17 hours later…
3 hours later…
@DLosc yes, if u dont know what u r doing. but over time u start to subconsciously notice patterns, especially in the opening, that u can either take advantage of (if u have initiative) or help u defend from what would otherwise be a mating sequence (if u r the one defending, usually in the opening that would be the black pieces)
one common pattern when playing white is e3 to open up the queen and bishop for a potential mating threat. a surefire way to defend against that as black is usually mirroring that move, e6
one middlegame pattern for white is taking advantage of the b3 diagonal with Qb3, as the board becomes more open this move is very strong and can lead to mate for white if not defended properly by black
mainly becuz the king isnt very useful in the endgame as it cant take any pieces, as opposed to regular chess where moving the king into a centralized square is super important
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