« first day (249 days earlier)      last day (2463 days later) » 

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer, toxic answer detected: Why do we only use Soyuz to send humans to the ISS? by user25944 on space.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 00:16:44,358:[121388] is not 121386+1
halflife:2018-05-29 00:16:44,359:121388: Check post space.stackexchange.com/a/27498 (90)
halflife:2018-05-29 00:16:45,015:121388: Extracted URL https://i.stack.imgur.com/4sntN.jpg
halflife:2018-05-29 00:16:45,015:121388: i.stack.imgur.com is whitelisted
halflife:2018-05-29 00:42:21,485:121389: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/50574863 (7)
halflife:2018-05-29 00:42:53,973:Post 121389 below auto (7) 0:00:33.973776 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 00:43:01,017:121389: Extracted URL https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/data/Dataset#zip
halflife:2018-05-29 00:43:01,017:121389: tensorflow.org is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 00:43:01,017:121389: tensorflow.org: ns ['ns-cloud-c4.googledomains.com.', 'ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com.', 'ns-cloud-c2.googledomains.com.', 'ns-cloud-c3.googledomains.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 00:43:01,094:121389: tensorflow.org: ip (any-in-201b.1e100.net.)
halflife:2018-05-29 00:43:01,094:121389: tensorflow.org: ip AS 15169 (GOOGLE - Google LLC, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 00:43:01,094:121389: tensorflow.org: 0/6 over 678 days, 2:43:44
halflife:2018-05-29 01:05:29,680:121390: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/50575001 (264)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: What is Riddick's middle name? by Tony Lujan on scifi.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 01:08:43,098:121391: Check post scifi.stackexchange.com/a/188597 (80)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:18:01,978:121392: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/50575079 (1)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:22:06,433:121393: Check post rpg.stackexchange.com/a/123467 (94)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Code-generator with unique characters by user80795 on codegolf.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 01:48:16,112:121394: Check post codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/165592 (94)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:48:39,449:121395: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/50575294 (1)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer: How to install downloaded scanner driver by Dan Regaz on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-05-29 01:52:22,368:121396: Check post askubuntu.com/a/1041398 (1)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:53:03,800:121396: Extracted URL https://tutorialforlinux.com/how-to-install-epson-scanner-driver-ubuntu-linux/
halflife:2018-05-29 01:53:03,801:121396: tutorialforlinux.com is watched
halflife:2018-05-29 01:53:03,801:121396: tutorialforlinux.com: ns ['ns1.netfirms.com.', 'ns2.netfirms.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 01:53:03,801:121396: tutorialforlinux.com: ip (
halflife:2018-05-29 01:53:03,801:121396: tutorialforlinux.com: ip AS 15169 (GOOGLE - Google LLC, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:54:34,578:121396: regex how\W?to\W?install\W?epson\W?scanner\W?driver\W?ubuntu\W?linux search: 0/1 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 01:54:34,578:121396: URL tail how-to-install-epson-scanner-driver-ubuntu-linux is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 01:54:34,578:121396: tutorialforlinux.com: first hit
halflife:2018-05-29 01:54:35,235:121397: Check post softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/50376 (95)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:07,591:Post 121397 below auto (95) 0:01:34.591216 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:25,963:121397: Extracted URL https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:25,963:121397: tools.ietf.org is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:25,963:121397: tools.ietf.org: ns ['durif.levkowetz.com.', 'merlot.levkowetz.com.', 'zinfandel.levkowetz.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:25,964:121397: tools.ietf.org: ip (;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:25,964:121397: tools.ietf.org: ip AS 3356 (LEVEL3 - Level 3 Parent, LLC, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:25,964:121397: tools.ietf.org: ip (durif.tools.ietf.org.)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:25,964:121397: tools.ietf.org: ip AS 3356 (LEVEL3 - Level 3 Parent, LLC, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:26,001:121397: tools.ietf.org: ip (dechaunac.tools.ietf.org.)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:26,001:121397: tools.ietf.org: ip AS 3356 (LEVEL3 - Level 3 Parent, LLC, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 01:55:26,001:121397: tools.ietf.org: 0/5 over 342 days, 19:08:43
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: Code-generator with unique characters by user80795 on codegolf.SE
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 0fbc821 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of temicity\.com by Makyen --autopull) (running on teward/Solar Flare)
Restart: API quota is 9243.
