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@MartinEnder what does this +9 icon mean?
I find it funny that Discord and SE chat show two different thumbnails for the same oneboxed video
@MartinEnder also, can I take an action displayed on a tile multiple times?
I need all of the wicked strats for Slay the Spire :P
@MartinEnder Finished my first game (1p). Thoughts:
1. Solo is definitely not nearly as fun as multiplayer
2. I lost, even though I was on easy + prodigy mode, and I was playing the Crystals curse. I had no idea how to get more crystal cards. I have no idea how this mission is possible unless there's another event that gives me more exploration tokens. This is kind of disappointing, as I honestly have no idea what I did wrong.
3. I still have no idea what experience is for. I imagine there's a card that will eventually let me use it
@NathanMerrill some challenge outcomes might have this symbol next to an adventure card number. If you have the item, you can add 9 to the outcome and pick that card instead.
@NathanMerrill normally yes, unless the result of the action places down a permanent event (big golden arrow).
@NathanMerrill disagree about 1, but it's probably personal preference. I guess if you're playing with people you know very well and who are really into it, it could be fun, but I was kinda stressing out about taking too much time and boring everyone else. So I'm enjoying solo a lot more for this game.
The crystals curse is a little meh. It's good for giving a quick taste of the game, but it's pretty aimless and it's possible to end the mission prematurely with an unlucky draw. The first time we played it we died on the first exploration tile, but the second time we got 6/7 crystals (and the 7th is near impossible to get), so I wanna say you probably missed a rule.
Re experience, yes that'll become clear if you play the Goddess curse. Suffice to say it's quite useful (although I'd generally take food over experience given the choice).
Also just had a look at the rule book: the rule about taking actions again that result in a permanent event is explained at the bottom of page 10, and the item icons are explained in the middle of page 14 (numboxes with banners).
1 hour later…
@NathanMerrill What game is this for?
Also, just tried another scenario in gloomhaven. Gotta say, 2 player is much more enjoyable than 5 player lol
We won by the skin of our teeth (I was at a good health but card exhausted and the tank was at 3 health when he got a lucky 2x modifier)
I really enjoyed it, I hope to play more
1 hour later…
@DJMcMayhem 7th Continent
@DJMcMayhem I think 3p is probably ideal, but 2p works really well too most of the time
4 hours later…
@DJMcMayhem I didn't actually realise you got Gloomhaven too (or I probably did at some point and then forgot). It tends to be quite common for scenarios to be very tight (although at some point items are going to make the game easier so you'll need to up the difficulty if you want to keep it challenging).
@MartinEnder there are 10 cards. I was able to draw 7 of them, but not the remaining 3
Oh! I know where I could have gone.
V fjnz gb gur frpbaq vfynaq, juvpu erzbirf gur svefg vfynaq, ohg gurer'f na rirag gbxra gung ybbxf yvxr vg yrgf lbh tb onpx gb gur svefg vfynaq gb erqvfpbire pneqf
Also, how is it that the other curses are described at taking many hours (7-8) when you have a limited action deck?
do each of the events have easier action costs? Do you get to reshuffle the deck many times?
As I'm thinking about it, there were some things that made the game harder:
1. I didn't make a custom character (no fire bonus)
2. I didn't build fires except at the very end

Basically, movement was always expensive for me until I found a walking stick near the very end
Another question about item stacking:

The rules say I can stack an item when I obtain or craft an item. Does that mean when I get an item that can be stacked, I have two possible moves:

