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I'm looking at UI design right now.
Why do games have minimaps?
1. Information
2. Navigation
but when I look at games like Rimworld or Oxygen Not Included, they don't have a minimap
I feel like both of them could benefit from additional informational and navigational tools
so, is it something they simply haven't considered? Is there a disadvantage (outside of real estate) for these games?
Even Minecraft has minimaps. Though you have to craft them.
@NathanMerrill Because in a lot of games, the core engagement is getting lost and using your own spatial awareness to find your way
If you've ever done a corn maze IRL, imagine if you were given a map of the entire maze beforehand
It would defeat the point
@Pavel that's true for games like Don't starve, but not Rimworld or Oxygen Not Included
Isn't ONI a metroidvania?
Wait, no I'm thinking of environmental station alpha
Haven't played either of those
But in rimworld I do think part of the engagement comes from being confused as to what's even happening and trying to sort it out
oh wait...Don't starve has a minimap
@Pavel what do you mean by this?
It's been a really, really long time since I played rimworld
I might not have any idea what I'm talking about
lol, that's fine. Like, I do think "figuring things out" is fun in Rimworld
but I don't think a minimap would hinder that
like, you are figuring out systems. The fact that bugs invade an underground base
or how to setup your power grid
It kinda gives you this extra tension of knowing something somewhere has gone wrong and not immediately knowing where it is
But a minimap would let you identify invaders/wanderers/wildlife quicker
Hmmm...maybe? Like if there's a fire somewhere and you can't find where
Dunno. The 1/2 second of panic while you search for the fire seems pretty weak.
Like I said, haven't played rimworld in a long time, and even then I was trash
maybe 1/2 second is too short
So it was more like, a solid minute figuring out how fires might be resolvable in the general sense
ooooh...I just read a good argument against minimaps. Or at least bad minimaps
You have a bad minimap when the player looks at the minimap more than the screen
If that's the case, removing the minimap probably won't save your game
no, you simply need to remove information from the minimap and add it to the game screen
Like, indicators that something is wrong. Or audio
Like, I know in Majesty, each hero had a unique dying script. Every audio clip in the game was made louder based on how close you were except the dying script
so you could always know when a unit died
and then the minimap would should a little dying animation where it happened
Ok, so I feel like the best information minimaps can provide is:
1. Relative location and
2. Location of events
Like, in an RTS, if you are trying to navigate quickly between your army and base, the minimap is essential for that
But for games like Rimworld or ONI, the game map isn't big enough to really justify it.
you rarely need to travel quickly to a particular spot on the map
and if there was information on it (like the location of wildlife), that'd only encourage minimap-watching
12 hours later…
Factorio's minimap isn't super useful, and I often play with it disabled. But the main map screen is amazing - you can play the game semi-normally with blueprints from the map screen
@Mego Does factorio even have a minimap?
450 hours in the game, I shouldn't need to ask that
@DJMcMayhem Yeah but it's so pointless that people usually disable it
... Yes, Factorio has a minimap. I think I use it more often than Mego does, as sort of a high-level overview of my immediate surroundings I guess.
Clearly you can tell how useful I found it, if after 450 hours I couldn't remember whether or not it exists
Aren't Bad Stuff(tm) icons on the minimap?
@Veskah They're also on the main map
And there's two phases to the game: when you don't make enough pollution for biters to care about you, and when you have enough defenses that you don't care about biters beyond clearing out bases for expansion
No, the real two phases to the game: When you turn off biters in the world gen settings, and when you don't have to worry about biters for the rest of the game.
Because they aren't there :P
@Mego Three if you play the Industrial Revolution mod.
Biters have been important for almost all of my first two hours of play.
So much so that I had to build walls. I don't typically do that in a normal Factorio playthrough (just add moar turrets!).
Wall of Turrets.
And if that don't work, use more gun
@El'endiaStarman My most recent world is in a state where the world's biggest biter nest is adjacent to my main uranium mining operation. I can't clear them out no matter how hard I try, and they can't destroy my 4-layer walls under laser turret fire before they get repaired by bots.
Have you tried turret creep?
@Pavel I usually destroy such bases with a tank.
Just slowly push that wall further and further
Honestly it was a feat getting the setup there in the first place, it took three of us to build defenses at top speed while burning them off at the same time
Or that XD
Man, now I want to see a screenshot of this biter nest.
