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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ian H.Creepy Corridors This challenge is inspired by a board game I played some time ago. The story of this challenge doesn't necessarily have to be read, the goal of the challenge-section should explain everything necessary. The Story People are locked inside a large room with a human-devouring mon...

What if the monster will not be able to reach any human?
Thanks for the suggestions, edited the challenge.
How can the monster not be able to turn right?
I would further define the teleportation functionality; something like If the monster steps onto a letter, it will be teleported to this letter's second appearance and not change its direction. There will only ever be zero or two of any letter on the board..
You may also want to explicitly state the board's dimensions.
@JonathanFrech The monster wouldn't be able to turn right if there was a wall to the right of it. Thanks for you test case, although I can't use it, since i specified the teleporter locations to be constant.
Hm. I think it would be more interesting if they were not constant, but your decision. (As is, one could hardcode a position mapping table, rather than reading it from the input.)
The monster wouldn't be able to turn right if there was a wall to the right of it. If so, I think you should specify turn. My intuitive understanding would allow for things like this.
@JonathanFrech Thanks for your help, can you please take a look at my changes?
1) I think your second test case has the wrong output. 2) If map dimensions are dynamic, you should maybe specify some rules they need to follow (like that the monster will always be enclosed). 3) Now that you allow dynamic room sizes / object placement, my first test case should be a valid input. :P
@JonathanFrech 1) You sure? I checked it and it seems fine, what should it be in your opinion? 2) Why should the monster always be enclosed, not even in the first test case. 3) Alright, added it, really nice test case!
I though the monster would take this path.
2) I meant that there is no way for the monster to ever wander off; though -- as I now see -- this is already given as the monster will eventually find a human. Ignore that thought.
1) Ah you are right I completely overlooked that human
2) The map will always be enclosed, so there is no way i suppose ^^

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