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2:59 PM
I would like to ask what would happen to everything where I am mentioned after changing my username. Will it be replaced by my new username or remain as if I had the old username?
3:12 PM
@soupless In some places, it will be changed. But in the comment replies, the old username will still be displayed.
Ok, thanks
I will not change my username then :)
Just to clarify, by comment replies I mean things like this:
@soupless of course, as you know for any $x,y$ there exist $a,b$ such that $x=a+b$ and $y=a-b$, Of course $a>b>0$ which follows $x>y$. Reason here is : look at the denominator. You can see that after substutition we can cancell quadratic terms. Of course, degree is still $2$. But, at least you could hope last expression may be very simple for to use arithmetic-geometric mean inequality. — lone student Feb 17 at 8:11
Your new username will be displayed next to your posts and comments.
@soupless TBH, for a user with less than 20 post and less than 50 comments, this isn't really something to worry about.
I did not check how much you posted on other sites.
But on Mathematics there probably aren't that many comment-replies with your username. This SEDE query returns 13 comments containing the string "soupless". (The data in SEDE were last updated on Sunday.)
@MartinSleziak I still want to preserve it though,

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