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@RadvylfPrograms how would you look around
You use WASD/arrows, which show you one space in that direction. To move, you look in a direction and hit space. I'm working on a button you can press which quickly flashes through a whole region of pixels in the direction you're looking, so you can get an idea of what the terrain looks like without having to wander around aimlessly for multiple minutes to find a single object
I think I'm also going to significantly reduce the amount of empty space. What's tricky is that when you're viewing the maps it generates, they look almost too cluttered, but when you're playing, even forests, which are the densest parts, feel empty
How big is the pixel?
probably an actual single pixel but on a web page so you can zoom it in :P
@emanresuA Currently it's upscaled by 1200%
So 12×12 device pixels
But the canvas stays 1×1, it's all CSS that makes it look bigger
I think this single pixel thing could be pretty revolutionary though. I'm getting unbelievably good frame rates.
So I'm thinking, one flour and one berries will make cake
Ooh, maybe a bowl and flour could be used to make porridge without a fire
allow every combination of food ingredients to produce something
some could just be ridiculous, others could be actively dangerous
Sounds similar to Don't Starve's crockpot system
i assume there's no sound so you can't pastiche the glass breaking tune you get doing that in botw
I'm thinking when you're in the inventory screen, left/right will be used to switch between items, and up/down will swap them with adjacent items
Currently up/down just double as left/right, and there's a button you can push to shift an item right
Which system do y'all think would be better?
1 hour later…
@RadvylfPrograms will there be a non 1x1 mode for people who get incredibly lost?
9 hours later…
@lyxal No, but this should help, and finding a river is usually pretty easy and could help lead you back to familiar territory
5 hours later…
Opinion: Wheat/carrots/potatoes/beetroots should drop xp
And bottles of xp should be more OP
1 hour later…
Should the look-long-distance thing have overlapping sides and diagonals, showing you a 90° slice of the world around you, or 8 45° slices?
The latter would look like this:
The former:
Green/teal is up, teal/blue/purple is diagonal, red/purple is right
Eighths would mean I could increase the distance without the time it takes being unreasonably long, but fourths is more natural

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