Build that sweet artillery train they added (or is it still in the beta branch?)
Artillery is definitely in 0.17 (I've used it).
I've always thought that biter nests on uranium patches should be radiation powered super bugs
.17 isn't beta anymore, right?
I guess as of today, no?
It was easier for me to build three artillery guns than all the tracks for a train, so that's what I did.
0.17 was declared stable yesterday.
Which means it's still stable today :^)
Nope. Only stable yesterday.
crazy how nature do dat
Half-life of 12 hours.
Half-life of 3, never
@AdmBorkBork So now it's a quarter stable?
I personally like walls for their aethetics
Not even big enough for a horse.
Sure. Quarterhorse stables.
Together with hazard concrete really gives it that industrial look
My piece of quartered horse tasted like ass :\
You got the wrong quarter. Also eww.
Eh, horse is just the athletic cousin of the cow.
Horses: stronk cows
So does everyone else get angry when they see a patch of ground not covered by ref concrete or is that just me
I only get angry about Elves
@Pavel Certainly not me. I tend to go the route of disturbing nature as little as possible (e.g. trees are real nice for reducing the spread of pollution). I actually noticed that the Industrial Revolution mod has saplings which makes me excited though I haven't yet figured out how to plant them.
@Pavel I'm not even sure what ref concrete is, so probably not me.
You run super fast on it
Can honestly say I've never made paths in Factorio
Of any sort, excepting belts.
I've made very few. :P (And yeah, I run on belts a lot.)
@Pavel Why run when you can be stationary and play the game from the map screen? :P
@El'endiaStarman Belt speed boost stacks with conc speed boost
Blue belt + ref conc = light speed
I remember that video!
Ref concrete takes tons of iron, stone, and steel but it feels so satisfying to have enough stocked up to just paint the map bleak grey
Is there any interest in a CG&CC factorio server? I'm already paying for a DO droplet so I could host a headless factorio on it
I was actually just thinking about that. Especially with 0.17 now
I for one would be interested
Gonna make a Belt donut and idle
I'd play
@Veskah I trap you in a ridiculous amount of walls
Joke's on you, that's my fetish
Dang it
Alright, I'll get everything setup, in the meantime, 0.17 now supports syncing mods between your client and the server, so I'm taking mod suggestions
Unless most people just want straight vanilla I'm definitely at least putting in an extended reach mod of some sort
Are you thinking heavily modded, or just QOL?
For QOL Squeak-through is amazing
And even distribution (although that mostly affects early game)
I'm thinking QOL that one mod that makes explosions look and sound cooler, and maybe a few mods that add some not-entirely-gamechanging features
I'm curious about Industrial Revolution
I'm downloading version 17.69
Probably won't be updating to unstable releases over time because updating a factorio server was incredibly annoying last time I tried
@DJMcMayhem I'd suggest trying it out locally first. Progression slows way down because it takes much longer to do anything.
I like it so far, and I think I'm gonna dig it once I get used to it. It's also quite pretty...
Ooh, that reminds me. Cosmetic mods OK?
I like me some pretty biomes
Dectorio is good but massive. Asphalt roads are cool (and if you get that, might as well get car snap and streetlights)
I have mixed feelings on alien biomes
Well, I'll think about it
What are your guys' opinions on boats and a map with a bunch of water
I really like maps with a bunch of water. I've never tried boats, but I'm not opposed
Me neither but I've also wanted to try
@Pavel What worldgen settings were you planning? What time do you think it'll go up?
One island entirely made of deposits, one island entirely made of open land. A 1 tile wide land-bridge connects them
Another interesting mod could be factorio world
landfill research removed from the tree
@DJMcMayhem No clue, and likely tommorow because I have an exam today\
@Veskah How dare you
@Pavel Oh good, that works better for me
I'm gonna play gloomhaven tonight, finally get to try out my new character
god fkn dmmt my dorm's wifi went down and my one device with an ethernet jack doesn't have it's ssh key registered with my server yet
also, hacktoberfest
@DJMcMayhem This is incredible. (I'd still prefer a random map.)
@Pavel I would vote against both long inserters and longer underground belts. I think those both make it too easy.
