@Desire I noticed all those creative moves: what about using shape and size with color: circle, oval, triangle, square, diamond (non square parallellogram), pentagon, hexagon, octagon, where size correlates with the area of the shape, where shape is keyed to represent say, meta participation, size as you have it, color for DV, etc?
@DanielFischer My biggest concern is that late nominees have the advantage by having prior access to all earlier nominees' answers to the questionnaire, and candidate announcements. That fact alone, leads me to require more from late nominees. The nomination date was announced a week ago Monday. Throwing one's hat in, on day 11, 12, 13, indicates, reluctance, and/or indecisiveness, an/or procrastination (from my perspective.) None of these tendencies make for a well-received candidate.
Of course, these qualities (ideally only one of them) are not fatal for a candidate. But I will definitely heighten the hurdles for late runners, from the height/standard of earlier candidates. Feels sort of related to the transparency issue.
@RandomVariable While I've not expected too much of a turnout of nominees, I have expected that all users have the chance to question late nominees, and the later they announce, the harder it is for the community to ask questions asked of earlier users. So, to be honest, I've drawn a line (date) in the sand, after which any new incoming nominees will almost surely not receive my vote.
@amWhy Day 11, … is too late, the nomination period ends on Monday. And reluctance isn't necessarily a bad thing. "I'm not keen on herding cats, but I'm willing to do it if not many good candidates nominate" gets you candidates taking it seriously and not in it for the glamour. Of course not all late candidates are of that kind.
I'm talking about 10 days ago as start date, September 25th? Folks have now had 10 days to consider nominations. I assume that anyone self nominating up to the day of the actual election, is considered "valid". How can it be valid if users haven't had more than 24 hours to squeeze in questions, questions asked of all earlier nominees?
@DanielFischer I get that, and because of that reluctance, I opened Sept 21 a nominations page to nominate folks who might otherwise be reluctant. Where folks can begin to consider, even merely the possible candidacy. At this point I won't bring up how one user's last minute announcement to run, back in 1012, turned out.
Okay, if you count from the announcement, there are indeed two weeks to the end of the nomination period. If we have more than 10 candidates, one can still ask questions on their questionnaire answers during the primaries to get some answers before the election proper starts, if somebody nominates really late. If they don't answer the questionnaire, I suppose that's also an answer to some unposed questions.
@amWhy I haven't drawn any lines. I might be willing to vote for someone who announces their candidacy at the last minute if I find their stated positions appealing.
@DanielFischer I guess I'm not really holding out for anyone I'd consider nominating beyond this point in time. But there are two users I'd take seriously, who would be great mods, and on the reluctant side. But I also know of two others who are more calculating. So I've not "made up my mind" but I think that a cut off point, in future elections, allowing for at least 24 hours from the point at which additional nominees are no longer accepted, to the point at which the election begins, is valid
@amWhy IIRC last time Daniel and I talked each other and ourselves into running relatively late in the nomination period, and I think there was still plenty of time for the voters to evaluate us. Also, Ron Gordon already seems to think the questionnaire answers all look alike. That actually gives a late joiner a wonderful opportunity to say something original. Makes them stand out.
@JyrkiLahtonen Well you and @Daniel are rare exceptions (gems)! As far as someone answering "origninally" quid's and Jack's answers were original. (first or second answerers any way). If subsequent answers came in sounding the same, repeating the same in so many words, that doesn't make the original first or second therefore non-original. And Sure, anyone stepping in, say Sunday, will likely have the advantage to distinguish themselves precisely because they've read everything else!
But, I wouldn't mind seeing a nominee from Asia/Australia. We have a lot of users from India and China. For example, I don't trust myself 100% dealing fairly with college kids from India. Somebody local might better understand how to reach them. Australia? I don't think Gerry Myerson will run this time either.
I don't have anything against the current European nominees, but over 99% of the flag handling decisions are in European hands at the moment. And that could become a problem - if only due to the concentration of time zones.
@JyrkiLahtonen I agree there are a lot of desired features (place of residence, etc), having more global dispersion of the work, etc. But I would not vote for anyone merely on the basis in which they reside, or what language they speak. First and foremost, I want to see activity moderating (as a regular ole community user), and other qualities related to good communication and peace-makers, only after which I think other factors like those I mention at the start, become icing on the cake.
Well, I'm in North America (US), one hour after eastern (New York time) and I'd love to run, but we all know that would not likely turn out well. So I can't help in that respect. SimplyBeautiful is in the Eastern US time zone (as in New York time), and he gave all indication he plans to run... we'll see.
@amWhy @Jyrki When I say "we all know that would not likely turn out well." I was not being cryptic in terms of anything related to the current mod team. I just know I'd encounter hell from other users for just having thought about it.
@RonGordon Not just you. But what do you expect when you pose an exercise "Use Riemann sums to calculate $\int_0^1 x^2\,dx$"? There are only so many reasonable ways.
@JyrkiLahtonen I get the time-zone/geography concern. But I'd rather we all focus more on welcoming diversity in general: gender (where are the women mods?), geographical (not necessarily different time zones), cultural, racial, etc. And anyway, the many diversities are not necessarily conflicting with time zones, but time zone diversity should happen only as a side effect of more general diversity.
@DanielFischer If I thought I had even a slight chance of winning, I would probably run. But I know I have no chance whatsoever, and I don't want to say something that might make people think negatively of me. It's not worth it.
@SchrodingersCat What notification are you responding to? Likely none of my business who, but if the "notification" asked of you your gender, that particular question was/is entirely inappropriate, and none of the asker's business.