halflife:2018-05-29 02:40:55,779:[121400] is not 121397+1
halflife:2018-05-29 02:40:55,779:121400: Check post graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/109923 (97)
halflife:2018-05-29 02:40:56,472:121400: Extracted URL https://i.stack.imgur.com/XIRYv.png
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title: How to remove "wrinkles" on font? by Lucas Guibes on graphicdesign.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 02:40:56,473:121400: i.stack.imgur.com is whitelisted
halflife:2018-05-29 02:42:46,548:121401: Check post outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/19501 (92)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question: Do You Know Any Hiking Expert? by Antonio Cala on outdoors.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 02:43:32,618:121401: Extracted URL https://www.theadventurejunkies.com/hiking-expert-position/
halflife:2018-05-29 02:43:32,618:121401: theadventurejunkies.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 02:43:32,618:121401: theadventurejunkies.com: ns ['ns-1041.awsdns-02.org.', 'ns-1950.awsdns-51.co.uk.', 'ns-483.awsdns-60.com.', 'ns-1011.awsdns-62.net.']
halflife:2018-05-29 02:43:32,618:121401: theadventurejunkies.com: ip (
halflife:2018-05-29 02:43:32,618:121401: theadventurejunkies.com: ip AS 15169 (GOOGLE - Google LLC, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 02:44:16,845:121401: regex hiking\W?expert\W?position search: 1/1 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 02:44:16,845:121401: URL tail hiking-expert-position is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 02:44:16,845:121401: theadventurejunkies.com: first hit
Restart: API quota is 9178.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in answer, blacklisted website in answer, pattern-matching website in answer: Black mod diamonds? by user392186 on meta.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:09,950:121402: Check post meta.stackexchange.com/a/310665 (240)
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:10,605:121402: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:22,482:121402: Extracted URL http://supplementdigestdog.com/black-cumin-oil/
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:22,482:121402: supplementdigestdog.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:22,482:121402: HTTP status 404 for http://supplementdigestdog.com/black-cumin-oil/
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:22,482:121402: supplementdigestdog.com: ns ['lola.ns.cloudflare.com.', 'chip.ns.cloudflare.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:22,482:121402: supplementdigestdog.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:22,482:121402: supplementdigestdog.com: ip AS 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:22,482:121402: supplementdigestdog.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:22,482:121402: supplementdigestdog.com: ip AS 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:54,023:121402: regex black\W?cumin search: 0/1 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 02:48:54,023:121402: URL tail black-cumin is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 02:49:19,488:121403: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/50575640 (59)
halflife:2018-05-29 02:49:40,675:Post 121403 below auto (59) 0:00:22.675053 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 02:49:42,597:Post 114689 below auto (169) 45 days, 23:05:28.597133 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 02:49:43,169:Post 105845 below auto (87) 108 days, 15:52:44.169307 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 02:49:47,842:121403: Extracted URL https://socket.io/
halflife:2018-05-29 02:49:47,842:121403: socket.io is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 02:49:47,843:121403: socket.io: ns ['ns1.automattic.com.', 'ns2.automattic.com.', 'ns3.automattic.com.', 'ns4.automattic.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 02:49:47,843:121403: socket.io: ip (
halflife:2018-05-29 02:49:47,843:121403: socket.io: ip AS 15169 (GOOGLE - Google LLC, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 02:49:47,843:121403: socket.io: 2/10 over 365 days, 6:09:30
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: Simple cat program by Bora Calim on codegolf.SE
API quota rolled over with 9037 requests remaining. Current quota: 19999.