I'd also vote against electric furnace cause it seems kinda useless
For QOL I'd request Even Distribution
I see the argument against electric furnaces and longer underground but I think it's weird there are no long fast inserters
That bothered me at first too, but there's a lot of little puzzles for insanely high throughput builds when you're getting up to megabase scale. Long fast inserters would totally trivialize most of those
I'm not dead set against it, especially since I doubt we'll get up to megabase scale. But I wouldn't prefer it
I couldn't find VehicleSnap for a while because mod searching for Vehicle Snap with a space doesn't find it
I'm trying to remember which one that is. I know there's two versions: Snap to asphalt roads and snap to 8ths (or 16ths?) of a full rotation
Snap to 16 degrees
Far Reach
There's also a Pavement Drive Assist
@Mego QOL research covers that
@Pavel Oh, I haven't looked at that one yet
I should look at what it does before I make more suggestions :P
Auto Deconstruct
Will take a look
Ooh, right
Automatically marks miners for destruction when the ore is depleted
Auto deconstruct seemed really nice before I used it, and then after I got it I realized it's incredibly meh
LTN is super fun but a bit more than QoL
Ooh, that's one I still haven't tried yet
Logistic Train Networks, I know it integrates with cargo ships also
I don't do a lot of logistics which is why I kinda skipped over it
Logistics are incredible
@Pavel Is Island worlds customizeable? I like the idea of doing a water heavy run, but I worry that small islands would make trains worthless
Unless we went landfill crazy, and then what's the point of cargo ships
@DJMcMayhem I haven't tried yet
Let me check real quick, if not I'll just create a world with a ton of water
If large islands are possible, that sounds great. I hope there's some sweet spot where both trains and cargo ships are worthwhile
Also, waterfill plus noxys sounds really good. I love waterfill, but I refuse to use it on biter worlds
Oh wow, flow control looks amazing
@DJMcMayhem Check the discord server, #factorio-talk for a video of me messing around with the world generation sliders
> 63 MB
Wow, discord nitro must be nice :P
I don't really know what kind of settings I want exactly but I think by the end I was onto something
Yeah, 100% scale, 50% coverage looks pretty great
Although with cargo ships, it might be interesting to pump the scale up even higher. Idk
I'm gonna go get lunch and then study for my exam and I'll take suggestions for mods during that time
Vote on biter settings: strawpoll.me/18694718
How about default but expansion off?
Now I'm on my phone and can't make a new poll but I like that idea
Default expansion off is the best setting IMO - railworld forever
I would be fine with default + expansion off. I normally play with expansion on so this will probably feel quite a bit easier. :P
Sounds good
I think I'll disable movement speed research in QOL research settings because power armor exists but I'm just hoping that the mod sync features also syncs mod settings
I'm pretty sure mod settings are determined by the host
Unless it's a UI-only mod setting like Bottleneck's colors
@Mego Startup settings require a game restart
On that note, the server is live now and stuff works, but because I have things to do and can't play much now I'm keeping it under a secret password for now
Testing shows it just makes factorio restart once after syncing mods and a second time after syncing mod settings
BTW, I'd love a heavily modded game. I haven't followed the recent modding scene so I know nothing about Industrial Revolution, but I love a good Angel Bob scenario
I've done Yuoki, which is also really fun. I actually like that better than AngelBob
@NathanMerrill I don't want a complete overhaul of existing game systems that bob and angel gives, the most impactful mods we're using are probably the cargo ships and island map generation
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          983Mi       266Mi       200Mi       0.0Ki       516Mi       575Mi
Swap:            0B          0B          0B
That's fine, just voicing my personal preferences
Might want to expand the server
@Pavel Eh. Free memory is wasted memory.
It's also 5$/GB/month
Besides, isn't CPU much more important for running Factorio smoothly?
Not for headless, most of those cycles go towards rendering
I've had success running a 10 gb droplet for a month with a few friends and we never had slow down but I regret not looking at the RAM usage
Er, 10$ - 2 gb
1 hour later…
I think I'm taking swimming off the mod list because it causes some weird interactions with vehicles
The starting map contains enough of every resource to get to boats
@Pavel Does that mean Biters can't swim either?
@DJMcMayhem Yes. Maybe I can try a different swimming mod that works a bit better?
lets see if I can find one
Personally, I wouldn't even mind it if Biters could swim but we couldn't
Hmm, I don't think there's a water mod that doesn't A) slow down ship movement over it and B) disallows normal vehicles from crossing water, making boats pointless
That's too bad
I can't find a mods for flying biters either

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