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yeah that one is also quite good so far, but I think I preferred Tripod. :)
9 hours later…
either I'm blind or 75 is really tough
(or I can't count again, that's perfectly possible)
yeah, I'm blind...
wow, I probably stared at this for at least 45 minutes or an hour and just overlooked a 2 that already had two neighbours... these ("standard") Moore neighbourhood levels are gonna drive me insane :D
4 hours later…
@MartinEnder I've been there. Worse, I spent nearly 2 hours on a level the third time I played it, knowing that the first two times took me well under an hour.
2 hours later…
@MartinEnder and I'm stuck on measly 18 :)
2 hours later…
@EricTressler Just finished Wires, one of my favourites so far (at least among the Moore neighbourhood levels).
@MartinEnder that's a very divisive puzzle. You're going through these pretty quickly -- do you use anything to take notes?
@NathanMerrill if you're really stuck, I would be happy to provide a hint
@EricTressler Seeing everyone talking about Tametsi makes me want to buy it. Just FYI, I'm planning on buying a bunch of copies and giving them out to my IRL friends like candy :)
On a completely random side note, where did you get the name? Does it mean something?
it's 'although' in latin
^ a year of latin had some benefits
^ google translate is horrible for latin
do'nt trust it
Apparently Tametsi was an old law in the Catholic church that you can't get married in secret or without parental consent. o.O
@DJMcMayhem ya my sister has like 3 years of latin and she confirmed it's 'although'
'quam' is 'than', btw
Or something like that, I can't understand the wikipedia article
Nevermind. You can't get married in secret, but you can without parental consent
Tametsi (Latin, "although") is the legislation of the Catholic Church which was in force from 1563 until Easter 1908 concerning clandestine marriage. It was named, as is customary in Latin Rite ecclesiastical documents, for the first word of the document that contained it, Chapter 1, Session 24 of the Council of Trent. This was the document that added the impediment of clandestinity to the marriage law of the church. It also declared that the bond of marriage was contracted by the will of the spouses, and that parental consent was not necessary to make a valid marriage. It was superseded in 1908...
so you can get married without parental consent but you need 3 witnesses, including 1 priest/deacon
that makes a surprising amount of sense considering other catholic marriage things
> Tametsi (Latin, "although") is the legislation of the Catholic Church which was in force from 1563 until Easter 1908
Not sure if that still applies
> To the clandestinity requirements of the decree Tametsi of the Counter-Reformation Council of Trent, it reiterated the requirements that the marriage be witnessed by a priest and two other witnesses , added requirements that the priest being witness to the marriage must be the pastor of the parish, or be the delegate of one of those, the marriage being invalid otherwise, and the marriage of a couple, neither one resident in the parish, while valid, was illicit.
Don't you just love how wikipedia words things in a wonderfully simple and easy to understand way?
I don't even know what "Clandestinity" means
The naming process was horrible. Every name I liked was either some indie band or another game or some pharmaceutical
It took weeks to come up with something usable
I almost called it "Video Disco", but then I thought that would probably just mislead people and call attention to the lack of music
2 hours later…
This is the PPCG-gaming room, right? Not Christianity.SE's main chat room? Huh. [scrolls up for context]
@EricTressler I got past it, thanks :)
@El'endiaStarman As if a PPCG room could be on-topic
This one tends to be generally
its because people actually enjoy playing games, as opposed to distasteful stuff like golfing
@EricTressler I haven't taken any notes so far. I did make mistakes in a couple of levels, but if they were big enough to actually break the puzzle (like accidentally revealing a very important non-mine that wasn't legit to be revealed yet), I've started over (for smaller stuff, I just continued, and for accidental clicks on mines, I just unticked the mine until I could show that it actually has to be a mine).
also I'm at 22 hours playtime (with maybe 2-3 idle) if that's useful for you as a metric
an interesting rule that's becoming more useful to me is the "opposite reaction" rule
@MartinEnder That's pretty good. I unfortunately didn't time myself on my first playthrough, because I was testing lots of levels. I did time my second playthrough, and it took me 24 hours. I draw on screenshots in paint.net, though, toward the end.
if two revealed squares share more than 1 unrevealed squares
and you can deduce a mine, you can uncover on the other side
as for Wires, I think I've said before that I prefer the smaller harder puzzles. with the larger puzzles (especially on Moore neighbourhood) I just spend more time searching for where to continue as opposed to actually doing any logical deduction on individual tiles.
@NathanMerrill that rabbit hole goes very deep...
you know that there's a flag on the other side of the 2
and that there's an empty spot on the other side of the 1
I really liked the Comb level
it took me a bit to recognize the power behind the adjacent numbers that were 2 apart
@NathanMerrill The level Wires is a little bit similar to that. I get a lot of mileage out of that sort of thing.
@EricTressler What language/libraries/editor/etc. did you use to make tametsi?
@EricTressler so how did you settle on Tametsi? :)
It's vanilla Java. I didn't use anything.
@MartinEnder I settled on it because it's easy to pronounce and spell, and I was pretty sure that nobody else was using it.
haha okay
@EricTressler Other than the Catholic church :P
They haven't used it for a while, though, so it's okay.
Have you thought at all about porting it to mobile?
anybody played 'keep talking and nobody explodes'?
Yeah, sort of, but I barely got the game out the door for Windows. Linux is next, then Mac OS, probably.
@Riker I did, briefly.
worth it to get?
Dec 13 at 23:18, by Eric Tressler
@NathanMerrill too bad, I don't have a mobile port. It's something I've considered, but it would be a pretty big undertaking
I don't know; I don't think I'd recommend it. If you're looking for something to play as a party game, get Mount Your Friends (fun) or Duck Game (looks fun, haven't played)
@Riker I have. I thought it was a lot of fun
I never played it as the manual reader, just the diffuser I think
hm ok
But if you got it, I'd totes play it with you
> totes
It works well in VR. Full immersion is good when you're afraid of a bomb exploding in your face
@Riker Totes.
@EricTressler If you want people to help with the code or to beta test on linux or whatever it is, I'd be happy to
Thanks, but it already works on Linux, it's getting it onto Steam that's the issue. It's Java, so it works lots of places.
quartata helped me out a lot with that a few days ago, though. I will probably get around to doing it sometime.
oooh, another rule that I enjoy using is "There are N color flags left, but N + 1 flags in total left, so I can click on these..."
I enjoy flag-count logic in general
There's also an option to treat grey as a color, if that helps.
1 hour later…
finally ended up skipping a level (85)... I got about two thirds through, but I'm not seeing anything right now, and also made a mistake that I should really reset.
@MartinEnder It's okay to skip levels. For what it's worth, that's the level I was referring to earlier that took me < 45 minutes and then > 2 hours
I feel like I'm missing a way to apply the usual deductions here. I got pretty far but I'm completely stuck at the current point. but at the same time, the level is so big that it's really hard to evaluate all the possibilities systematically.

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