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@CDJB I would say that is worth 47 (now 48) upvotes, because it is relevant to a large demographic and will help a lot of people
@EkadhSingh Okay, what about this one? Is the answer to the question whether or not Trump's speech at the UN General Assembly was the first to be met with "mocking laughter" really worth 73 upvotes? ;)
1 hour later…
It is a little bit short, yes, but in my opinion it would deserve about 60 to 70 upv*tes. But 73 is ridiculous!
It reminds me of an old joke: a young boy enters the baking store and says "99 loaves of bread please", cashier replies "okay, but why not 100?" and boy replies "who in their right mind would ever need so much bread?" :D
Yea, I don't know what those last three upvoters were thinking ;p
11 hours later…
@JJJ I was about to make a HNQ joke, but then I realized that the post never made it to HNQ :D
@EkadhSingh Yea I'm not really sure. I think it did end up on HNQ but back then it wasn't listed on the timeline. If it didn't end up on HNQ it would be even weirder, 14K views just by coming across the question. ;p
Ah, I didn’t realize that HNQ wasn’t listed back then. Enter lemmings joke here. :)
I think back then timelines were for mods only or at least posts didn't include a link for all users. See here
Q: Add a link to the timeline of a post

stemaFor the past year I have been quite active on SO and a bit on meta, but I had never heard of the timeline of a post until today in a comment on meta. There was an announcement by Jeff Atwood two years ago of this feature as "experimental". (Timeline for that question). This feature was requeste...

Does that mean you can see if that post got to HNQ or not? (Or am I misunderstanding)
Timeline has been available for a very long time if you knew how you build the link and browser addons such as stack overflow extras could do it for you.
Time line shows everything that happened to a post (votes summed by day so voting and reversing the vote in the same day wont show)
No, I can't see that it was on HNQ either, but I think that it was.
Ok, thank you for explaining it to me :)
@JoeW Yea you're right, probably mostly a cosmetic upgrade in that meta link.
wow thanks for star, I am happy you liked my joke, much appreciated!
Should we have a meme post on politics SE?
I’m not sure if we have any memes tho...
I am not familiar with this Q&A site, but a much smaller site as mine also has recurring cliches, to the point that it is more than possible and has even been done, so I would support such post on Politics SE! For my site of origin it is:
If you make a list of cliches of Politics SE, then I could make something similar as this for you.
Yea, I think that could work on Politics. 'bad faith' seems like a common theme, maybe some current affairs thing (so we get a lot of correlation with whatever topic rules the headlines: Trump, Brexit, Covid, etc.), the focus on the US (most common tag, more questions than many of the subsequent tags combined), etc.
Hi :)
Hello :)
Hey :)
This question is really annoying me: politics.stackexchange.com/questions/64401 I'm so sure I read something about that tactic just the other day, but I can't for the life of me find it now :P
hi (:
Q: The many memes of Politics and its chats

Ekadh Singh In the style of The many memes of meta Catchphrases and concepts that spread from person to person are known as memes, which, courtesy the internet, can now explode across the earth like a highly contagious virus (hence "going viral"). As with their IRL counterparts, some infectious diseases ar...

@CDJB if you remember which day (or maybe which week) you could look at your search history
2 hours later…
Q: Is posting something offensive from a third party, "in order to debunk", in scope for this site?

Italian Philosophers 4 MonicaTake this question, now deleted, so only visible to those with close/re-open privileges. Someone posted the following infographic to reddit before it was quickly deleted some time ago. But I think it's important to thoroughly refute such questionable material. Far as I consider, Reddit had the ...

Should we have a sandbox?
@EkadhSingh I don't think so but you're welcome to create one if you think you can use it. ;p
2 hours later…
@JJJ probably a dumb question, but why don’t you think we should have a sandbox? I see some potential upsides (higher quality questions) with no potential downsides. Is there something obvious that I’m missing?
@EkadhSingh oh, you mean for talking about future questions? I thought you meant a sandbox for chat, to run bots or try commands, stuff like that. What do you mean by sandbox then? Ask questions in chat or on meta as a proofread?
@JJJ I meant a sandbox for prospective questions, similar to something like what Code Golf has
@EkadhSingh Ah, so it's a single meta post? Yea I don't see the harm in that. I'm not sure if it's really needed, but if you want to give it a shot, go ahead! ;p

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