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7:54 PM
@BeastOfCaerbannog How's the situation in Greece? I read about fire disasters.... nytimes.com/2021/08/05/world/europe/…
I hope you are fine..
8:46 PM
@RandomPerson In general it's horrible. Huge parts of forests have been destroyed. Many residences have been destroyed too and a lot of people are now effectively homeless. The state is almost absent. All it does is evacuate villages and towns, without putting almost any effort to put out the fires. The government compliments itself though, as if everything was done as it should have been.
The TV and most newspapers were acting as if nothing was happening until fires started popping up in Athens, the capital of Greece. The state hasn't even cared about the firefighters, who don't even get food or water or any rest. The only care that anyone gets, comes from the solidarity among people and their food and money donations to those that need them.
Where I live there are no threatening fires nearby, so I'm fine. But I can't stop thinking about what's happening and worrying.
Thanks for your concern! I appreciate that.

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