math: 29
stackoverflow: 26
askubuntu: 10
physics: 7
codegolf: 5
unix: 4
judaism: 4
english: 4
serverfault: 4
superuser: 4
graphicdesign: 2
apple: 2
meta: 2
security: 2
wordpress: 2
ja.stackoverflow: 2
health: 2
worldbuilding: 1
chinese: 1
biology: 1
quant: 1
engineering: 1
elementaryos: 1
travel: 1
patents: 1
magento: 1
linguistics: 1
ux: 1
salesforce: 1
ethereum: 1
craftcms: 1
anime: 1
philosophy: 1
ell: 1
spanish: 1
electronics: 1
academia: 1
sports: 1
mathematica: 1
datascience: 1
civicrm: 1
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer: What was the reason for Javert's decision? by Carl on movies.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 03:13:53,488:[121406] is not 121403+1
halflife:2018-05-29 03:13:53,488:121406: Check post movies.stackexchange.com/a/55479 (1)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: iid random operator and its spectrum by jason on mathoverflow.net
halflife:2018-05-29 03:51:45,827:121407: Check post mathoverflow.net/questions/301422 (67)
halflife:2018-05-29 03:51:46,442:121407: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: you can't center around anything any by jootuboyz on superuser.com
halflife:2018-05-29 03:53:39,827:121408: Check post superuser.com/questions/1326733 (391)
halflife:2018-05-29 03:53:45,394:121408: Extracted URL http://www.supplementdad.com/cogni-zance-rpm/
halflife:2018-05-29 03:53:45,394:121408: supplementdad.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 03:53:45,394:121408: Wordpress promotion URL http://www.supplementdad.com/cogni-zance-rpm-order/ redirects to https://www.boostedgeplus.com/v3/?AFFID=570022&C1=5796&C2=&C3=191940736&click_i‌​d=540085877
halflife:2018-05-29 03:54:30,557:121408: boostedgeplus.com: ns ['bob.ns.cloudflare.com.', 'lily.ns.cloudflare.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 03:54:30,558:121408: boostedgeplus.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 03:54:30,558:121408: boostedgeplus.com: ip AS 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 03:54:30,558:121408: boostedgeplus.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 03:54:30,558:121408: boostedgeplus.com: ip AS 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 03:54:30,558:121408: boostedgeplus.com: No metasmoke hits
halflife:2018-05-29 03:55:09,664:121408: regex cogni\W?zance\W?rpm search: 0/1 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 03:55:09,664:121408: URL tail cogni-zance-rpm is not blacklisted or watched
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +4 more: www.thegarciniaeliteslim.com/slimforce-forskolin/ by crotgelt on english.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 04:06:22,089:121409: Check post english.stackexchange.com/questions/448172 (878)
halflife:2018-05-29 04:06:31,516:121409: Extracted URL https://www.thegarciniaeliteslim.com/slimforce-forskolin/
halflife:2018-05-29 04:06:31,516:121409: thegarciniaeliteslim.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 04:06:31,516:121409: HTTP status 404 for https://www.thegarciniaeliteslim.com/slimforce-forskolin/
halflife:2018-05-29 04:06:31,516:121409: thegarciniaeliteslim.com: ns ['lloyd.ns.cloudflare.com.', 'reza.ns.cloudflare.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 04:06:31,517:121409: thegarciniaeliteslim.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 04:06:31,517:121409: thegarciniaeliteslim.com: ip AS 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 04:06:31,517:121409: thegarciniaeliteslim.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 04:06:31,517:121409: thegarciniaeliteslim.com: ip AS 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 04:07:10,499:121409: regex slimforce\W?forskolin search: 2/2 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 04:07:10,499:121409: URL tail slimforce-forskolin is not blacklisted or watched
CI on bd44093 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 19665.
