:) I decided I want to vote in the election, but gaining reputation is too hard
maybe that's ok because gaining reputation is the wrong goal :)
I earned the privilege of downvoting... kept looking around for a bit... unintentionally came across some wrong answers, so I had to downvote them haha. At least I could hold off on that for 2 days!
@EliahKagan But it could be restricted in an arbitrary way, such as by tag or by how long the post author's account has existed.
@Zanna Hmm, that seems like it involves a bug in the system. Shouldn't the post author's concurrent edit have caused Community to reject your edit suggestion?
I recall an example of that, where I looked over their reviews and I wasn't actually sure that they were doing anything wrong. It looked like maybe they clicked Skip a lot, because their approvals seems mostly good.
Editing on Stack Overflow is often suggested as the best way to gain rep for a sock account that is used to run chat bots. (One must make sure not to review any of one's own edits, of course, if one has enough rep on SO to do that.) Rep on Stack Overflow is recognized by both the SO and SE chat servers.
I am holding off on doing this until at least after the election, though. It's allowed, but if done just before the election it might look like wrongdoing. But that's only because I have an SO account (and it has enough rep to vote in the SO election, and I have voted). There's nothing wrong with editing to gain rep on a single SO account, whether to vote in the election or otherwise.
This post is a copy of Time to say goodbye - one less moderator with some customisations for Stack Overflow.
At the writing of this post I am running in the 12th moderator election and am a moderator and the second highest ranking contributor on Pets. I have previously been an elected moderator o...
@iBugsaysReinstateMonica Given that staff would have to manually process the deletion anyways due to other criteria, nothing but manual intervention could ever happen. ;) — animuson ♦yesterday
Thank you very much for your help! I managed to get a list of recent Bash questions with code fence issues using your code and have saved it to suggest more edits later :)
I suggested 3 edits using that, but none of them have been approved yet. However, my earlier edit suggestion was approved and my answer was accepted and got another upvote so I reached 154
But it's not on GitHub. Some commits contain the version of fences.csv that I was working with at the time. I'd want to add--probably by rebasing it into each commit--a statement of, and copies of, the licenses that apply to the user-contributed content held in that csv file, before making it a public repository.