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and fall back about 10 time
this game is mean
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ: Please, no stream of consciousness in this chat.
@El'endiaStarman sorry kinda frusterated
imagine dark souls but everytime you blink
you lose
7 messages moved to Trash
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ This game is hell
I think I might've seen a speedrun of it? Do you control a player with a sledgehammer that you can use to pull/push and have to climb increasingly difficult mounds of stuff?
I'm watching my girlfriend play it now. This is extremely entertaining
@El'endiaStarman That's the one
Yeah, I'm never playing that game. :P
I'll play/stream it in about an hour
@Mego What do you use for streaming?
All the while, the developer deadpan mocks you as you fail
@El'endiaStarman OBS
Open Broadcaster Software - neat. I'll keep this in mind if I ever want to stream from my PC.
@El'endiaStarman On Windows ShadowPlay/Relive is probably better
@Pavel That requires having a good enough gfx card
@Mego Streaming in general does.
OBS has lower hardware reqs than ShadowPlay
I'd say my PC is fairly beefy, so I could try all three and see which one I like the most. That is, of course, if I have something to stream from PC.
Dark Souls!
Code golf!
@El'endiaStarman ShadowPlay is built into the nvidia graphics driver, ReLive is built into the AMD graphics driver. The one you can use depends on your GPU.
This also means you probably already have one of them installed.
@Mego I'd love to watch it. Too bad I'm busy rn
How late do you think you'll be streaming?
I'm imagining Mego swearing near non-stop at how incredibly frustrating this game. I like the developer commentary though I also see how much of a jerk they are.
Wow, I'm already quite emotionally invested in Mego making past certain really tough obstacles.
Aaaaand he rage-quits. I totally don't blame him at all. That is a stupendously frustrating game.
@DJMcMayhem The noose gets shorter with every time I fall
Dev: "What we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down. - Mary Pickford" | Me: "Says you!"
I went back to it but now I fell again
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ I'm not happy with you :P
That has to be one of the most frustrating games I've ever played
I suddenly have the urge to play Antichamber
I might just stream it tommorow
It's fun
I'll give it a watch
I haven't played it in years so I've completely forgotton how everything works
You shoot blocks and often end up in a completely different place than where you were by simply turning around
Antichamber is one of my top favorite games.
It's a good one
12 hours later…
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ omg you're telling that to do that game
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Thanks to you, my gf bought that game and is now rage-quitting.
It's all your fault :P
@DJMcMayhem Cannot...compute. She played it on your account and then bought it?!
@El'endiaStarman Yeah, after playing for about 5 minutes
I think it's partially because it's more ragey when you're playing alone. If you're playing with someone, and you know it's ridiculously hard (and you're in a good mood) it's more hilarious then ragey
Especially his sarcastic commentary
So I gave Factorio a go over the weekend with a friend. I can certainly see the appeal of this game and how addicting it can be. I don't think I'll have the same fun solo as I did co-op, though.
2 hours later…
@DJMcMayhem Wow! I did i!
@Mego hahahahah
I am planning on giving out another copy of Getting Over it Ping me to be in the drawing (literally a few copy)
can someone pin or star that so everyone knows?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ cool
starred, I can pin but I'll wait for mego or another RO to do it
assuming both of you are intereste?
i said literally a few copy
i meant free :P
well 2 copies it is
Coworker shared this game. It's a nice minimalistic game about building a metro. dinopoloclub.com/minimetro
just installed steam without admin :P
this is why you never skip arm day ~Mego 2017
mego if your wifegets mad at you for showing her the game just tell her I showed and bought it for you :P
installing the gam on library comput
@El'endiaStarman I love minimetro
so far no new pings :P
this is also like 3 pm for most people
who are thus at work
fresh run starting NOW
*12-3 pm for most people (in the us)
@Riker That doesn't mean we're not on PPCG...
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ How far have you gotten? I got to spoiler last night before getting too frustrated
@KSmarts that is accurate
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ You could try discord. Some of them might be interested but aren't on here
Like Hades maybe
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ I'm always up for a free game. Enter me in the drawing.
Mini Metro is one of those games where you can really get into a zen-style feeling
@Dj i got past that a few times but kept falling you have to jump down
I'm not sure I get what you mean
I'm on the long flat part before it goes vertical
"Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a video game developed by QWOP creator Bennett Foddy."
Why is that a selling point!?
@DJMcMayhem farther then that, side note trying to get past the spoiler you sent lagging computer makes it bad
(FREE STUFF) Hey everyone I just want to let you know that on Christmas day (after 6 most likely) I will be giving out 2 copies of Getting Over It. Just fill out this form if you are interested.
@KSmarts @Riker @Pavel can you fill that out ^
@DJMcMayhem could you clear stars on my first post that is starred?
possibly pin that above one?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ I gotchu
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ again starred, RO needs to pin
@Riker yep
yes I'm alive
what is it?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Sure, just a minute
@DJMcMayhem I got it no worries

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