@pulse alive
@tripleee Yes
looks like my cron job isn't actually working though /-:
halflife:2018-05-29 04:31:27,660:121410: Check post meta.stackexchange.com/questions/310667 (687)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, body starts with title and ends in URL, link at end of body, +2 more: Black Cumin Oil by colettesmith on meta.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 04:31:28,557:Visited URL at 2018-05-29 02:48:22.481933; returning cached result for http://supplementdigestdog.com/black-cumin-oil/
halflife:2018-05-29 04:31:28,557:121410: Extracted URL http://supplementdigestdog.com/black-cumin-oil/
halflife:2018-05-29 04:31:28,557:121410: supplementdigestdog.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 04:31:28,557:121410: HTTP status 404 for http://supplementdigestdog.com/black-cumin-oil/
halflife:2018-05-29 04:32:01,143:Post 121402 below auto (240) 1:43:55.143418 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 04:32:01,143:121410: regex black\W?cumin search: 2/2 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 04:32:01,143:121410: URL tail black-cumin is not blacklisted or watched
CI on 24c76b8 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 19577.
halflife:2018-05-29 04:40:35,038:121411: Check post webapps.stackexchange.com/a/117504 (1)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username: IFTTT posting multiple times by Web Swift SEO on webapps.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 04:41:08,169:121411: Extracted URL https://fitlife.video/
halflife:2018-05-29 04:41:08,169:121411: fitlife.video is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 04:41:08,169:121411: fitlife.video: ns ['ns43.domaincontrol.com.', 'ns44.domaincontrol.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 04:41:08,169:121411: fitlife.video: ip (ip-50-62-174-113.ip.secureserver.net.)
halflife:2018-05-29 04:41:08,169:121411: fitlife.video: ip AS 26496 (AS-26496-GO-DADDY-COM-LLC - GoDaddy.com, LLC, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 04:41:08,169:121411: fitlife.video: first hit
halflife:2018-05-29 05:05:59,453:121412: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1041433 (589)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:06:00,310:Visited URL at 2018-05-26 05:07:33.066502; returning cached result for https://mumybear.com/premier-diet-keto/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +1 more: mumybear.com/premier-diet-keto/ by user835082 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-05-29 05:06:00,310:121412: Extracted URL https://mumybear.com/premier-diet-keto/
halflife:2018-05-29 05:06:00,311:121412: mumybear.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 05:06:00,311:121412: HTTP status 404 for https://mumybear.com/premier-diet-keto/
halflife:2018-05-29 05:06:32,297:121412: regex premier\W?diet\W?keto search: 10/10 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 05:06:32,297:121412: URL tail premier-diet-keto is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 05:06:41,034:121413: Check post wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/304694 (87)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:11:13,914:121414: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1041435 (487)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: Invigorate X Does someone know that I’ve by Clydewyche on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-05-29 05:11:20,637:121414: Extracted URL http://www.scamcare.com/invigorate-rx/
halflife:2018-05-29 05:11:20,638:121414: scamcare.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 05:11:20,638:121414: Wordpress promotion URL http://www.scamcare.com/omo7 redirects to https://www.elitemembersonlyinvrx.com/offer/mv/v3/?AFFID=1899&C1=&C2=&C3=&C4=&C‌​5=&click_id=4730443
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,873:121414: elitemembersonlyinvrx.com: ns ['apollo.ns.cloudflare.com.', 'elsa.ns.cloudflare.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,873:121414: elitemembersonlyinvrx.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,873:121414: elitemembersonlyinvrx.com: ip AS 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,873:121414: elitemembersonlyinvrx.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,874:121414: elitemembersonlyinvrx.com: ip AS 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,874:121414: elitemembersonlyinvrx.com: No metasmoke hits
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,874:121414: scamcare.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,874:121414: scamcare.com: ip (server228-3.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,874:121414: scamcare.com: ip AS 22612 (NAMECHEAP-NET - Namecheap, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,874:121414: URL tail invigorate-rx is matched (watched or blacklisted)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:18:41,541:121415: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/50576775 (44)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:34:45,604:121416: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/262347 (97)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:10,266:121417: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1041440 (297)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, body starts with title and ends in URL, link at end of body: Catching I got this one eye-catching by xxdseadsela on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:12,715:http://www.guidemehealth.com/dxn-code-strike/ redirects to http://www.guidemehealth.com
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:12,716:121417: Extracted URL http://www.guidemehealth.com/dxn-code-strike/
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:12,716:121417: guidemehealth.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:53,642:121417: regex dxn\W?code\W?strike search: 2/2 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:53,642:121417: URL tail dxn-code-strike is not blacklisted or watched
[ PulseMonitor ] started on tripleee/EC2-halflife.
