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@DLosc yes that is usually what I get with flagless, with flags I get average 35-40 seconds
Yknow I've just realized this is going to be a bit of a laggy farm
Less thinking is usually better as u can just click really fast without worrying too much about the logic behind it
Whereas in flagless I actually have to visualize in my brain where the mines are and that slows me down, especially when I forget where the mines where supposed to be and have to think about it again
But i think at the very top level, flagless is the better strat if u r really good at visualization
As it’s less clicks with the tradeoff of being harder
Wait i got a funny idea, I’m gonna try minesweeper on mobile lol
92 seconds medium LMAO
It’s so wonky
Ok 58 seconds not bad
Damn what the hell it’s actually hard to keep pushing, just got 56
3 hours later…
I died from fall damage and while flying with an elytra and I didn't even hit the ground that hard
and I was like 5000 blocks out
-5000 -1000 or so
and I had so much loot on me
UGH I hate this game sometimes
90% sure that was a desync for whether I was in elytra mode too
So not even on me
and that was the backup elytra. We have no more elytra as far as I'm aware.
@Ginger I'm going to need to borrow some hardware
I think in the future, no more solo endbusting lol
The shulker duping is also increasing the difficulty a whole lot
It's great for shell yields tho
I finally figured out how to do nice terrain generation
Q: White to play and win - only moving the rook once

Brian Towers[Title "White to play and win - only moving the rook once"] [fen "k7/8/8/8/8/8/8/K1R5 w - - 0 1"] This is an exercise in using the opposition and outflanking from John Hawkins' Amateur to IM. Obviously your engine isn't going to help.

that was a fun one
loaded it into lichess against stomckinfismsnhs level 8 and found the solution
@emanresuA oh that is nice
2 days ago, by DLosc
Oh, man, and I just tied my 167 record on hard mode
@AidenChow I think also, in a way, it's more thinking, because I keep having to remember which mouse buttons to press. With flagless, there's only one type of clicking; with flags, I have to keep switching back and forth between two or three types.
I notice a lot more misclicks when I'm doing flags--either flagging the wrong square so I have to go back and unflag it, or unflagging a square I've already flagged so I have to go back and re-flag it.
1 hour later…
All right, finally! 163 on hard mode.
(Also just for fun, 6 seconds on easy mode, which is probably a personal best. :P)
4 hours later…
@DLosc Once u have done enough attempts, left + right click becomes second nature, like I don’t really have to consciously think about what buttons I’m pressing cuz I instinctively do the correct button presses already
And if done correctly, most configurations can be completed with only right click and left + right click with only a few left clicks, so it’s really only two button presses that u r worrying about most of the time
@DLosc well ok that is mostly true, I feel like a similar thing applies to flagless as well, and a misclick in flagless is very likely to be game over while with left + right click, a misclick just means u placed a flag at the wrong place and u can still correct it and move on, albeit with a bit of time loss
@DLosc Nice! With left + right click or flagless?
Lmfao just got 194 on hard mode on mobile
Nice, 157
@DLosc easy mode comes down a lot to luck, which is why I don’t really play it as much. I think I have like a 5s pb on easy
So apparently, when you're doing a muscircle build, you don't want to get things that attract your orbs to crits
(i say apparently despite the fact it's painfully obvious)
Yet I ended up with a goofy build which gave epic non-crit damage which was wasted because a) every 11 coins triggered a crit and b) I got that magnet relic that makes crits strong magnets
I am very good at peglin
Oh oh and you wanna know what's fun?
Going up against the wall with refreshes that are really really hard to hit and accidentally clearing like the entire board except for the tiny chunk where the refreshes are
Oh wow just beat the mole with only 1hp left
Like literally was about to end my run but my peball got enough damage
138, got a super scuffed run that I recorded for some reason lmfao
link almost spells scifi
which woulda been cool
but alas that's not the letter i
Bruh I just reloaded the site and the layout changed from vertical to horizontal
I was like smth feels off about this… I compare the two recordings and they have two different orientations lol
3 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms minecraft?
@AidenChow Left+right. I haven't been keeping track of my flagless PB on hard, but it's probably in the high 200s.
3 hours later…
@lyxal new home of Lyxalotl
@RydwolfPrograms so I have done a few things
firstly, I have done as much organization of our stuff as I can
the stack of chests next to the storage hall door is stuff (mostly gear) that I couldn't sort
secondly, the Cool Shit Garden™ is mostly finished
I have accordingly moved Lyxalotl up into a pond in it
thirdly. we have a new villager child, whom I have put over with the rest of them
also, I noticed that I'm no longer an op; was that intentional?
@Ginger I misread this as "Lyxalot!" which made me think of Camelot
@Ginger Unintentional, tho what did you need op for?
@Ginger Am at work but in two hours or so sure
Also if you could stay out of northern regions the end until then plz, just so there's zero risk of ticking the despawn timer on my stuff
@DLosc nice, I feel like if u can get 40 or so seconds on medium u should have a way lower pb on hard mode
For reference my medium pb is 32 seconds and hard pb is 89 seconds
@AidenChow What the heck, lol
89 on hard doesn't seem possible, but then I would've said the same about sub-60-second medium times a few months ago
Hard has always felt like a marathon where it's more about stamina than going fast
@DLosc yea I’m still pretty astounded that I have a pb like that, obviously i got super lucky with that one cuz my avg time is around 100-110 seconds
but like if u go at around the same pace u play on medium, u should be able to absolutely smash ur hard pb
Like bruh I literally got a 138s on hard mode on mobile lol
I feel like with a bit of grinding ur pb could drop to 110 at least
@DLosc with left + right click, it becomes much more manageable
Though I am trying left+right on medium again for the first time in a while and it's going pretty well. Got two mid-50s and a mid-60s.
Part of my problem with this, as with any real-time game, is that I'm meticulous/thorough by nature. I sometimes have to explicitly remind myself that I don't have to flag every mine in order to win.
That's why I tend to prefer turn-based games.
@DLosc yea part of the nuance with playing L+R well is to mix in flagless strats
If there’s a bunch of clustered flags, playing flagless for that part is often faster
I would say a good L+R run on hard would leave at least 10-15 mines unflagged at the end
I think I tend to have around 5 left unflagged
@DLosc yea not the most efficient to be completely honest
But like it’s still better than flagging every mine lol
@DLosc I thought of a funny way to say this, but I think it's really true: For me, thinking is easier than not thinking.
Thinking is like breathing. Not thinking is like holding my breath--I have to concentrate on it.
@Ginger put some salmon in the pond to keep him company
@DLosc that is so counter intuitive lol
Got a 50 with flags on medium, which is a flag PB I think
@AidenChow Like, I'll hit an area that's difficult, and I'll start trying to reason out what I know and don't know and whether I can combine that information to figure out where the mines are, when 9/10 times it's faster to just leave that area, go somewhere else that's obvious, and come around to it from a different direction.
But I like reasoning, and I'm good at it... :P
@DLosc Make that 162 on hard
@DLosc oh god, part of playing efficiently is being able to pivot whenever u get stuck on one part
And if there is an unavoidable 50/50 (like if it’s isolated from the rest of the clues) it’s more efficient to deal with it first so that u have a faster reset rate
@DLosc clearly u aren’t good at reasoning out strategy :p
@DLosc It becomes very annoying when this is true when you're trying to fall asleep
:64020894 L e a v e s
(That was a chest label I mistyped)
@RydwolfPrograms too late :p
can play tomorrow
Do you have the 46 diamonds in your inventory by any chance?
Because I cannot find them
maybe? idk
they should be in Other Minerals
Oh okay
Will check tmrw

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