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oh wait wardens don't even give anything?
damn i thought they were somewhat similar to withers / dragons in that you could trigger them to get end game stuff
nvm then rip
ok well i just tried 1v1ing a warden in full prot 4 netherite with a sharp 5 axe and failed so
@hyper-neutrino Skulk catalysts
@hyper-neutrino You can beat one by standing on a 3 block pillar and hitting it with a decent weapon and strength 2
you can get those with silk touch tho can't you?
(source: r/minecraft)
@emanresuA right i forgot to give myself strength for the test - won't it just sonic boom you though?
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, but this is a renewable source for all the redstoners out there
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, but if you can kill it before it hits you three times you're fine
i mean to be fair i've never seen one in action (just looked at the wiki page) before i spawned it in so
(You can take a third hit with a regular gapple, or last foreverish with regen 2)
i just wanted to test how it'd feel to face one by surprise without knowing what to do lol
And the answer is: very scary
I haven't actually tried fighting one myself
I'm terrible at boss fights - when fighting the wither I overall healed it
(I hit it once or twice with my sword but gave it about thirty hearts from wither)
My 20+ iron golems took care of it.
wait it heals from withering you?
I think so
It heals from withering other mobs iirc
it regens 1HP per second
and if it scores a direct killing blow on anything it heals 5HP
TBF since the wither is summoned by the player you can trap it to get an easy kill on it
Nvm, got mixed up
The wither is a lot harder in bedrock tho
afaik you can't trap it, and if you could you'd still have to deal with the wither skeletons it spawns at half health
yeah it also has twice as much HP lol
Yeah :|
yeah i do not want to deal with this
everything about it is just very not fun
i feel like a boss that the player summons of their own accord but can't be cheesed with a build just doesn't make sense in a game like minecraft
like the combat system is bare fucking bones
so you have to lean into the building one way or another
cutting vision, bypassing shields and armor on its sonic boom, disabling shields with its melee, literally full knockback immunity
lmao what
yeah it inflicts darkness on you
its ranged attack completely bypasses shields and armor and can only be resisted by protection and resistance
@hyper-neutrino Honestly surprised you lasted that long
i didn't even know that effect was used by anything
its melee will knock down shields like axe spring / brutes / pillagers can
With more cautiousness and gapples you probably couldn't've beaten it
and it doesn't take any KB
@emanresuA chugging gapples helps lol
wait isn't the warden designed as something you just plain want to avoid
if i had pots i probably could've beaten it
@UnrelatedString yep, only reason to fight one is to have a renewable source of sculk sensors like emanresu said
they drop 5 whole XP
so it's something you don't want to avoid
i meant catalysts oops
@UnrelatedString well if you need a lot of catalysts then you want to summon one and kill it, and likely not by taking a fair fight against it but by cheesing it with a pillar
sorta like how you only summon the wither if you want beacons
wait is pillar cheese somehow disabled by default
ilmango's probably built a high-speed afk warden farm alreadhy
@UnrelatedString Nah, more just sonic boom
the sonic boom goes through blocks lol
i'd think the bigger problem for a vertical strategy would be flash kick
if you have a netherite axe and strength 2 and stand on a pillar you can probably kill it before it can kill you
it's definitely very endgame stuff cuz like
you can't even cheese it by using a hit-their-feet trap cuz it'll just sonic boom you through the wall
It's very slightly balanced by their poor sight and navigation
so yeah, unless you're very well prepared and need to farm sculk catalysts, there's just no reason to deal with this lol
^^ yeah true, even if you accidentally trigger one you can just hide or sneak past it and wait for it to leave after 60s since it can't actually see you
or you can throw snowballs at a wall to divert it
once it's aggro'd it can smell you and track you properly right?
wait does it actually just chase snowballs
that sounds amazing
also its sound design is sick - just sounds really cool but also it really adds to the terror part of the experience
@UnrelatedString until it smells you, it tracks vibrations since it's blind
You could probably set up a decent farm with one of those ender-dragon killers
so if you hit the wall with projectiles it won't know where you are lol
so within a certain range it stops just going by sound
once it reaches 80/150 anger with a target it'll become alerted and pathfind to the target properly and ignore vibrations
the mechanic is slightly complicated
if a projectile causes a vibration it adds 10 anger to that source, if something else causes a vibration it adds 35, if two projectiles happen within 5 seconds it adds 35 anger, if a mob hurts the warden it adds 100, and if a mob walks into the warden it adds 35
anger decays at a rate of 1/s
also, regardless of if the warden is angry at other things, players can override that and if they make the warden angry it tracks the player instead
prob easier to just look at the wiki page :P but yeah apparently it'll attack everything else except other wardens and will also follow things like projectiles and minecarts
so i believe there should be a way to make a warden farm using minecarts
sounds like it
warden only appears if there is no other warden within 48 blocks
What's the range for vibrations to summon a warden?
sculk shriekers look like blocks and not living things but their shrieks sound eerily like a living thing
i wonder what the lore behind their existence is
minecraft doesn't really have lore explaining how things like the end, bastions, fortresses, piglins, etc. came to be or their history does it?
