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@DJMcMayhem was it a power build? A focus build?
a little bit of both?
1 hour later…
@NathanMerrill Mostly powers.
That was nice with the healing relic, and with inserter and the card that summons a lightning for each power let me get a lot of damage
At one point I managed to get 150 block lol
@NathanMerrill If you like, I could go into game stats and share some of it with you
You could upload your run to spirelogs
Ok, I'll look into that in an hour or so.
It was a pretty solid run. I think act 2 was harder than act 1 haha
Err 3
2 was harder than 3 I meant
Oh yeah, I also relied pretty heavily on buffer
7 hours later…
@DJMcMayhem nah, I'm very familiar with this build. It's my favorite on defect
I still recommend spirelogs, just because it's useful data :)
5 hours later…
1 hour later…
Floor 1: I think Storm was the wrong choice. Sweeping beam is a great AoE (and you need damage for Act 1). The only reason it worked is because you got lucky with Creative AI later.
Floor 8: I would have picked Bullseye. You have lots of orb damage, and bullseye lets you take down important enemies earlier.
Floor 12: Both recursion and multicast are amazing here. Recursion helps you keep your dark orb around longer and multicast is just tons of damage. Even rainbow isn't a bad pickup.
Floor 17: Ectoplasm is way better than Eternal Feather here. You already have a decent amount of go
VVVVVV and Super Hexagon's creator's new game just launched, Dicey Dungeon
You play a Die going dungeon spelunkin'
OST by the same dude who did Super Hexagon's as well (not sure if he did VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV)
@NathanMerrill Wow that's a lot of comments
The main reason I stayed alive was buffer
Rebound -> Streamline in a thin deck is pretty saweet though
I suppose you're right that frozen eye isn't super helpful if I don't have draw cards, but creative ai ended up getting me lots of card draw
Although I still didn't really take advantage of frozen eye as much as I could have
Hmm, I should check if the workshop has a character whose card pool is just all 3 mushed together. Not sure what their starter relic/deck would be though
Because that could be fun/silly
@Veskah I don't even think that's true. It spends all of your energy the first turn to use, and it's not even that much damage. And that all depends on getting them together. (I'm biased: I don't like Streamline very much. I'll pick it up in the first couple of fights, otherwise, I won't)
@DJMcMayhem oh yeah. No criticism with Buffer here. It's so good.
Yeah, I'd agree. RB -> SL's biggest problem is that RB -> any card is usually pretty sweet. RB -> FTL all day if I could
I also like Hologram quite a bit, especially with buffer. It lets you not immediately play buffer, but wait for the big turns before playing it
Because buffer is so fragile
Mmm, nothing like having it popped by 1 damage getting through
I definitely have spent several energy on insufficient blocking before realizing I have insufficient block to save the buffer
Yeah. I do wish the game will allow an undo as long as no random elements have appeared
Like, calculate the block of my cards before deciding what to do
@Veskah Just watched a trailer and I have no clue what's going on.
Is it basically StS with dice instead of cards?
I think?
@NathanMerrill That's my biggest complaint
The game design is absolutely fantastic, but the controls suck, and it's a tad buggy at times. And no undo is really weird for a card inspired game
Every board game port I've ever played allows some undo. And SotM actually allows up to 3-4 turns of undo, even if randomness was introduced. I like that approach more because then it's up to the player to decide if they want to "cheat" or not
I disagree with that last point :)
One Deck Dungeon actually did a fantastic job of this
you can undo moves I wouldn't expect to be able to undo (like descending to the next level), but also intentionally makes the random moves obvious (when you chose an action that rolls dice, it places the dice unrolled, letting you undo before you actually roll them)
But almost any approach is better than "no undo ever for any reason"
oh yeah. There actually is an undo in StS, but it's clunky and allows for cheating, so I don't generally use it
If you exit the game, midfight, you can restart the fight. Whenever I use this, I ensure I make the exact same card choices, up until the actual turn I want to undo
@NathanMerrill Oh yeah, that's true. Again, the technical implementation of StS is the worst part of an otherwise awesome game
You can also undo reward choices
oh, that's way more usable too
@NathanMerrill It's pretty easy to cheat in most board/card games. But generally I don't cause it cheapens the experience. I don't see why a port is that different
I suppose for a game intended for PC instead of real cards it's a tad different
I'd even argue for all board game ports to enforce rules. this is one of my biggest complaints with tabletop simulator
I also prefer physical games that naturally enforce rules as much as possible
Hmm, how so? Do you know of games that do that?
That's generally less of an issue for competitive games, since you have no reason to let your opponent cheat
Exactly. Single player games is obviously impossible. But for most games, cheating should be difficult with opponents
An example of a game that doesn't do this well is Bonanza. You are forced to keep the cards in your hand in a certain order
but nobody enforces that, because they can't see your hand
But do you know of any co-operative games that naturally discourage cheating?
There's no way to stop all of the players from agreeing to cheat
obviously :)
But in Pandemic, all moves are out in the open, so any move can be criticized by the rest of the players
It might work for something semi-cooperative where each player has their own hidden agenda. I'll be playing Nemesis in about a week's time, so if I remember I'll try to pay attention to whether that game naturally discourages cheating.
@NathanMerrill Pandemic also 99% of the time has no new information revealed during your turn, so I've always played that no moves are set in stone until you end your turn. I don't know if that's technically allowed or not
Oh yeah, we allow undos until cards are drawn as well
Has anyone here ever played Hanabi? That's probably one of the hardest cooperative games I've ever played
My sister owns it, but no
only once, I think

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