Interesting, I just did the food point calculations, and berry cake is the best food in the game by most measures :p
There's three attributes a food item has: hunger impact, HP impact, and magic XP impact
Most just give you back around 10 hunger, but some can damage you (mushrooms, rotten berries, raw meat/fish) or heal you (berries, cooked meat), or give you magic XP (mushrooms, expensive foods)
Berry cake is +40 food and +1 HP
It costs two barley (-> 1 flour) and one berries, and must be cooked
Meaty stew, which requires one barley and one meat (plus a bowl) and must be cooked is +38.75 food and +1 or +2 HP (randomly)
Fishy stew (+32.5 and +0 or +1 HP) and bread (+27.5) come next
Considering some sort of cold food that's still good, since currently the top six foods all require a campfire, which can be hard to obtain and keep lit
Ooh...maybe sushi, made with barley (close enough to rice) and raw fish
Okay, sushi is now the fourth best food in the game, displacing bread. It takes two raw fish and either one barley or two seeds, making it by far the best food available without cooking (second best is raw flour, which is +12.5, but eating the barley raw would give you +15 so nobody would do that except in an emergency)
Plus raw flour has a magic XP penalty, since anyone eating raw flour is probably not a wisened master of the dark arts
Raw elk meat yields the same food points as flour, but with a 50% chance of dropping you by 1 HP so it's slightly a worse food
Oh sushi's stats are +32 food (a great deal given that the ingredients add up to just +18.5 if you have no means of cooking them) and +1 magic XP
Poisonous foods, baked goods, and sushi are apparently the most magical foods in the game