@emanresuA at warning level 3, a shrieker attempts to summon a warden in a 11x13x11 box centered around itself
there is one slight issue
shriekers that are generated by a catalyst or placed by a player cannot summon wardens
so you have to build this around a naturally occuring shrieker it seems?
Or maybe you might be able to push them
unless it's pushable
ninja'd lol
It looks like you can trigger shriekers with sensors
Since sensors can trigger other sensors, you can have a basically unlimited amount of wardens at once within render distance
hmm interesting
the player has to be within 16 blocks of a shrieker for it to actually summon
and if it's triggered by redstone and the player is too far it just won't shriek
... never mind
i think you can put the player on a minecart and activate shriekers with activator rails and as long as the player stays within the 16 block radius for long enough it should summon a warden
and then you just need to kill it before it gives up and leaves the area
Apparently there's a 10s cooldown per player between activations
But idk if that applies to redstone activations
i'm looking forward to dream's "1 speedrunner vs 6 hunters" where he traps the hunters with a warden that decimates them all
redstone activations might just count as a player
reminds me it has been so fucking long since my friends have done that shit
it's actually so fun
except for that guy who played like two games total then ragequit because i camped a nether portal and just punched him out of it when he came through
BTW what is the point of a sculk catalyst
like ik it generates sculk stuff from nearby mob deaths but what exactly is the purpose, just to farm sculk blocks/sensors/whatever?
I guess yeah
sculk blocks drop xp
why not just grind the mobs for their xp itself
storable xp
@hyper-neutrino I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he uses a tnt duper at some point
the manhunt videos are actually so entertaining to watch
Getting the dead fan coral might be a bit tricky tho
i was one of i think just two hunters that game and we'd actually been building a base to just keep running at him from since he got enough of a lead that we couldn't just keep chasing straight, and then he actually breached that base, stole our stuff, and broke our beds
and we had our nether portal sealed up
i forget the exact circumstances but i managed to make it through with a completely empty inventory then just sat there for like five minutes giggling slightly
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, at this point I don't even care if they're scripted
wait you need that for a duper?
Something else might work as a replacement
@UnrelatedString lmao
Also I might have figured out a counter-counter-flying machine strat: decoys with armor stands
like make a flying machine with an armor stand so the hunters chase it to try to stop it not realizing you're not in it?
Tried manhunt against my brother once or twice. As a runner he's a sore loser, as a hunter I built a base at the world height limit and just kept killing him
Problem is, there's nothing stopping us from running far, far away
Because neither of us us a good speedrunner, so we were just doing "survive for a certain amount of time".
i don't actually know if i've actually ever beaten minecraft
I have once, it took me ages and I died so many times, mostly in the fight itself
@emanresuA a lot of the time, he just died of his own accord
i don't think dream's died from something not caused by a hunter in manhunt has he
granted if he did it probably wouldn't make it to a video cuz that'd be kinda boring
He failed an mlg in a spinoff once
ah lol
meanwhile in our games the hunted literally never won, not because we're any good at hunting but because we all suck too much to even make it to the end
lmao mood
dream's clutches are insane tho like even if it was scripted pulling off that boat clutch where he crafted it while falling is just insane lol
i think sometimes someone would get far enough through piglin trades to hypothetically make it to the end but then they'd just get fucked trying to get back to the overworld
@hyper-neutrino I don't think the final one could've been scripted
It relied on so much luck
are we talking bizarre unforeseeable circumstances or are we talking totally legit drop rates
the former
which one was this again, the stasis one?
The very last one
Watch the last three minutes or so and you'll see what I mean
oh wait it's not the stasis one, i remember which one this is
The stasis one was clever but not lucky (unless you count having a spare pearl as lucky)
i do wonder though
how did the chunk stay loaded, or does it not need to, or does the pearl keep the chunk loaded
I think the last
Stasis chambers do normally work over long distances, you can check out the specifics

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