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I just witnessed the best fight ever
It was raining frogs and I ran past a spicy beehive. So the bees flew past a frog, which attacked the bee, then the bee attacked the frog, and the rest is history
There were like a dozen frogs and a dozen bees
And I got free honey from it
I thought there were frog legs too but I apparently didn't pick any up
Uh oh
also it took me a second or two to realize you were talking about don't starve :P
come to think of it have you ever played dwarf fortress
Apparently winter starts on day 6 in adventure mode day 1
Level title "A Cold Reception" should've given it away ig...
Almost all of the grass is dead when you spawn in so getting any is super hard. Finally found a ton of it, and then right when I do winter starts. Guess I can just make a ton of rabbit traps
I really don't get why entering adventure mode requires playing a survival world
Because I really liked the survival world I had going, and now I have to play through all of adventure before I can get back (or die, which is more likely)
wait what
that sounds really jank
Yeah, you find a doorway in the survival world that takes you to adventure
@AidenChow heh for the chess question, the site is foiled by the fact i have chessvision on my phone :p
It seems down right impossible actually
because of that youtube rule
The youtube one is really hard. A friend got past it though. The next two are sacrificing two letters and having twice as many italics as bolds
I know
I managed to glitch those rules into showing
@AidenChow No way, I had an idea for an identical game recently
@lyxal i didnt get past that one :\
Prompted by my employer's password rules
mine was 22 min 3 sec, i found a video exactly that long on vimeo like bruh
i was searching up 22 min workout btw lol
like i didnt expect there to be training routines which are 22 mins and titled that way but apparently they are out there
@lyxal lmfao i actually solved the chess puzzle they gave
wtf that put out the fire thing was unfair
From a game I've been working on. There's only meant to be one of them
paul died :(
@emanresuA Ooh is it the same game with the weird mossy cobble dungeon thing?
And the slimes?
Rewrite of it
@RydwolfPrograms ripppp
i accidentally let paul starve while trying to look for yt vid
Even so it's kinda cool that my system works fine with multiple player entities
@AidenChow For mine, my first guess happened to be right :D
Except I spent 10m trying to figure out the right notation for it
Apparently I needed a + at the end, still not sure what that mea--oh wait it's check isn't it
@RydwolfPrograms . . . . .
10 minutes on that??
Yeah I ended up just recreating the board in chess.com and doing the move to see what it wrote it as
@RydwolfPrograms my dude, u couldve just turned on stockfish at that point
Well why would I do that
That wouldn't be very fun, even if I hadn't gotten it right first try
@AidenChow Well it's not in a very obvious place in the WP page
@RydwolfPrograms idk, maybe to solve the puzzle?
Yeah but like...why would I want to have Stockfish solve the puzzle? Solving puzzles is fun
i mean u have the position on chess.com already, its like one or two clicks away
Well yeah but again...why would I do that
And I already had it solved anyway
I had no need for stockfish to tell me what I already knew
2 hours later…
I used to watch Twitch streaming Dead By Daylight, and here's my question... Is Bubba Sawyer related to Tom Sawyer?
doesn't look like he even had a name in the first texas chainsaw massacre movie and he's had various names in different continuities, but multiple of them being sawyer is probably just a pun on saw :P
12 hours later…
FWIW I have officially played about 20 minutes of Dwarf Fortress, which went as follows:
- What the heck, it's free, I'll give it a try
- Start new game
- Okay, how do I give my dwarves commands?
- Agh, how do I give my dwarves commands???
- Welp, I've got a friend coming over in a few minutes anyway, so forget it
Never even got the chance to starve to death or be invaded by kobolds

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