1. Let the item take up a spot in my hand, and then when I craft it, add it to the stack (and add to the stack die)
2. Immediately add the item to the stack, but you lose the ability to craft it
@NathanMerrill Lbh cebonoyl pbhyq'ir nyfb pbagvahrq ba gb gur znva pbagvarag. Ohg va trareny lbh jba'g or noyr gb frr nyy 10 pneqf orpnhfr erfbyivat bar bs gur ynfg srj jvyy erdhver lbh gb chg qbja nabgure. 7/10 frrzf nobhg evtug, qrcraqvat ba jurer lbh rkcyber.
@NathanMerrill There are several ways to shuffle cards back into the action deck, the primary one being food (which is why hunting and fishing gets very important for the main curses).
@NathanMerrill Yeah, putting down a fire on a cheap terrain is very important, at least for solo play.
@NathanMerrill There are two different sources for items. You can either have an item as an action card, in which case it gets added to your hand, and then you need to manually craft it later. Or you can find one, which means it's an adventure or exploration card, in which case it gets added to an item stack immediately.
So drawing an item from the action deck does not count as obtaining the item, it just gives you the corresponding crafting action if you add it to your hand.
@MartinEnder My friend got it, not me. I only mentioned it once before
ahhh, I see
I had the purist goal, so it could have gone much better but I didn't use any items
@MartinEnder ah ok. I definitely played that wrong then, as I added some items to the stack without crafting
I didn't get any items as a result of exploration.
@DJMcMayhem ugh, I hate that one :D ... I basically never picked it beyond the very early game, because your items end up being really important later on (and just a lot of fun to use)
@NathanMerrill part of the reason for that is that you were using the crystal exploration cards, but you also just don't find a lot on those first couple of islands. they're definitely much rarer than crafted items.
Actually, I did find some items, like gears and stuff. But they never went into my hand, they were satchel items
And they ended up just being useless
@MartinEnder But I made it though!
Oh, also I was playing the Mind Thief. He was cool, I enjoyed it
@NathanMerrill you might wanna pick those up again when you do the goddess curse ;)
@DJMcMayhem I believe think that's the only class I haven't seen played yet.
Also, I struggle with high-cost and low-cost cards
High-cost actions usually give you better results, from what I can tell, while 0-cost cards almost always are bad cards
But how do you craft that 5-card item when you could just take a peek at that 0-card 0-star event right there
@MartinEnder He had some crazy damage
+2 to all melee attacks
The very first attack of the game was really funny. I had a blessing (extra x2 modifier) and the first move I range attacked with disadvantage, and drew both x2 modifiers :D
@NathanMerrill There are a lot of free actions that are quite useful, so I normally do take those first unless I have reason to believe they'll lock me out of other options.
And I do try to explore as much as possible unless I'm running out of cards.
That's like the D&D equivalent of rolling two nat 20s with disadvantage
haha yes, that's pretty crazy luck
3 hours later…
What's your favorite video game music?
Off the top of my head, Halo.
Oh yeah, Transistor is kinda cyberpunk jazzy, right?
I haven't played that game very much
I don't know about favorite but I've been listening to the Beat Saber soundtrack
That's probably cheating
We All Become is an absolute banger off Transistor's OST. All of the vocal tracks are at least pretty alright
I also have nostalgic affection for Sonic music. Particularly Sonic 2 and Sonic R.
If we're counting games that just licensed stuff, SSX 3's soundtrack was pretty sweet
I literally don't know what sonic music sounds like, everytime I try to recall it the sanic sfx comes to mind
You must accelerate to a higher velocity
For non-vocal games, Bit Trip Beat, Cavestory and Shining Force are all strong contenders in my book
Ooooh, TF2
TF2 has awesome music
@DJMcMayhem Halo or Star Citizen.
and I haven't even played those games
@Pavel Faster than a Speeding Bullet and Rocketjump Waltz o:
Oh, and Stellaris. forgot about that one
@Veskah In Circles is also a banger
@MartinEnder wait, do the blue hand limit not count towards the item limit?
Towards the end of the game, I had 3 items, which limited me to 2 of the blue hands
@Mego seconded, although DKC1 and DKC2 just have a really special place in my heart, and I feel like no one makes that kind of soundtrack any more. (although I have some hopes for the Yooka-Laylee sequel)
also Hollow Knight is the most impressive I've seen in terms of evoking characters, cultures and ideas with themes the way films like LotR do
@Mego I feel like I've said this in here before, but my favourite is Water Wall.
wait. I forgot about No Man's Sky, because I often don't think of it as a soundtrack. but given that it's one of the best albums made by my favourite band, that probably makes it my favourite OST.
@MartinEnder I'll agree with you on DKC1
haha, I actually prefer DKC2
@NathanMerrill only uncrafted action-card items count towards the hand limit. items have a separate limit (also indicated on the satchel card). IIRC it's 4 stacks of 4 items for solo play.
oh snap, that makes things way eaiser
I was counting my 4 item limit within the 5 card hand limit
so I could have 4 items and 1 card, but that's it
or 1 item and 4 cards
oh yeah that would make things a lot harder
Ah, playing the Butterfingers variant
Meh, had a fairly decent strength + strikes run with ironclad and then got greedy and picked up the red key on the final campsite instead of healing. Probably would've beaten donu and deca if I had had a couple more turns.
Yacht Club Games went on an announcement spree today: new Shovel Knight King of Cards trailer, new Shovel Knight Showdown trailer, announcement for QoL updates for existing Shovel Knight content (all coming December); plus a completely new game Shovel Knight Dig which looks like a super polished crossover between Shovel Knight and Steamworld Dig with roguelite elements.
Also, I missed their announcement of Cyber Shadow (2D ninja action platformer) earlier this year.
How is it that I never find out about new zachtronics games until weeks after they release ;-;
Aug 12 at 14:40, by Martin Ender
the new (non-zachlike) Zachtronics game will be released is just over two hours
1 hour later…
<Actually able to play Eliza now> I never noticed this until now but the music is definitely zachlike. Like all zachtronics music is different for each game, but...... something's similar.
And it's set in Seattle ^-^
1 hour later…
What I just said about it being in Seattle, it's actually super cool
It's not just a random city name they picked, it actually feels like Seattle
There's a bunch of people and companies and organizations referenced that are actually real things that we have around here
It just feels so neat
Like I see some minor detail in some background text that doesn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things and it's still super neat because I'm like, oh hey, yeah, I know this stuff

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