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@BeastOfCaerbannog I wonder what would happen if one were to put .. as an argument to mv
mv: cannot move '..' to 'aaa/..': Device or resource busy
I ran: mv .. aaa
zanna@peach:~/playground$ mkdir -p a/b/c/d
zanna@peach:~/playground$ cd a/b/c/d
zanna@peach:~/playground/a/b/c/d$ mv .. .
mv: '..' and './..' are the same file
zanna@peach:~/playground/a/b/c/d$ mv .. ../../..
mv: cannot move '..' to '../../../..': Device or resource busy
zanna@peach:~/playground/a/b/c/d$ mv .. ~/playground/a
mv: cannot move '..' to '/home/zanna/playground/a/..': Device or resource busy
Can you remind me how to add code blocks in the chat?
if there's a line break in your message, a button appears to the right saying fixed font... if you press it, every line gets indented 4 spaces, which code formats it (also one can just type 4 spaces before each line)
OK, thanks!
it would be good if chat formatting tricks were more discoverable
or just if that button had a better name
@BeastOfCaerbannog this seems good... like I would really hope that it wouldn't do anything
that it would refuse to operate on ..
I think I should move this technical interlude to the Island...
what do you think?
You're the boss!
16 messages moved from Raiders of the Lost Downboat
BTW I love that your PC is named peach!
hahaha thanks :)
my previous one was called toaster and then monster
Peach is the fruit or the Super Mario princess?
You're a Super Mario fan?
yes, but we had Sega so I played a lot more Sonic
Nice! Do you still play games?
hmm no I guess not :(
oh I do... I play Scrabble through an app
we play some card games and whatnot
also I recently bought some light plastic balls that can be thrown around indoors without breaking anything
so we sort of play around throwing and catching and whacking them with rolled up newspapers and stuff... lounge cricket
I'm thinking of taking up badminton... seems to be possible to sort of play in any reasonably sized bit of park
I do like games
2 hours later…
@Zanna Hahaha! Sounds fun!
@Zanna Yeah, probably.
How's my new avatar @BeastOfCaerbannog?
Is it still Elizabeth Olsen or did you change it and it hasn't refreshed yet?
It was Tom Hiddleston couple of weeks ago. then removed it. kept Elizabeth Olsen probably a week ago
It is still Elizabeth Olsen
I like it. She's the most beautiful of the sisters.
What do you mean by your "About me" text?
@BeastOfCaerbannog I've been feeling sad since quite some time.. things aren't good in real life.. spending time in AU makes me feel better.
@RandomPerson Oh. Is that about the COVID situation?
Kinda.. I am hating to learn things in school which I have no interest about.
Like what?
I am not good at Chemistry and Physics..
Well, it's OK if you're not good at everything!
and they are gonna reopen schools from September 1 😭
And there are thousands of videos about both physics and chemistry that can actually make you good at these topics!
@BeastOfCaerbannog well, the education system in India is so much dependent on marks. People treat students who get less marks badly.
Do you have any specific topic you have trouble with? I can recommend you things to watch!
You can take a look at the index here: ncert.nic.in/textbook.php?lech1=ps-9
I have honestly lost the interest to study..
I think that this is absolutely normal. Especially with everything that happens everyday.
Do you use Telegram?
or Discord?
@RandomPerson Woah! What?? That's what you have to study? Even solid state?? I first studied solid state in my 4th year of University!
@RandomPerson I use Telegram.
@BeastOfCaerbannog I don't think it will be as complex as your university course. You can read the chapter if you want to in the same website.
@RandomPerson That's what I'm reading right now.
@BeastOfCaerbannog how's it?
Well, it's quite good actually! But a bit difficult nevertheless. What's described in the first chapter was our first 2 lessons, and not so clearly explained.
Are your lessons in English?
@BeastOfCaerbannog yup.
In India, most of the schools in urban areas are English-medium. In rural areas, the schools use the regional language. But exceptions exist.
So in Greece, all the lessons are in Greek?
@BeastOfCaerbannog ok..
You also study Gibbs energy???? That's advanced stuff there!
I am so bad at Chemistry. I am still stuck with 10th grade knowledge..
Some things in the book I'm seeing them for the first time!
@BeastOfCaerbannog I know that you are doing a PhD in Physics. When did you learn Chemistry?
@RandomPerson We had some courses at the university. And you can find chemistry and chemical terms almost everywhere. Also many things are common both in physics and chemistry, but are seen from different perspective.
@BeastOfCaerbannog oh.. OK.
If you are interested, you can also take a look at the physics book. ncert.nic.in/textbook.php?leph1=0-8
For example, the Gibbs energy I mentioned above is used in both thermodynamics and chemistry.
BTW, there are two parts for chemistry and physics. I have just shared part 1.
@BeastOfCaerbannog ok..
@BeastOfCaerbannog why so shocked?
Are you serious? How is it even possible to do all these things in a single year?
@BeastOfCaerbannog That's the Indian education system :(
Anyway, because of the pandemic, few topics have been deleted from the syllabus.
Physics is a bit advanced too. Almost half of the topics in the first 3 chapters are taught in high school here (I haven't looked at the other chapters). The rest I was taught in the first year in the university.
You have a bonus though: The books seem very good!
@BeastOfCaerbannog I find it to be boring.. lots of text with no colour. I guess I am childish
The books in our high schools are ancient.
@BeastOfCaerbannog example?
@RandomPerson I think it's perfectly normal for your age. They seem too colorful and nice to me because I'm used to papers. :(
@RandomPerson They still use the same books I was taught 15 years ago. And even then they were ancient. The books are probably the same for at least 20 years.
Let me find one.
@BeastOfCaerbannog It's the same case here as well I guess. The syllabus is rarely updated..
They have tried to renew them somewhat, but they just took chapters from books of other years and stuck them between. They didn't change the figure numbers in some cases.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Is it HTTP?
And look at those images. Their quality sucks. In the printed books it's even worse.
@BeastOfCaerbannog yeah..
Most sites of ministries are HTTP!
Even some government websites in India are just HTTP :(
At least you have nice books.
In physics you even have rotating vectors! :P
Some physics students must have never heard of them
@BeastOfCaerbannog in which chapter? I don't recall studying it yet.
BTW I'm exaggerating things here. They are taught in high school too.
@BeastOfCaerbannog we didn't start that chapter yet
@BeastOfCaerbannog Ok...
Whatever help you need you can tell me.
will talk to you soon..
good night @BeastOfCaerbannog

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