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7:48 PM
(f <> g) x == (mappend . f <*> g) x i guess?
@totallyhuman: Of course I didn't ;P
Btw. I found a shorter one: main=do x<-readFile __FILE__;print$length x`gcd`3 --
damn i was thinking of all kinds of things with modulo, didn't think about gcd
The necessary space is quite annoying though -.-
You could "rollback" to using (>>=) which would work ^^
there's a necessary space in that too though :P
7:59 PM
how coincidental of the code's length to be a divisible by 3... i mean, it had 66% of a chance of not :P
i'm technically allowed to assume a filename of a.hs
No idea
12 would work as well but it's not improving the byte count, however it doesn't contain unnecessary characters, hehe
This would be a bit nicer to use
Btw. since it's not Windows, could you not assume a as a filename? I'm not sure on the rules for these things and can't be bothered to look it up..
Yet, .hs is exactly 3 bytes again - still that annoying space..
ghc wants a .hs file
does runhaskell not?
Didn't know that ghc does, but then again I never really had a reason to try out these things before
If you can assume "a" as a file name sure (oh, and you don't need to use ./a)
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@totallyhuman ^

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