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A: Problems with ubuntu network connection

denNorskePlease, enter this line into the terminal: nano /etc/hostname And tell me what it says :)

Actually it is blank =D
Then, restart your computer, enter the "recovery mode" in your start-up, and when you are in there, select the option where you can use the command line as "root". From there (note this down), you just type:
``nano /etc/hostname``

then, when you have, enter a pc name / hostname like "computer", and exit with ctrl+x or what it says, to save it. reboot, and try the things again :P
Thank you mate !
Did the network work now? If so, no problem!
Yeah the weird part is that the wired network now shows as Auto Ethernet but works perfectly =D
Thats because the computer must have a name to be allowed to connect to most networks. If there is no name, no network.
Mate could you be kind enough to explain why when I try to set up local static IP to the computer ( it loses connection to the internet ?
i am using (IP) (MASK) and ROUTER)
That could be multiple reasons. The router you use - are you setting up the static ip there, or on your computer?
Hmm, when you use the ****.111 address, are you sure it is not taken ?
meh, i didnt get your question. Try to explain :)
on my computer sorry
I am setting it up from the "Edit conections" menu and change it in the router are only 2 machines at the moment and non of them is using the IP
So, do you have access to your router?
login ?
okay, then i would suggest you to do it all from there :)
much easier
could you give me a tip how to do it from there ?
because, mainly it is the router which decides all ip's on the network :)
okay, i need a model/product
so i can check out the features on google
Virgin Medias SUper Hub
just a sec for detail =D
okay, 2 sec :)
Super Hub Version
Software Version "R36"
Hardware Version 2.00
that is all I can find =D
hmm, okay thx, give me a short minute
Okay, when i am doing that, could you just have a little search for a "reservation list" for ip's on your router? or anything related to static ip ?
found something
go to and then go to advanced settings and then dhcp settings (near the bottom)
found it
and then the top feild you can specify the ip address you want
if there is any field there :)
yes but I get error telling me that the device is alredy in the list and I cannot delete it =D
oh, then you already got a static ip with that address
i guess :S
The funny thing is that I didn't add any device myself =D
check your connection details again :P
and it seems that I wont be able to do ti either now =D
on the PC or router you meen
yea :/
on your pc :P
OK thank you I will sort it out some way ;o)
thank you very much mate
I am sorry, but i am on my way home from school at the moment, and i gotta reach a bus :) Anyways, good luck with your problem, and you could always send me a little mail ([email protected]) if you need more help at any time ^^ Good luck!
No problem!
CHeers and don't iss the bus =)
x) I will try!

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