I'm out of thoughts anyway. We'll see when everyone else come on.
@Krazer Hence #3 on my list.
I intentionally left a bit of a fuzzy line on #3.
Alright, I've pinned the 4 rules thing. So everyone can see and critique.
4 hours later…
> Your questions should be reasonably scoped. If you can imagine an entire book that answers your question, you’re asking too much.
Even if the list is finite and will never change. A gigantic answer isn't very helpful.
Hence #3 on my list.
We don't necessarily want a list of 1000 things. The only alternative will be a link-only answer to an external source.
@Mysticial Or closing it as not constructive.
@MadaraUchiha Or NARQ since it's not reasonably scoped.
@Mysticial Possible, but it should be closed.
Well, I'm off
We'll see you later today?
We'll discuss this later today. We probably won't get to the issue of publicity yet.
3 hours later…
I made a blog post on MAL about the site: myanimelist.net/blog.php?eid=723421
@JonLin that's nice
I've no idea how many people will actually see it though
The only other blog post I made was simply a photoshop of yotsuba with a drill and I got 2 comments on it, so we'll see
@JonLin lol
@JonLin Yeah, I was gonna ask. What kind of visibility do blog posts have on MAL?
@Mysticial: I put a featured tag on that meta post, so now it appears on the bulletin
It'll be interesting once get everyone together tomorrow.
The plan right now is to gather a list of all the problematic questions.
Evaluate each one of them.
@Mysticial tomorrow? tonight, right?
And see if we can come up with a very objective list of rules to determine which should stay and which should go.
@JNat The meeting we have scheduled - that was originally for getting publicity.
@Mysticial ah. so for me it is tonight, and not tomorrow :)
for you it is tomorrow?
@JNat yes
@Mysticial yeah, I think that is what we are missing
we have a lot of meta posts
a lot of answers and opinions
This meeting is going to be important. Because we are probably going to overturn a lot of the early meta decisions.
but we haven't said: "Now it's like this"
@Mysticial yeah, exactly
And to be honest, I think those early meta decisions were made a bit too early.
Now that the site has been around for a couple of months we have a much better picture of what needs to be tackled.
@MadaraUchiha hey
@MadaraUchiha I created a community event, so that the chat event gets more visibility
so now it appears on the bulletin
@JNat I'm not sure we're gonna be able to get to the recruitment stuff.
If we end up using the time-slot for discussing the list questions.
So maybe we should change the title
@JNat Yeah.
@Mysticial yeah, I that has priority
what should I name it? @Mysticial @MadaraUchiha
Change it to something like "revisiting list questions".
We will need to log the meetings we make. When the session starts, I'd like to have as little noise as possible, so that we can bookmark it.
@MadaraUchiha agreed
The problem is: there have been a number of controversial "list" questions lately that have merit.
Namely the zombie and currently airing questions.
@MadaraUchiha should the event you scheduled be cancelled?
because you cannot edit the title
@Mystical go to sleep already, wouldn't want you to be tied tomorrow. :-P
@MadaraUchiha I'm about to actually.
Why cancelled? Why do you need to change the title?
We could probably just leave it as it is.
Only the community bulletin title needs to be correct.
@MadaraUchiha because we are not gonna be able to go to the recruitment part, I guess
with all the time we're gonna take debating about the lists and all
Oh, well sure. Wait with that though, maybe I'm able to change it.
I can almost guarantee that this list question debate is not gonna get done very quickly.
well, the name in the bulletin is corrected
Lemme get to a computer layer today and I'll see if I can. If not I'll make a New one
maybe the one on the chat doesn't need to be
@MadaraUchiha if you want I can make it
although it does not seem to me that I can edit it
Lemme get to a computer later today.
@MadaraUchiha have you read naruto?
Yeah, I did
It's rather easy to break for a permanent seal
@MadaraUchiha yeah
let's go to the other room
ok :)
I'm going to sleep now, but can someone put together a list of all the list questions that have been asked so far?
Also put together a list of potential list questions.
For the discussions tomorrow.
We should have these ready.
Here's the example that I came up with earlier: "Who are all the level 5's in the Index/Railgun universe?"
We should make up a few more of these.
If there are any deleted list questions, I suggest we undelete (and lock them) for the purpose of the discussion tomorrow.
As moderator, I think you should be able to search for deleted posts.
@Mysticial yes, I'll look it up

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