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,874:121414: scamcare.com: ip AS 22612 (NAMECHEAP-NET - Namecheap, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:12:08,874:121414: URL tail invigorate-rx is matched (watched or blacklisted)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:18:41,541:121415: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/50576775 (44)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:34:45,604:121416: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/262347 (97)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:10,266:121417: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1041440 (297)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +5 more: healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/ by pikowut on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:12,715:http://www.guidemehealth.com/dxn-code-strike/ redirects to http://www.guidemehealth.com
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:12,716:121417: Extracted URL http://www.guidemehealth.com/dxn-code-strike/
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:12,716:121417: guidemehealth.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:53,642:121417: regex dxn\W?code\W?strike search: 2/2 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 05:42:53,642:121417: URL tail dxn-code-strike is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 05:45:38,176:121418: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1041441 (981)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:45:38,949:Visited URL at 2018-05-28 08:40:34.621134; returning cached result for https://healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 05:45:38,950:121418: Extracted URL https://healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 05:45:38,950:121418: healthcaresupchat.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 05:45:38,950:121418: HTTP status 404 for https://healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 05:45:38,950:121418: URL tail vigenix is blacklisted
I took out the cron job again for now; let's see ...
halflife:2018-05-29 05:58:24,461:121419: Check post puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/66376 (587)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in title, +2 more: maxxmalesite.com/vigenix/ by RobGarc on puzzling.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 05:58:33,987:121419: Extracted URL https://maxxmalesite.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 05:58:33,987:121419: maxxmalesite.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 05:58:33,987:121419: HTTP status 404 for https://maxxmalesite.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 05:58:33,987:121419: maxxmalesite.com: ns ['lloyd.ns.cloudflare.com.', 'reza.ns.cloudflare.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 05:58:33,987:121419: maxxmalesite.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 05:58:33,988:121419: maxxmalesite.com: ip AS 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:58:33,988:121419: maxxmalesite.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 05:58:33,988:121419: maxxmalesite.com: ip AS 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 05:58:33,988:121419: URL tail vigenix is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:08,830:121420: Check post askubuntu.com/a/1041442 (1)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:44,584:Post 121420 below auto (1) 0:00:37.584825 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:45,119:Post 120991 below auto (1) 3 days, 19:26:06.119912 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:45,691:Post 96061 below auto (76) 176 days, 1:08:12.691326 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:46,344:Post 96059 below auto (76) 176 days, 1:20:41.344869 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:49,496:121420: Extracted URL https://www.uaetechnician.com/blog/resolve-issue-epson-scan-cannot-communicate-‌​scanner/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:49,496:121420: uaetechnician.com is watched
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:49,496:121420: uaetechnician.com: ns ['ns23.domaincontrol.com.', 'ns24.domaincontrol.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:49,496:121420: uaetechnician.com: ip (ip-160-153-92-5.ip.secureserver.net.)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:49,496:121420: uaetechnician.com: ip AS 26496 (AS-26496-GO-DADDY-COM-LLC - GoDaddy.com, LLC, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:49,496:121420: uaetechnician.com: 3/4 over 176 days, 1:20:02
