@DLosc Are you considering building one yourself? It's a good way to convince yourself to upgrade parts bit by bit until it's $3k save money
It's currently the best value-for-money GPU on the market, it's about $200, and it's ~5× faster than a 560 Ti
Since you seem to be the type to hang on to a PC for a while, I'd recommend considering an AM5 build (AMD's newest CPU socket)
It should be getting new CPUs for the next 5-10 years or so, if it lasts as long as AM4 did, so you'd be able to upgrade at any point if you felt like it
An example $900 AM5 build with a decent mobo, a 1 TB M.2 SSD, and an RX 6600: pcpartpicker.com/list/qfDQbL
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