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@ASCII-only it definitely was a bug. I had gone down just fine, no lag or anything
Possibly. I'm pretty sure the game unloads the living area and reloads the center (or the other way around) in the elevator so something might have gone wrong in that
yeah. I like those transparent walls that say "you're leaving the area"
it seems intuitive, but I doubt I could have come up with that idea
also, broken messages totally seem like a cop-out, now that they have done it like 20 times
@quartata be proud senpai I finally got around to playing half-life
2 only though, since my friend had it on ps3
oh 2
nope sorry
that's fine
I get why you wanted me too
(except for the fact that you're playing on console lol)
^ ikr
I hated that part of it
so you have the full orange box then?
I'm planning on buying the orange box next steam sale, or maybe just the hl series
if so I wonder if TF2 on PS3 is still alive
I know people still play TF2 on 360
you should try it, you'll get the original source 2007 experience
(which is to say hell)
@quartata doubtful
@quartata lol
@Riker wait. is the orange box on sale every seasonal sale?
@ASCII-only dunno
but i would expect volvo to put in on sale to bring more money
LOL the half-life complete comes with team fortress classic
@ASCII-only Basically yeah
anyway @quartata I'll buy hl1 and play it later
but hl2 was good
9/10 dumb AI sometimes
@Riker Also Counter Strike 1.6, Day of Defeat, and a couple others
^ seeing that
I actually have the cd edition of the Half Life complete pack from 1999
Signed by Gaben himself
My dad recieved it from him personally and promptly put in the basement until I dug it up three years ago
@Riker get one of the bundles
like the anthology
or yeah the half-life complete one
TFC is worth it alone
@Pavel gabe must have been the more forgiving type back then, if he still talked to your dad after leaving microsoft
Technically what I got was the Platinum Pack (not purchasable on Steam), not the Complete Bundle, with the only difference being that it didn't come with HL:Source
@quartata My dad doesn't know him personally. Apparantly Gaben worked with the MS Flight Sim team at one point so when they shipped Flight Sim 2000 he gave the whole team half life for free.
Oh wow, the only thing missing from the Valve Complete Pack in my library is DoD:Source, HL:Source, and CS:CZ.
@Pavel Oh nvm, Platinum Pack had DoD, CS, and Ricochet, which aren't in Complete Bundle.
.oO(Does anyone play ricochet?)
43 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@Pavel yeah, it's pretty fun
Sep 25 '17 at 17:26, by quartata
I actually own Ricochet and it's fun.
10 hours later…
Ricochet is very fun. Too bad it never took off.
@quartata I've played HL2 co-op before. It only really works if everyone has already played HL2 (maybe even several times), since it's really easy to get ahead of everyone else.
2 hours later…
@AdmBorkBork We have a discord and we can just tell people to wait up
Also, I think lots of people have played HL2.
That's a fair point
yeah I don't think that's a huge deal
Does Synergy make the game spawn multiple hoverboats
pretty sure the way that works is that you all get into the same one
(the airboat is for scrubs anyways though, we don't need it)
How the eff do you do "Water Hazard" without a hoverboat?
There's like, poisonous radioctive goo
Also deep water that you die in
I didn't say glitchless mind you
You wallclimb
I'm taking the airboat
very suboptimal
I wonder how carrying the gnome works in Synergy for episode 2
Bummer. I enjoy playing games glitchless.
well then we'll take the airboat but you have to do at least two 360s with it to make up for it
(360 roll-wise, not yaw-wise)
I've done a pitch-wise 360 a couple times off of some explosive barrels
roll-wise you just have to hit a ramp too fast from what I've seen
of course the risk of dying is a bit higher
I'll be honest my only exposure to Synergy is from watching two idiots play so I don't know how the multiplayer aspect really works
is there saving? Probably not
There's probably saving on the host computer
I mean we could just change to any map we liked but we'd be missing all our shit is the thing
Oh man I just realized I haven't played a game without iron sights in forever.
I mean, you have the suit zoom I guess?
Yeah no
It's fine
Now Sven Co-op I have done before for HL1
but it adds its own weapons so ehhhh
@AdmBorkBork @quartata @Pavel All of my tests are today, so after tonight I'll be free (almost) whenever. I would love to play synergy sometime, what do you guys think?
I have work today, but I have a lot of time tommorow.
Tomorrow night would work great for me. Or Saturday afternoon, or sometime Monday
And I bet I could convince Hades to play too if we wanted more people
@DJMcMayhem Probably would be a nice distraction from the dreary underworld.
@El'endiaStarman HadesHerald is a friend of mine
He's on the discord server, but less active on PPCG
Evenings Central time work for me. Really anytime after about 6pm Central.
Saturday afternoon is probably the safest bet for me since my weekday schedule is in a bit of flux
I'm fairly flexible though so I'll see what others say
Ok, so the server IS down. I'll go boot it up again when i get home.
@moonheart08 Might be worthwhile to use a cronjob to start it periodically?
Probably :P
I can never figure out how cron works
just set up a cron job for "man cron", and you can learn about it later
@Pavel What's confusing about it? It's a sequence of numbers for the date/time and then the command to run.
woohoo, new Opus Magnum levels
wait wat
@MartinEnder damnit i was going to actually do something tonight
they added another journal issue
apparently already on Monday, but I only got the update now
What game this time
2 hours later…
@AdmBorkBork I find this quite funny. Its one of those things that is obscure enough that nobody thinks to test
2 hours later…
@NathanMerrill More like just poor management, I think. (Possibly due to being new?) My company pays pretty close attention to the certificates for games we support.
@El'endiaStarman well, I imagine that they will pay close attention now :P
@NathanMerrill Oh yeah, they sure will.

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