halflife:2018-05-29 06:02:50,110:121421: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/50577306 (1)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:03:26,086:Post 121421 below auto (1) 0:00:40.086722 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:03:26,703:Post 101719 below auto (1) 135 days, 23:22:27.703293 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:03:27,275:Post 101584 below auto (1) 136 days, 23:26:38.274956 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:03:27,887:Post 94779 below auto (62) 186 days, 19:38:24.887314 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:03:28,463:Post 94095 below auto (62) 191 days, 19:21:10.463434 ago
logging:2018-05-29 06:03:29,730:error from callback <bound method ActionCableClient.on_message of <__main_.HalflifeClient object at 0x7f383b981f28>>: 'asquery'
halflife:2018-05-29 06:11:44,226:121422: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1041445 (488)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:11:46,637:121422: Extracted URL https://revivagenixfacts.com/vigenix/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Find Out Who's Talking About vigenix And Why You Should Be Concerned by user835104 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-05-29 06:11:46,637:121422: revivagenixfacts.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 06:11:46,637:121422: URL tail vigenix is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +6 more: healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/ by Pady1948 on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 06:26:46,976:121423: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/262350 (1076)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:26:47,713:Visited URL at 2018-05-28 08:40:34.621134; returning cached result for https://healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:26:47,713:121423: Extracted URL https://healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:26:47,714:121423: healthcaresupchat.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 06:26:47,714:121423: HTTP status 404 for https://healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:26:47,714:121423: URL tail vigenix is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 06:36:38,198:[121425] is not 121423+1
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching product name in body, +2 more: How Does Pryazine Work? by Pryazine on superuser.com
halflife:2018-05-29 06:36:38,198:121425: Check post superuser.com/questions/1326758 (687)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:36:52,006:121425: Extracted URL https://healthsupplementzone.com/pryazine-male-enhancement/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:36:52,006:121425: healthsupplementzone.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 06:36:52,006:121425: Wordpress promotion URL http://www.testoultra.in/TestoUltra-IN/ redirects to http://volumetrx.com/1b660ee36e00/IN//
halflife:2018-05-29 06:37:21,952:121425: volumetrx.com: No metasmoke hits
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, toxic answer detected: Why does Naruto get a cloak from the Nine Tails while other Jinchuriki don't? by oof1390 on anime.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 06:37:21,952:121425: healthsupplementzone.com: ns ['ns53.domaincontrol.com.', 'ns54.domaincontrol.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 06:37:21,952:121425: healthsupplementzone.com: ip (ip-23-229-203-73.ip.secureserver.net.)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:37:21,952:121425: healthsupplementzone.com: ip AS 26496 (AS-26496-GO-DADDY-COM-LLC - GoDaddy.com, LLC, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:37:47,714:121425: regex pryazine search: 0/1 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 06:37:47,715:121425: URL tail pryazine is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 06:37:48,619:121426: Check post anime.stackexchange.com/a/47221 (169)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:40:26,760:121427: Check post biology.stackexchange.com/a/73716 (85)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer: What is the name of this flower? by najjia on biology.SE
halflife:2018-05-29 06:40:27,332:121427: Extracted URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCgSiN-GBQI
halflife:2018-05-29 06:40:27,332:121427: youtube.com is whitelisted
halflife:2018-05-29 06:41:37,156:121428: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/50577855 (98)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:41:37,812:121428: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-05-29 06:41:39,574:121428: Extracted URL https://issuu.com/readymadeacademicprojects/docs/face_recognitation
halflife:2018-05-29 06:41:39,651:121428: issuu.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 06:41:39,651:121428: issuu.com: ns ['ns-1582.awsdns-05.co.uk.', 'ns-426.awsdns-53.com.', 'ns-757.awsdns-30.net.', 'ns-1343.awsdns-39.org.']
