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<-- is sad that SNES, NES, PSP and various gameboys are shelved under "other" :(
Well, I didn't want to have 50 poll options.
I have an Atari 2600, NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, GameCube, Wii, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
And a GameBoy Advance SP somewhere.
NES, SNES, N64, PSP, PS2, PS3, PS4, GB Pocket, GBA
The PS2 isn't very playable any more though, somehow the video output is really dark.
And I haven't tried playing on any of the Nintendos in years
Do you have them all hooked up at the same time? I have almost all of mine attached into an Onkyo receiver that then has one HDMI going to the television.
nah, most of them are in boxes
I should take a picture or several of my setup.
Maybe a video would be better. That way I could show the systems in action.
I don't have a good camera, though, just my iPhone.
@AdmBorkBork I can't actually vote for none haha
I have a PC though
Oh wait, my roommate has an xbox 360, I forgot
And I had a wii U growing up
@DJMcMayhem Boo. Consoles are a part of gaming, too.
Oh, I agree
I have nothing against consoles, I just don't have any
...yet. (ftfy)
Like, I bought a PS3 just to play The Last of Us. I then also played Uncharted 1-3, and bought a PS4 just to play Uncharted 4.
I borrowed a friends PS4 for a while, and got most of the way through TLOU, but then I had to return it, so I stopped in the middle of it ;_;
Oh so sad
I'll probably finish it though, I just need to talk to him, and see if I can borrow it again
Or maybe marathon it with him idk
Even though I'm not really a console guy, I have to say PS4 is incredible
It's really great. I like my Xbox One better, though. Mainly due to the controller.
1 hour later…
@AdmBorkBork I'm kinda regretting that I bought a PS4 now that I have a really powerful PC again. Kinda contemplating to sell it and buy a Switch instead. Nintendo's has a lot more platform-exclusive things I want to play than Sony does.
@AdmBorkBork also, wat.
DualShock all the way.
Them's fightin' words.
@MartinEnder By the way, your chat bio still says "mod on Computer Graphics"
Does it though?
that was fast
@AdmBorkBork I still have a wii from when it was less than a year old
SNES, N64, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS2, PC
And by "Xbox One", I mean "Destiny and Dark Souls machine"
Haha, mine seems to be a YouTube machine lately.

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