halflife:2018-05-29 06:41:39,652:121428: issuu.com: ip (ec2-52-72-26-162.compute-1.amazonaws.com.)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:41:39,652:121428: issuu.com: ip AS 14618 (AMAZON-AES - Amazon.com, Inc., US/US)
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev b0eb81f (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of fCgSiN-GBQI by Makyen --autopull) (running on teward/Solar Flare)
Restart: API quota is 18735.
halflife:2018-05-29 06:47:49,954:121429: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/50577940 (391)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:47:50,896:Visited URL at 2018-05-29 02:48:22.481933; returning cached result for http://supplementdigestdog.com/black-cumin-oil/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:47:50,977:121429: Extracted URL http://supplementdigestdog.com/black-cumin-oil/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:47:50,977:121429: supplementdigestdog.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 06:47:50,977:121429: HTTP status 404 for http://supplementdigestdog.com/black-cumin-oil/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:47:50,977:121429: URL tail black-cumin-oil is matched (watched or blacklisted)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:54:11,075:121430: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/50578059 (79)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:55:07,290:121430: Extracted URL https://www.bestassignmentexperts.com/programming-language-assignment-help
halflife:2018-05-29 06:55:07,290:121430: bestassignmentexperts.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 06:55:07,290:121430: bestassignmentexperts.com: ns ['ns2.md-in-26.webhostbox.net.', 'ns1.md-in-26.webhostbox.net.']
halflife:2018-05-29 06:55:07,290:121430: bestassignmentexperts.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-05-29 06:55:07,290:121430: bestassignmentexperts.com: ip AS 394695 (PUBLIC-DOMAIN-REGISTRY - PDR, US/US)
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 3736b64 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of irealities\.com by Makyen --autopull) (running on teward/Solar Flare)
Restart: API quota is 18648.
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:10,933:121430: regex programming\W?language\W?assignment\W?help search: 1/1 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:10,933:121430: URL tail programming-language-assignment-help is not blacklisted or watched
CI on f23cae7 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:10,933:121430: bestassignmentexperts.com: first hit
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:11,584:121431: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/50578073 (90)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:12,235:121431: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:16,411:121431: Extracted URL https://www.bol7.com/g-suite/
Restart: API quota is 18644.
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:16,411:121431: bol7.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:16,413:121431: bol7.com: ns ['ns4.thesecurededicatedserver.com.', 'ns3.thesecurededicatedserver.com.']
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:16,413:121431: bol7.com: ip (dedicated.hostingcentre.in.)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: 1. traps inclination Slimming by Amithe19 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:16,490:121431: bol7.com: ip AS 35916 (MULTA-ASN1 - MULTACOM CORPORATION, US/US)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:35,073:Post 121431 below auto (90) 0:01:57.072982 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:35,608:Post 120690 below auto (90) 5 days, 18:55:43.608205 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:36,180:Post 120684 below auto (157) 5 days, 19:23:30.180018 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:36,756:Post 120682 below auto (1) 5 days, 19:27:54.756146 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:37,453:Post 120677 below auto (1) 5 days, 19:44:32.453527 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:38,560:Post 113068 below auto (92) 55 days, 22:08:34.560191 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:40,278:Post 100723 below auto (68) 143 days, 0:17:47.278853 ago
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:40,279:121431: regex g\W?suite search: 7/10 hits
halflife:2018-05-29 06:56:40,279:121431: URL tail g-suite is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-05-29 06:57:16,997:121432: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1041452 (389)
halflife:2018-05-29 06:57:17,733:Visited URL at 2018-05-28 08:40:34.621134; returning cached result for https://healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:57:17,733:121432: Extracted URL https://healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:57:17,733:121432: healthcaresupchat.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-05-29 06:57:17,734:121432: HTTP status 404 for https://healthcaresupchat.com/vigenix/
halflife:2018-05-29 06:57:17,734:121432: URL tail vigenix is blacklisted

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